Showing posts with label Sending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sending. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Lena Dunham Accused of Sending Unsolicited Vadge Pics to Jack Antonoff

It’s been a while since Lena Dunham has done anything to warrant the attention of us slavering hellhounds in the gossip-sphere.

It could have to do with the fact that she’s adopted a more low-key lifestyle these days and turned her attention to, in her words, “pursuing slow meaningful spiritual progress.”

Of course, it’s equally possible that we all simultaneously decided to stop regularly checking her social media accounts for any number of valid reasons.

(Public interest in her personal life has been on the decline ever since Girls ended; she seems to google herself constantly despite being cursed with very thin skin; Lena-related gossip frequently centers around “hard pass” subject matter like vaginas crammed full of pebbles, etc.)

Whatever the case, there’s less Lena in your life these days, and we don’t need a focus group to know that you’re probably okay with that.

But the never-reliable Star magazine decided to dip its toe back in the Lena pond this week, and despite the high probability that this story is total BS (again, Star magazine) we decided it’s amusing enough to share with you.

As you may recall, back in January, Lena and Jack Antonoff broke up after six years of dating.

By all accounts, the split was mutual and amicable, but it seems Lena misses more about the relationship than just quipping “I hope you bought Anton a drink first!” every time someone said her boyfriend’s full name.

An “insider” tells Star that Lena is still hung up on Jack in a big way, and her obsession is beginning to take a toll on his new relationship.

“She calls Jack at least five times a day, all in the name of ‘friendship’ – and she always talks to him right before she goes to bed,” says the anonymous friend.

“She’ll text him photos of her private parts at like 1 a.m. At that point, he just turns the phone off.”

Not surprisingly, the source also claims that Jack’s new girlfriend, Carlotta Kohl, is less than thrilled with the situation.

“Half the time she spent with him, he was on the phone with his ex!” says the tipster of a recent date between Jack and Carlotta.

We figure September is a good time to get around to our New Year’s resolution of trying something new every day, so we’re actually gonna defend Lena instead of making a bunch of easy jokes at her expense.

Here goes nothing:

Lena Dunham is probably not sending unsolicited vadge pics to her ex-boyfriend, and the only way this source could sound more made-up is if it called the situation “steamy,” or used some other word that’s only ever been used by tabloid writers.

Now if you’ll excuse us, this small act of decency has made us feel all out of sorts.

We’re gonna go kick a puppy or vote Republican or something to balance ourselves out.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jon Gosselin: Look, Kate! I"m Sending Hannah to School!

Jon Gosselin appears to be using his daughter as a way to throw shade at his ex-wife.

Shocking, we know.

We’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw up off the floor…

Just a few days after Kate Gosselin shared a photo of her kids’ first day back at school, Jon Gosselin has gone ahead and posted personal highlight from daughter Hannah’s debut as an eighth grader.

“Congrats Hannah on your first day of school, proud of you. I admire your bravery starting fresh!!!” Jon wrote as a caption to the image below, adding;

“I Love you very much and we have worked really hard to get here. Dedication has really paid off.”

It does seem as though Jon and Hannah have worked really hard to mend what was once a contentious relationship.

For about a month now, Jon has shared images of himself and this daughter, actually spending quality time as a small family unit.

Concluded Jon in the message he attached to this snapshot:

“I’m so happy you integrated yourself into the community, you made friends all summer and now you will grow and graduate with them. I’m honored to be your father!!!

“Love you, Dad #newbeginnings.”

Back on Father’s Day, Hannah wrote on Instagram that she loved Jon and that he was “the best dad anyone could ask for.”

This came as quite a shock to anyone who has followed his adventures after he and Kate split up and would have come to the exact opposite conclusion as a result.

However, Jon and Hannah celebrated July Fourth together this year and sources have even said that Jon now has primary custody of the teenager.

Of course, Kate herself does NOT say this.

In the latest fight between the cantakerous and irritating exes, Kate has objected to Jon’s claim that Hannah “permanently” resides with him.

“[Kate] maintains full custody of all eight of her kids,” a source familiar with the situation told People Magazine a couple weeks ago.

This seems like a really simple issue to resolve. We’re not really sure how there can be a debate over which parent Hannah is residing with.

But we’re not sure how Jon and Kate managed to live in the same house for years without killing each other, either.

In the end, as long as the children are safe, happy and healthy… hey, whatever.

We figure Jon shared this image of Hannah going off to school as a pretty clear jab toward Kate, to make it appear to the public as if he’s the one in charge of her life.

As for which side we’re taking in this never-ending feud?


We know far better than to get involved here.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Demi Lovato BFF Dani Vitale Begs Fans to Stop Sending Death Threats

In the aftermath of Demi Lovato’s overdose and hospitalization, her backup dancer and bff Dani Vitale received death threats from Demi’s own fans.

