Showing posts with label Slapping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slapping. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Mariah Carey‘s former assistant has just fired back at the singer’s blackmail allegation with her own lawsuit, claiming she was the victim of horrible abuse by one of Mariah’s key people, and the singer did nothing about it.
Lianna Azarian claims in a new lawsuit, ...
Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jamie Foxx is Off the Hook for Alleged 2002 Penis Slapping Incident

Jamie Foxx won’t face any charges for allegedly striking a woman in the face with his penis back in 2002, because the case has been closed … TMZ has learned. Las Vegas PD tells us … Foxx is in the clear — at least criminally — because the…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Jamie Foxx: Accused of Slapping a Woman with His Penis

These days, Jamie Foxx is all about Katie Holmes. But, according to an accusation, in 2002, he slapped a woman in the face with his penis.

There’s a little more to the allegations, and the woman has come forward and reported the incident to police.

Foxx is dismissing the story as “absurd” and has vowed to fight back.

We know that there’s a temptation to make jokes or to come up with funny nicknames for the incident, like cock-boxing or penis-popping or whatever.

But one way or the other, this allegation is serious, so let’s take a look at the details.

TMZ reports that Jamie Foxx’s accuser says that this incident happened 16 years ago, in 2002.

She says that she and a friend were attending a party at his house.

Foxx allegedly tried to get her to perform oral sex on him. She refused.

She says that he struck her in the face with his penis.

After she refused to perform on him, she says that one of Foxx’s friends instructed her to leave the house.

The incident, she says, was severe enough that she went to the hospital the next day to undergo treatment for a severe panic attack.

She says that the #MeToo movement is what inspired her to come forward with the incident from 16 years ago.

So much about this incident is unclear, including whether or not the alleged penile strike was intentional (since penises can be unwieldy beasts).

But conventional wisdom says that if your penis is accidentally hitting someone who doesn’t want to touch it, you’ve probably done something wrong.

But Foxx isn’t arguing that this alleged sexual misconduct was a misunderstanding.

In a statement to TMZ, Foxx’s attorney, Allison Hart of Lavely & Singer, says:

“Jamie emphatically denies that this incident ever occurred,” she says.

That’s very different from saying that it was an accident or misunderstanding.

Hart continues: “And he will be filing a report with the Las Vegas Police Department against the woman for filing a false police report against him.”

And that is a very aggressive response.

Hart had more to say.

“The first time [Jamie] became aware of this woman’s absurd claims about an incident that supposedly occurred 16 years ago,” Hart says. “Was when TMZ contacted his representatives [Tuesday] about this story.”

That’s a hell of a way to find out that you’re accused of wrongdoing.

And Hart says that there’s a reason that we’re all first hearing about htis now.

“The alleged incident was not reported to law enforcement in 2002, or at any other time in the last 16 years until last Friday because the incident never happened,” she says.

She is certainly defending her client very thoroughly.

So, is Hart right?

Is this a much-feared incident of a false allegation of sexual misconduct, inspired by so many very real #MeToo stories?

Or does she have some sort of evidence or outcry witness (or perhaps medical documentation of the panic attack) to back up her report?

Some wonder if Foxx simply has no memory of trying to convince a woman to perform oral sex on him, but that this woman was traumatized by the experience.

It is not uncommon for one person to have a very bad night while the person whom they hold responsible for it never noticed.

it is unclear what the accuser expects to come of her report, but it sounds like — whatever may have happened — this woman has felt haunted for a long time.


Friday, January 12, 2018

NBA"s Rodney Hood Fined $35k For Slapping Phone Out of Fan"s Hand

The NBA is slapping back at Rodney Hood … hitting the Utah Jazz star with a hefty $ 35,000 fine for smacking a cell phone out of a fan’s hand Wednesday night. Hood was ejected after his 2nd technical foul during the 3rd quarter of the Jazz vs.…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Super Bowl 52"s Slapping Slogan on Almost Everything, Including Chicken

Super Bowl 52’s taking its slogan seriously … and it’ll be EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE to see and buy. TMZ Sports obtained docs filed by the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee outlining where it wants to place its slogan “Bold North.” There’s…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Sued for Slapping the Hell Out of Reporter

Eduardo Yanez won’t get away clean for slapping a Univision reporter — not if the reporter gets his way in court … TMZ has learned. Paco Fuentes is suing Yanez for the red carpet attack that went viral nearly 2 weeks ago. In the lawsuit,…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mexican Soap Star Eduardo Yanez Under Criminal Investigation for Slapping Reporter

Mexican soap star Eduardo Yanez is under criminal investigation for viciously slapping a reporter during a red carpet event … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us, Univision reporter Paco Fuentes filed a police report with the LAPD,…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ray J"s Slapping "Celebrity Big Brother" with Lawsuit

Ray J’s had it up to HERE trying to strike a settlement with “Celebrity Big Brother” for kicking him off the show … so he’s gonna sue to get the dough he says he’s owed. Sources close to Ray J tell TMZ … his legal team and the production company…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Young Thug Cleared in Alleged Slapping Incident Outside Atlanta Nightclub

Young Thug’s in the clear for allegedly slapping a woman outside a nightclub last month … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … the case was presented to the court to see if there was enough to get a warrant and charge the rapper…


Young Thug Cleared in Alleged Slapping Incident Outside Atlanta Nightclub

Young Thug’s in the clear for allegedly slapping a woman outside a nightclub last month … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us … the case was presented to the court to see if there was enough to get a warrant and charge the rapper…
