Showing posts with label Lips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lips. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Monday, March 26, 2018

Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne: Spotted Locking Lips!

Back in February, we reported that Cara Delevingne and Paris Jackson are dating. For the most part, these two have kept their relationship low-key.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, however, it looks like they’re loosening up … and locking lips in public.

They make such a cute couple!

Macaulay Culkin is Paris Jackson’s godfather. The two of them have a beautiful relationship. They’re family, really.

And they’re so close that it appears that they’re comfortable double-dating.

RadarOnline reports that Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne were spotted locking lips after going out with Macaulay and his girlfriend.

You might recall that Macaulay is dating Brenda Song, who was a young Disney star who appeared on television alongside the Sprouse twins.

It’s wonderful that Paris and Macaulay have such a good relationship that they feel comfortable introducing each other to their respective loved ones and even dining out together.

So, the four of them went to an upmarket Argentinian steakhouse in West Hollywood called Carlito’s.

RadarOnline reports that, outside of the restaurant, Cara asked Paris to dance, and the two of them did.

(Both are very fun, carefree people outside of their professional lives, and Cara in particular is known for her goofy antics)

It was after dancing that the two were spotted kissing. Awww!

Cara was then seen sitting on Paris’ lap while the two of them spoke to Macaulay and to Brenda.

Cara and Paris met at the MTV Movie Awards in May of 2017.

in the public sphere, they weren’t in any way romantically linked until November, when they were spotted holding hands outside of a Dalston nightclub.

Though both women are young, gorgeous, and outspoken about their sexualities, seeing that they were spending time together wasn’t exactly confirmation that they were in a relationship.

It took a couple of months before fans became convinced that they were not only friends but now a couple.

And while these two aren’t exactly going around giving interviews left and right to confirm their romance … they’re not exactly being subtle about it.

Just recently, Paris and Cara showcased themselves cuddling up — some would say Netflix and Chilling — to watch Carol.

Carol was a 2015 romantic period drama featuring two women who fall in love.

If you’ve seen anyone on the internet say “Harold, they’re lesbians” or simply respond to a photo of a female couple with “Harold,” it’s because of a viral story of one Tumblr user who overheard that line while in a theater seeing Carol.

25-year-old Cara and 19-year-old Paris look happy and cozy as they cuddle up.

(Sure, you can’t see all of Paris’ face and Cara is “wearing” a cute bunny ears filter, but they look adorable anyway)

Unfortunately, not everyone is happy with the reported relationship between Paris and Cara.

It’s claimed that Paris’ conservative grandparents don’t want her seeing Cara because their relationship — like their granddaughter’s sexuality — goes against their beliefs.

We certainly hope that Paris — and everyone else — can find acceptance for who they are among their family.

In the mean time, it’s clear that Cara has a wellspring of support from godfather Macaulay Culkin.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jessica Simpson Shows Off Lips, Gets Destroyed on Instagram

Jessica Simpson thought she was sharing a harmless selfie.

She thought she was encouraging fans to work out

She thought she was giving them a look at her workout.

"#ShowMeYourSteps," the former singer wrote as a caption to the first photo listed below, adding: "#Niners #GucciGlasses #JSTheWarmUp."

But the Internet can be a cruel place.

And, as you can see below, social media followers aren"t focused on Simpson"s calorie burning, but rather on a certain body part that stands out in this initial photo…

1. Hello, Lips!

Jessica simpson lips selfie

Jessica Simpson is receiving a lot of flak for this selfie. Followers are aghast over her very plump lips.

2. Quack! Quack!

Duck face

The general consensus from critics is that Simpson’s lips make Kylie Jenner’s lips look thin and natural.

3. Let’s Be Frank


There was no beating around the bush here. Various critics came right out with how they feel.

4. This is a New Hashtag

Awful things

#AwfulThings, huh? Again, no beating around the bush here.

5. What… is… Happening?

Mouth question

We all know the answer, don’t we? It rhymes with schastic murgery.

6. Reject the Injections!

Down with injections

Fans are pleading with Jessica. Do you agree that she looked better before?

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Brielle Biermann: SHUT UP About My Lips Already!!

Brielle Biermann is the apple of her mother’s eye. She’s beautiful and she’s famous and she’s a young adult just beginning to forge her own way in the world.

