Showing posts with label Viewers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viewers. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tristan Thompson is STRESSED About Viewers Seeing His Cheating Scandal

Sunday night’s Keeping Up With The Kardashians featured Khloe’s baby shower for True.

But we all know what’s coming next weekend — Khloe and her whole family learning about Tristan’s cheating scandal.

Fans are excited, Khloe is stressed, and Tristan is worried he’s going to look like the bad guy.

Viewers of Keeping Up With The Kardashians are about to see Khloe’s whole family react to Tristan’s cheating.

HollywoodLife reports that Tristan is on edge knowing that the world will watch this story play out.

“Tristan is freaking out about the next episode of KUWTK airing,” an insider reveals.

While Khloe, like her sisters, has veto power over aspects of the show, there’s only so much that she can edit out.

The source reports: “It does not make him look good at all.”

It’s difficult to gloss over a guy cheating on his pregnant girlfriend with multiple women.

Fortunately, Tristan at least doesn’t seem to be thinking that he didn’t do anything wrong.

“He knows he made some mistakes,” the insider affirms.

There were some troubling reports this summer that claimed that Tristan didn’t think it was a big deal.

(There are some men in the world who think that being a cheater is a phase that men grow out of; ugh)

“But,” the source continues, Tristan “is not looking forward to the show blasting his problems out for the whole world to see.”

Well, that’s what happens when you date, impregnant, and cheat on a reality star.

The promo already showed Kendall, Kim, Kris, and Kylie reacting to the news on their phones.

“Tristan is doing his best to be a better father,” the insider says.

He has two young children — True wtih Khloe, and a son named Prince from a previous relationship.

The source says that Tristan is also working to be a better “boyfriend to Khloe and a better teammate to his Cavs.”

“And,” the insider explains. “He does not think this episode is going to make his life easier for any of that.”

KUWTK doesn’t even exist to make the Kardashians look good, let alone their cheating boyfriends.

Tristan is concerned that, no matter how many people read about the scandal, seeing it will be something else.

He worries that there could be serious social fallout.

“He knows he is not going to be very popular anywhere after this episode airs,” the source reports.

Khloe can be problematic, but nobody realistically wanted to see her life ruined.

“So,” the insider says. “He is stressed out.”

Tristan may be biting his nails with anxiety.

Khloe, at least, seems to have accepted that the world is going to see her get humiliated.

“I signed up to show the good and the bad, right?” she recently wrote to a fan on Twitter.

“The bad is very hard to relive,” Khloe affirmed. “But it’s life.”

She’s right.

Unlike Tristan, however, she has had nearly a dozen years to get used to the idea that most of her dirty laundry is going to air on television.

A lot of fans are concerned that Tristan will cheat again as soon as Khloe lowers her guard.

If he was willing to cheat on her with so many women while she was pregnant, fans reason, what’s to stop him now?

He’s still a young, hot athlete.

And now he knows that Khloe won’t necessarily break up with him if he strays.

Hopefully, however, Tristan cares about his relationship with Khloe more than he does about the convenience of banging random beautiful women.

If not, we could be looking at another agonizing KUWTK in the future.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Debra Danielsen: Viewers Won"t Accept Mackenzie McKee!

Teen Mom OG fans know that Mackenzie McKee is joining the show and replacing Farrah Abraham, after Farrah got “hate crimed” (fired).

Mackenzie’s no stranger to the Teen Mom franchise, but does she have what it takes to fill the void left when Farrah was cast out?

Farrah’s own mother weighs in.

Remember Teen Mom 3? The world wasn’t ready for Teen Mom 3. Or, at least, that’s what audiences apparently decided.

But Mackenzie Douthit McKee made enough of a splash that, after Farrah Abraham was fired for being a nightmare of a human being (though she was also unfortunately shamed for her sex work), people kept bringing up Mackenzie as a possible replacement.

We know that those are some big, obnoxious shoes to fill.

(Mackenzie is also reportedly being considered for Teen Mom 2 after Jenelle Eason’s future on the show was cast in doubt — either way, Mackenzie would replace a widely hated star)

Now it’s been reported that Mackenzie is joining the Teen Mom OG cast, specifically.

