Showing posts with label Wife's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wife's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Korn Frontman Jonathan Davis Speaks Out About Wife"s Death & Mental Illness

Jonathan Davis says his wife Deven was very sick for the past decade, and suggests her mental illness led to her addiction … and it’s to blame for her death. Korn’s lead singer shared a message on Instagram Wednesday night to address what…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Jack Osbourne Apologized for Punching Estranged Wife"s New Boyfriend

Jack Osbourne was immediately regretful for decking his estranged wife’s new boyfriend … and he’s already trying to smooth things over with the guy. Sources close to Jack tell TMZ … right after he delivered a head punch to Lisa Osbourne’s BF,…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Alienation of Affection Lawsuit Sees Bitter Husband Awarded $8.8 Million From Wife"s Lover

In a stunning case, a jilted husband exploited an archaic law to sue the man who had an affair with his wife — and won.

What is truly shocking is how well it worked. The court awarded him an $ 8.8 million judgment, most of which is punitive.

This story and this case is sensational and even ridiculous — but it"s also more troubling than it may sound.

A man named Keith King sued Francisco Huizar III, whom his wife had been seeing for 16 months.

Of the $ 8.8 million that the judge awarded to King in damages, only $ 2.2 were over allegedly tangible losses — because King claims that his company lost money and a valuable employee in the process.

That employee being his wife, Danielle Swords.

King sued Huizar for criminal conversation, alienation of affection, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and assault and battery.

"Criminal conversation" is essentially a legalese euphemism for extramarital sex acts.

The allegations of "assault and battery" are … well, based upon something that happened later.

A little over five years after Danielle Swords married Keith King, she met Huizar at a bike show for her husband"s company, King BMX Stunt Shows.

According to allegations made by King"s attorneys, Huizar "pursued" Swords, which eventually led to him renting a home near her.

From there, the two enjoyed spa days and hotel visits and, you know, normal affair stuff. Please don"t cheat on your spouse, folks.

Apparently King first noticed that his wife was exchanging inappropriate texts with Huizar. If he learned that by going through her private messages without permission, that is a huge red flag.

King has hotel reciepts and call logs that he says support his claims about Huizar.

King"s 33-year-old wife Danielle Swords says that their marriage was already in trouble when Huizar came along, but King disagrees, and lays the blame at the feet of Huizar.

Swords eventually separated from King, moving into an apartment of her own.

When Keith went there, he was apparently "shocked" to see Huizar there with her.

It appears that he freaked out, and Swords recorded a video of him whining "that"s my wife!"

Under other circumstances, one might choose to feel sorry for the guy. As it is, he used the incident to accuse Huizar of assault and battery.

From footage that Swords herself recorded, it looks like all that Huizar did was keep King from entering an apartment where he was not welcome.

Here is why this is serious.

Alienation of Affection laws essentially treat women as property instead of as independent human beings who can make their own choices.

Most states do no have "alienation of affection" laws still on the books, because it"s 2018 and most of us agree that women are people.

But North Carolina still has this law on the books. And so do Hawaii, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah.

Huizar is going to appeal the judgment (paying isn"t even an option, of course), and hopefully, his case"s appeals could get his barbaric law thrown out.

If you"re wondering why so many feel disgust and contempt towards King and not for Swords, who cheated, even though cheating is bad … listen to the way that he talks about her.

Speaking to Inside Edition, King s

"If she had been in a car accident," King says. "And I walked up on the car accident and saw her dead in the car, that"s what it felt like to me."

That is a very creepy comparison. Especially considering that she is a person who is alive and well, but just decided that she didn"t want to be married to him.

"I felt like I had just witnessed her die," King says.

If he feels that the mother of his child only has any value if she"s still "his," it"s no surprise that he dedicated his time and resources to exacting revenge upon the man she prefers in court.

We definitely think that Swords should have not had an affair and instead separated before taking up with Huizar.

But, at the same time, we hope that Huizar"s appeal is successful. The court"s judgment may have followed the law, but the law is dehumanizing to consenting adults and should be overturned or abolished.

Alienation of affection lawsuit sees bitter husband awarded 88 d

Jack Osbourne Allegedly Punched Estranged Wife"s Boyfriend in the Head

Jack Osbourne got into an argument with his estranged wife, then allegedly delivered a blow to the new man in her life … TMZ has learned. Jack went to the home he shares with his his ex, Lisa Osbourne, late Monday night to talk to her. Law…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

George H.W. Bush: Hospitalized 24 Hours After Wife"s Funeral

Just one day after laying his wife of 73 years to rest, George H.W. Bush is in intensive care.

