Showing posts with label McKee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McKee. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Mackenzie McKee: My Mom Is FINALLY Done With Chemo!

There was a time when it looked as though Mackenzie McKee would replace Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom OG.

Ultimately, the show’s producers decided to go in a different direction, casting Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd instead.

But fan interest in Mackenzie and her family remains at an all-time high.

Fortunately, we’ve been able to keep up on the latest developments with the McKees thanks to Mackenzie’s social media posts and a recent Where Are They Now? Teen Mom special that checked in on the family.

As you may recall, Mackenzie’s mother, Angie Douthit, suffers from stage 4 cancer.

Both Angie and Mackenzie have made the courageous decision to offer regular updates during this intensely difficult time in hopes that they might serve as an inspiration to others who are struggling.

And this week, Angie was finally able to share some good news with fans in the form of the video below.

In the clip, Douthit triumphantly rings a bell to celebrate the end of her intravenous chemo treatments.

“I got to ring the bell!” Angie wrote on Instagram.

“I wore my Wonder Woman shirt because I wore it to my first chemo treatment and thought it only fitting to wear it to my last IV chemo treatment.”

She went on to demonstrate the humor and optimism that have endeared her to so many Teen Mom fans over the years:

“(Yes, I wore it to school all day too!) I was the first one to ring the new bell that wasn’t even mounted to the wall yet. Ringing the bell signifies that I’m finished with all my rounds of chemo.

“Although I’m still taking a chemo pill everyday, I’m through with IV chemo.”

Proving once again that she’s an almost impossibly selfless person, Douthit stated that one of her favorite parts of completing this stage of treatment was seeing how happy it made her husband:

“Brad and I celebrated last night with dinner at his favorite restaurant,” she wrote.

“Watching him be so relaxed and celebrating brought joy to my heart. God has been so good.

“I haven’t been very sick from the chemo, I’m still working, and I still have my eyelashes lol,” Angie continued.

“It was 18 weeks of being carried by the love of God… I have no control over my future,” she added.

“None of us do. But, we can relax and be calm knowing our big God is in control because he loves us so much!”

The post is a far cry from the one Angie wrote back in June, in which she opened up about how much she was dreading the chemotherapy process.

“This morning we leave at 7:30 to begin another new journey,” Douthit wrote at the time.

“IV chemo… As I’ve shared before, I dread chemo. However, God revealed to me that if I never had to go through IV chemo I would never fully understand cancer.”

Sadly, Angie is not out of the woods yet, but the thoughts and prayers of millions are with her as she completes her recovery.

Here’s hoping for another upbeat update in the very near future.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mackenzie McKee BLASTS MTV: They Don"t Like That My Mom Has Cancer!

As you’ve likely heard by now, two new faces will be joining the cast of Teen Mom OG this season.

Cheyenne Floyd and Bristol Palin will both be appearing as regulars when the show’s eighth season premieres on October 1 — and the reaction from fans has been mixed, at best.

While producers always planned to replace Farrah Abraham, who was fired due to misconduct issues last year, it was widely assumed that they would cast someone with previous experience as a member of the Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant franchise.

Instead, producers pulled talent from the political arena (Palin) and from elsewhere on the MTV lineup (The Challenge star Floyd, who — it should be noted — never had a child until she was in her twenties).

The casting news came as a shock to many fans, particularly as it was widely assumed that former Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee was a shoe-in for the position.

McKee had already been passed over once, when producers decided to cast Briana DeJesus on Teen Mom 2.

Many felt that McKee deserved the job, and when an MTV camera crew was sent to McKee’s home earlier this year, it was expected that an official announcement that she had joined the cast was imminent.

However, we now know that the network was simply filming scenes for a “where are they now?” special that’s set to air next week.

On Instagram, McKee hinted that she was less than thrilled by the decision, writing:

“I’ve been done real dirty this year, let’s just say that…”

In the past, fans have accused Mackenzie of throwing shade at Cheyenne due to comments she’s made on social media.

But today, McKee is making it clear that her beef is not with Cheyenne or Bristol, but with MTV.

“It’s obvious what is going on right now and that’s okay,” McKee recently told Radar Online.

“I have nothing bad to say about anyone. I am extremely happy for all the girls,” she added.

“These girls all have a great opportunity and I hope they use it in a positive way.”

But while she obviously wishes nothing but the best for the ladies of Teen Mom OG, McKee clearly (and rightly) believes that she was unjustly passed over for a spot on the show.