Unfortunately, some trolls have crawled out of the woodwork to attack Brielle’s choices — in particular, her plump lips.

Brielle’s lashing out in response, saying that she knows that her lips don’t look great to her followers … but she’ll do whatever she pleases to her face.

Sure, Brielle got a handgun for her birthday … just a little over a week after the terrible Florida massacre left 17 dead.

(Her handgun is a far cry from an AR-15, and Brielle’s already responded to that criticism over a gift that she received)

Or sometimes she tells the world that Kim Zolciak is pregnant with baby #7 … but, in reality, Brielle just wanted revenge.

Pretty normal stuff … if you’re a famous reality star.

But trolls still have a lot to say about the 21-year-old hottie, and they’re attacking her appearance.

In particular, her lips.

Brielle attended Khloe Kardashian’s baby shower, and trolls zeroed in on her lips to cyberbully her in the comments.

In response, Brielle turned off comments on that post, but the cyberbullying just moved over to other photos that she’d posted, with comments like:

“What is wrong with your face? Can it move? Girl you better stop following in mom’s footsteps.”

That’s rude.

“Does anyone know where Brielle’s face went? Used to be such a fan when she was still normal looking.”

That is just mean.

“You look the same age as your mother lmao.”

To be fair, a lot of girls look like their mothers, and Kim is very young to have a 21-year-old daughter.

More than anything, both haters and alleged “fans” implored her to do nothing further to her lips, asking her to “leave her mouth alone.”

Before turning off comments, Brielle hit back.

“My lips do not look good in photos. I f—ing get it. I’m really over y’all saying this as if I’ve never seen/heard it. I’m not changing them — whether it looks good to you or not.”

Her lips honestly didn’t seem to stand out in that pic with Khloe, Larsa, and her mom.

But perhaps some trolls figured that they had a better chance of getting a reaction out of Brielle than they would out of the others.

Brielle even took to Twitter to post a sarcastic reply.

“Going to get my duck lips plumped up some more !! C ya!”

Brielle also retweeted someone else’s post in her defense.

“How are so many of you going to preach women empowerment but STAY attacking Brielle and Kim about their lips like it affects you at ALL”

That’s true — it’s Brielle’s body and her choice.

She retweeted another post, which was attacking the body-shaming Alicia Vikander for not having massive breasts yet playing Lara Croft (though he was obviously a fake fan, since the new Tombraider film is based upon the 2013 reboot of the game series and not the ultra-busty old-timey Tombraider games).

“Do men ever shut the f–k up.”

It sounds like Brielle is very understandably tired with fans and especially men thinking that their opinions of how her body should look are worth hearing.

You know what? Brielle is right.

Not always and not about everything, but she’s right about this.

She shouldn’t be inundated with critiques of her body, whether it’s naturally that way or because she’s gotten fillers.

(She has, to be clear, gotten fillers)

What other people think of her plump “duck lips” is none of her business, and the fact that they feel entitled to make nasty comments on her photos where she’s likely to see them says some alarming things about how society views women.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Tom Brady Kisses Son on Lips, Stirs Wild Internet Debate

Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback in NFL history.

There"s really no debating this point.

But there is some debate raging across the Internet over a scene in the Facebook docu-series Tom vs. Time that features Brady and his 10-year old son, Jack.

What the heck are we talking about?

Scroll down to find out!

1. The GOAT

The goat

Tom Brady is the best quarterback in NFL history and has put together arguably the greatest career of any athlete in professional sports history. He’s a pretty big deal, that’s all we’re saying.

2. What the Heck is Tom vs. Time?

What the heck is tom vs time

It’s a reality series, basically, that you can watch via Faceboom and which takes you behind the scenes of Brady’s private life.

3. The Controversy:

The controversy

In one scene from the program, Brady’s 10-year old son, Jack, whom he shares with ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan comes into the room where he dad is getting a massage. After he initially gives his father a quick “peck,” as described by Brady, Jack returns and give his famous parent a much longer smooch on the lips.

4. Cue the Backlash!

Cue the backlash

Many social media were taken aback by this exchange. Shocking, right?

5. People are Disturbed

People are disturbed

Perhaps this person should be more disturbed by the lofty pedestal on which he holds Brady. (He likes Brady more than his own family members?!?)