See, fans think that, because Demi was partying after celebrating Dani’s birthday, that Dani and other friends are somehow to blame for her relapse and overdose.

Dani has finally broken her silence and is imploring Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats to the ones who love Demi the most.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist thinks that Demi’s friends are to blame for her relapse and overdose. Dani Vitale says that no, they all love and care about Demi.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Dani writes on Instagram.

It’s worth noting that she turned off comments on the post. We can only imagine the sort of vitriol that she might otherwise receive under her words.

“I have not said anything about this situation until now,” Dani acknowledges.

Just because you don’t write about it on social media doesn’t mean that you don’t care. Obviously.

Dani explains that her silence is “because her recovery has been of the most importance.”

Dani Vitale message to Demi Lovato fans

“I was not with Demi when the incident happened,” Dani clarifies.

She shouldn’t have to defend herself, of course, but perhaps that explanation will put people’s minds at ease.

“I am with her now,” Dani writes. “And will continue to be because she means the world to me just as she does to all of you.”

Danie emphasizes: “There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time.”

“There is too much of it in this world as it is,” she explains. She’s right about that.

Dani’s heart goes out to Demi’s fans, many of whom are young and have never dealt with such a sudden health crisis in a pop star.

“I know you’re all feeling lost without her at this moment in time,” Dani writes.

“Remember,” Dani implores them. “That you have always been a community of Lovatics who LOVE.”

Sometimes, a lot of people forget right and wrong when they’re looking at a screen instead of a person’s face.

Writing a message on social media is not the same as screaming into a void.

Dani asks: “Please remember that when you take out your phones and start typing.”

That’s good advice for anyone, not just for Lovatics.

“Remember that we all love her more than we can ever put into words,” Dani reminds the world.

“Please,” Dani concludes. “Continue to send her love during her recovery.”

Of course.

The sad truth of the matter is that there are cases in which friends are at least partly to blame for an overdose.

Factors like peer pressure aside, if someone provides the wrong dosage or the wrong drug, or if they simply fail to check on a person, that person has not been a good friend and may even bear some responsibility for an overdose.

When people who know very few of the facts of an overdose decide that they know exactly what happened, that’s a problem.

To make matters worse, well, they really should not be sending death threats. To anyone. They should not be bombarding Demi’s loved ones with hate now or at any other time.

And, again, Dani literally wasn’t even there for the overdose.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jaden Smith"s Sending More Clean Water to Flint Schools

Jaden Smith’s mission to send clean water to Flint, Michigan schools is still full steam ahead. We got Jaden in Calabasas on Wednesday, and got an update on the Flint water crisis. ICYMI … Jaden and his famous dad’s eco-friendly water company,…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Woman Arrested for Sending 65,000 Texts to Dude She Barely Knows

An Arizona woman named Jacqueline Ades has been arrested for breaking into the home of a man with whom she went on a single date last year.

This illegal act took place after she sent him approximately 65,000 texts over the course of several months, according to authorities, who have confirmed Ades would sometimes fire off as many as 500 texts in a single day.

And we know what you’re thinking:

What the what now?!?

We thought that stalker who thought Rihanna would willing sleep with him was a bit off his rocker.

The name of the man at the center of this text message flurry is unknown at the moment, but court documents state Ades met him on a dating website at some point last year.

The pair went out just one time.

According to a local ABC affiliate, the harassment began shortly after this outing.

The Paradise Valley Police Department reported that it had received four calls about Ades either entering the man’s residence or his place of business between July 2017 and this month.

In April, the man called 911 because he could see via surveillance video that Des was in his house. When police arrived the scene, she was taking a bath.

A butcher knife was later found in her car.

Ades was taken into custody and charged with felony trespass to a residence. Upon her release, she allegedly sent a text message to the man that read:

“Don’t ever try to leave me … I’ll kill you … I don’t wanna be a murderer.”

On May 4, police responded to a call from a business owned by the man because Ades was “acting irrationally and claiming to be the wife of the owner.”

She now faces felony charges of stalking and threatening and intimidating, as well as a misdemeanor count of harassment.

In an interview from an Arizona jail house late last week, Ades didn’t deny that she had been in constant, one-sided contact with the man.

“I felt like I met my soulmate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” Ades said.

Why did she send him so many messages?

“Loving him selflessly brought me his information,” she explained. “Because everybody just wants to take. But if you just give and you don’t stop giving, you will all of a sudden receive a lot.”

Why did she call him a “filty Jew” and reference “Hitler” and seemingly threaten his life on many occasions?

Ades often told reporters they had “negative energy” when they posed such questions, eventually adding:

“I have to share the message of love. Everybody has to love each other.”

Ades is scheduled to appear in court May 15. She is being held without bond.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Fans: Please Stop Sending David Eason Death Threats!

