Showing posts with label Jaden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaden. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jaden Smith Loves Colin Kaepernick, But Still Won"t Buy Nike

Jaden Smith loves Colin Kaepernick and the movement he’s leading … but his new ad isn’t gonna make Jaden go on a Nike shopping spree any time soon. We got Jaden at LAX Tuesday and asked him about the “Just Do It” push with Kaep. At first, Jaden…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jaden Smith"s Sending More Clean Water to Flint Schools

Jaden Smith’s mission to send clean water to Flint, Michigan schools is still full steam ahead. We got Jaden in Calabasas on Wednesday, and got an update on the Flint water crisis. ICYMI … Jaden and his famous dad’s eco-friendly water company,…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Jaden & Willow Smith Approve Dad"s "ICON" Video Spoof

Jaden and Willow Smith had no dad jokes when Will spoofed Jaden’s “ICON” music video — far from it, but they were in the mood to laugh about lots of other things. We got Jaden and Willow separately Thursday night in Calabasas as…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jaden and Willow Smith"s Family Tree Project

Jaden Smith doesn’t just give back to his community — he goes topless to give back, and makes it look good … as his pops once put it. We’re guessing Will and Jada Pinkett Smith are pretty proud of Jaden and his sister, Willow,…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Jaden Smith Tries Mastering Art of Surfing in Hawaii

Jaden Smith on a surfboard was like a newborn giraffe taking its first steps… wobbly as hell but gets the job done. Jaden’s out in Hawaii on vacation with little sis Willow …  and both suited up to hit the waves. Jaden’s no…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Jaden, Willow, Will, Jada, Smith Family Singin" and Groovin"

Jaden and Willow Smith performed in front of a packed house while their parents looked on and swayed to the music. The fam was at Sagebrush Cantina Friday night in Calabasas.  It looks like people were hanging from the rafters as the parents…


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Jaden Smith: The Four Seasons Tried to Kill Me with Pancakes!

Jaden Smith has said some very strange things ever since he entered the public domain.

Like, some VERY strange things.

He once swore he was a vampire, for example.

He also wore a Batman costume to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s wedding and claimed to have done so in the name of protection.

But the following barrage of Tweets from Will and Jada’s only son may take the cake.

The pancake, as the case may be.

This past Saturday, the 18-year old fired up the old social media machine and went OFF about his experience at the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto in Canada.

According to the actor and occasional rapper, he had a worse time there than movie goers had while watching After Earth.

That’s what happens when an establishment kicks you out and attempts to murder you.

Spending time up north to film Life In A Year, Smith shared a number of strange and angry messages over the weekend, making it clear he was bothered by how the hotel treated him.

FIRST: The Four Seasons In Toronto Just Made Me Want to Throw Up On MySelf.

THEN: I Hope The Four Seasons In Toronto Puts Me On The No Stay List.

AND THEN: The Four Seasons In Toronto Spiked My Pancakes With Cheese, I’m Surprised I’m Still Alive.

AND FINALLY:  After They Kicked Me Out Of My Room.

Smith, who brought his hair as his date to the MET Gala in New York City on May 1, has always been a bit of an eccentric.

But what prompted these cryptic Tweets and complaints?

jaden tweets

According to impressive E! News research, Jaden asked to stay an extra day at The Four Seasons on Saturday.

The staff, however, was unable to accommodate this request, partly because The Weeknd was in town for a concert and folks around there love that native son.

The place was simply booked, so Smith was less “kicked out” and more “required to leave based on the agreement he made when he checked into the hotel previously for an establishment set of dates.”

What about the whole cheese-spiking comment?

This particular Four Seasons location serves a breakfast item described as “Lemon Ricotta Hotcakes.”

Perhaps Jaden read the name of the dish too quickly? And is allergic to cheese? And thought there was some grand conspiracy afoot to make him fall very ill?

It’s difficult to say.

It’s nearly always difficult to say when trying to interpret a Tweet from Jaden Smith.

Not that we’re complaining. Quite the opposite, in fact.

As you can see below, this teenager keeps us curious, busy and entertained with his Tweeter account.

We wish all celebrities would to that!


Friday, April 21, 2017

Cuba Gooding Jr. Works Through Pain of Dad"s Death, Filming with Jaden Smith (PHOTOS)

Cuba Gooding Jr. coped with the pain of his dad’s death by working on his movie with Jaden Smith. They were in Toronto shooting Friday morning — the day after Cuba Gooding Sr. passed away. Focusing on his work seemed to do Cuba some good…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Moonlight" Kid Jaden Piner Still Has To Take Out Trash Depsite Film"s Oscar Win

Jaden Piner, one of the kid stars from “Moonlight,” might’ve walked the Oscar red carpet, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to take out the trash at home. We got 13-year-old Jaden at LAX where he told us he got a real taste for how the stars…


Friday, February 24, 2017

"Moonlight" Kid Jaden Piner Has Will Smith Goals at the Oscars (VIDEO)

“Moonlight” star Jared Piner has 2 huge goals for his first Oscar night — getting next to one of those golden statues AND meeting with Will Smith. He’s only prepared for one of those. Jared plays the kid version of one of the main characters,…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jaden Smith: I Used to Be a Vampire! No, Really!

