Showing posts with label Eduardo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eduardo. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Sued for Slapping the Hell Out of Reporter

Eduardo Yanez won’t get away clean for slapping a Univision reporter — not if the reporter gets his way in court … TMZ has learned. Paco Fuentes is suing Yanez for the red carpet attack that went viral nearly 2 weeks ago. In the lawsuit,…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Under Criminal Investigation for Slapping Reporter

Mexican soap star Eduardo Yanez is under criminal investigation for viciously slapping a reporter during a red carpet event … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us, Univision reporter Paco Fuentes filed a police report with the LAPD,…


Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Bitch Slaps Reporter on Red Carpet

Mexican soap star Eduardo Yanez is making a name for himself in the U.S. — around the world, really — after slapping the hell out of a reporter in Los Angeles. The telenovela star’s violent confrontation with a Univision reporter is going…