Jenelle Evans’ reputation has hit rock bottom so many times that we’re not even remotely surprised when she sinks to a new low.

The past week has seen Jenelle drawn into an ugly conflict with her castmates that began with an unprovoked remark from her unemployed husband, David Eason.

For reasons that defy explanation, Eason commented on a photo of Leah Messer’s 8 -year-old daughter, and it was every bit as creepy as it sounds.

David thought the girl was wearing too much makeup, and because it’s not at all weird AF for 30-year-old men to sit around thinking about young girls’ makeup, he decided to let the world know.

But David apparently got upset when people said mean things in response, so now he’s enlisted his wife to defend him:

“Now to me, it looked pretty heavy. To my friends, it looked heavy. So David was the only one who commented on it,” Jenelle said in a video posted to Instagram today.

“He commented on some cheerleading makeup and you guys are sending him death threats. Do you understand how wrong that is?”

Oh, the irony of a woman complaining that people are being mean to her grown-ass husband because he thought it would be smart to publicly to bully a child.

Proving once again that she hasn’t the foggiest notion of how normal people think, Jenelle went on to “defend” Eason by admitting that his main motivation for trash-talking a third grader was revenge against the girl’s mom:

“He doesn’t hate Leah, but when you go on someone’s podcast talking pure shit and when you go on Snapchat talking pure shit, people don’t forget that Leah,” she continued.

“So David decided to comment on it, he didn’t have to go onto her Instagram and comment on it, but you know what, he did and I mean whatcha gonna do about it?”

You almost have to admire the lack of self-awareness here.

Jenelle absolutely lost it when David got fired from Teen Mom 2 for spewing idiotic comments on social media, but now that he’s back at it, she’s trying to act like a nonchalant badass about the whole thing.

The question, Jenelle, is what are you gonna do about it, and this time, it’s not rhetorical.

You see, as long as you’re employed by the network and easily butthurt by fan comments, you’re far from impervious, so you might want to exercise your authority as the sole breadwinner and rein David’s ass in a little bit.

Evans concluded her video with a sarcastic apology to Leah:

“I’m so sorry if my husband got on your account and commented on your Instagram, maybe you should block him or delete him and then you won’t see his comments anymore. Problem solved.”

Does Jenelle remember that she was the one who sent cease and desist letters to her castmates because they made jokes about her on Twitter?

If not, we’ll be happy to remind her,

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just what an absurd human being Jenelle is.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Kendrick Lamar"s Label Honcho Sending 1,000 Watts Kids To See "Black Panther"

Nearly 1,000 kids from three different Watts-area housing projects will be able to see “Black Panther” this weekend for the price of FREE 99, thanks to the CEO of Kendrick Lamar’s record label. The man behind the gesture is Anthony “Top Dawg”…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Metta World Peace: LaVar Is a Genius For Sending Kids to Lithuania

Metta World Peace thinks LaVar Ball’s move to ship his kids to Lithuania is “extremely brilliant” — telling TMZ Sports he’s putting the boys in the BEST possible position to succeed.  And yeah, he’d dead serious.  Metta played in both…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Texas Congressman Joe Barton Apologizes for Sending Nude Pic to Woman, Not His Wife

Texas Congressman Joe Barton sent nudes and illicit text messages to a woman, and he’s apologizing for the graphic image first revealed by a Twitter user. Barton, a Republican, sent the nude photo showing his penis. The Twitter user censored the…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Ethika Sending $250K of Underwear to Hurricane Harvey Victims

Ethika Underwear will have Houston’s back and front covered — thanks to a massive shipment of sports bras and underwear that’s headed to Texas. Ethika announced Wednesday it had sent 14,000 pairs of men’s, women’s, and kids underwear to George…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Sending Nudes and Graphic Sexts Behind Wife"s Back?!

After watching Ryan Edwards nod off while driving to his romantic parking lot wedding to Mackenzie Standifer, we thought the guy couldn’t get much worse.

And, well, honestly that’s still probably the worst thing we’ve ever seen on Teen Mom.

Maybe a better way to phrase it would be “After watching Ryan endanger himself and others while driving high to his tragic wedding, we thought there was nowhere for him to go but up.”

Yeah, that’s better.

And it’s also wrong.

Because as we’re learning from this brand new cheating scandal, things certainly aren’t looking up for Ryan anytime soon.

Just yesterday, we discussed some screenshots from an alleged conversation Ryan had with a young lady on Tinder.

If the idea of this guy having a Tinder account less than three months after getting married to Mackenzie Standifer wasn’t bad enough, the things he was saying to this girl definitely was.

The conversation started out as innocently as a Tinder conversation can, but before too long, Ryan was asking the woman if she was “DTF.”

“Down to f-ck,” for those of you not in the know.

