Showing posts with label Tummy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tummy. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Jinger Duggar at 7 Months: Check Out This Tummy!

Counting On?

At this point for Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo, it’s more like counting DOWN these days.

The TLC stars are getting closer and closer to becoming first-time parents, as they continue to keep fans apprised of Jinger’s status and growing midsection as they get ready.

On Thursday, for example, Jeremy shared the above photo of his very pregnant wife.

He didn’t include a caption with the snapshot, but it was clearly meant to highlight Jinger’s ever-expanded baby bump.

The last time Jeremy provided fans with a similar image, it was accompanied by a sweet message that read “I love being married to my best friend!”

And prior to that, Jinger posted a picture of herself at 25 weeks, comparing her fetus at that stage to the size of a cauliflower.

(She had previously compared it to the size of a bell pepper, which really is an interesting way to consider how large – or small, really – a baby can be while he or she grows inside of the womb.)

In January, this semi-famous couple announced they were expecting their first child together, just over a year after they exchanged vows.

“The past 14 months have been the best of our lives as we have had the wonderful privilege of beginning our journey through life together in marriage,” Jinger and Jeremy said toward the very beginning of this year, adding:

“We both looked forward to the joys of marriage but neither one of us fully understood just how amazing the start of this journey would be.

“Truly, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning! Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: We are expecting our first child!”

This statement concluded:

“We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.”

So far, all appears to be going very well for the soon-to-be mother and father.

“I think probably what surprised me most is just being so tired all the time,” Jinger told Us Weekly in March, telling the tabloid this spring:

“I was never a napper, like having to take a nap, and now it’s like, ‘Ooh! I think I want to nap every day!’”

We’re sure many expecting mothers around the world can relate.

Heck, we’re sure many people within Jinger’s own family can relate.

(We’re saying Duggar women are very often pregnant basically.)

As for the gender of their impending child?

Jinger and Jeremy revealed this wildly-anticipated piece of information just about a month ago.

They’re having a baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

“We could not be more excited and are eagerly anticipating meeting our little lady this summer,” gushed Jinger in April.

“We especially love thinking forward and realizing that she will have excellent role models in both of her grandmothers, who cannot wait to shower her with love.”

It’s worth noting that the baby will be the first Duggar girl of her generation, as Jinger’s siblings have all had baby boys thus far.

We bet she gets spoiled rotten.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shows Off Flat Tummy on Ember Jean"s First Beach Trip!

Audrey Roloff is once again posing in swimwear. This time, she’s showing off her post-baby body and flat tummy in Maui.

That’s not even the biggest deal, because Auj and Jer aren’t vacationing alone.

Take a look below to see baby Ember Jean’s very first visit to the beach.

Audrey announced the trip on Instagram, saying:

“OK friends, we are headed to Maui in a few days… which means a six-hour flight with a baby still recovering from an ear infection. Eek!”

Fortunately, she has the remedy for that ear infection.

“Lots of cuddles, tea tree oil, Frankincense, garlic oil, antibiotics, and prayer. Hoping she can kick this thing quick!”

The proud mother has since updated fans with five photos from Ember’s very first visit to the beach, captioning the images:

“Ember got a sandy bum and salty toes for the first time!”

(Looking great, Audrey!)

Auj gushes about Ember’s time at the beach, just one of Ember Jean’s recent milestones.

“She loved it! especially the taste of sand…”

Babies learn about their environment by putting things in their mouths, and babies can be fascinated by the strange gritty texture of sand.

“We are cherishing this much needed sunshine and time as a family away from the tyranny of the urgent.”

The Tyranny of the Urgent is a book from the ’60s by a man named Charles Hummel, who writes about taking time to do what is important, because so often things that are urgent take priority.

Audrey says that they’re all loving Maui.

“We have such a tender spot in our hearts for this island in the middle of the pacific.”

Like any social media savvy person (especially those who advertise their business on Instagram), Audrey knows how to court social media engagement from followers.

So she asks a question:

“Have any of you ever been to Maui?!”

She then invites comments.

“What are your favorite beaches, waterfalls, or things to do!”

Finally, Auj includes some tags.

“#journeyofjerandauj #beating50percent”

Jeremy also chimes in with a message.

“Aloha from Maui! The family and I are enjoying our time away from the mainland.”

Don’t worry — they love Roloff Farms and they’ll be back, but it’s always good to get away, right?

“Traveling with a kid is no joke though!”

It gets easier as your child gets older. But still, vacationing as a parent is never the same.

