Showing posts with label 15YearOld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 15YearOld. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

School Employee Admits to Losing Her Virginity to 15-Year-Old Student

This is yet another story of a school employee having sex with a minor.

A former middle school employee was arrested after she confessed to police.

The woman claims that she “fell in love” with her underage victim … and that she lost her virginity to him.

Hannah Siboyeh mugshot

Hannah Siboyeh is a former employee of Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

In July of 2017, she was 23 when she began an elleged sexual relationship with an underage student.

The student has not been identified, of course, as he is both a minor and the victim.

But it sounds like the former Labay Middle School student was 15 at the time.

According to court documents, Siboyeh has acknowledged that what she did was the result of “one mistake after another.”

Hannah Siboyeh Gif 01

Authorities learned about this on April 5th, 2018, after another student came forward to an assistant principal.

They had apparently been at the student’s home and they noticed that Siboyeh was allegedly in bed with the student.

Court documents state that the student reported the two “lying in bed together and that weird noises would be coming from the room.”

That is, emphatically, not appropriate for any adult and minor. Good for that student for recognizing that and having the bravery to come forward.

When investigators spoke to witnesses, they confirmed that the boy and Siboyeh were engaged in a “boyfriend girlfriend” type relationship.

Hannah Siboyeh Gif 02

Court documents say that Siboyeh didn’t exactly hold out under interrogation.

When confrontated by law enforcement at the middle school, she is said to have “started crying and stated that she lost her virginity to” the victim.

“She admitted that she loved [the teen] with all of her heart,” the documents read.

“She described the relationship as one mistake after another,” the documents say. “And admitted that it was her fault because she was the grownup and was older.”

Not that it makes anything else okay, but it’s good that she is at least not blaming the minor. It is always the adult’s responsibility.

Hannah Siboyeh

Siboyeh posted the $ 10,000 bond on Friday and was able to go free.

She is of course instructed to avoid any contact with her victim or his family.

Additionally, she is to avoid going within 200 feet of any sort of school or child care center, and she is also to give that clearance to the boy’s home.

She has been instructed to avoid contact with anyone under the age of 17.

A little less intuitively, she has been forbidden from accessing the internet. Presumably so that she does not contact her vicitm … or any new ones.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Charlamagne Tha God Accused of Raping 15-Year-Old Girl

Even if you don’t live in the New York area, you’re probably familiar Charlamagne Tha God and his wildly popular syndicated radio show, The Breakfast Club.

For millions of fans, Charlamagne (real name Lenard Larry McKelvey) is one of most trustworthy media figures in America today — but most of those devotees are likely unaware of the allegation that’s been haunting the 40-year-old for the entirety of his career.

Long before his rise to national fame, McKelvey was accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl named Jessica Reid.

Charlamagne first spoke of the charges in a 2013 interview with Breakfast Club co-host DJ Akademiks.

“Whoever touched her, it wasn’t me,” he said at the time.

He hasn’t spoken publicly on the charges since, but this week, Reid told her side of the story for the first time in an interview with Hollywood Life.

“When Charlamagne did the interview with DJ Akademiks he said he was throwing a party for his cousin’s graduation (from college), but he told me it was his birthday party and that’s the only reason I went because I wasn’t going to go at first,” recalls Jessica.

Charlamagne Tha God

She says she was raped by Charlamagne at a 2001 house party.

“He used to call me his little sister and he convinced me because it was his birthday and said, ‘You have to come.’ So the story about his cousin is bogus. That was a lie.

“Once we arrived, we went inside and there was nothing but guys everywhere,” Jessica says. 

“Only two other females were there … I had an intuition that I should have left, but being only 15, I didn’t listen to my intuition.

But Reid says she was reassured by Charlamagne, who told her that she was under his protection. 

“Nothing is going to happen to you tonight. I got your back. I’m going to take care of you tonight. You’re going to be fine,” Jessica recalls Charlamagne saying.

Charlamagne Image

Reid says that both she and her 18-year-old friend Malika accepted soft drinks from Charlamagne.

When Malika began vomiting, Jessica retrieved napkins to help her clean up and immediately realized she had been drugged.

“I was dizzy and I didn’t feel like myself. I stood up to go to the bathroom to give myself a moment to feel better and when I got up I collapsed,” Reid says.

It was then, she claims, that Charlamaagne instructed the other male guests to carry her to a bedroom:

“Take her ass upstairs,” she recalls him saying.

“They did not penetrate me, but they violated me. When they were done they left me there. I was laying on the floor crying,” Reid says.

Charlamagne Photo

“I don’t know how long I was laying there for, but then Charlamagne came in the room. He opened the door, came in, then closed the door. He got on that bed and started taking my clothes off.