There’s no way to know for sure how fans will react to seeing a different person on the show or the new “vibe” that each episode will bring.

But people have already formed some strong opinions.

In an interview with RadarOnline, Farrah Abraham’s mom Debra Danielsen says that she has misgivings about the idea of Mackenzie filling the void that Farrah left behind.

For starters, she’s just not sure about Mackenzie’s appeal.

“I don’t know how relatable a female bodybuilder is.”

Maybe, though other reality shows have featured female bodybuilders who turned out to be very popular with viewers (just look at 90 Day Fiance‘s Paola Mayfield).

Mackenzie is also married to the father of her children and has an enthusiastic fanbase.

“It’s a bizarre choice knowing our demographic.”

It sounds like maybe Debra herself doesn’t know what to think of a female bodybuilder and might be projecting that onto others.

“I feel like it’s a little disjointed.”

Aside from her doubts as to whether Middle America or key age demographics or whatever will run screaming for the hills at the sight of Mackenzie McKee’s Herculean physique, Debra seems to wish Mackenzie well.

And she feels that Mackenzie’s one big selling point is … her own mother.

“She has a relatable story with her mom being ill.”

Mackenzie’s mother’s cancer battle is serious. She has been diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer.

(Mackenzie’s mom has apparently been struggling to pay her hospital bills, so a lot of fans welcome the idea of Mackenzie raking in a Teen Mom sized paycheck)

“If Mackenzie took over there would be a new dimension. I hope she does well.”

Debra can’t really pretend to be neutral in all of this — she’s talking about her own daughter’s replacement.

Plus, Debra has some sentimental attachments to Teen Mom of her own.

“I love the cast and crew because we’ve been together for 10 years.”

She spoke of how she misses being part of the show.

“It’s personally very hard for me not to be there. It’s very difficult.”

That’s show business, folks.

Debra Danielsen may be right about people having trouble reconciling a devoted mother with a female bodybuilder. Some folks live in an isolated bubble.

But some question whether that will be any harder for fans to deal with than a sex worker.

In any case, she’s definitely right that the show will be different with Mackenzie than it was with Farrah.

And by “different,” we mean “better.”

The Teen Mom franchise has been criticized for portraying the moms in a negative light. Mackenzie, who largely has her act together, could really change that and provide a nice contrast.

We’ll all find out together.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Grammy Viewers Ask, Attack: Where the Heck Was Lorde Last Night?!?

Lorde was very clearly snubbed at the Grammy Awards on Sunday night.

Not in terms of nominations; the singer was actually up for Album of the Year, arguably the highest honor of the entire ceremony.

But that’s the entire problem.

Confused? Allow us to explain…

Lorde was the only female to be nominated for Album of the Year at this year’s ceremony, as she was joined in the category by Childish Gambino, JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar and Bruno Mars.

Impressive feat, right? Absolutely.

However, it was somewhat marred by the strange fact that Lorde was the only member of this illustrious group NOT to be asked to perform at the Grammys.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Lorde was approached by producers to take part in a Tom Petty tribute performance at one point during the event…

… but she declined out of protest.

It’s hard to blame her, isn’t it?

What possible reason would the Grammy Awards have for asking only men to take the stage?

Aside from the obvious reason of sexism, that is?

This oversight was made even more obvious (and unfortunate) by the ongoing #MeToo movement and the ongoing focus on how men are treated differently than women in the entertainment industry.

Late last week, a few days prior to the Grammys, Lorde’s mother sent out a cryptic message that clearly related to this snub.

Highlighting a portion of a New York Times article about gender equality in the music industry, she wrote “This says it all.”


CBS viewers subsequently tweeted their outrage on Sunday as they watched other artists and host James Corden soak up airtime in place of Lorde.

Following the show, Recording Academy President Neil Portnow even responded to a question from the press about Lorde’s absence from the roster of performances.

This was not an oversight that went unnoticed.

“We can’t have a performance from every nominee,” he said without addressing any singer by name or indicating whether Lorde was invited to perform.

He added:

“We have to create [a show] that has balance… and what you saw was our best judgment on how to do that.”

about lorde

As you can see above, however, this answer didn’t sit well with viewers.