Jaden Smith, perhaps the most bizarre celeb offspring in the entire history of bizarre celeb offspring, went and did his strangest interview yet. 

In a sit-down with France’s Numéro magazine, he discussed what it was like that one time he was a total vampire. Like, total.  

In the interview, Jaden said, “During a period of my life, I was Gothic.” 

That in itself seems to be a regular phase of … well, somebody’s childhood, but you need to keep in mind that weird old Jaden Smith was likely the offspring of a Thetan god and was born on a spaceship, and isn’t a regular kid at all. 

“I was only wearing black and I was hiding from the sun because I was a vampire.”  

Yeah, you heard that right – he was a real-life vampire, y’all. 

“I was a vampire, for real,” he claimed. “I could not expose myself to the sun, and I was only wearing black trench coats.” 

Li’l Jaden was apparently misled at some point in his life, because we all know that vampires don’t wear black trench coats; real vampires sparkle in the sun and only don designer threads. 


He’s not a vampire, anymore, though – Jaden’s just a normal kid these days, and no mention was made about drinking blood, which, in itself, would lend credence to the idea that you might be a night-stalker with an insatiable thirst for mammal serum. 

“I open myself up to wear brighter things,” he said, and claimed that he’s no longer a vampire. “[I] go out in daylight. I share much more mixed energy.”

Just how normal is Jaden Smith now? OMG, like, so normal. 

“There are odysseys in which I am engaged now, those I can put in place if I want, [as well as those] I could undertake in the future,” he revealed. 

“Some immerse themselves in painting, studying intensely, or demonstrate extreme concentration,” he said. “The adaptability of the human seems endless, until the day they die.”  

Boy, he was a vampire and he has a loose grasp on the human condition. Who wants a cookie? Does Jaden want a cookie? Have a cookie, Jaden. 

Apparently, the human adaptability with this one is so great, he can change himself from human to a harbinger of eternal night during adolescence.  

That’s not vampirism, homes … that’s called puberty. 


Monday, August 8, 2016

Jaden Smith: Not Dead, Still Dating Sarah Snyder

Jaden Smith is a strange character.

The son of Will and Jada Smith is taking his perpetually perplexing celebrity offspring game to new heights these days, and he’s receiving plenty of attention as a result.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Jaden passed a “famous in his own right” milestone over the weekend when he became the subject of a death hoax.

Yes, reports that Jaden had committed suicide were everywhere on Friday and Saturday, and while the whole thing was a bit morbid, it’s something that Jaden can hang his hat on as an indication that he’s arrived.

From Chloe Grace Moretz to Pawn Stars favorite Chumlee, every A-lister and whatever the hell Chumlee is has been the subject of an unwarranted rumor about his or her death.

Now Jaden has officially joined the ranks of Hollywood’s top actors, musicians, and Chumlees with reported that he killed himself following a breakup with longtime girlfriend Sarah Snyder.

Thankfully, we know that Jaden is still alive and well -but what about his relationship?

Well, Ms. Snyder added fuel to the rumor fire by making all of her social media accounts private over the weekend, but we now have confirmation that she and Jaden are definitely still an item.

The young couple was spotted out and about in NYC – fittingly enough for the New York premiere of Suicide Squad.

Prior to putting a lid on her Instagram and Twitter accounts, Sarah raised eyebrows with a caption reading:

“When your little ex is salty. You’re in love with your man. Btw, thanks for the flowers baby.”

Despite that apparent diss, sources close to Sarah and Jaden confirm that they’re still a couple.

As for whether or not Snyder will wind up in jail before the year is out, well, that remains to be seen.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Jaden Smith Dead? Suicide Hoax Just Won"t Quit on Facebook

Is Jaden Smith dead? Fans across the world are freaking out over a suicide death hoax, one that has dogged the young celebrity for over a week.

Disturbing as that is, we can happily report that he is alive.

A Facebook story is going viral that purports Jaden dead.

However, the 18-year-old has not in fact killed himself. Insiders say that “the news was not true and didn’t come from a legitimate source.”

In fact, one source close to the situation confirms, “users who clicked the above-displayed message were greeted with a popup message.”

The fake story of Smith’s death cites big websites like CNN and TMZ to make it appear real, but in fact was click bait and nothing else.

In reality, Jaden is promoting his new Netflix series The Get Down and hanging out with his father Will Smith, who is promoting Suicide Squad.

