Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bill Cosby: Hit in Face By Airborne Chicken Sandwich in Jail Cafeteria

Bill Cosby is two weeks into his three-to-ten year sentence and has started to really get a look at his life behind bars.

His larger-than-life personality is reportedly not meshing well with his fellow inmates.

A new report says that one prisoner got so fed up with him that he chucked the chicken patty from his sandwich at him, striking Cosby in the face.

RadarOnline reports that Cosby was on the receiving end of a projectile patty of the chicken variety.

“Mr. Cosby cracked a joke to another inmate by the infirmary,” their insider reports.

The source continues: “and that inmate was mad enough to take his chicken out of the bun and plunge it at him.”

The report notes that prison food isn’t exactly served in a buffet, so there must have been a great deal of ire behind the move.

“The way I see it,” the insider says. “You have to be very angry to throw your meal in jail because I don’t think you get seconds.”

We would imagine not.

Chicken Patties for Cosby Reference from Instagram

(Disclaimer: these chicken patties are probably a lot nicer than the institutional chicken disk that allegedly struck the disgraced comedian)

The alleged incident comes on the heels of a report that said that Cosby was enjoying the chicken patty.

“Mr. Cosby told us last week that the chicken patty was the best meal he had so far at SCI Phoenix … so that says a lot,” the source notes.

We already mentioned a report that Cosby has earned a nickname and some undeserved respect from fellow inmates.

“They’re calling him the ‘OG,"” the insider claimed. “Lingo for ‘original gangster.”

Clearly, that respect was not universal.

There was another report that said that Cosby tried pudding in prison, and that it was apparently not to his liking.

“He told us on the phone over the weekend ‘I was promoting THIS garbage?!’” The source claimed. “It tastes like something you give a lizard!”

Cosby was famous in the ’90s as the face of jello and pudding advertisements.

“We were caught by surprise,” the insider stated. “We never asked him: ‘Hey, Mr. Cosby, have you ever tried pudding or Jell-O?’”

“I never saw him and I don’t think anybody else ever saw him eating pudding or Jell-O,” the source admitted.

The insider concluded: “but I was pretty damn shocked when he told us he tried it and it wasn’t what he expected.”

Of course, a conflicting report casts into doubt everything that we’ve heard.

TMZ spoke to someone at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

“This did NOT happen,” their insider said forcefully of the chicken patty incident.

“And,” the source continued. “I am unhappy with anyone who is reporting such fake news.”

What’s more is that Cosby has allegedly had no contact whatsoever with fellow inmates while he is evaluated by prison staff.

Cosby is two weeks in and, no matter whose report you believe, it seems safe to say that he’s no longer living his best life.

He wants out of prison — and we’re not referring to the goofy claim that Cosby is planning an elaborate prison break.

No, we mean that his legal team is fighting in court.

They are appealing, trying to throw out his sentence, his conviction, and even the judge. We wouldn’t hold our breath.

His wife, Camille Cosby, is said to be demanding that the judge be investigated. It would be a surprise if her efforts bear fruit.

Cosby has been sentenced to prison, and he may even spend the rest of his life behind bars.

But his conviction for the drugging and sexual assault of Andrea Constand is just a drop in the bucket considering that 60 women came forward to accuse him of similar crimes.

Though some of these survivors may feel vindicated that he is behind bars, very few if any of them will also get their day in court.

Some waited “too long” to report for the legal system to accept. Others are unable to corroborate.

Many feel that Cosby’s incarceration is a victory — but a hollow one.

Perhaps the story, true or not, of the chicken patty incident will bring a smile to a few faces. That’s worth something, at least.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

U.S. Open Fan Who Dunks Chicken Tenders in Coke Sees Dipping Sauce Potential

The U.S. Open tennis fan who disgusted viewers by dunking chicken tenders in soda says her quirky, acquired taste will become socially acceptable … if someone would just invent a new condiment!! Alexa Greenfield tells TMZ … she’s been dunking…


Sunday, August 19, 2018

"Bachelorette" Star Colton Underwood"s Rescue Dog Arrives Home, Chows on Chicken

Colton Underwood’s been united with his furry new roomie, Thor … and the good boy’s already making himself at home. TMZ got video of the 2-year-old German Shepherd inside the ‘Bachelorette’ star’s house Saturday … hesitantly learning to go down…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Teyana Taylor Eats Chicken While Grinding on Strippers

Who says you can’t have your cakes and eat (chicken), too?  That’s what Teyana Taylor did at VLive Dallas — where she enjoyed a stripperific lap dance while chowing down on some delicious chicken.  Oh, and it was all going down with the…


Chicken George in "Roots" "Memba Him?!