6. Words of Wisdom

Words of wisdom

If you have an issue with this clip, it says everything about you and nothing about Brady. Think about it.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rep. Joe Kennedy III"s Shiny Lips Done Perfectly, Says ChapStick

Joe Kennedy III had to explain away his “drool” after his State of the Union response, but ChapStick says he shouldn’t be making excuses … ‘cause he applied the product perfectly. A rep for the company — which is said to be the culprit for the…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Caleb Williams Speaks on Jana Duggar Courtship: Read My Lips ...

For weeks now, talk of Jana Duggar courting Caleb Williams, a longtime friend of her family’s, has been circulating across the Internets.

Erroneous reports of Jana courting seem to surface quite often, but this time, there was real reason to believe these claims had legitimacy.

Not only has Caleb Williams been spending time with Jana, the man also put in one-on-one time with Jim Bob Duggar, her dad.

Any courtship candidates need Jim Bob’s explicit approval – if he doesn’t arrange them personally – so this looked like a key sign.

All the while, both Caleb and Jana downplayed involvement with one another, while not explicitly denying courtship chatter either.

In other words, this rumor had legs.

The oldest Duggar daughter about to turn 28, and we all know Jana likes a rebel, so fans have been quite excited over this.

Are they or aren’t they courting, though? Williams finally spoke out on his Facebook page to clear the air once and for all …

We have good news and bad news, it appears, and whether it’s good or bad largely depends on what you were hoping for here.

The bad news, at least if you were hoping for Jana Duggar to be married off by the end of this spring, is that it’s not happening.

The good news is that if you’re interested in courting her yourself, or weren’t a fan of Williams, well, she’s still very available!

Caleb personally wrote in a Facebook post:

“There has been speculation regarding a relationship between myself and Jana. Now to clear the fog and avoid any confusion …”

“‘Read my lips … I am not dating Jana Duggar."”

“Over the past several months since an extremely unflattering image was posted by my friends and spread across the world,” he said.

The aforementioned photo of himself, in which Williams was less than fully clothed, spread “faster than a viral cat video,” as he put it.

All of that said, Caleb leaves no wiggle room when he writes that “the extent of our relationship is purely friends and nothing more.”

“Hopefully with this clarification the Internet (as well as the space-time continuum) can heal,” he adds, from this devastating blow.

Or the photo that gave him his 15 minutes, a.k.a. “the day my Gluteus Maximus gave Kim Kardashian a run for her money.”

Caleb, seen above with Jana’s dad Jim Bob at a football game in October, certainly seems like a good dude with a sense of humor.

Not unlike reports that linked Jana to Tim Tebow or Bringing Up Bates star Zach Bates or Jonathan Hartono, it just was not to be. 

Described as a “bad boy” and “a lot more liberal than his possible future in-laws,” it’s unclear if he ever considered courting Jana.

Did he want to and get shot down? Did Jana and/or Jim Bob want this and Caleb wasn’t into it? We will likely never know for sure.

All we know for certain is that with her 28th birthday coming up next week, Jana is the last of her of-age sisters to remain single.

Sweet Jana’s single status is perhaps the longest-running topic of debate among card-carrying members of Duggar Nation.

She’s said in the past that she’s been approached by men interested in courting, but has not found the right partner among them.

Yet. Which is completely fair.

If younger siblings Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy-Anna and Joseph already have or are about to have kids, it wouldn’t be that notable.

Jana has long been seen as maligned, however, forced by her parents to raise her siblings while unable to pursue her dreams.

When Anna Duggar hopes Jana stays single forever, we know she’s kidding, but at the same time, it kind of hits a nerve.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 10 Recap: Loose Lips and Sinking Ships

Will Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge be able to put their beef aside and play nice for the sake of their friends?

That was one of the big questions on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 10, and one that seemed like it was going to be dragged on for eternity. 

With the ladies dodging each other practically all season long, it has become apparent that the producers must be struggling for footage to fill the episodes. 

When the episode got underway, Vicki was chatting with her daughter on the phone and boasting about the birthday party she was planning for herself. 

It’s a bit sad to be planning your own birthday party, but it’s not like Vicki has a lot of friends right now. In fact, she could probably count her loyal friends on the one hand. 