The false Jaden Smith suicide rumors have been so pervasive that many questionable apps have been downloaded as a result of clicking.

Please, do not fall victim to this blatantly false scam.

Insiders say Smith did not find the death hoax very funny at all, however reports of his untimely demise didn’t seem to faze his busy life.

Since his 18th birthday July 8, Jaden has continued to work on his first album, including a “leaked” music video believed to be its first single.

Jaden can also take comfort in the fact that he is far from the first famous person to be fake killed by the Internet in such bizarre fashion …

Here are a bunch of other hoax “victims” …

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sarah Snyder: Jaden Smith"s Girlfriend Does Drugs, Drops N-Bombs on Instagram

It was back in October of 2015 that we first reported about Jaden Smith’s girlfriend, Sarah Snyder, and it wasn’t because she’s such a fine, upstanding young lady.

At the time Snyder was facing jail time for a $ 16,000 Hermes handbag and enjoyed showing the world what a total badass she is by rocking a t-shirt with her mug shot on it:

Not surprisingly, she got off with a slap on the wrist (The rich are different from you and me. Their kids are brattier.), and now she’s back on social media showing the world that she’s the rebel to end all rebels.

KylieAndJaden, an Instagram page that seems to exist for the sole purpose of ‘shipping – you guessed it – Kylie and Jaden (and flaming Sarah) has posted evidence of Snyder engaging in some activities that Will and Jada would likely not approve of.

And we ain’t talking about flipping the bird and talking about how much After Earth sucked.

No, we’re talking more along the lines of popping Xanax by the handful and smoking weed:

There was another video that showed Sarah snorting coke, but it’s been removed from IG.

Oh, and then there’s this lovely comment that Snyder posted on a friend’s photo:

Will and Jada are known as being pretty lenient parents (Read: They let their kids do whatever the hell they want.), but we imagine they’re not huge fans of Jaden’s new boo. 

The funny thing is that there are some young Jaden fans out there who flipped their lids when rumors that Smith was dating Kylie Jenner began to circulate online.

Well, we hope they’re happy with the way things turned out.

Now it seems he’s getting serious with Snyder, a girl who makes Kylie look like Mother Teresa.

Our hats off to the guy if this is just a masterful way of trolling his fans.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jaden Smith Wants to Fix "The Whole Planet Earth"

Jaden Smith made many headlines in early January when he wore a skirt for a Louis Vutton campaign.

But the 17-year old actor/rapper doesn’t comprehend what all the fuss over his occasional fashion choices are all about.

Because he doesn’t see gender when it comes to fashion.

“I feel like people are kind of confused about gender norms,” Smith tells the April issue of British GQ Style, adding:

“I feel like people don’t really get it. I’m not saying that I get it, I’m just saying that I’ve never seen any distinction.”

To be specific and to be clear, the very concept of gendered garments escapes Smith.

“I don’t see man clothes and woman clothes,” he says. “I just see scared people and comfortable people.”

Among his more eccentric fashion selections, Smith donned a dress last year while accompanying actress Amandla Stenberg to the prom.

Jaden, meanwhile, has his sights set far beyond changing how people view skirts, dresses and other garments.

“I’m really working towards just fixing the whole planet Earth. I really just want to create a utopia on this planet,” he tells GQ Style.

“I really want to make it so that people don’t have to die to pay bills and just work to survive. So that they can work to actually live and do the things that they love to do.”

That’s an admirable goal and we fully support it.

But as long as Smith promises not to make an After Earth sequel, we’ll be happy.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Jaden Smith Dons Skirt for Louis Vutton Campaign

Jaden Smith has been announced as the new face of Louis Vutton.

But it’s not the star’s face on which most people are focused today.

Instead, many people are taken aback by the 17-year old’s first print ad on behalf of the fashion company, which has hired Smith to promote its latest spring/summer womenswear collection.

Yes, WOMENSwear.

Smith – who is featured above alongside models Sarah Brannon, Rianne Van Rompaey and Jean Campbell – has been known to wear dresses as part of his androgynous style.

He rocked a dress while attending the prom last year and also sometimes wears a Batman costume because… why not, right?

“Thank You So Much @louisvuitton And @nicolasghesquiere For The Opportunity To Impact This World,” Jaden Tweeted this morning in response to the campaign, giving a shout out to the artistic director of the fashion house, Nicolas Ghesquiere.

The teenager, of course, is the only son of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

He’s dabbled in acting and in rapping and is now trying his hand at modeling.

He was rumored at one time to be dating Kylie Jenner.

Nicolas Ghesquière, creative director of the house of Louis Vuitton, explained why the label wanted Jaden to model for this particular collection:

“Why does Jaden Smith star in this campaign? He represents a generation that has assimilated the codes of true freedom, one that is free of manifestos and questions about gender.