A spokesman for the former President named Jim McGrath said in a statement that the 93-year, “was admitted to the Houston Methodist Hospital yesterday morning after contracting an infection that spread to his blood.”

Continues this update:

“He is responding to treatments and appears to be recovering. We will issue additional updated as events warrant.”

The troubling news of the 41st president’s hospitalization has been made public just two days after the funeral of Barbara Bush, an dvent that took place on April 21 and which was attended by members of the Bush family, Melania Trump, Barack and Michelle Obama.

President Donald Trump chose not to pay his respects in person.

The funeral took place on the grounds of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Mrs. Bush, one of the most respected First Ladies of her era, died last week at the age of 92 after being placed in hospice care.

Said her husband of over seven decades after his wife passed away:

“I always knew Barbara was the most beloved woman in the world, and in fact I used to tease her that I had a complex about that fact.

“But the truth is the outpouring of love and friendship being directed at The Enforcer is lifting us all up.

“We have faith she is in heaven, and we know life will go on – as she would have it. So cross the Bushes off your worry list.”

Barbara Bush also left behind her brother, Scott Pierce, 17 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Tweeted McGrath prior to the funeral on Saturday:

To honor his wife of 73 years and her commitment to family literacy, for which she raised over $ 110 million over the course of over 30 years, @GeorgeHWBush will be wearing a pair of socks festooned with books at today’s funeral service for former First Lady Barbara Bush.

The elder George Bush, meanwhile, is the oldest living former president.

He has battled a handful of health problems over recent years.

Bush was admitted to the hospital twice last year.

In January, he ended up in the ICU for an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia.

Three months later, he was hospitalized “for observation due to a persistent cough that prevented him from getting proper rest.”

Elsewhere, the ex-president’s longtime chief of staff, Jean Becker, said Bush is “broken-hearted” over the loss of his wife.

“So many of you are asking, ‘How is 41?’ He, of course, is broken-hearted to lose his beloved Barbara, his wife of 73 years,” Becker wrote in a statement on Tuesday night, adding:

“He held her hand all day today and was at her side when [she] left this good earth.

Obviously, this is a very challenging time. But it will not surprise all of you who know and love him, that he also is being stoic and strong, and is being lifted up by his large and supportive family.

“He is determined to be there for them as well. He appreciates all the well wishes and support.

Our thoughts go out to this family during this challenging time.


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"Teen Mom" Star Ryan Edwards Arrested Day After Wife"s Pregnancy News

“Teen Mom” star Ryan Edwards really killed the mood — one day after he and his wife announced they’re expecting their first child, he went and got his ass arrested. Law enforcement sources tell us … the 30-year-old was busted Tuesday at his…


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Jesse Williams Denies Estranged Wife"s Girlfriend Allegations

Jesse Williams is firing back at his estranged wife, saying she’s poisoning their children toward him … and he insists she’s all wet when she claims he has a girlfriend. Aryn Drake-Lee has claimed Jesse is romantically involved with a woman the…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Ex-"Bridalplasty" Contestant"s Widower Suing Late Wife"s Estate

The husband of a former contestant on the reality show “Bridalplasty” who was murdered by her lover is suing her estate to get money he says he paid to pay her debts. Derek Michael Harryman claims he’s out $ 235,622.63 after making repairs to the…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Devin Hester Retirement Plans: My Wife"s Pregnant!

Don’t worry about how Devin Hester will stay busy in retirement … the NFL legend tells TMZ Sports his wife is pregnant with a baby boy!  After Hester announced his retirement from the NFL early Tuesday morning — capping off a career as…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

"Hot Felon" Jeremy Meeks Bristles Over Wife"s Miscarriage

Jeremy Meeks has a hot button … anyone asking about his estranged wife’s miscarriage — beware of the stare. We got the “hot felon” leaving Catch with his GF, heiress Chloe Green, where our photog asked about his ex, Melissa Meeks, saying…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Comedian Bobby Slayton Gets $150k in Wife"s Wrongful Death Suit

Bobby Slayton has cut a deal with the caretakers he believes are responsible for his wife’s death … according to new legal docs. We broke the story … “The Pitbull of Comedy” and his daughter, Natasha, sued a doctor and a nursing…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wife"s Grocery List for Husband Turns Into Internet Marvel

For some people, grocery shopping is a mundane task.

For others, it"s a vital undertaking that simply CANNOT be messed up.

