Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Brielle Biermann: SHUT UP About My Lips Already!!

Brielle Biermann is the apple of her mother’s eye. She’s beautiful and she’s famous and she’s a young adult just beginning to forge her own way in the world.

Unfortunately, some trolls have crawled out of the woodwork to attack Brielle’s choices — in particular, her plump lips.

Brielle’s lashing out in response, saying that she knows that her lips don’t look great to her followers … but she’ll do whatever she pleases to her face.

Sure, Brielle got a handgun for her birthday … just a little over a week after the terrible Florida massacre left 17 dead.

(Her handgun is a far cry from an AR-15, and Brielle’s already responded to that criticism over a gift that she received)

Or sometimes she tells the world that Kim Zolciak is pregnant with baby #7 … but, in reality, Brielle just wanted revenge.

Pretty normal stuff … if you’re a famous reality star.

But trolls still have a lot to say about the 21-year-old hottie, and they’re attacking her appearance.

In particular, her lips.

Brielle attended Khloe Kardashian’s baby shower, and trolls zeroed in on her lips to cyberbully her in the comments.

In response, Brielle turned off comments on that post, but the cyberbullying just moved over to other photos that she’d posted, with comments like:

“What is wrong with your face? Can it move? Girl you better stop following in mom’s footsteps.”

That’s rude.

“Does anyone know where Brielle’s face went? Used to be such a fan when she was still normal looking.”

That is just mean.

“You look the same age as your mother lmao.”

To be fair, a lot of girls look like their mothers, and Kim is very young to have a 21-year-old daughter.

More than anything, both haters and alleged “fans” implored her to do nothing further to her lips, asking her to “leave her mouth alone.”

Before turning off comments, Brielle hit back.

“My lips do not look good in photos. I f—ing get it. I’m really over y’all saying this as if I’ve never seen/heard it. I’m not changing them — whether it looks good to you or not.”

Her lips honestly didn’t seem to stand out in that pic with Khloe, Larsa, and her mom.

But perhaps some trolls figured that they had a better chance of getting a reaction out of Brielle than they would out of the others.

Brielle even took to Twitter to post a sarcastic reply.

“Going to get my duck lips plumped up some more !! C ya!”

Brielle also retweeted someone else’s post in her defense.

“How are so many of you going to preach women empowerment but STAY attacking Brielle and Kim about their lips like it affects you at ALL”

That’s true — it’s Brielle’s body and her choice.

She retweeted another post, which was attacking the body-shaming Alicia Vikander for not having massive breasts yet playing Lara Croft (though he was obviously a fake fan, since the new Tombraider film is based upon the 2013 reboot of the game series and not the ultra-busty old-timey Tombraider games).

“Do men ever shut the f–k up.”

It sounds like Brielle is very understandably tired with fans and especially men thinking that their opinions of how her body should look are worth hearing.

You know what? Brielle is right.

Not always and not about everything, but she’s right about this.

She shouldn’t be inundated with critiques of her body, whether it’s naturally that way or because she’s gotten fillers.

(She has, to be clear, gotten fillers)

What other people think of her plump “duck lips” is none of her business, and the fact that they feel entitled to make nasty comments on her photos where she’s likely to see them says some alarming things about how society views women.