“Meanwhile, I’m still at a state where I can’t move and I can’t do anything.”

Reid claims that Charlamagne once again reassured her that he would protect her — before proceeding to sexually assault her.

“He took my clothes off and then he had sex with me, but that’s not all he did,” Reid says.

“He actually had oral sex with me, as well. And then he left the room and I’m just lying there in the room.”

Jessica and Malika were eventually able to make their way out of the party and were offered a ride home by a stranger while they were sitting on a nearby curb in shock.

Charlamagne Pic

The stranger contacted Jessica’s mother, who had already called 911 after others who were concerned about the party informed her her daughter might be in danger.

Seventeen years later, Reid says she’s still haunted by the incident. 

Despite years of therapy, she remains deeply disturbed by the sight of her alleged attacker.

“Seeing him on TV all the time, I can’t get away from this guy,” she says.

Charlamagne has yet to respond to Reid’s latest comments.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Noah Brown SLAMS 15-Year-Old Sister Rain Brown as Childish, Immature

As Ami Brown’s cancer battle resumes, Alaskan Bush People fans and her family worry for her health but hope for the best.

Noah Brown has his own priorities — he’s about to get married.

So why, fans wonder, did he write a lengthy post slamming Rain Brown, his 15-year-old sister?

“My birthday is the 18th of July and it really has been making me think a lot about everything,” Noah wrote on Instagram.

He is in a contemplative mood, which is fine. 

“I am turning 26 and the following month I am getting married to the girl of my dreams,” Noah continues. “Rhain Merrill (soon to be Rhain Brown)”

Noah writes: “We will soon be our own Family, and although there are trials and tribulations and a tone of stress I could not be happier with the way my adult life is turning out.”

Feeling hyped about marriage is also fine.

“I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my adulthood and reminiscing of childhood.”

Reminiscing is fine. What’s not fine is what he has to say about his youngest sibling.

“Like a kid would say I am a ‘grown-up,"” Noah says. “And I cannot help but admire my littlest sister Kathryn Raindrop’s youthful innocence of a pre-teen.”

Obviously, Rain is not a preteen. She’s 15, dude. But that’s just the tip of the awkward iceberg.

“When you are a child like little Raindrop, you do not have to think about what you are going to eat for dinner or worry about paying bills,” Noah writes.

That’s a super condescending way to talk about his sister.

Noah explains: “because your parents do everything for you and you cannot yet take care of yourself.”

That’s arguably true, but then it gets worse.

“Young Raindrop spends her days cuddling Bunnies and playing with her dolls not knowing about the stressful lives of the adults around her,” Noah claims.

That is quite the characterization.

“Oh the metabolism of a pre-teen like little Raindrop,” Noah says. “She can eat whatever she wants and never gain a pound, she just stays her tiny self (that I am envious of).”

Pro-tip for being on the internet: unless you are her doctor, please don’t talk about any 15-year-old girl’s body. Uh, especially your sister’s.

Also, for the record, Rain Brown exercises to keep her figure. She’s not just coasting on her metabolism.

“I am an adult now I am getting married in 46 days and my parents do not make my dinner or give me a place to live,” Noah says.

While having a place to live is nice, it would be weirder if Noah’s parents were making him dinner. Even if he lived with them, which he does not.

“I am the head of my own household,” Noah says, which is also creepy. “And the family that Rhain and I are starting will look to me for advice and guidance.”

“My first priority will now always be my new family and my loyalty is to my soon to be wife and my future children,” Noah writes.

See, talking about being a responsible parent is great! He should have gone right to that and skipped the weird stuff about metabolisms and preteens.

“it is my job to take care of my new family and it will be an honor to do my best for them,” Noah says.

Good for him.

“I am unbelievably ecstatic with where I am in my life,” Noah says. “But Rainy girl stay small and please do not rush to grow up enjoy your childhood as long as you can.”

She’s in her adolescence, not childhood. Again, she is a minor and people should respect that, but she’s not a little kid. Don’t talk down to her like she’s 8.

“The world will wait for you,” Noah advises. “Just take your time and have fun, because being a kid is just as important as becoming an adult.”

“As the saying goes,” Noah concludes. “:You will grow up sooner then you think.”

We don’t know what spurned this aside from his looming wedding date.

Perhaps Rain was talking about a crush — Rain has spoken about love before, which is very age-appropriate.

(Some would say that your teens are the only age when it’s appropriate to be gushing vaguely online about an unnamed crush)

Did Noah hear some of this, or perhaps some of her frustrations at her limited freedoms as a teen, and panic at his little sister growing up?