Ben Vereen is best known for playing cockfighting trainer “Chicken” George Moore — opposite Olivia Cole and Ian McShane — in the ’70s television series “Roots.” Guess what he looks like now! 


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Super Bowl 52"s Slapping Slogan on Almost Everything, Including Chicken

Super Bowl 52’s taking its slogan seriously … and it’ll be EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE to see and buy. TMZ Sports obtained docs filed by the Minnesota Super Bowl Host Committee outlining where it wants to place its slogan “Bold North.” There’s…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ralphie May"s Last Meal, Jalapeno Poppers and a Chicken Sandwich

It’s not exactly a dream ad for Jack in the Box … Ralphie May chowed down on Jalapeno Poppers and a Chicken Sandwich at 1 AM Friday, and 10 hours later he was dead. We now know Ralphie’s last hours. After performing at Harrah’s Thursday night, he…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Kevin Hart Gets A Whipping in Chicken Costume On Set of New Movie

Kevin Hart’s been ruffling feathers lately with his cheating scandal but Thursday it was him who got his feathers ruffled while hilariously dressed in a chicken costume for his new flick. Hart’s been filming “Night School” in L.A. and during…


Monday, September 4, 2017

Whole Foods Sued: "Your Chicken Ate Rocks and Broke My Teeth"

Whole Foods says eat real food … but one man’s now ruffling feathers with a lawsuit, claiming the grocery store sold him chicken with rocks. Dr. Albert Liu is suing Whole Foods, saying he ordered ready-to-eat Organic Naked Rotisserie Chicken…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Chicken Confounds, Divides the Internet

If the world really does come to an end in the near future due to a nuclear war with North Korea, at least Taran Singh Brar will die happy.

At least this activist will have completed one of the more unusual protests against Donald Trump in recent memory…

… prior to watching himself and millions of other disintegrate in a poisonous mushroom cloud.

On Wednesday afternoon, residents of Washington D.C.and tourists in the area were taken aback when they noticed a 10-foot tall inflatable chicken who had apparently flown the coop.

He was just hanging out near the White House, a look of anger on his face and a Trump-like haircut atop his head.

It didn’t take long, as you might expect, for the Internet to take notice.

And the most common question asked upon its sighting (aside from WTF?!?) was a rather simple one:

Who the heck was behind this Trump chicken?!?

game of chicken

The answer, it turns out, is Brar.

He plopped his creation down between the President’s residence and the Washington Monument so that it was in full view of all news cameras and he made a video in which he explained the genesis behind the chicken.

According to the documentary filmmaker, he chose this farm animal to represent Trump because he believes Trump is a “weak and ineffective leader.”

Speaking to The Huffington Post, Singh Brar added of the Commander-in-Chief: “He’s too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Vladimir Putin.”

Also, the protester emphasizes, he’s “playing chicken with North Korea.”

This critique is a reference to Trump saying the dangerous nation will be met with “force and fury” if it continues to build up its nuclear arsenal and threaten the United States or its allies with an attack.

Many, including many in his own party, have criticized Trump for using such language when dealing with a country that’s led by an unstable mad man.

Singh Brar refers to his giant friend as “Chicken Don” and says it took him five months to acquire the permit necessary to fly him on the premises and everything.

The President was unfortunately on vacation at his golf club in New Jersey working REALLY hard elsewhere when the hatched plan was finally executed, but we’re pretty sure Trump often checks Twitter.

And Twitter had a lot to say about Chicken Don.

“The left would rather spend $ 1300 on a #TrumpChicken, than use that money to feed the homeless. The obsession continues,” wrote one Republican, while some on the Left disagreed with this sentiment.

“Yes, #TrumpChicken is juvenile. But he makes me ridiculously happy. I needed him today. What about you?” one person Tweeted.

Added some dude named Eugene: “Now we have a real President. #TrumpChicken.”

In case you were wondering, Chicken Don does already have an Instagram account and it currently has 638 followers.

It’s unclear when, or if, Singh Brar has a plan for any further fowl play of this nature, but even Trump has to give the guy credit for such a creative display of protest.

Okay, that’s probably not true.

But it’s still hilarious!


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Woman Calls Police on McDonald"s Over Late Chicken Nuggets

Nobody likes to have to wait too long for their food, and fast food restaurants are supposed to live up to their names.

But most people don’t get so hangry that they feel the need to call the police.

McDonald’s chicken nuggets are a fan-favorite.

Sure, health nuts and vegans don’t especially care for them, but in general, people crave the flavorful little delights and their various dipping sauces.