That’s what happens when you decide to cause trouble amongst your group. Her party idea sounded like something Vicki would come up with. 

She wanted to wear red while everyone else wore black and white. She also wanted to sit down for a roast and let every single person in the room air their thoughts on her. 

People would legit pay to watch that play out because Vicki would probably eventually go ham and run out of the event with a bottle of wine, but did this seem like a good way to put her beef aside with the ladies?

Briana did not seem to think so, and Vicki questioned why. Apparently, Vicki was under the impression everyone would say nice things about her. 

As laughable as that is, props to Briana for thinking about her mother’s feelings. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Vicki has been a nightmare. 

When she’s not bickering with her friends, she’s finding new people to quarrel with, but that’s just who she is. We’ve watched her do it multiple times over the years, so why would she change now?

Meanwhile, Lydia and Meghan went on a hiking trip and got candid about IVF treatment. Meghan revealed that it was a painful thing to go through. 

Lydia questioned whether it would be a good idea to freeze some of her husband’s sample in case she wanted more kids down the line. 

Here’s the big conundrum: Lydia’s husband is getting a vasectomy, so it would be difficult for them if they were to decide to have kids down the line. 

These ladies know they need to cover all bases before making a decision, so we’re thankful they know that. The talk then turned to Meghan’s feud with Kelly. 

Lydia revealed that she was Team Kelly in this battle because Meghan went out of her way quiz Kelly about having a boyfriend. So, Lydia’s take on it was that Meghan was the one in the wrong. 

“Meghan has no problem cutting down Kelly’s marriage and then she’s mad at Kelly for doing the same thing in return,” Lydia explains in her confessional. “I’m trying to just hold up a mirror to Meghan and say, ‘You know, I see Kelly’s side too."”

Naturally, Meghan flipped the eff out and revealed that Kelly was the one who was trying to cause all of the beef between them. 

“With what? Are you f–king kidding right now? This is so upsetting, Lydia,” Meghan screams, holding back tears. “That you would even think that’s normal for a person to attack your marriage.”

“No, I feel like you attacked hers,” Lydia replied.

Realizing she had upset Meghan, Lydia apologized but claimed that she still understood why Kelly lashed out and that it was not her fault. 

The awesome thing about Lydia is that she just says it how it is, and that shows how loyal she is. She knows she needs to be honest about things or she will end up in the center of the drama. 

Then, Tamra got a phone call from none other than Vicki! Yes, it was time to end the feud once and for all. Vicki did apologize for all the drama and asked if they could rebuild and move on. 

Tamra agreed, but stressed in a confessional that she did not know whether she was making the right decision. It’s perfectly understandable that she would be apprehensive. 

All of the drama with Vicki has been too much to handle for her, but it does seem like Vicki is ready to grow up. Tamra decided to call up Shannon to find out her take on it. 

She was not impressed. 

“F–k Vicki,” she said. 

Shannon had some drama of her own to deal with. It was her birthday, and she was reminiscing about how great things were a year ago. 

Now, her relationship with David was not in a good place and she questioned how long she could go on. David, however, felt like Shannon was the one to blame. 

He admitted that he lets her get on with it when she’s stressed or anything because that’s just how he is. His other issue was that Shannon was still obsessing over Vicki. 

The rest of the episode was all about Vicki’s birthday and it ushered in the return of Gretchen and Lizzie. But the drama was surprisingly started by Ricky. 

He opened up about witnessing Eddie making out with a guy. Oh, the drama. 

Vicki opted to keep out of it and that was the first big signal that she was ready to move on with her life as opposed to listening to rumors and adding stuff on to them. 

What do you think about Vicki’s new outlook? Are you on board?

Hit the comments!


Monday, June 5, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Look at My Boobs, Not My New Lips!

It looks like Kylie Jenner’s back at it again.

Not just with social media pics — well, that too — but it looks like she may have gotten a little work done.

A little more work done, anyway.

We know that we’re supposed to be looking at her boobs here, emphasized as much by that white top as by her seatbelt.

But our eyes keep darting to those lips.

They don’t just look plump, they look painfully full.

Kylie’s admitted to overfilling her lips in the past, but we guess that she hasn’t learned from past mistakes.

Though … really, if she learned from past mistakes, we all would have forgotten who Tyga was in, like, 2015.