Especially in light of Sting, who isn’t exactly relevant these days in the music game, being featured in two separate segments for some reason.

They found time for that, but not any time to recognize Lorde?!?

Not cool, Grammys. Not cool at all.

At least we’ll always have Lorde’s memorable VMAs performance to replay over and over.

But still: this was very lame.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Megyn Kelly Basically Encourages Viewers to Shame Fat People

Megyn Kelly would very much like a mulligan.

The NBC anchor claims she really did not mean to sound this week as if she was PRO-fat shaming.

What led some viewers to think Kelly actually held this seemingly ridiculous stance? Well…

During an interview Thursday with fit mom Maria Kang – a mother who is very into fitness and who is best known for her “No Excuses” campaign – Kelly made an eyebrow-raising remark.

And that’s a kind way of putting it.

“You should parlay the shaming thing into a professional business. Because some of us want to be shamed,” said the controversial host to Kang, who was promoting her workout philosophy.

Continued Kelly, sharing some personal history:

“When I was in law school, I was gaining weight, I said to my stepfather, ‘If you see me going into that kitchen one more time, you say, ‘Where you going, fat a–?’

“And it works!”

It’s easy to see how Kelly could have just been trying to make a joke here.

But it’s also easy to see how it could have been interpreted as the encouragement of fat-shaming – since she’s literally explaining that making her feel bad about her body was an effective strategy employed by her family member.

On Friday, facing a great deal of backlash, Kelly clarified her position.

On air, the failing reporter said “would never encourage [body shaming] toward any person,” despite how she may have come across the day before.

“I said something yesterday on the show that clearly struck a nerve, and I think it’s a conversation we need to have openly,” Kelly continued.

“We were discussing body shaming others, something I absolutely do not support. In fact, quite the opposite.”

Kelly then got very candid with viewers.

She explained that her “entire family is or has been overweight or obese.”

She also shared that her sister weighed more than 300 pounds at one point, prior to undergoing gastric bypass surgery, and that when she Kelly was six years old, she came home “in tears” after a neighbor called her mom “fat.”

There’s a history here, she elaborated.

She was simply trying to relay some of it on Thursday in her chat with Kang.

“By the time I got to middle school, the hormones and the weight kicked in. I was chubby by any standard and soon I found myself on the wrong side of some vicious bullies,” Kelly said.

She added:

“Ones who called me fat, and made fun of my backside, who subjected me to humiliating pranks. Those comments can cut deep, trust me, I know.

“Soon there were diet pills and obsessive exercise and I had reduced my calorie intake to 500 calories a day.

“My heart was racing all day, my hair and skin were dry but I was thin. And so unhappy.

“I was scared of gaining weight because of the insane standard this country holds its women to and because I was and remain afraid of dying in my 40s, which happened to my father.”

Kelly has grown and evolved.

She says she tries to eat healthy and is no longer ashamed of her figure.

However, “I still cringe when I hear a person attacked for his or her weight.”

The journalist says she can relate and that’s all she ever meant to imply with her initial comment.

In conclusion:

“Please know, I would never encourage that toward any person. I’ve been thinking a lot about why I once encouraged it toward myself. What I know for sure is that weight is an issue for millions of people, thin and heavy alike.

“And neither deserves to be judged or shamed for how they choose to handle that struggle.”


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jason Aldean Tells "SNL" Viewers, "Don"t Back Down" After Vegas Massacre

Jason Aldean opened “SNL” Saturday night in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre, singing the message, “Don’t Back Down.” As you know, Aldrean was onstage at the Route 91 Harvest Festival a week ago when Stephen Paddock fired into the crowd,…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mayweather vs. McGregor: Mexican Viewers Save Mucho Dinero!!

Don’t wanna pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight? Get outta the country. Seriously!! A rep for the World Boxing Council tells TMZ Sports the entire country of Mexico will be able to watch Conor and Floyd duke it out fo’ free Saturday … ‘cause…


Mayweather vs. McGregor: Mexican Viewers Save Mucho Dinero!!

