Showing posts with label Mexican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexican. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Conor McGregor Throws Giant Mexican Bash for Son"s 1st Birthday

Conor McGregor brought Cinco de Mayo to Ireland on Saturday — throwing a massive Mexican-themed party to celebrate his son’s 1st birthday! The UFC star took over the fancy Kildare Hotel just outside of Dublin — one of the nicest hotels in the…


Friday, April 13, 2018

U.S. Boxer Rocks Trump Border Wall Shorts, Gets Crushed By Mexican Opponent

An American pro boxer literally wore Trump’s border wall on his shorts in a fight — then proceeded to get the LIVING CRAP BEAT OUTTA HIM by his Mexican opponent!!  Rod Salka was trying to make a political statement Thursday night vs.…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Canelo Alverez Tests Positive for Banned Substance, Blames Mexican Cows

Canelo Alvarez has admitted he tested positive for a performance enhancing drug — but he’s blaming the dirty test on contaminated cow meat. The boxer was tested in advance of his upcoming May 5 rematch against Gennady Golovkin — and says results…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Sued for Slapping the Hell Out of Reporter

Eduardo Yanez won’t get away clean for slapping a Univision reporter — not if the reporter gets his way in court … TMZ has learned. Paco Fuentes is suing Yanez for the red carpet attack that went viral nearly 2 weeks ago. In the lawsuit,…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tapatio Sues Over Iconic Mexican Cowboy Logo, Says Weed Guy Jacked It

Tapatio’s turning up the heat and going after a guy who’s trying to start a different kind of blaze … while allegedly ripping off the company’s iconic sombrero-wearing mascot. Tapatio — arguably the most famous hot sauce in America — is suing…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Under Criminal Investigation for Slapping Reporter

Mexican soap star Eduardo Yanez is under criminal investigation for viciously slapping a reporter during a red carpet event … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us, Univision reporter Paco Fuentes filed a police report with the LAPD,…


Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Bitch Slaps Reporter on Red Carpet

Mexican soap star Eduardo Yanez is making a name for himself in the U.S. — around the world, really — after slapping the hell out of a reporter in Los Angeles. The telenovela star’s violent confrontation with a Univision reporter is going…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mayweather vs. McGregor: Mexican Viewers Save Mucho Dinero!!

Don’t wanna pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight? Get outta the country. Seriously!! A rep for the World Boxing Council tells TMZ Sports the entire country of Mexico will be able to watch Conor and Floyd duke it out fo’ free Saturday … ‘cause…


Mayweather vs. McGregor: Mexican Viewers Save Mucho Dinero!!

Don’t wanna pay for the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight? Get outta the country. Seriously!! A rep for the World Boxing Council tells TMZ Sports the entire country of Mexico will be able to watch Conor and Floyd duke it out fo’ free Saturday … ‘cause…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Boxing Champ Mikey Garcia Says Mexican Fans Are 100% Behind Canelo Over GGG (VIDEO)

The entire Mexican world will be rooting for Canelo Alvarez to knock GGG the HELL OUT … that’s according to Mexican boxing superstar Mikey Garcia. Of course, Gennady Golovkin fights in what he describes as the “Mexican style,” something that he…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Chad Johnson Catches Uno Touchdown In Mexican Pro Football Debut (Video)

VIVA OCHOCINCO!!!!!  Chad Johnson made his triumphant return to pro football this weekend — IN MEXICO — and reeled in 41-YARD TD GRAB!!!  The 39-year-old ex-NFL star hooked up with the Monterrey Fundidores of the LFA (Liga de Futbol…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Golden Tate"s BALLER Mexican Wedding ... So Many Diamonds! (Photos)

Golden Tate TOOK OVER Cabo San Lucas for his wedding this weekend — renting out an entire hotel on the beach … and swapping crazy diamond rings with his beautiful bride.  The Detroit Lions star traded “I Dos” with longtime girlfriend Elise…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Homeland Security Seeks Catering Services for Detainees at Mexican Border

President Trump’s promised wall at the Mexican border will offer catering services to detainees … seriously. The Dept. of Homeland Security has filed legal docs soliciting bids from food service companies to provide meals at the Customs…


