Friday, June 8, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Reveals Tragic Update on Mom"s Cancer Battle

If you’ve been keeping up with Mackenzie McKee of Teen Mom 3 fame, then you know that things haven’t been great for her recently.

And that’s because things haven’t been great for her mother, Angie Douthit.

At the beginning of the year, Mackenzie and her family revealed that Angie had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

Back then, we heard that there were several tumors in her brain, and so many masses in her lungs that doctors stopped counting them.

Angie had gone to see a doctor in the first place because she thought she had bronchitis — since she was always very healthy and never a smoker, lung cancer didn’t seem to be even a remote possibility.

But, as so many of us have unfortunately learned, cancer is the worst, and it can hit anyone.

And it seems like it’s hit Angie particularly hard.

Last month, Mackenzie informed her social media followers that in addition to the brain and lungs, cancer had also recently been found in her mother’s bones.

In a brand new update, it sounds like things have gotten even worse than that.

The update was written by Angie, but Mackenzie posted a screenshot of it to Snapchat, and that’s how we’re getting a look at it.

In the post, Angie wrote that she’d gotten a phone call from her oncologist to discuss new test results.

“This is difficult to write because I wanted to be telling you this morning that the cancer was gone and I was completely healed, but God has a much different plan.”

Instead, she said that “It turns out I have two diffferent cancers. I not only have non small cell carcinoma lung cancer, I also have small cell lung cancer which is aggressive and that is why it has spread.”

Because of that, she’s getting a chemo port, and she’ll start “the dreaded IV chemo” on Monday.

Apparently she’s on a chemo pill now, and she’ll stay on it, with the addition of the port and the IV medication.

“I’m really their Pioneer Woman now,” Angie explained, “as they’ve never seen someone have both, who is a healthy, young non smoker.”

Seriously, can you even imagine running marathons and dedicating so much to your health and fitness and never, ever smoking, then getting two different types of lung cancer at once?

It must be so difficult for the Douthit family right now, especially since Angie also said that both types of lung cancer only have a prognosis of 12-18 months with treatment.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night praying and telling God my heart,” she wrote. “My family is very upset and sad. But you know what? My God is way bigger than cancer.”

“He loves me and has a plan for my life. I know he was asked because I was asked, just yesterday, to speak at two more churches.”

“And,” she continued, “I have 3 new grand babies on the way who need their Nannie.”

As if that wasn’t heartbreaking enough, she then asked anyone reading her message to pray “that chemo will not weaken me or make me sick,” and “as silly as this seems, please pray that my eye lashes and eye brows won’t fall out.”

“That’s all I have left!”

She also asked everyone to “pray that I won’t be afraid of the chemo,” and insisted that “I want to live, but I want God’s will more.”

It sounds like her faith is a big comfort for her right now, and how wonderful is that?

Although her prognosis isn’t good and things seem to be getting worse, it sounds like she’s at peace with it all, at least as much as she can be.

And that’s not nothing, you know?