“Many out there have loved ones who are dealing with cancer and through my mom, I wanted to encourage those people to go out and live your best life, even if you’re told you have 4-12 months,” McKee recently wrote on Instagram.

“Some way, somehow, I will make sure that she doesn’t leave this earth without inspiring the world.

“Unfortunately, it’s just not a story MTV was interested in.”

McKee adds that she would have liked to share her story as a “suicide attempt survivor” and hopes that she’ll be able to find another platform on which to do so.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Pays Heartbreaking Tribute to Dying Mother

Back in January, Mackenzie McKee revealed that her mother, Ange Douthit, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

In the months since, she"s frequently updated fans on Ange"s condition, and while Mackenzie is generally optimistic, she"s also realistic.

No one in Mackenzie"s family is under any delusions about what the future holds, but rather than give into their grief, they"ve opted to make the best of every remaining day with Ange.

Fans have drawn inspiration from Mackenzie"s love and gratitude for her mother, as well as for Ange"s strength and determination to continue living in the present moment.

This week, Mackenzie shared the most recent update on Ange"s ongoing battle, and fans have reacted with a tidal wave of kindhearted and supportive sentiments.

1. Mackenzie and Ange

Mackenzie mckee with mom

Mackenzie first shared the sad news of Ange’s diagnosis back in January. Since then, the strength that both mother and daughter have demonstrated has served as a source of inspiration for millions.

2. A Moving Story

Mackenzie mckee and angie douthit

These days, Ange is facing the end with her daughter by her side. Fans have marveled at the courage demonstrated by both women.

3. Sharing Their Strength

Mackenzie mckee with angie douthit

While many families would no doubt prefer to keep such struggles private, the McKee-Douthit clan has been happy to serve as a source of strength to others who might be struggling.

4. The Latest

Mackenzie mckee image

Yesterday, Mackenzie offered fans an update on her mother’s condition and revealed a special way in which she and other family members are paying tribute.

5. Give Her an Amen

Mackenzies mckees mom

“The doctor gave my mom 4 to 13 months, today marks 6 months…. can I get an AMEN, a retweet, a hallelujah #alwaysbekind,” Mackenzie tweeted.

6. Strength and Kindness

Mackenzie mckee is strong

Yes, it seems “always be kind” is Ange’s motto, and now, her daughters are using those words to pay a very special tribute to their beloved mother.

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Friday, June 8, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Reveals Tragic Update on Mom"s Cancer Battle

If you’ve been keeping up with Mackenzie McKee of Teen Mom 3 fame, then you know that things haven’t been great for her recently.

And that’s because things haven’t been great for her mother, Angie Douthit.

At the beginning of the year, Mackenzie and her family revealed that Angie had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

Back then, we heard that there were several tumors in her brain, and so many masses in her lungs that doctors stopped counting them.

Angie had gone to see a doctor in the first place because she thought she had bronchitis — since she was always very healthy and never a smoker, lung cancer didn’t seem to be even a remote possibility.

But, as so many of us have unfortunately learned, cancer is the worst, and it can hit anyone.

And it seems like it’s hit Angie particularly hard.

Last month, Mackenzie informed her social media followers that in addition to the brain and lungs, cancer had also recently been found in her mother’s bones.

In a brand new update, it sounds like things have gotten even worse than that.

The update was written by Angie, but Mackenzie posted a screenshot of it to Snapchat, and that’s how we’re getting a look at it.

In the post, Angie wrote that she’d gotten a phone call from her oncologist to discuss new test results.

“This is difficult to write because I wanted to be telling you this morning that the cancer was gone and I was completely healed, but God has a much different plan.”

Instead, she said that “It turns out I have two diffferent cancers. I not only have non small cell carcinoma lung cancer, I also have small cell lung cancer which is aggressive and that is why it has spread.”

Because of that, she’s getting a chemo port, and she’ll start “the dreaded IV chemo” on Monday.

Apparently she’s on a chemo pill now, and she’ll stay on it, with the addition of the port and the IV medication.

“I’m really their Pioneer Woman now,” Angie explained, “as they’ve never seen someone have both, who is a healthy, young non smoker.”

Seriously, can you even imagine running marathons and dedicating so much to your health and fitness and never, ever smoking, then getting two different types of lung cancer at once?

It must be so difficult for the Douthit family right now, especially since Angie also said that both types of lung cancer only have a prognosis of 12-18 months with treatment.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night praying and telling God my heart,” she wrote. “My family is very upset and sad. But you know what? My God is way bigger than cancer.”