She said that she was, depending on who was asking, and they began arranging a time and place for them to “chill” together.

In those screenshots, their last messages consisted of an exchange of phone numbers …

And now Radar Online has screenshots of their text messages!

Warning: the following is graphic, disgusting, but also completely hilarious in a kind of tragic way.

The texts begin like most texts do — your usual “What’s up?”, “Nothing, you?” business.

The girl asks Ryan for his last name, and after asking why she wants to know (to save his contact info, duh), he tells her it’s Edwards.

He also sends her a selfie, and yep, that’s definitely Teen Mom OG’s current hottest mess.

She asks him why he’s on Tinder because “I thought you were married,” and he confirms that he is married, but “I still like to have a little fun.”

The girl is down for some fun, but first, she says “I want to see more of you.”

You can already tell where this is going, can’t you?

He asks her “What else u want,” because he already sent her one picture, and she tells him she wants a picture of his body. Fortunately for those of us viewing these screenshots, he can’t take one at that moment because he’s driving.

From there, she throws him a curve ball by asking “Are you going to f-ck me?”

He asks her if that’s what she wants, and when she says, yes, he tells her “come on then,” that they can do it whenever she wants at his house.

They made plans to meet at the Food City off highway 58 — and they say romance is dead! — but the plans fell through because Ryan wouldn’t send her more photos.

He starts to get a little upset when she complains that he’s only sent her two photos, one that he could have pulled up with an internet search.

He tells her “Nvm don’t worry about it,” because “I’m not going to continue to try to prove it’s me.”

She rightfully responds by telling him that she wants to be certain of who she’s about to meet, and that’s when it happens.

He sends her a selfie — one that he hasn’t posted anywhere else — AND A DICK PIC.

But by the time he finally agreed to send more photos, she’d already given up on him and gone to bed.

He says that he’ll try to find another time to meet up with her, but in the meantime, he tells her to send him a photo of her.

What kind of photo?

“Send me a sexy one,” he instructs her. “Let me see how pink it is.”

“Me me hard,” he writes. “Come on.”

He then tells her to send him a video of “u playing with your self,” and when she refuses, he says “Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face so I can get u good and wet.”

Horrifying, right?

The girl refuses, but Ryan tries again another day — one when Mackenzie is “out of town,” so he has the house to himself.

They arrange to meet up, but we can’t be sure they ever did, because that’s where this round of screenshots ends.

Ryan has denied the original Tinder messages, saying “I’m married. Get f-ck out of here with that dumb sh-t.”

But, interestingly enough, Radar checked it out, and they confirm that the number in the text messages is actually Ryan’s number.

Can’t wait to see what kind of letter Mackenize is going to write to Maci Bookout to explain this one away!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Monday, January 16, 2017

Justin Bieber Troll Arrested for Allegedly Extorting Young Fans into Sending Nude Photos

A man is in custody for allegedly trolling the Internet for Justin Bieber fans, targeting young girls and strong-arming them into sending him nude photos … or else. Bryan Asrary allegedly found a 9-year-old girl back in 2014 who was viewing…


Friday, February 12, 2016

Florida Teacher Fired For Sending Nude Photos to Students

Based on recent stories like the criminal who hid from cops in a gator pond and promptly got eaten by gators, you might think that the state of Florida has simply given up on educating its residents.

But believe it or not, there are still functioning schools in the Sunshine State – they’re just staffed with teachers like Dionne Younce.

Dionne Younce

Until this week, Younce was a gym teacher at Nease High School in Ponta Vedra, Florida. She was fired when administrators realized she’d been sending nude photos to multiple male students.

Yes, it seems Younce wasn’t content to just send her racy Snapchats to one teen, she hit up multiple students, two of whom reportedly realized what was going on when they showed one another the pics they’d received.

Not surprisingly, Younce is currently under investigation and may face criminal charges.

It’s not known exactly how long Younce was with the school, but sources say she was such a recent hire that she was still in the probationary period of her employment.

It takes some teachers years to find the student they want to send nude photos to, but Younce found several in just a few months.

Even so, we’re guessing she doesn’t feel particularly lucky this Valentine’s Day weekend.

Cheer up, Dionne. You may never teach again, but you’ve earned a spot in our Florida Woman Hall of Shame:

Friday, September 25, 2015

Selena Gomez -- Sending Signals ... "Memba This, Justin? (PHOTO)


0925-selena-gomez-gettySelena Gomez is heaping praise on Justin Bieber, and dayummm if she’s not looking hot enough to suck the guy right back to her.

All the right parts of Selena were showing as she strutted out of her London performance in a revealing gown Thursday night. She recently said the ups and downs of her relationship with Justin were the fuel for her new album, “Revival.”

And seemingly referring to his comeback, she gushed … “This is what I always saw in him.”

Pay attention, Justin.