Take Era Golwalkar, for example. 

She and her husband, Gaurav, take turns heading to the supermarket each week… and Era finally had it with some of the mistakes Gaurav had been making during his excursions.

As a result, she didn"t just provide him with a basic shopping list; she included very specific descriptions, diagrams and bullet points.

The list has gone viral for understandable, hilarious reasons, while also giving us an opportunity to include other social media interactions between significant others that center around grocery shopping.

Scroll down to find out just how sensitive of a topic this can be…

1. These are the Golwalkars

These are the golwalkars

They live in Pune, India and Era told The Huffington Post that she is a “foodie” who “lives to eat,” while her husband doesn’t prioritize food, exactly, and “eats to live.”

2. It’s a Problem… with THIS Solution!

Its a problem with this solution

Era handed her husband a grocery list that is nothing short of epic. Just look at those details!

3. A Closer Look

A closer look

HA! Check out those potato drawings.

4. "Good Leaves, No Holes"

Good leaves no holes

The heart at the end is key. This list was made with love.

5. Twitter Can’t Get Enough of This List

Twitter cant get enough of this list

Maybe a 7? Possibly a 7.5?

6. A True Cook Cares

A true cook cares

And Era clearly cares. A lot.

View Slideshow

Friday, August 25, 2017

Billy Brown Opens Up About Wife"s Cancer: "It’s Bad News"

She’s the one holding me up.

So Billy Brown tells People Magazine about his wife in the Alaskan Bush People star’s first major interview since Ami Brown was diagnosed late last year with lung cancer.

The diagnosis and Brown’s subsequent treatment has been the main storyline on Season 7 of this Discovery channel series, which has focused on the family leaving Alaska for California.

Ami has been receiving treatment there, while her spouse and husband are expected to settle in Colorado later this year.

After Ami spoke to People about remaining strong in the face of this awful disease, Billy sat down and did the same.

We can’t imagine what he and his seven children are going through and we’ll continue to keep them in our thoughts.

Scroll down, meanwhile, for excerpts from Brown’s Q&A with the aforementioned publication…

On watching his wife suffer: “She’s the strongest person I know, so if she’s saying it hurts, it really hurts. She tries to hide it from everybody but four or five times a day she bends over like a baby and cries.

“She bends over and tears run down.

She put out seven babies without a grunt. I’ve always had a lot of respect for Ami, but I’ve got a lot more now. She makes me feel like a wuss.”

How bad is the cancer? “At least [stage] 3B… We know if it’s in the brain, it’s over. And if it’s in the stomach, that’s bad but this cancer can be right where it is and go anywhere.

“It can go to the brain. It hasn’t traveled to any other organs, but that’s what they’re saying is next. Any time we talk to anybody, it’s bad news.”

The Browns rose to fame due to their remote style of living in Alaska.

But they’ve left their beloved “Browntown” behind.

Ami learned of her cancer in December and lost a significant amount of weight in the months since.

The family was therefore forced to relocate in order to find her the best care.

What was it like to leave Alaska behind? “It wasn’t like it came out of nowhere. We’ve always told the kids they don’t have to follow our lives. We moved out there because we wanted to.

“They just came along and we have been so proud that they wanted to stay with us as long as they did out there but it was time. We had to make this move to do what’s best for Ami.”

Will he miss the freedom of living way out in Alaska? “Freedom is having a family so strong and so with you that you can get through anything. Freedom is being with your family. I can’t lose that. I can’t live without her. I can’t lose her.

“I just pray every day that we’ll get good news.”

How are the kids handling everything? “Some of them don’t want to admit that she’s so bad. They’re all trying to get through it as best they can but no one knows what to do. I do what I can.

“This is really hard but this is also the strongest our faith has ever been. Our faith is giving us hope.”

The two-hour season finale of Alaskan Bush People airs next Wednesday at 9/8c on Discovery.

Fans expect the network to announce Season 8, although some take major issue with the changes that may be on hand for it.

We don’t much care about those at the moment.

We just hope for the very best for Ami and her loved ones.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Sending Nudes and Graphic Sexts Behind Wife"s Back?!

After watching Ryan Edwards nod off while driving to his romantic parking lot wedding to Mackenzie Standifer, we thought the guy couldn’t get much worse.

And, well, honestly that’s still probably the worst thing we’ve ever seen on Teen Mom.

Maybe a better way to phrase it would be “After watching Ryan endanger himself and others while driving high to his tragic wedding, we thought there was nowhere for him to go but up.”