“Vacations look a lot different than before. However, it’s been so fun doing things for the first time again with Ember.”

Ember is still new to the world, but she’s really enjoying the beach.

“She’s such a happy girl.”

Ember is too cute, folks.

Jeremy ends his post with a surprising suggestion.

“Last night the thought came to us. Maybe we should do a Maui meetup! Who’s in Maui and would be interested?”

Honestly, fan meet-ups can go extremely well or they can be disastrous. 

In the mean time, though some fans have wondered if Auj and Jer are trying to duck away from the family to avoid Audrey’s rumored feud with Jacob Roloff, it seems more likely that this was planned long before she skipped his engagement party.

We hope that Ember has been enjoying herself.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Martin Shkreli"s Tummy and Heart Will Be Happy with Prison Menu

Martin Shkreli has one thing going for him in prison … a tasty menu!!! The Pharma Bro — who got his ass thrown back in jail after a judge revoked his $ 5 million bail for threatening Hillary Clinton – is getting the goods at…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Look at My Tummy Tuck!

As anyone with an Internet connection knows, Kim Kardashian is obsessed with losing weight this days.

Is obsessed even a strong enough term?


Over the past several months, she’s shared diet tips and Snapchat videos and pictures online, all while making heartfelt pleas to her fans about how she just HAS to lose 70 pounds.

She HAS TO, people.

She HAS TO get back to her pre-baby weight.

As we’ve written many times on the subject, it’s been an awful example for Kardashian to set, as most new mothers have other things to worry about.

They don’t have personal trainers or personal chefs. They don’t have a flexible schedule.

They understandably have more important things to be concerned about than a few extra pounds here and there.

Especially when they gained those extra pounds by MAKING A HUMAN BEING WITH THEIR BODIES.

Blake Lively recently made this same great point about motherhood and weight loss.

So anyway. Here we are. With Kim bragging about her tiny waist and now taking her endeavor a step further:

She just underwent a tummy tuck.

Kim visited cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Simon Ourian for the procedure, which doesn’t involve knives or needles, and was likely paid a lot by him to drop his name numerous times on social media.

“You guys I’m at Dr. Ourian’s – skin tightening,” wrote Kardashian on Snapchat, adding the hashtag:


Ourian – who also treats stars such as Jenna Dewan Tatum and Kim Zolciak-Beirmann – took to Instagram afterward to show the video to his followers, writing: “#skintightening #nonsurgical #tummytuck” by way of explanation.

Kardashian, of course, has claimed for years that she has never undergone plastic surgery.

And we guess she can stick to that story now because no incisions of any kind were used on her here.

But whatever. That’s semantics. It doesn’t make this any less lame.

Kardashian is once again being clueless when it comes to the rest of the world.

She just got a free (don’t kid yourself, it was free) procedure done to help her lose weight because she dropped the doctor’s name to her millions of followers.

Which is fine. That’s her business.

But we refer you back to THIS AMAZING TAKEDOWN of Kardashian.

She is not a regular mother. She does not speak for regular mothers.

She lives in her own, rich and spoiled universe. We don’t even knock her for it.

We just want her to do it quieter.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kylie Jenner Reveals "Flat Tummy Secret" (Hint: It"s Not "Being 18")

If you follow Kylie Jenner on Instagram, you know the girl’s not shy about showing off her body.

And that’s fine; Kylie’s 18, and she can do what she wants. What’s lame, however, is when she starts shilling BS health and fitness products to her 40 million followers with the promise that this crap will somehown help them look more like Kylie:

That’s Kylie hawking something called Lyfe Tea, and as you can see, she looks super psyched about it.

Kylie posted that pic to her Instagram this morning with the following caption:

“Morning :) My flat tummy secret is my @lyfe_tea teatox! We need all the help we can get to keep off the holiday pounds. So keeping my @lyfe_tea with me keeps my waistline slim!”

Yes, Kylie is claiming that you too can have a flat stomach if you suck down some weird herbal concoction every day.

We’re sure her own taut tummy has nothing to do with her army of dieticians and trainers, her Olympic athlete genetics, or the fact that she’s freakin’ 18 years old.

Is it as bad as Kylie’s waist trainer selfies? No, because this tea won’t squeeze your organs into unnatural shapes (we think).

But it still says a lot about Kylie that she’s willing to sell an easy answer to impressionable young fans in exchange for money that she could not possibly need.

Sigh. The girl should really just stick to semi-nude selfies.