“He loves me and has a plan for my life. I know he was asked because I was asked, just yesterday, to speak at two more churches.”

“And,” she continued, “I have 3 new grand babies on the way who need their Nannie.”

As if that wasn’t heartbreaking enough, she then asked anyone reading her message to pray “that chemo will not weaken me or make me sick,” and “as silly as this seems, please pray that my eye lashes and eye brows won’t fall out.”

“That’s all I have left!”

She also asked everyone to “pray that I won’t be afraid of the chemo,” and insisted that “I want to live, but I want God’s will more.”

It sounds like her faith is a big comfort for her right now, and how wonderful is that?

Although her prognosis isn’t good and things seem to be getting worse, it sounds like she’s at peace with it all, at least as much as she can be.

And that’s not nothing, you know?


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Amber Portwood: Good Riddance to Farrah, But I Don"t Know About Mackenzie McKee

Early Tuesday morning, Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

While she’s excited and busy with her new baby, Amber always has time for her longstanding feud with Farrah Abraham.

And she’s speaking about Farrah’s firing … and her replacement.

Amber Portwood spoke to HollywoodLife.

“Everyone knows why Farrah’s not on the damn show.”

While the exact story varies depending upon whom you ask, Amber is definitely not buying the “Viacom hate crimes” angle.

“She pushed her limits every season, she knew that she did.”

Farrah was reportedly a nightmare for producers and others responsible for making the show.

Amber says that, eventually, enough was enough.

“And you can’t keep doing that.”

Drama is the fuel that keeps reality television going, and Amber acknowledges that Farrah was nothing if not wildly dramatic.

“Yeah, it works for a little while, it brings some ratings.”

Amber explains that there are limits to how much of a real-world disaster you can be and still have people willing to work with you.

“But when you keep pushing back and it’s a big network, you can’t go too far.”

Eventually, like a bear being harassed by a racist squirrel, MTV got tired of it.

“This is bigger than her.”

But since Farrah has been claiming that this was all about her sex work, Amber thinks that Farrah may genuinely believe it.

“I think she didn’t realize that and she got booted for it.”

But Amber won’t lose any sleep over Farrah’s departure.

“I’m just fine with it, s–t. I don’t care.”

That’s fair.

Reportedly, Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee is replacing Farrah on Teen Mom OG.

But Amber says that she is in the dark — or at least that she cannot confirm anything.

“I don’t know what’s going on with that.”

Obviously, the stars aren’t going to comment until the network makes things nice and official.

“Again, everything’s up in the air.”

Amber does suggest that MTV’s cameras may have included her giving birth to her newborn boy.

“I can’t say that yet. I really don’t know if my birth will be filmed because I may have him before the due date, so it’s getting crazy.”

Amber’s due date was May 13, so she’s absolutely right.

But we do wonder if cameras are rolling.

The biggest thing in Amber’s life right now has nothing to do with her past, present, or future castmates.

She just gave birth!

As Amber revealed back in December, her son’s name is James Andrew Glennon.

Huge congratulations to the whole family — Amber, Andrew, baby James, and of course, Leah!

When Amber went into early labor over the weekend, we knew that the countdown had begun.

Obviously, Amber Portwood has had her issues over the years … and even recently.

Among other things, her anger issues have made her interesting to watch on television, even as they have alarmed viewers.

A lot of fans are also concerned about her whirlwind romance with Andrew Glennon. Some even worried that he used her emotional vulnerability to become her rebound.

But she seems to be much happier with her current situation than she has been in a while.

And congratulations for the birth of her son are absolutely in order.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Gives Heartbreaking Update on Mother"s Cancer

Mackenzie McKee has some seriously tragic news for us this weekend.

Back in January, as you may recall, the Teen Mom 3 star announced that her mother, Angie Douthit, had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

The family started a GoFundMe account to help cover medical costs, and in the description for the fundraiser they explained that she had tumors that “cover almost the entire brain,” and that she had several masses in her lungs.

The diagnosis was especially shocking because Angie’s always been very healthy — she never smoked, she didn’t drink, she ran marathons.

Mackenzie said at the time that she’d went to the doctor because she thought she had bronchitis.

In the months since her diagnosis, Angie has been going strong.

She’s been giving some inspirational speeches and spending lots of time with family, judging by Mackenzie’s Instagram post.

But now, in another post, we have a new update on how she’s doing.

And unfortunately, it’s bad news.

“O mom, you are so amazing,” Mackenzie begins her post. “Idk how you are touching lives all around the world of people who have never met you but you are.”