Don’t wanna pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight? Get outta the country. Seriously!! A rep for the World Boxing Council tells TMZ Sports the entire country of Mexico will be able to watch Conor and Floyd duke it out fo’ free Saturday … ‘cause…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Toni Cornell Honors Father, Brings GMA Viewers to Tears

Good Morning America featured a very special performance on Friday.

About three months after Chris Cornell killed himself, the late singer"s 12-year old daughter appeared on the ABC program and teamed with OneRepublic"s Ryan Tedder for a moving rendition of the classic ballad "Hallelujah."

The track was also performed as a tribute to Chester Bennington, a good friend of Cornell"s who tragically also killed himself via hanging out this summer.

Linkin Park was scheduled to perform on the show, but OneRepublic filled in after the band canceled their tour and concert dates in the wake its frontman"s death.

"This is just an honor to be here," Tedder told GMA"s Lara Spencer, noting how he had met Bennington a few times and was good friends with Cornell.

"I was lucky enough to write and produce with [Cornell], and get to know him and his family over the years. He was even in one of our videos."

Cornell"s little girl also spoke ahead of her and OneRepublic"s song dedication, telling GMA:

"It"s an honor to perform this for my dad and for Chester and to sing for them."

"Hallelujah" was the single that Bennington performed at Cornell"s funeral in May, just a few weeks before Bennington was found dead of his own suicide at the age of 41.

He committed the sad act on what would have been Cornell"s 53rd birthday.

Members of the sizable GMA crowd started to shed tears this morning as Toni belted out the lyrics of this sad track in a somber tone, one very similar to her father’s.

A month after Cornell’s death, Toni and her 17-year sister, Lillian Jean, penned letters to the late Soundgarden and Audioslave frontman in observance of Father’s Day.

“Let me start by saying how much I love you and how much you mean to me,” Toni wrote alongside a photo collage of herself with Cornell through the years, adding:

“You are my idol, someone I’ve always looked up to. You were always there for me. You pushed me forward every day, and you still do.”

Sad stuff all around.

Watch Toni"s emotional performance below:

Toni cornell honors late father brings gma viewers to tears with

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Michael Phelps Defends Shark Race, Says Viewers Should Have Known What it Was

Michael Phelps isn’t taking a shred of blame for viewers’ disappointment over him not racing an actual great white shark, and says he stands by the “incredible” made-for-TV event. The 23-time Olympic gold medal winner opened himself up to his…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Michael Phelps Races a Shark, Viewers Lose Badly

Having devoured all human competition for years, Michael Phelps dove into the water on Sunday night against his most formidable opponent of all-time:

A great white shark.

The most decorated athlete in Olympic history helped kick off Shark Week on the Discovery Channel with a primetime special titled “Phelps vs. Shark: Great Gold vs. Great White."

It was a winning concept.

Who would NOT tune in to see a man with 23 gold medals swim 100 meters against the most dangerous animal in the ocean?

"I’ve raced the fastest swimmers on the planet, except for one," said Phelps in promos leading up up to the race.

The event took place in Cape Town, South Africa… and Phelps was an underdog from the outset.

Consider: When he broke the world record in the 100 Meter Butterfly back in 2009, he averaged 4.5 miles per hour during his swim.

Equipped with a monofin in the shape of a shark’s tail fin, he said he had been ramped up to 8.5 miles per hour during training.

But a great white shark can swim 25 miles per hour in short distances, especially when it is on the hunt for food, making this sharp-toothed predator even more of a favorite than Russia was against the United States hockey team in 1980.

Yet… we all know how that game turned out, don"t we?

Could Phelps pull off a similar upset?!?

No. He lost by two seconds.

He wasn"t exactly racing alongside an actual shark, either, which left many viewers feeling like the real loser.

Watch the following video to see what we mean and then decide: Did this race live up to the Shark Week hype?

Or it totally bite?

Michael phelps races a shark viewers lose badly

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians: What"s Driving Viewers Away?

When it debuted in 2007, Keeping Up With the Kardashians quickly became something of a surprise sensation.

What was supposed to be low-budget throw-away reality series about a sex tape star and her family of aspiring D-listers soon turned the Kard clan into one of the most famous families on the planet.

