Showing posts with label Sandwich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandwich. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bill Cosby: Hit in Face By Airborne Chicken Sandwich in Jail Cafeteria

Bill Cosby is two weeks into his three-to-ten year sentence and has started to really get a look at his life behind bars.

His larger-than-life personality is reportedly not meshing well with his fellow inmates.

A new report says that one prisoner got so fed up with him that he chucked the chicken patty from his sandwich at him, striking Cosby in the face.

RadarOnline reports that Cosby was on the receiving end of a projectile patty of the chicken variety.

“Mr. Cosby cracked a joke to another inmate by the infirmary,” their insider reports.

The source continues: “and that inmate was mad enough to take his chicken out of the bun and plunge it at him.”

The report notes that prison food isn’t exactly served in a buffet, so there must have been a great deal of ire behind the move.

“The way I see it,” the insider says. “You have to be very angry to throw your meal in jail because I don’t think you get seconds.”

We would imagine not.

Chicken Patties for Cosby Reference from Instagram

(Disclaimer: these chicken patties are probably a lot nicer than the institutional chicken disk that allegedly struck the disgraced comedian)

The alleged incident comes on the heels of a report that said that Cosby was enjoying the chicken patty.

“Mr. Cosby told us last week that the chicken patty was the best meal he had so far at SCI Phoenix … so that says a lot,” the source notes.

We already mentioned a report that Cosby has earned a nickname and some undeserved respect from fellow inmates.

“They’re calling him the ‘OG,"” the insider claimed. “Lingo for ‘original gangster.”

Clearly, that respect was not universal.

There was another report that said that Cosby tried pudding in prison, and that it was apparently not to his liking.

“He told us on the phone over the weekend ‘I was promoting THIS garbage?!’” The source claimed. “It tastes like something you give a lizard!”

Cosby was famous in the ’90s as the face of jello and pudding advertisements.

“We were caught by surprise,” the insider stated. “We never asked him: ‘Hey, Mr. Cosby, have you ever tried pudding or Jell-O?’”

“I never saw him and I don’t think anybody else ever saw him eating pudding or Jell-O,” the source admitted.

The insider concluded: “but I was pretty damn shocked when he told us he tried it and it wasn’t what he expected.”

Of course, a conflicting report casts into doubt everything that we’ve heard.

TMZ spoke to someone at the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

“This did NOT happen,” their insider said forcefully of the chicken patty incident.

“And,” the source continued. “I am unhappy with anyone who is reporting such fake news.”

What’s more is that Cosby has allegedly had no contact whatsoever with fellow inmates while he is evaluated by prison staff.

Cosby is two weeks in and, no matter whose report you believe, it seems safe to say that he’s no longer living his best life.

He wants out of prison — and we’re not referring to the goofy claim that Cosby is planning an elaborate prison break.

No, we mean that his legal team is fighting in court.

They are appealing, trying to throw out his sentence, his conviction, and even the judge. We wouldn’t hold our breath.

His wife, Camille Cosby, is said to be demanding that the judge be investigated. It would be a surprise if her efforts bear fruit.

Cosby has been sentenced to prison, and he may even spend the rest of his life behind bars.

But his conviction for the drugging and sexual assault of Andrea Constand is just a drop in the bucket considering that 60 women came forward to accuse him of similar crimes.

Though some of these survivors may feel vindicated that he is behind bars, very few if any of them will also get their day in court.

Some waited “too long” to report for the legal system to accept. Others are unable to corroborate.

Many feel that Cosby’s incarceration is a victory — but a hollow one.

Perhaps the story, true or not, of the chicken patty incident will bring a smile to a few faces. That’s worth something, at least.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Guess Who This Sandwich Lover Turned Into!

Before this carb-loving cutie went from movies to television, she was just another munchin’ munchkin enjoying herself in Bryn Mawr, PA. Can you guess who she is?


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ralphie May"s Last Meal, Jalapeno Poppers and a Chicken Sandwich

It’s not exactly a dream ad for Jack in the Box … Ralphie May chowed down on Jalapeno Poppers and a Chicken Sandwich at 1 AM Friday, and 10 hours later he was dead. We now know Ralphie’s last hours. After performing at Harrah’s Thursday night, he…


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Singer Rockwell Cleared, Sandwich Tale Spread Thin for Prosecutors

Rockwell can rest easy … prosecutors are no longer watching him because they’ve rejected the case against him for allegedly hitting his housekeeper … over a sandwich. The L.A. City Attorney said there was insufficient evidence to convict the…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Rockwell Arrested for Beating Up Housekeeper in Sandwich Throwdown

Rockwell, the guy who sang the hit “Somebody’s Watching Me” … got dragged out of his house in handcuffs for allegedly fighting with his housekeeper. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the housekeeper called cops Thursday afternoon to report…


Rockwell Arrested for Beating Up Housekeeper in Sandwich Throwdown

Rockwell, the guy who sang the hit “Somebody’s Watching Me” … got dragged out of his house in handcuffs for allegedly fighting with his housekeeper. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the housekeeper called cops Thursday afternoon to report…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Man F-cks McChicken Sandwich, Internet Reacts in Horror


Google the word "McChicken" at your own risk now now.