But a woman in Waco, Texas apparently loves them too much.

According to Waco police Sergeant W. Patrick Swanton, a woman called 911 because her chicken nugget order had taken too long and was insufficiently cooked and she believed that she should receive them for free.

Police arrived as she was making the call — because employees had already called 911, reporting that the customer had become belligerent and confrontational.

Swanton’s post to the department’s Facebook page was fairly lighthearted:

“Yes it happens!! We actually had the chicken nugget call last night!”

He added a little more information.

“Officers called to a restaurant drive-thru because a customer was mad her nuggets didn’t get cooked quick enough and why she couldn’t get them for free.”

She got a refund but she did not get her nuggets for free.

On the plus side, she got to drive off instead of going to jail for causing a disturbance or abusing 911, so we’d say that she was pretty lucky.

McDonald’s is as famous for its selection of food as it is for its propensity for terrifying mascots.

It’s a popular enough chain to be involved in viral milkshake stories and actual news reports about car-driving 8-year-olds.

So we guess that it’s no real surprise that Sgt. Swanton referred to the McDonald’s calls as “the chicken nugget call.”

As in, it’s the sort of fabled nonsense that people call in to 911 all over the country, and it finally happened in Waco.

We’ve heard of that sort of thing with people furiously calling the police over late pizza deliveries — we’ve all felt that blend of fury and hunger, but most don’t lose their minds enough to actually dial 911.

So we guess that it’s no real surprise that it happens at McDonald’s from time to time.

But it is sad, though.

Like, people should be more responsible.

The employees probably should have made the nuggets faster and cooked them more thoroughly.

And the customer should definitely have acted more like a person and less like a hunger-induced tantrum.

In the not-so-distant future, it’s pretty likely that fast food places will be mostly or entirely automated.

Maybe then, customers can get their food at exactly the expected rate. Maybe even delivered by drones.

In the meantime, though, McDonald’s is run by humans and sometimes humans mess up, or work slowly, or are in the middle of cleaning the fryer right when you drive up.

That’s just how life works. Don’t lose your cool.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Teenage Chicken Nugget Lover Sets All-Time Twitter Record, Sticks It to Ellen

You really want to break the Internet, Kim Kardashian?

You need not remove any layers of clothing to do so.

As Carter Wilkerson can attest, you simply need to ask a question of Wendy’s via social media.

Back on April 5, this 16-year old from Nevada sent a seemingly simple and harmless Tweet. He thought it would be a fun joke for his friends.

Yo, Wendy’s, Carter inquired. How many re-Tweets for a year of free chicken nuggets?

To Carter’s surprise, the restaurant’s official Twitter account (which has become famous for being awesome and hilarious) actually responded, telling Wilkerson he needed 18 million.

“Consider it done,” Carter wrote back, prior to telling his followers: “HELP ME PLEASE. A MAN NEEDS HIS NUGGS.”

It was all meant to be in good fun… but one should never underestimate the power of Twitter.


Or of chicken nuggets, we guess.

Wilkerson’s Tweet was picked up by one person… and then another person…

… and then it spread like a fire in the wild and when the above message surpassed 3.43 million re-Tweets, Wendy’s said Carter could go ahead and have his free nuggets for a year.

Yes, the post has fallen far short of the 18 million Tweets Wendy’s had initially agreed upon.

As of this morning, however, it had become the MOST RE-TWEETED MESSAGE OF ALL-TIME.

So the chain figured this accomplishment was notable enough for Carter to receive his year’s supply of free food, and also for the company to donate $ 100,000 in his name to the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption.

“You’ve more than earned our respect … and the nuggets,” Kurt Kane, chief concept and marketing officer for The Wendy’s Company, said in a statement.

The previous re-Tweet record belonged to this Ellen DeGeneres-anchor selfie, which Bradley Cooper snapped in 2014 when the comedian hosted that year’s Academy Awards.

Over the past few weeks, as it looked more and more likely that Carter would take the talk show host down, she and Cooper did all they could to hold on to their top spot.

They even recorded the following Public Service Announcement:

Alas, even Ellen could not slow down the young man now known as The Nugget Kid.

In an interview with The New York Times yesterday, when he was 3,600 re-Tweets behind DeGeneres, Wilkerson said he was preparing for AP examples, going over college applications and getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom.

He didn’t expect to become a viral sensation.

But he doesn’t mind the newfound status, either.

“I think they’re all pretty jealous,” Carter said of his classmates. “Who doesn’t want to be the Nugget Kid?”

Now with over 100,000 followers, Carter is trying to use his Internet fame for good.

