Monday, February 12, 2018

Ember Roloff at 5 Months: What Can She Do?!?

Ember Roloff may be growing up fast, but rest assured:

She"s still a total cutie patootie!

The latest Little People, Big World cast member just celebrated her five-month old birthday and her mother was kind enough to share a new photo, along with an extensive new update, on her first child.

Scroll down to be amazed at all Ember can do already…

1. Do Tell, Audrey!

Ember at 5 months

As she has done each month around this time before, Audrey Roloff posted a fresh photo of her daughter on the occasion of her turning five months, and included with it a lengthy caption that opens as follows: “5 MONTHS OLD! She exudes joy and makes our eyes twinkle. This month we switched her to the crib, and we started to establish a bedtime routine.”

2. And How is That Going So Far?

Ember loves milk

“Each night we read her a book (our favorite so far is Night Night Train) put on her rain noise machine, and put her down by 7:30.”

3. This is Ember at 3 Months Old…

Ember at 3 months

… and she’s clearly come a long way, as Audrey explains: “She still loves the bath, playing with her feet, and is now sleeping 10 hour stretches (last night she slept 12)!”

4. She’s Growing!

Jackson roloff and ember jean little buddies

“She learned to roll over from her back to her belly, and prefers sleeping on her squishy tum tum. Her curiosity has made her a very distracted eater lately, but she is still packing on the lbs like it’s some kind of contest.”

5. She Has a Best Friend!

Ember as spokeswoman

“She just started to take an interest in Pine the kitty.. uh oh.” (LOL, we crack up just imagining them together.)

6. Such a Cutie!

Some ember snuggles

“Her dimples will put a dent in your heart and we just love her baby giggles.”

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