If only.

These lips don’t just look big, they look painful.

Anyone who’s ever microwaved some chicken apple sausage — because who has time to cook with an oven? — can easily imagine those lips bursting open under pressure.

We keep touching our lips and wincing at that pic, you know?

It’s one thing to inflate your lips too much for taste.

But it’s another thing to make them look so big that it’s hard to close your mouth..

Regular, non-painful big lips look good.

You don’t have to follow fashion magazines or even put that much thought into the faces that you find attractive to do that.

Just, like, go to the character creation screen of any video game — the better looking faces are gonna have the lip size sliders pretty far to the right.

As far as fashion is concerned, yeah, you have to grudgingly admit that Kylie’s been a part of people worrying so much about having big lips.

Just like the Kardashians as a whole have been influential in the conversation about butt sizes.

But isn’t to say that they deserve credit.

See, the Kardashians seem to be all about cultural appropriation.

From putting their hair in dreads or cornrows to trying to claim ownership over bodily features associated with black women, the Kardashians are what you’d call problematic.

And while Kendall Jenner, when she’s not starring in tone-deaf Pepsi controversies, usually just does her modeling thing instead of raiding African-American culture and claiming the spoils as her own, Kylie is a major offender.

We might not be saying this if we thought that her curves were 100% grass-fed free-range organic, because your body shape is your body shape.

But … come on, guys.

Kylie’s figure is such an hourglass that you expect a movie villain to dramatically turn her upside down to begin a countdown.

The lips are such a big thing, because when the good folks at Black Twitter blow off some steam, it’s not uncommon to hear them look at white celebrities who are being praised for their looks and wonder where that star’s lips are.

Which is, you know, a harmless critique, and Kylie “fixing” her own lips might not be a big deal if she didn’t then use them to market her own lip products.

As if big lips are a Kylie thing. It’s kind of like how the white cheerleaders in the movie Bring It On always stole the routines of the black cheerleaders.

And the thing is that, despite the probably millions of words written on the subject of Kylie’s very specific antics, she’s probably not even aware of it.

Celebrities exist in a bubble, folks.

To Kylie, any well-conceived criticism on social media probably gets drowned out by random vitriol until it all just looks like “haters.”


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Khloe Kardashian Shows Off Her Body -- And Her HUGE Lips!

Khloe Kardashian looks great these days, right?

Sure she does — she’s built an entire new career for herself with that “revenge body” of hers.

It seems like all she talks about these days is how she used to be known as “the fat Kardashian” or “the ugly Kardashian” — neither of which were true, by the way.

She talks about those things, and about how she started working out when her marriage to Lamar Odom fell apart.

It’s all been very inspirational, and we’re happy that she feels good about herself.

… But really, are we not going to talk about how different she looks?

Take this photo, for instance, which was shared last night by her longtime hairstylist, Jen Atkin:

At first, you may zero in on her clothing in this pic, or the lack thereof. Which makes sense — she’s pulling a Kendall Jenner with those emojis to cover up her nipples, it’s pretty hard to miss.

But if you can manage to pull your eyes up towards her face … that’s when things get weird.

Many people are pointing out that she’s giving off some strong Jessica Rabbit vibes in this photo, which is fair. Boobs, red lips, it’s the whole thing.

The lips though, that’s where we’re getting hung up.

They’re just … they’re so big, aren’t they? Big enough that it looks like her facial muscles may be having a tough time holding them up.

At first glance, we might buy that she simply overlined her lips, that old family favorite. There does seem to be a tell-tale crease on her upper lip there.

But it seems like that might be an illusion carefully designed to draw attention away from the fact that Khloe’s lips may be about to bust. Literally.

(Can that happen? We’re scared to Google.)

Check out this little selfie that Khloe shared during the family’s recent vacation to Costa Rica:

Right?! That’s definitely not overlining.

Look, obviously we don’t know for sure if Khloe’s had lip injections or lip implants or whatever it is the kids are doing these days to their poor, defenseless lips.

And we won’t know unless she pulls a Kylie Jenner and gets real about it.

Like we said, we’re happy if she feels good about herself, but man, there’s no denying that the Khloe of yesteryear is gone for good.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ariana Biermann Shows Off Unnaturally Full Lips for 15-Year-Old Girl

Ariana Biermann, 15-year-old daughter of Kim Zolciak, is showing off some seriously pumped-up-looking lips. 