Someone has shared a video of himself totally going to town on one of these sandwiches.

His penis is hanging out of his shorts and is placed between the top and bottom bun.

A wrapper is lying on the bed, along with small pieces of lettuce that have fortunately been spared the fate of having this dude squirt his manhood all over them.

The McChicken Banger then thrusts his crotch back and forth through this McDonald"s classic, scarring every viewer for life in the process.

We aren"t about to post the video here.

But we are going to share the reaction of those who have seen it… in the hopes they help you think better of going online to track it down.

1. So NOT Lovin It

So not lovin in

Our eyes! Our eyes! Our eyes are permanently damaged!

2. Nice Buns, Hon

Nice buns hon

Eh, you’ll do.

3. You Want WHAT?!?

You want what

Come on. What about McNuggets?????

4. We Now Pronounce You…

We now pronounce you

Man and Sandwich. We guess.

5. Come Again?

Come again

Actually… no. Please do not come again.

6. Too Easy

Too easy

And yet still… too funny.

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Man Spits in Wife"s Face Over Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Gets Arrested

A man in Georgia has been arrested for reacting to his wife’s cooking in a very inappropriate manner.

The incident took place in Clarke County on Wednesday and it centered on 55-year old James DePaola.

More specifically, it centered on the misguided, over-the-top temper of 55-year old James DePaola.

According to the Athens-Clarke County police department, DePaola started screaming at his wife because he was displeased with the way in which she made his grilled cheese.

James asked for two slices of cheese on the sandwich; his wife used three slices of cheese on the sandwich; and this was deemed unacceptable.

James allegedly spit in his wife’s face during the dispute, causing such an uproar that the couple’s 12-year old daughter called 911.

She told an operator that her dad hit her mother and pulled the phone out of the wall

(She called for help from a cell phone.)

Once authorities arrived, DePaola admitted to pulling the phone from the wall because he said he did not want his wife to call 911 for a “stupid” reason.

(And someone who attacks another person over an extra slice of cheese knows all about stupid reasons.)

The wife, Michele DePaola, told police officers that James has a history of violent and abusive behavior toward her; it has resulted in him being arrested in the past and served with a restraining order.

Michele added that he has not been physically abusive to her in a long time, although he does often control her via criticisms, shouting and cursing.

In the case of this grilled cheese incident, Michele says her husband did NOT hit her and she was never afraid he was going to because he knows James does not want to go back to jail.

James DePaola was charged with obstruction of a 911 call and criminal trespass/damage to property.

We hope he goes back to jail.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Christian Mom Compares Taylor Swift"s Vagina to Ham Sandwich in Graphic Post

You may not be a fan of Taylor Swift’s, especially after her unabashed flaunting of her new, fake relationship with Tom Hiddleston over the past few weeks.

But after the way this Christian mom shamed the singer in graphic fashion on Twitter, we’re Team Tay all the way.

A nasty lady named Jennifer Mayers irresponsibly and erroneously compared her daughter’s vagina to Taylor’s.

Using ham sandwiches as disgusting visual aids.

Yes. Pretty revolting.

And incorrect.

And just every kind of awful.

Basically, she’s ignorantly trying to preach that if you’re Christian, your ham sandwich will resemble that of a porn star’s.

(Yes, you read that right. Ironically, porn stars typically have petite labia, kind of like that represented by the sandwich on the right.)

And because Taylor’s had a few boyfriends in her 20s, Mayers thinks her ham has somehow come loose.

First of all, let’s get the medical facts out of the way:

– Women and their vaginas are all built differently.

– The amount of sexual activity does not change their anatomical proportions. Some have a lot of ham and others less, and that’s just nature.

Secondly, Taylor Swift commentary aside … why in the name of anything that is holy is this sicko talking about her daughter’s vag on Twitter?

Is that in the Bible? Is Jesus cool with this?

And lastly, bringing it back to the pop superstar:

– Of all the famous men Swift has been linked to over the years, no one besides her knows how serious most of those flings were.

– Regardless, Tay Tay can hump as many people as she wants and I’m fairly certain she’d still be a better person than this dingbat.

She stands up for women, attends fan weddings and makes her friends a priority, and even if much of it is done for publicity?

Well, then it’s still far more respectable than slut-shaming others by publicly posting graphic examples of women’s genitalia with sliced deli meat.

Am I wrong? Because after experiencing this, I suspect this woman has single-handedly ruined ham sandwiches forever.

Thank god I’m a vegetarian.