Yeah, that’s better.

And it’s also wrong.

Because as we’re learning from this brand new cheating scandal, things certainly aren’t looking up for Ryan anytime soon.

Just yesterday, we discussed some screenshots from an alleged conversation Ryan had with a young lady on Tinder.

If the idea of this guy having a Tinder account less than three months after getting married to Mackenzie Standifer wasn’t bad enough, the things he was saying to this girl definitely was.

The conversation started out as innocently as a Tinder conversation can, but before too long, Ryan was asking the woman if she was “DTF.”

“Down to f-ck,” for those of you not in the know.

She said that she was, depending on who was asking, and they began arranging a time and place for them to “chill” together.

In those screenshots, their last messages consisted of an exchange of phone numbers …

And now Radar Online has screenshots of their text messages!

Warning: the following is graphic, disgusting, but also completely hilarious in a kind of tragic way.

The texts begin like most texts do — your usual “What’s up?”, “Nothing, you?” business.

The girl asks Ryan for his last name, and after asking why she wants to know (to save his contact info, duh), he tells her it’s Edwards.

He also sends her a selfie, and yep, that’s definitely Teen Mom OG’s current hottest mess.

She asks him why he’s on Tinder because “I thought you were married,” and he confirms that he is married, but “I still like to have a little fun.”

The girl is down for some fun, but first, she says “I want to see more of you.”

You can already tell where this is going, can’t you?

He asks her “What else u want,” because he already sent her one picture, and she tells him she wants a picture of his body. Fortunately for those of us viewing these screenshots, he can’t take one at that moment because he’s driving.

From there, she throws him a curve ball by asking “Are you going to f-ck me?”

He asks her if that’s what she wants, and when she says, yes, he tells her “come on then,” that they can do it whenever she wants at his house.

They made plans to meet at the Food City off highway 58 — and they say romance is dead! — but the plans fell through because Ryan wouldn’t send her more photos.

He starts to get a little upset when she complains that he’s only sent her two photos, one that he could have pulled up with an internet search.

He tells her “Nvm don’t worry about it,” because “I’m not going to continue to try to prove it’s me.”

She rightfully responds by telling him that she wants to be certain of who she’s about to meet, and that’s when it happens.

He sends her a selfie — one that he hasn’t posted anywhere else — AND A DICK PIC.

But by the time he finally agreed to send more photos, she’d already given up on him and gone to bed.

He says that he’ll try to find another time to meet up with her, but in the meantime, he tells her to send him a photo of her.

What kind of photo?

“Send me a sexy one,” he instructs her. “Let me see how pink it is.”

“Me me hard,” he writes. “Come on.”

He then tells her to send him a video of “u playing with your self,” and when she refuses, he says “Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face so I can get u good and wet.”

Horrifying, right?

The girl refuses, but Ryan tries again another day — one when Mackenzie is “out of town,” so he has the house to himself.

They arrange to meet up, but we can’t be sure they ever did, because that’s where this round of screenshots ends.

Ryan has denied the original Tinder messages, saying “I’m married. Get f-ck out of here with that dumb sh-t.”

But, interestingly enough, Radar checked it out, and they confirm that the number in the text messages is actually Ryan’s number.

Can’t wait to see what kind of letter Mackenize is going to write to Maci Bookout to explain this one away!


Sunday, May 28, 2017

UFC"s Daniel Cormier Tosses Wife"s Garter at Wedding Reception, Luke Rockhold Nabs It! (VIDEO)

Daniel Cormier upheld a long running wedding tradition by tossing his wife’s garter at their wedding reception … and his pal Luke Rockhold walked away the winner.  Daniel got slow and sexy while he removed the garter of his…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Chris Cornell"s Wife"s Chilling Account of Singer"s Last Moments Before Suicide

Chris Cornell’s wife knew something was terribly wrong with her husband during their last conversation, and it brought her back 14 years to when Chris was abusing prescription meds. We now know what Vicky told friends and family, and it’s a…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Chris Berman"s Family Issues Statement After Wife"s Death, "Overwhelmed By Love"

ESPN legend Chris Berman and his family say they’re “overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and sympathy” they’ve received in the wake of Kathy Berman’s death.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Chris Berman Gets Support from Big Stars After Wife"s Death

The sports world is rallying around Chris Berman after news broke that his wife died in a car wreck … with huge stars sending their condolences and messages of support to the ESPN legend.  Russell Wilson — “Truly sad to hear Mrs. Kathy…