For a young girl who’s got a whole life of plastic surgery ahead of her, she sure seems intent on starting soon, huh? 

Mom Kim shared the pic on her Instagram page last night, noting to her followers that her daughter is “just” 15 years old, which isn’t at all some kind of weird pedo invite, and insinuated that the costume was for Halloween. 

We, you know, hope

It’d appear that Ariana was dressed up as Batgirl or some incarnation of Bat things, and the pout is just so Kim Zolciak, we’re having a hard time keeping our lunches down. 

That’s not to say we’re shaming a 15-year-old girl. 

To be fair, Ariana is simply a beautiful girl, but that’s the thing: she’s just a girl, ffs, yet Zolciak insists on sharing inappropriate photos at every turn.

Like that one, for example. 

The one where Kim and her daughters were stark naked. 

All of them. 


And speaking of “together,” that’s a thing that Zolciak would be well-advised to get. 

She shared the above photo with the caption, “I must have done something right,” and called the girls “my three minis” and “my heart and soul.”

Don’t be misled, though – she clarified, and updated the post with, “We are not naked so don’t start.” 

Kim was also recently under fire for sharing yet another inappropriate snap – this time of her two-year-old daughter, Kaia. 

In the above pic, as you can see, Kaia was topless – not an entirely uncommon thing for a young toddler – but the problem was that she shared it on Instagram. 

Who does that? Besides, you know, Catelynn Lowell and poor Nova

Zolciak didn’t even acknowledge that part of the photo, though, captioning it only with snarky plastic surgery jokes. 

She said, “If you zoom in on my nose you will see my mom is already molding my face to look just like hers … as I stand there in anticipation I can’t wait to see what my face will look like.”  

Hilarious, right? 

Not so much. 

Commenters noticed, though, because they notice that sort of thing all the time. 

One, in particular, screeched, “

“KIM TAKE THIS SH-T DOWN NOW! If it took for you to put emojis on the pic you shouldn’t have even posted it. You raising up a bunch of Kims alright.”

Another “fan” wrote, “You are a horrible disgusting mother. If this picture was posted by anyone else people would think it horrible, but for some reason all of your crazy trashy fans adore it and you. I feel sorry for your kids and for the kids of your followers.”


Same, lady. 



Monday, October 24, 2016

19 Celebrities Who Destroyed Their Lips

From Kylie Jenner (the OG Lipmaster) to Farrah Abraham, check out 19 celebrities who completely destroyed their mouths with some kind of …  

Needle. With a needle, friends. They destroyed their mouths with needles, and nothing else, okay? 

1. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham lip injections photo

Farrah Abraham claimed that she was “allergic” to a fake lip implant, which rendered her face to resemble that of Futurama’s Leela. She looked like hell, yadda yadda yadda, you know what we’re allergic to? BS. We’re allergic to BS, Farrah, so quit sticking your lips – and other things – in it.

2. Kylie Jenner

Kylie jenner lips huge

Yes, in 2016 Kylie Jenner’s lips hit peak huge. If they got any bigger, she’d be using a straw to drink all of her meals. Which, come to think of it, appears to be what she’s doing now, since the only opening in her mouth, unless she goes deep and wide, is a straw-sized hole in the place where the lip skin is about to split … Actually, is that her tongue, or is it a third lip?

3. Snooki

Snooki weird huge lips photo

Snooki, Jersey Shore’s favorite hometown meatball, looks like she’s been rolling her lips into tiny little balls, like she would a meatball. Since becoming a mom, and going overboard with the “Mommy Makeover” that’s so vapidly popular, Snooki’s done everything: her teeth, which are actually a plus these days, her boobs, which look fake AF, and her lips … which are some of the most deformed we’ve seen on a celebrity in a long time. No, girl, no.

4. Aubrey O’Day

Aubrey oday

We all know who Aubrey O’Day is, right? No? Whatever. Look at those lips. They look like they should be stuck to someone’s backside, and we don’t mean the old “kissing one’s ass” phrase, either. This is a hellacious look, and Aubrey would be well-advised to drop the needle before it affects the rest of her head.