“You have such a strong message to share and you are not scared to shout it to the rooftops.”

“You don’t deserve this, none of it,” she continues. “So happy, so healthy, and so faithful to God.”

“Stage four cancer in your lungs, in your brain, and now in your bones. And not once have you questioned Gods love for you.”

Yep, you read that right — now, in addition to the brain cancer and the lung cancer, Angie also has cancer in her bones.

Mackenzie goes on to explain that they just got the bad news a few days ago, and that this whole nightmare has been “exhausting and expensive.”

So to help with some of the costs, she’s asking her fans to consider purchasing one of her “fitness at home workout programs,” the workout and nutrition guides she sells on her site, Body by Mac

To her mother, Mac writes “One thing you wish people would do is to remain healthy and to #alwaysbekind. You helped me with my #bodybymac 3 month program and have always been my number one cheerleader through this all.”

And so this weekend, if you buy one of her programs, all that money “will go towards the cost of all travel expenses and medication because you’re so good and telling people to stop complaining, get off their butts, and get active.”

“So here is to donating and getting healthy at the same time.”

It’s definitely a sweet gesture, and it really seems like Mackenzie is doing everything in her power to help her mother right now.

Remember, although we know who she is and although she starred on an MTV show, Teen Mom 3 only got one season before it was canceled, and that was back in 2013.

We know that the moms’ salaries get increased every season, and that when the shows started out, they didn’t make too much at all, considering.

For reference, Briana DeJesus reportedly made $ 20,000 for her first season of Teen Mom 2, which isn’t a lot, considering the other moms brought in around $ 300,000.

Add in those three kids of hers, and there’s a good chance that Mackenzie doesn’t have any of her MTV money left, and that she’s trying to capitalize on the fame she has with her workout programs.

We can’t blame her for that, and if she’s also using that fame to try to get donations to help her mother?

We certainly can’t blame her for that either.

Honestly, Angie’s prognosis doesn’t sound good, but it’s clear that she’s still in good spirits, and that really is amazing.

So let’s all send our best wishes to this family, OK?


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Confesses Secret Split: Josh & I Broke Up!

It’s still unclear if Mackenzie McKee will replace Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom OG, but MTV certainly seems to have taken an interest in McKee in recent months.

The former Teen Mom 3 star will be featured in a one-off special about her life that recenlty wrapped filming and is set to air next month.

As a businesswoman, fitness fanatic, and married mother of three, McKee is unquestionably one of the most functional of the alums of the Teen Mom universe.

Unfortunately, no amount of ambition and intellect can shield you from flat-out bad luck.

You see, the years since TM3 was canceled haven’t always been terribly kind to Mackenzie.

McKee’s mother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and the special will focus largely on Mackenzie’s efforts to be there for her mother, while running a business and meeting the demands of raising three children.

It will explore the ups and downs of Mackenzie’s marriage and even reveal a surprising secret about her painful past:

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Mackenzie revealed that she was concerned that Josh might not want to participate in the special at all, as doing so would mean shining on a light on a rather dark chapter in their marriage.

“The first person I asked was Josh because I didn’t want to do it if he wasn’t on the same page as me,” she told the site.

“We were split up and seeing other people during Teen Mom 3.”

Yes, it seems that throughout the filming of TM3’s single season, Mackenzie and Josh “pretended to be together.”

“He would run and I just had to cry, ‘Oh my boyfriend is missing,’” she admitted.

“It was honestly horrible.”

Mackenzie gave birth to her third child, a son named Broncs, in 2016.

She and Josh were reconciled at the time, and while she had hoped that the arrival of Broncs would bring the two of them closer, the pressures of caring for a third child nearly tore them apart.

“I was in a really dark place,” she confessed.

“Then I had [our third child] Broncs [in 2016] and it got even worse. He actually left and ended up filing for divorce. I think we were separated for two months.”

Fortunately, Mackenzie and Josh are doing much better these days.

“Since then we opened up our own businesses and we got a house that’s a very nice home for our kids,” she said.

“But we’re still a hot mess,” she joked, concluding on a lighter note.

Mackenzie became a fan favorite during her short time on TM3, and we’re sure her still-loyal following will be happy to hear that her marriiage has turned around.’

And the continued interest in McKee’s personal life might just be enough to land her back on MTV on a full-time basis.


Monday, March 26, 2018

Mackenzie McKee: My Life Went Downhill After Teen Mom 3

Mackenzie McKee is sharing her thoughts about the mixed blessing of reality TV fame with someone who definitely understands her plight.