Or was this an attempt to make himself sound more mature than he actually is as his wedding date looms ahead?

Either way, Rain is fifteen. She is a teenager. If you’re 11 or 12, you’re a preteen. If you’re 13 through 19, you’re a teenager. Words mean things, my dude.

Noah’s words, apparently throwing Rain under the bus to make himself sound more grown up, are a far cry from his word of warning last December.

“Some people feel the need to try and say mean, insulting, and down right hateful things to a 15 year old girl that is opening up to everyone in such a difficult time just to make them feel better about themselves,” Noah lamented late last year.

Rain has become her family’s de facto spokesperson because of her frequent social media use, but it has exposed her to some real creeps.

“So if you do not like it, then do not follow it, if you do not want see it, then do not look at it, if you do not want to hear it, then do not listen,” Noah says.

Noah instructed: “If you have nothing nice to say, then do not say anything at all.”

That’s good advice in general, if not always. But please don’t harass minors on the internet. Be nice. Be an adult.

“Recently,” Noah’s December post continued. “My little sister Rainy has gotten discouraged because of some things that some mean people have said.”

People love to target the most vulnerable people on social media just to elicit a reaction and feel powerful.

“So if you like Rainy’s Instagram then let’s show her just how many people enjoy when she posts,” Noah asks. “So please everyone flood her message box with kind and generous words of encouragement.”

Words of encouragement, fun fact, are the opposite of infantalizing your sister to make yourself sound more wizened.

Noah concluded: “And let’s show her that there are more people that love her then there are that are dislike her.”

Good advice. We wish that Noah would follow it.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Lil Wayne, 15-Year-Old Alleged Son Surfaces

Lil Wayne has missed 15 important birthdays if you believe the woman who claims her son was fathered by the rapper.  Keiotia Watson claims in legal docs she had a sexual relationship with Wayne back in June 2001 and he got her…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Anthony Weiner: The 15-Year-Old Girl He Sexted Speaks Out!

Anthony Weiner is gross. That is not new information.

Last year, it came out that his latest sexts had been directed at a minor — a 15-year-old girl. That was next-level disgusting.

Well, in the video that you"ll see below, that 15-year-old girl is showing her face to the public for the first time. And this story is a little complicated, because it seems like she wanted this to happen.

Anthony weiner 2013 museum of tolerance

Reputable members of the psychiatric community might not consider "Sex Addiction" to be a real thing, but it"s clear that Anthony Weiner has some issues.

Some would say that he has impulse-control issues, and they wouldn"t be wrong.

But others point the blame at a famous man abusing his position and his fame and the patience of his wife simply because he can.

That"s not a psychiatric ailment, that"s just being a creepy douchebag.

Whatever the reason, Anthony Weiner went from being a dick to his wife by sharing his dick with other women to being irredeemable scum.

Because Anthony Weiner started sexting with a minor. Just because it was over the phone doesn"t make it okay.

Oh, and he tainted the 2016 election in the process, as if the decades of anti-Hillary rhetoric and the year being cursed to its core needed any help plunging the US into years of madness.

Anthony weiner is sweating

Now, before we get into this girl — whom we will leave unnamed, because she"s 15 — we need to make something clear:

Even if she was fishing for sexting messages from Anthony Weiner, that in no way excuses him.

(Legally, there are entrapment laws when law enforcement is involved — though even then, if someone"s willing to go along with a fake plan to blow up a bridge, should those people really be running around free?)

You probably remember a brief note about how the minor whom Anthony Weiner had been sexting had been deliberately baiting him.

It"s a difficult topic to address, because there are so many angles.

Anthony weiner smirks

She"s a minor, and we never want to blast a minor for doing awful stuff, because they"re

And, indisputably, Anthony Weiner was the villain here.

In terms of this girl"s intentions, though, it looks like her desire to expose a sexual predator wasn"t to get that fiend off of the streets.

Even in the short Inside Edition preview video below, the girl name-drops Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton"s aide, Huma Abedin is a political staffer and an extraordinarily accomplished woman.

She is also Anthony Weiner"s long-suffering wife.

(She was, anyway — Huma Abedin finally filed for divorce)

It sounds like the reason that this girl targeted Anthony Weiner, of all of the compulsive pervs out there, was to sabotage Hillary Clinton"s campaign.

You might think "but the husband of her aide … he had nothing to do with her campaign."

But you"d be forgetting that 2016 was a very strange time and a very contentious election where facts didn"t seem to matter, but inflammatory associations did.

Anthony weiner enters court

From this video, we don"t know that this girl is specifically a Trump supporter.