Homeland Security Seeks Catering Services for Detainees at Mexican Border

President Trump’s promised wall at the Mexican border will offer catering services to detainees … seriously. The Dept. of Homeland Security has filed legal docs soliciting bids from food service companies to provide meals at the Customs…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Donald Trump Used in Mexican Wrestling League for Ultimate Heel Move (PHOTOS)

President Trump has a starring role in a Mexican wrestling league. Yeah, you read that right. Sam Adonis, an American who’s wrestling in the CMLL (think WWE with more flavor), stepped into the ring in Mexico City the other night … waving an…


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Juan Gabriel Dies; Mexican Singer Was 66

Juan Gabriel, one of the biggest superstars to come out of Mexico, has died at the age of 66.

According to TMZ, Gabriel died in Santa Monica, CA on today (August 28th) of a suspected heart attack.

Gabriel was on his MeXXico Es Todo tour – which was spanning 22 cities – and was getting ready to leave to perform in El Paso when he died.

Gabriel resided in El Paso.

Born Alberto Aguilera Valadez, Gabriel was a singer/songwriter and performer, and according to The Hollywood Reporter was number 18 on Billboard Money Makers’ 2015 list.

 The $ 11.6 million in revenue from the tour put Gabriel just behind Ed Sheeran and ahead of Florida Georgia Line.

Gabriel was enjoying huge success on the tour, which was 2015’s highest-grossing Latin tour.

Gabriel signed a contract with RCA Records in 1971 when he was just 21.  His stage name is dedicated to a former principal, and Gabriel in honor of his late father).

Gabriel recorded 15 albums, sold more than 20 million records and has written and sang more than 1000 songs.

Though he never married, Gabriel is survived by four children, but never revealed the identity of their mother.  He only referred to her as “the best friend” in his life.

The one song that Gabriels’ fans consider to be most popular is “Querida.”

According to Wikipedia, Gabriel released Recuerdos, Volume II in 1984, which ended up becoming Mexica’s best-selling album of all time with over eight million copies.

Gabriel has also produced music for singers Dúrcal, Lucha Villa, Lola Beltrán and Paul Anka.

The last time Gabriel’s health made headlines was in 2005, when he fell off the stage at the Toyota Center in Texas and hurt himself.

Gabriel suffered a fractured neck and was bedridden for eight months.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Justin Bieber Gets the Boot from Mexican Ruins

Oh, Justin Bieber.

We really thought you had cleaned up your act and had decided to just focus on your love life for awhile.

But while the singer has been busy allegedly hooking up with Kourtney Kardashian and has definitely been kissing Hailey Baldwin, he’s still somehow found time to act like a doofus again.

South of the border this time.

According to TMZ insiders, the artist and his friends were acting like obnoxious tourists on Thursday when visiting some Mayan ruins in Cancun.

While taking in the sights of the famous Tulum pyramids, initial reports indicated that Bieber ran afoul of the temple gods when he pulled down his pants and actually mooned those below him.

It’s now unclear, however, whether or not this actually took place.

But we can confirm that local authorities were called to the scene by employees who were upset that Bieber and his entourage were walking around with open bottles of beer.

The crew left before police arrives, but not before cursing off the staff members.

Bieber should maybe make it a point to avoid famous landmarks going forward.

Remember when he was widely mocked to having security guards carry him up the Great Wall of China?

Here’s a reminder of that incident:

And remember when Bieber said he hoped Anne Frank would have been a Belieber when he visited her famous home in Amsterdam?

Jus go back to bedding hotties, Biebs.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#BurritoRat Drags Mexican Meal Into Subway Lair

Sit down, Pizza Rat. Back away for a moment, Milkshake Squirrel.

It"s time for users of the Internet to be introduced to Burrito Rat!

Keeping up with one of the stranger, more unexpected viral traditions that has broken out over the past several weeks, a New York City resident has captured footage of a rat dragging a giant piece of Mexican food deep into the depths of the subway system.

It’s unclear what sort of burrito is featured here (chicken? Steak? Did the animal pay extra for guacamole?), but it"s very clear that the rat can"t wait to go scarf it down away from the chaos of the train platform.

And this much is also clear: we are NOT following this rat down there to watch any further. Gross.

Number burritorat drags mexican meal into subway lair