A decade later, however, Kardashian fatigue appears to have set in in a major way.

Rumors about KUWTK getting canceled after been circulating pretty much since the show’s inception.

But for the most part, it’s been a lot of wishful thinking from those who are tired of audiences and TV execs validating Kim and company’s raging narcissism.

These days, however, the numbers support the theory, and the possibility of KUWTK getting canned is now very real.

The Kardashians’ ratings have been on the decline since 2014, and this season has marked their show’s most precipitous drop to date. 

Ironically, this was supposed to be rebuilding year for the long-running series, as the Kardashians’ real-life drama made tabloid headlines in the weeks before the season premiere.

Whether it was Kim being robbed at gunpoint, or Kanye West checking into a mental hospital for a weeks-long psychiatric evaluation, a steady stream of personal crises sparked a new wave of interest in the Kardashians around the start of this year.

And that may be the problem.

In addition to the fact that all of these stories have been extensively documented by the tabloid media before they’re ever portrayed on Keeping Up, as the family becomes more famous, they seem less likely to give fans an honest glimpse into their lives.

In the early days of the show, the sisters didn’t have much going on in the way of real drama, so they made mountains out of molehills, portraying petty squabbles as potentially relationship-ending feuds.

Now that they’re actual celebrities, the Kardashians want the one thing that effective reality stars can never have: their privacy.

Major events are downplayed, so as to allow the family to maintain strict control of their reputations.

It’s one of the many problems that arises when a reality show’s stars are also its executive producers.

On top of that, the Kards just assume you’ve been following them on social media and keeping up with their social media exploits.

There’s no room for the casual viewer anymore, as plot points like Khloe’s relationship with Tristan Thompson spring up out of nowhere with zero explanation.

At this point, the family certainly doesn’t need the income from KUWTK any longer, but getting canceled would create a major dent in their brand.

Sources say Kris would consider cancelation to be a colossal embarrassment, and the momager reportedly feels the timing couldn’t be worse, as we’re just weeks away from Kylie Jenner’s spinoff, Life of Kylie.

Perhaps the younger generation will still be able to capture an audience the way Kim and company used to.

Or perhaps after years of alienating the masses, the Kardashians are actually on their way out.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online to get caught up for what may be the show’s final season.


Monday, January 23, 2017

NFL Viewers Debate: Does Troy Aikman Look Like Jay Z?

The NFC Title game was a dud, as Atlanta blew out Green Bay by a score of 44-21.

But Twitter still managed to have fun with the lopsided contest, debating the merits of an unexpected celebrity lookalike, one offered up by Turd Ferguson.

This user, who uses the handle @moske, shared a photo of Fox broadcaster Troy Aikman and wrote as a caption:

😂😂😂 at Aikman looking like white Jay-Z.

Cute the responses and the intense debate! We"ve documented most of it below:

1. Why is Jay Z Announcing This Game?

Why is jay z announcing this game

No, wait. That’s Hall of Fame quarterback Troy Aikman.

2. Not So Crazy, Is It?

Not so crazy is it

This side-by-side comparison does make a persuasive argument.

3. What Kind of World Are We Living In?

What kind of world are we living in

Welcome to Trump’s America, we guess.

4. Someone Already Said This

Someone already said this

Be more original with your commentary please.

5. Politics is Trash

Politics is trash

But this comparison is dope!

6. This Does Help

This does help

Now all we see if Jay Z!

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Megyn Kelly Bids Farewell to Fox News Viewers

Megyn Kelly spent most of Tuesday night addressing various political stories on the latest episode of The Kelly File.

But she then addressed a topic far more personal to herself and all those watching at home:

Her impending departure from Fox News.

Indeed, hours before going on the air yesterday, Kelly confirmed that she has agreed to a deal with NBC.

Starting some time later this year, Kelly will host a daytime program Monday through Friday and then a Sunday evening news program of some kind.

She will also contribute to the coverage of breaking news on NBC.

After releasing a statement on her Facebook page about the career decision, Kelly touched on the topic toward the end of her show last night.

"Finally tonight, a personal and professional note from me to you," the anchor said.

"After more than dozen years at Fox News, I have decided to pursue a new challenge.