5. Kesha


Kesha’s body isn’t the only thing that put on some weight over the years (and in her body’s case, much-needed weight; girl was looking waif-thin for awhile there, heaven help her) – her lips have seemed to triple in size, and in fact, they’re so big they’re bumpy. There are literal bumps on her lips from whatever she decided to do.

6. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan

Sorry, Lindsay, but thin is in when it comes to lips. Sorry you’re so late to the party on this one, because for the longest time, you had such lovely, wry, thin lips, and now you have fish asses on your face. Lip number one looks like a fish ass, and – oop! – lip number two looks like a fish ass. Never saw a fish ass before? Just look at Lindsay Lohan’s mouth. It’s like “Where’s Waldo?” just for fish asses.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Kylie Jenner Shares 3 Easy Steps To Bigger Lips!

In case you weren’t up-to-date on how to apply a Kylie Lipkit, Kylie Jenner is here to show you how.

So if you’re in the market for massive, oversized lips that would frame even your dentist as a crooked plastic surgeon, then definitely read this tutorial!

Jenner took to Snapchat to teach her customers and followers how to get plump lips, just in time for the start of the school year.

Step 1 – Fill your lips in with liner.

Kylie Jenner Lips Step 1

Step 2 – Use your Lipkit’s matte liquid lipstick to fill in the lining.

Kylie Lip Kit Color

Kylie Jenner Applies Lip Color

Step 3 – Use your fingers/talons to blot your lips to get rid of the shine and make your lips look dramatic AF.

kylie jenner blots lips

Jenner warned that a lot of lip product would come off on your finger, but that’s totally normal.

kylie jenner lip kit residue

Jenner has managed to make a killing off lying about whether or not she uses injections in her lips (spoiler alert: she does).  What’s a little odd is that the 19-year-old created a lipstick line despite admitting that she enhances her look with the help of a plastic surgeon.

In May 2015, Jenner admitted on an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that she got lip fillers.

“I have had temporary lip fillers,” Jenner admitted during a one-on-one.

“It’s just something that I wanted to do.”

Prior to that, Jenner’s quasi-brother-in-law, Scott Disick had to point out how much effort and time went into Jenner’s lips.

“Have you seen her do her lipstick?” Disick asked Kendall Jenner as the littlest trout pout sat in the kitchen with a sh**-eating grin.

“It takes, like, 40 minutes, and then she, like, pulls one lip, pushes one out.”

“I don’t understand why everybody thinks it’s so cute to duck [your lips] out!”


Kylie Jenner Shares 3 Easy Steps To Bigger Lips!

In case you weren’t up-to-date on how to apply a Kylie Lipkit, Kylie Jenner is here to show you how.

So if you’re in the market for massive, oversized lips that would frame even your dentist as a crooked plastic surgeon, then definitely read this tutorial!

Jenner took to Snapchat to teach her customers and followers how to get plump lips, just in time for the start of the school year.

Step 1 – Fill your lips in with liner.

Kylie Jenner Lips Step 1

Step 2 – Use your Lipkit’s matte liquid lipstick to fill in the lining.

Kylie Lip Kit Color

Kylie Jenner Applies Lip Color

Step 3 – Use your fingers/talons to blot your lips to get rid of the shine and make your lips look dramatic AF.

kylie jenner blots lips

Jenner warned that a lot of lip product would come off on your finger, but that’s totally normal.

kylie jenner lip kit residue

Jenner has managed to make a killing off lying about whether or not she uses injections in her lips (spoiler alert: she does).  What’s a little odd is that the 19-year-old created a lipstick line despite admitting that she enhances her look with the help of a plastic surgeon.

In May 2015, Jenner admitted on an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that she got lip fillers.

“I have had temporary lip fillers,” Jenner admitted during a one-on-one.

“It’s just something that I wanted to do.”

Prior to that, Jenner’s quasi-brother-in-law, Scott Disick had to point out how much effort and time went into Jenner’s lips.

“Have you seen her do her lipstick?” Disick asked Kendall Jenner as the littlest trout pout sat in the kitchen with a sh**-eating grin.

“It takes, like, 40 minutes, and then she, like, pulls one lip, pushes one out.”

“I don’t understand why everybody thinks it’s so cute to duck [your lips] out!”