He encourages followers to donate to Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run, a Reno organization that supports women with breast cancer.

And he also wrote the following back in January, in case anyone thought this was some calculate marketing move by Wendy’s:

liking Wendys

“It’s super important to enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last forever,” Carter tells The Times, adding with honesty:

“It’d be pretty cool to put on my college applications that I’m the No. 1 retweeted tweet of all time.”

And now he can do so!

All without saying anything remotely dumb or controversial, which is more than the following stars can claim:


Wendy"s Rewards Chicken Nugget-Loving Teen for Topping Ellen"s Twitter Record (PHOTO)

Wendy’s just rewarded the teen who tried to score a year’s worth of chicken nuggets — even though he fell more than 14 million shy of the restaurant’s Twitter demands. We ain’t hating, since Carter Wilkinson DID beat out Ellen…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Florida Woman Offers to Trade Blow Job for Chicken McNuggets, Gets Arrested

We have good news for Kim Zolciak:

Despite asking Chrissy Teigen whether her young daughter could give someone head in exchange for meeting John Legend, the reality star has somehow managed NOT to have made the most ridiculous blow job offer of the week.


That (dis)honor falls to Alex Direeno.


A 22-year old Florida resident (of course), Direeno was arrested at 10:15 p.m. on Tuesday and charged with prostitution and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She is being held at the Manatee County jail on bonds totaling $ 620.

But you need to read why…

Earlier that evening, Direeno walked out of a gas station in Bradenton and waved at a stranger.

It turns out that stranger was an undercover detective with the sheriff’s office and he told the woman he was talking to that he was there to pick up Direeno.

So she got into his car.

Soon after the pair started on the road together, the officer solicited Direeno.

He told her that he wanted oral sex and she agreed to perform the act for $ 25.

As they briefly negotiated the price, she finally agreed to go down on the guy for $ 25 … and some Chicken McNuggets.

It’s unclear at this time just how many Chicken McNuggets.

After the detective showed Direeno he had cash on him, he pulled over in the 4200 block of 14th Street West, where other detectives were waiting to take her into custody.

Upon searching the woman, cops found two hypodermic needles, several small baggies, a spoon and a burnt glass pipe; consistent with either heroin or crack cocaine use.

Last month, Direeno was placed on probation for three years after she pleaded guilty to grand theft auto and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She will likely end up in jail for this violation.

more nuggets

We sincerely hope Direeno at least got her Chicken McNuggets.

Because it’s probably the last tasty meal she’ll have for awhile.

In reality, this is a very sad story, but we had to share it nonetheless.

Hopefully, Direeno gets some help and turns her life around.

Being a Florida Woman, however, she has now earned a spot in the Hall of Shame featured below, one that shines a light on the scandalous world of The Sunshine State…


Saturday, February 25, 2017

UFC"s Valentina Shevchenko -- Amanda Nunes Is a Chicken ... Bock, Bock, Bock (VIDEO)

UFC badass Valentina Shevchenko says Amanda Nunes is straight-up SCARED to fight her — and she’s already thinking up excuses to avoid meeting her in the Octagon. Shevchenko — who just beat up Julianna Pena last month — says her sights are set on…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dwyane Wade"s Insane Surprise Bday Party ... Money, Stars, Chicken (Video)

Gabrielle Union made it rain all over Dwyane Wade last night — when she threw him a surprise 35th birthday party complete with money that had his face on it!!  The party was sick — catered by Popeye’s Chicken (delicious) and included live…


Dwyane Wade"s Insane Surprise Bday Party ... Money, Stars, Chicken (Video)

Gabrielle Union made it rain all over Dwyane Wade last night — when she threw him a surprise 35th birthday party complete with money that had his face on it!!  The party was sick — catered by Popeye’s Chicken (delicious) and included live…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Blac Chyna, Rob Kardashian Mix Chicken Wings and Massages At Strip Club (VIDEOS)

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna aren’t putting all their eggs in the TV basket … they’ve gone back to their roots by making some serious cash at the strip club.  The on-off couple hit up Sapphire Strip Club in NYC where Chyna was hosting.…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Conor McGregor Looking Past Floyd Mayweather, More Interested in Chicken (VIDEO)

Hard to tell what Conor McGregor’s more fired up about right now — getting his hands on Floyd Mayweather … or on a juicy fried chicken breast.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Rose McGowan -- CMA Bosses ... "A Bunch of Chicken S****s"

Rose McGowan is disgusted at the people who posted racist comments about Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks, but she’s even more pissed off at the CMA honchos who bowed to the “deplorables” by scrubbing of all things Bey and Chicks. Rose is…