McKee sat down with Kailyn Lowry for the latest episode of Kail"s Coffee Convos podcast, and fans were stunned by some of what she had to say.

For starters, it seems the reports of Mackenzie joining the cast of Teen Mom OG were a bit premature.

McKee is reportedly still in the running to replace Farrah Abraham on the wildly popular series, but the casting is far from a done deal.

And that"s not the only bombshell from McKee and Lowry"s in-depth interview.

Just wait until you hear what Mackenzie has to say about her life in the months after Teen Mom 3 got canceled…

1. Return of the Mack?

Mackenzie mckee instagram pic

After Farrah Abraham was fired by MTV and Viacom, it was widely rumored that Mackenzie had been chosen as her replacement. We now know that the deal hasn’t yet been sealed – but that doesn’t mean McKee won’t be returning to TV very soon.

2. Mackenzie in the Spotlight

Mackenzie mckee son

Mackenzie is set to star in a one-off special that will focus entirely on her life and family. She opened up about her mixed feelings toward fame in a new interview with Kailyn Lowry.

3. A Sad Insight

Mackenzie mckee josh mckee photo

“Right when we finished, my life went into a very dark place,” Mackenzie said of the period after Teen Mom 3 was canceled. “It was like the worst it had ever been. I got married, and that was beautiful, but then it went back to being bad.”

4. A Blessing In Disguise

Mackenzie mckee some family

“My relationship with [my husband] Josh got worse, and I just kept thinking to myself, ‘I’m so glad this isn’t on TV right now because this is the hardest time in my life,"” McKee added.

5. Credit to Kail

Kail lowry on instagram

Mackenzie went on to say that she has the utmost respect for Kailyn and the other ladies of the Teen Mom franchise. “It makes me respect [the ‘Teen Mom’ casts] so much more,” she told Kail. “You guys went through the hardest times of your life being on TV for years with no break.”

6. Hard Times

Mackenzie mckee drinks starbucks

So what was so difficult about life after Teen Mom 3? Well, it seems that in addition to being forced out of the spotlight, Mackenzie was faced with tremendous difficulties in her family life.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

Debra Danielsen: Viewers Won"t Accept Mackenzie McKee!

Teen Mom OG fans know that Mackenzie McKee is joining the show and replacing Farrah Abraham, after Farrah got “hate crimed” (fired).

Mackenzie’s no stranger to the Teen Mom franchise, but does she have what it takes to fill the void left when Farrah was cast out?

Farrah’s own mother weighs in.

Remember Teen Mom 3? The world wasn’t ready for Teen Mom 3. Or, at least, that’s what audiences apparently decided.

But Mackenzie Douthit McKee made enough of a splash that, after Farrah Abraham was fired for being a nightmare of a human being (though she was also unfortunately shamed for her sex work), people kept bringing up Mackenzie as a possible replacement.

We know that those are some big, obnoxious shoes to fill.

(Mackenzie is also reportedly being considered for Teen Mom 2 after Jenelle Eason’s future on the show was cast in doubt — either way, Mackenzie would replace a widely hated star)

Now it’s been reported that Mackenzie is joining the Teen Mom OG cast, specifically.

There’s no way to know for sure how fans will react to seeing a different person on the show or the new “vibe” that each episode will bring.

But people have already formed some strong opinions.

In an interview with RadarOnline, Farrah Abraham’s mom Debra Danielsen says that she has misgivings about the idea of Mackenzie filling the void that Farrah left behind.

For starters, she’s just not sure about Mackenzie’s appeal.

“I don’t know how relatable a female bodybuilder is.”

Maybe, though other reality shows have featured female bodybuilders who turned out to be very popular with viewers (just look at 90 Day Fiance‘s Paola Mayfield).

Mackenzie is also married to the father of her children and has an enthusiastic fanbase.

“It’s a bizarre choice knowing our demographic.”

It sounds like maybe Debra herself doesn’t know what to think of a female bodybuilder and might be projecting that onto others.

“I feel like it’s a little disjointed.”

Aside from her doubts as to whether Middle America or key age demographics or whatever will run screaming for the hills at the sight of Mackenzie McKee’s Herculean physique, Debra seems to wish Mackenzie well.

And she feels that Mackenzie’s one big selling point is … her own mother.

“She has a relatable story with her mom being ill.”

Mackenzie’s mother’s cancer battle is serious. She has been diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer.