"This was a tough decision for me because I love this show, our staff, my crew, our colleagues here at Fox and you, all of you:

"Those who write me the lovely handwritten notes asking about my kids and even those who very rarely complain on Twitter about our coverage after a show or a presidential debate."

Kelly then got all profound and discussed the "human connection" she has formed with viewers during her time on air.

Watch her emotional farewell address below:

Megyn kelly bids farewell to fox news viewers

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday Night Live Blows Viewers Away with Cold Open

There are many questions American citizens now have with Donald Trump having been elected the 45th President of their country.

Will he deport law-abiding immigrants? Will he build a wall? Will he ban Muslims from the country? Will he last a full term in office?

And also this: How would Saturday Night Live react to his election?

The last question was answered this weekend… in truly memorable fashion.

The NBC sketch series opened last night with Kate McKinnon dressed as Hillary Clinton.

But there were no witty lines of dialogue. There were no tears being cried. There was no interaction with Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump

Instead, McKinnon simply say at a piano and sang the song “Hallelujah.”

This was especially poignant because Leonard Cohen died this week, leaving this world as the man responsible for having written that iconic ballad.

At the end of her rendition, McKinnon turned to the camera, and as Clinton, told viewers “I’m not giving up, and neither should you.”

It was an amazing decision by Saturday Night Live. Some people are comparing McKinnon’s version here to when Paul Simon sang “The Boxer” on SNL’s first episode after 9/11

Watch the performance for yourself.

Why did “Hallelujah” feel like the perfect track for the moment?

Check out the lyrics below and perhaps you’ll understand:

Now I’ve heard there was a secret chord/That David played, and it pleased the Lord/But you don’t really care for music, do you?

It goes like this/The fourth, the fifth/The minor fall, the major lift/ The baffled king composing Hallelujah.


Your faith was strong but you needed proof/You saw her bathing on the roof/Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her/She tied you/To a kitchen chair/She broke your throne, and she cut your hair.

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah.


You say I took the name in vain/I don’t even know the name/But if I did, well really, what’s it to you?

There’s a blaze of light/In every word/It doesn’t matter which you heard/ The holy or the broken Hallelujah


I did my best, it wasn’t much/I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch/I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you/And even though/ It all went wrong/ I’ll stand before the Lord of Song

With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Anchorman Tells Viewers to "Check Your Panties"

Perhaps Donald Trump made the right move last week when he destroyed a Teleprompter in front of screaming fans at a campaign stop.

Why? What has caused us to actually praise Trump for… well… anything?

Allow the following video to explain:

It features Eric Philips, an anchorman in Virginia, who at least caught himself pretty quickly after making a rather obvious and hilarious blunder on air this past Wednesday.

Reading from a script, the NBC12 reporter told viewers, very simply, to “check your panties.”

He went on read a few more words before stopping and realizing that the script was supposed to say something else.

It was supposed to say “check your pantries.”

After all, the line was meant to lead a segment on a recall of 175,000 rice and slow cookers due to a fire hazard.

That really has nothing to do with anyone’s underwear and taking a close look at said underwear.

“I couldn’t warn you before. I saw it and I couldn’t warn you, Eric,” co-anchor Karla Redditte said between laughs.

Philips recovered from the mistake like a true professional and later took to Twitter to joke about the gaffe.

“Ok…so this happened this morning. Soooo embarrassed! #CheckYourPanties,” he wrote.

There was also this funny Tweet:

You might as well embrace, it, right?

“My partner in news is making sure I go over my scripts with a fine toothed comb because….you know…#checkyourpanties #checkyourscripts,” Philips also wrote as a caption to the following social media picture:

HA! We love it.

For once, too, Twitter users even came together in praise instead of mockery.

“You handled that so well and gave America a good laugh and a new hashtag! Roll with it!” one person wrote.

We agree with this person.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Kelly Ripa Finally Tells Viewers That Michael Strahan is Leaving Early

The most entertaining/awkward show on television these days did not fail to disappoint this morning.

On the latest installment of Live with Kelly and Michael, the co-hosts finally decided to tell viewers that Michael Strahan will be leaving the program on May 13.