“Wearing a skirt comes as naturally to him as it would to a woman who, long ago, granted herself permission to wear a man’s trench or a tuxedo.”

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sarah Snyder: Jaden Smith"s Girlfriend Faces Jail Time?!

No one knows exactly how long Jaden Smith and 19-year-old model Sarah Snyder have been dating, but prosecutors in New York might soon throw a serious monkey wrench in their relationship.

Back in June, Sarah was arrested for allegedly stealing a $ 16,000 Hermes handbag from an upscale boutique.

Most young women in Sarah’s position would strike a plea deal, but Snyder’s lawyer announced this week that she’ll be taking her chances in court. 

Considering the astronomical cost of the bag and the fact that this may not be Snyder’s first brush with the law, the gamble could carry significant consequences – including a lengthy stint behind bars.

Those closest to Sarah are reportedly concerned that she’s not taking the charges seriously. Here she is wearing a t-shirt with her mug shot on it in a photo that she posted to Instagram:

Snyder captioned the pic “56 nights,” which is a reference to a Future song about a prison sentence. 

Clearly, she’s not concerned about the very real possibility of going to jail, and it’s possible that she’s even romanticizing the whole thing.

Bizarrely, this is the latest legal dust-up that Jaden has been indirectly involved with in the past few days.

Last week a California teen accused Kylie Jenner of stalking and harassing her, all because Kylie was allegedly jealous of her relationship with Jaden.

Clearly, Will’s son has a soft spot for the bad girls!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kylie Jenner Accused of Stalking, Harassing Girl ... Over Jaden Smith?!

A young woman named Chelsea Clark has accused Kylie Jenner of launching a three-year campaign to ruin her life, all because Chelsea made the mistake of becoming romantically involved with Jaden Smith.

Though neither has ever confirmed it, it’s widely believed that Kylie dated Jaden for a brief time several years ago. 

Chelsea claims she was also involved with Jaden during that time, which led Kylie to launch a full-blown cyber-stalking and harassment campaign against her.

Clark says Kylie called her and ominously said, “Leave my boyfriend alone, because you will never be like me.”

Shortly thereafter, Clark was seriously injured in a car accident. Shockingly, she’s now accusing Kylie of somehow causing the collision.

Clark claims that prior to the crash, she received several ominous messages from Kylie, including one that read simply, “This is war.”

Clark says Kylie’s harassment hasn’t let up despite the fact that neither of them is romantically involved with Jaden.

Earlier this week, Clark requested an emergency restraining order, but she was a no-show at a hearing held in Los Angeles today.

A new hearing has been scheduled for October 9. Reps for Kylie claim that she doesn’t know who Clark is, and has never had any contact with her.

So it could turn out to be nothing. Or it could be the biggest Kard clan controversy since the debate over Kylie’s lips. Stay tuned to find out!

Kylie Jenner -- Accused of Stalking Girl Over Jaden Smith



0922-kylie-jenner-getty-02Kylie Jenner‘s been on a 3 year campaign to get revenge on a teenage girl she considered a rival for Jaden Smith‘s affection … according to legal docs which read like an episode of “Gossip Girl.”

In the docs, 17-year-old Chelsea Clark says Kylie was pissed because Jaden wanted to get with Chelsea. She says Kylie called her and said, “Leave my boyfriend alone cause you will never be like me.”

Clark says Kylie then had people follow her and sent threatening messages to her over social media. She says at one point Kylie said, “This is war.”

The alleged conspiracy gets even darker … because, in the docs, Clark says she hurt her back in a car accident which she believes Kylie masterminded. 

Clark requested a temporary restraining order, but it was denied. The court asked her to bring the threatening messages to court on Monday, but she was a no-show. There’s a hearing scheduled for Oct. 9. 

Kylie’s camp tells us she’s never heard of Clark and has no idea who she is.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jaden Smith & New Model Girlfriend Make It Official By Locking Lips & TONGUE At Fashion Week! So Much PDA!


Well, it’s definitely official for these two!

A couple months ago, Jaden Smith was seen holding hands with Sarah Snyder in NYC — and it looks like they’re still going strong as they packed on the PDA during NYFW.

Related: Jaden’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER

The new flames sat front row at Gypsy Sport on Tuesday, locking lips for everyone to see!

Seems like the 17-year-old is really happy and confident in his new relationship with the 19-year-old model. They were also seen cuddling up together as they watched he show.

And later that day, the PDA did not stop! Jaden and Sarah were caught having another public, tongue-y makeout sesh. See it (below)!

Hey there!!!

Jaden was previously linked to The Hunger GamesAmandla Stenberg when they went to prom together.

Around that same time, Sarah was reportedly arrested in June for allegedly stealing a Hermes Birkin.

So what do U think of this new pairing??

[Image via Getty Images/Splash News.]