(Mackenzie’s mom has apparently been struggling to pay her hospital bills, so a lot of fans welcome the idea of Mackenzie raking in a Teen Mom sized paycheck)

“If Mackenzie took over there would be a new dimension. I hope she does well.”

Debra can’t really pretend to be neutral in all of this — she’s talking about her own daughter’s replacement.

Plus, Debra has some sentimental attachments to Teen Mom of her own.

“I love the cast and crew because we’ve been together for 10 years.”

She spoke of how she misses being part of the show.

“It’s personally very hard for me not to be there. It’s very difficult.”

That’s show business, folks.

Debra Danielsen may be right about people having trouble reconciling a devoted mother with a female bodybuilder. Some folks live in an isolated bubble.

But some question whether that will be any harder for fans to deal with than a sex worker.

In any case, she’s definitely right that the show will be different with Mackenzie than it was with Farrah.

And by “different,” we mean “better.”

The Teen Mom franchise has been criticized for portraying the moms in a negative light. Mackenzie, who largely has her act together, could really change that and provide a nice contrast.

We’ll all find out together.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mackenzie McKee: Past Secrets and Scandals, EXPOSED!

It"s now official: Farrah Abraham is out of Teen Mom OG.

And Mackenzie McKee, formerly of Teen Mom 3, is in.

Rumors that McKee will be taking over for Abraham as a series regular began circulating not long after Abraham got fired by MTV.

While the reasons for her dismissal are subject to debate, what we can say for certain is that her replacement has quite a history too.

The new OG cast member isn"t all that new … nor has the Oklahoma native"s life been without its share of twists, turns and tumult.

Scroll down to get to know the real Mackenzie McKee.

1. Where Was She Born?

Mackenzie mckee son

McKee is a native of Miami… but not that Miami! She was born in Miami, Oklahoma.

2. When Was She Born?

Mackenzie mckee image

On October 17, 1994. This makes her a Libra, in case you were wondering.

3. What Are Her Interests?

Mackenzie mckee drinks starbucks

After graduating from high school, McKee attended cosmetology school and later worked in a salon … while also working on a fitness career.

4. Is She Still Into Fitness?

Mackenzie mckee workout pic

Oh yes. Scroll through her Instagram feed and you’ll see plenty of photos such as the one above.

5. Where Have You Seen Her Before?

Mackenzie mckee throwback pic

McKee was a cast member on 16 & Pregnant and on Teen Mom 3. She first appeared on MTV on the Season 4 premiere of the former series and was prominently featured on the latter’s only season.

6. Is She Married?

Mackenzie mckee husband

Yes. And it’s been a fairly stable relationship, save for a cheating scandal back when she and Josh McKee were engaged. She and her now-husband started dating in February of 2010 and got married in 2013. “Josh was whispering in my ear how much he loved me,” Mackenzie told Us Weekly of the ceremony.

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Farrah Abraham Reacts to Being Replaced By Mackenzie McKee!

Well, it’s official.

Mackenzie McKee is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG as the replacement for Farrah Abraham.

And not surprisingly, Farrah has thoughts on the subject.

“I wish them all the best with the show. I’m out on a high note. This is the longest season in history and I’m their biggest star,” Farrah told Us Weekly in an interview published Tuesday.

“I can do my own show, but I don’t want to focus on reality TV. I’m focusing on scripted opportunities but will always enjoy a good reality TV project.”

Yes, it seems Farrah has caught the acting bug.

Although it’s possible the “scripted opportunities” she’s referring to will involve her taking her clothes off.

As you may recall Farrah was fired by the show’s producers in connection with her refusal to stop performing live sex shows online.

“I don’t know what the show is doing,” she added when asked about the future of TMOG. 

“You could take all the girls on all the series, but none can bring or do as much as I do for the series.”

Obviously, it’s not terribly surprising that Farrah seems unconcerned about her future.

Anyone who’s seen her heap verbal abuse on the show’s crew knows this is not a woman who’s worried about life after reality TV.

As for income, Farrah has a few prospects on the horizon.

For one thing, it seems she plans to continue doing online sex work for the Cam Soda company.

On top of that, she’s suing the makers of Teen Mom OG, alleging that she was unlawfully terminated from the show.

Farrah says she was “sex shamed” by the producers who decided to cut ties with her due to her continued work in the porn industry.

Attorneys for MTV and Viacom issued a statement on the matter earlier this week:

“We respect Farrah’s decision to pursue other endeavors and we wish her the best. Regarding her suit, the claims are without merit,” they wrote.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive Farrah’s many, many ridiculous moments.

She will be missed.