When Strahan initially announced he was departing Live! for a full-time anchoring gig on Good Morning America, he had set September as his end date.

But then Ripa got angry over how she was told of the news… staged a brief boycott… returned with a speech about “respect” in the work place… and Strahan’s departure date was moved up four months.

There was a statement by ABC and everything, yet Kelly and Michael didn’t actually address Strahan’s impending final episode until today.

And it went down in very awkward fashion, of course.

“A week from this Friday is Michael’s final show here at Live!,” said Ripa, as the audience began booing.

One attendee then shouted “we still love you, Kelly!” and Ripa quipped:

“Thanks! I’m still here!”

She’s very broken up about Strahan’s switching programs, as you can tell.

As for what viewers can expect from Michael’s last episode?

“We’ll remember. We’ll reminisce,” he said. “We’re going to look back at the fun times we’ve had together – wait till you see all the stuff that we’ve done, you’re not going to believe it.”

Most loyal fans can’t believe the recent report that ran down all the ways in which Strahan sucks backstage.

“Join us for Michael’s Flashback Friday Farewell on Friday the 13th,” Ripa said, prior to cracking up over the ominous date and adding:

“You can’t plan this! You literally cannot plan it.”

That’s actually exacted what ABC executives did. They planned the date on which Strahan would leave. But whatever.

Strahan, meanwhile, attended the MET Gala in New York City on Monday night.

Asked by Entertainment Tonight about his upcoming gig, he said all the right things about his soon-to-be-formed one:

“I’m looking forward to [GMA], but I still look forward to going to work at Live!. I love being there. I still love it.” 

Really, Michael? Even during exchanges such as the one below?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Duggar Family Faces Cancellation AGAIN As Counting On Loses Viewers, Advertisers

After a scandal-plagued hiatus, the Duggar family returned to television back in December of 2015 with Jill & Jessa: Counting On, a three-part miniseries that proved to be an instant ratings hit for TLC.

Unfortunately, when they ordered a full season of the show, network execs failed to consider the possibility that for many viewers, a little bit of the Duggars goes a long way…

In Touch is reporting today that ratings for the series have declined more than 30 percent in the month since its March 15 premiere.

Even worse, major corporations have been pulling their ads from Counting On, often issuing scathing public statements in order to distance themselves from a family that for many people will always be associated with childhood sexual abuse.

The latest companies to add their name to the long list of anti-Duggar brands are Dole Packaged Foods and Intuit – the software designer best known for its Quicken and Turbo Tax programs.

Both companies issued statements clarifying that their ads were placed as part of a large media buy, and they were not aware that the commercials would air during Counting On.

Dole added: “The company does not run advertising on shows with content that might be offensive to our consumers.”

Several industry insiders have predicted that TLC will air remaining episodes of the series, but will not renew it for a second season.

So if you’re a fan of the Duggars, you may want to watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online while you still can.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Puppy Monkey Baby Scares the Ish Out of All SB50 Viewers

They say that all publicity is good publicity.

If this is really the case, then Mountain Dew must be feeling very good about itself this morning.

The soda company ran what most consider to have been the strangest commercial of Super Bowl 50, which is saying a lot considering the NFL aired a commercial centered around kids singing about their parents having sex.

But Mountain Dew spent its million of dollars on a spot that introduced the company"s new drink, Kickstart, infusing the nightmares of viewers around the world with the image of a pug… dressed up like a monkey… who is wearing a diaper and who is dressed up like a baby.

We really wish we were making this up.

The drink, which is a combination of Mountain Dew, juice and caffeine, is pretty much the equivalent of Four Loko without the alcohol.

And we suppose we have to hand it to Mountain Dew in some way here:

The brand didn"t try to be especially cute or creative in any way. It simply aimed for shock value and it succeeded.

Heck, everyone is talking about this commercial the day after Peyton Manning and company defeated the Carolina Panthers. So that"s pretty much a win, right?

Not according to Patton Oswalt, however, whose Tweet may have actually won Super Bowl 50:

That puppy monkey baby is already being used in ISIS recruiting videos.

Check out the controversial ad now:

Puppy monkey baby super bowl commercial