When she started messaging Anthony Weiner, the GOP still had an array of hopeful candidates. Maybe this girl thought that she was helping Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz win the Presidency.

(That"s still not a good thing, but … yeah)

We have to wonder if she"ll comment on how it feels that, by getting Anthony Weiner busted for sexting her, she got a man who famously bragged about sexual assault elected to the White House. Trump is also notorious for walking into beauty pageant changing rooms simply because he owns them.

Anyway, she"s still 15. We look forward to finding out what she thinks about all of this when she"s 20 or 25. You can gain a lot of wisdom before adulthood.

Though, again, Anthony Weiner is a creep and that lack of wisdom that 15-year-olds have is exactly why you"re not allowed to send them pictures of your dick.

Anthony weiner the 15 year old girl he sexted speaks out

Friday, July 14, 2017

Katie Price: Maybe I"ll Hire a Prostitute for My Autistic 15-Year-Old!

In a talk show appearance, television personality and former model Katie Price suggested that she"d consider hiring a sex worker for her autistic son, who is currently only fifteen.

There is so much to unpackage here. Because there"s so much wrong, here.

We have the video for you, below, with full context — but no amount of context could make this anything but controversial.

But first, here"s what"s going on.

Katie Price is a television personality these days, but she used to be one of those "top-heavy" models, and she"d model topless.

Essentially, she made millions off of her megaboobs.

She has three children.

Her son, Harvey, is fifteen.

Harvey is on the autistic spectrum.

While there are plenty of autistic folks with basically zero issues in a neurotypical-dominated society, there are some people with autism who need daily assistance to go about their lives.

Harvey, at least for now, needs a fair amount of accommodation, though part of that is because he was born blind.

And Harvey also has Prader-Willi syndrome, which can have a few symptoms such as impaired brain-function — but the primary symptom is an insatiable appetite that can easily lead to massive weight gain.

Katie Price appeared on a talk show, Loose Women, along with a woman who has an adult autistic son and has written a book about her experience as his mother.

The woman"s son also appeared on the show and, honestly, we thought that he did an ample job of speaking for himself and we"d rather have just heard from him.

That woman shared a story about how she"d considered hiring a sex worker for her son when was in his early 20s.

As she tells it, she even drove into what she calls a "red light district," only to get cold feet.

Her son ended up meeting a young woman on his own and dating her — he was just awkward at the time.

(We get the feeling that his mother was panicking that her son would be alone forever, and honestly that whole anecdote is just a huge red flag about the mom)

Katie Price jumps in with her own story, based on Harvey having entered puberty and something that Katie Price"s husband (for now) had suggested:

"Kieran said, ‘Shall we get him a prostitute when he turns 18?’ But I said, ‘But that’s my little Harvey and I don’t want him to do that!’ What do I do? Do I leave it? Or do I let him experience it?"

You"ll see that and the chatter in response in the video below.

This is hardly the first time that Katie Price has made controversial statements on parenting, but still.

But we need to unpack these issues.

Okay, first of all, because this is the most important thing to address:

It"s pretty screwed up that these women seem very content to just talk about autistic folks like they"re wild animals that sometimes end up in people"s houses.

People who have autism are people.

They exist on a very wide and varied spectrum of abilities and experiences.

Television and film tend to portray autistic people as either nonverbal robots "who might be dangerous" or as slightly shy white men who are really, really good at solving crimes.

If you want a better glimpse at some positive and frankly realistic portrayals of an autistic adult, maybe look at Abed Nadir on Community.

Eddie Redmayne"s portrayal of Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was essentially just a male, magical version of Temple Grandin, a famous autistic woman who advocates for livestock welfare and has changed industry standards in the process.

These examples might serve people better than listening to the horror stories of Mommy Bloggers.

Most of the parents in that category are more interested in exploiting their family stories for profit than giving an honest representation of people on the autistic spectrum.

It"s no wonder that this episode proved to be so controversial, right?

A lot of the controversy, however, wasn"t centered upon the weird fetishization of "autism moms."

No, a lot of the Twitter backlash was about the idea of hiring a sex worker.

Not because Harvey is disabled or still a minor or a real person who may or may not want to have sex in a few years, regardless of what his parents assume.

But because there are still people, many of them well-meaning, who believe that sex work is inherently bad.

That"s really no surprise — just think of the ridiculous freakout over Teen Vogue"s anal sex guide.

In this case, though, only some of the people who rail against sex work are just people who are generally tightly wound about sex.

Some people who probably think of themselves as sex-positive act as though all sex work is the same thing as sex trafficking.

Not even a little.

It is absolutely true that sometimes women are kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery in an operation that resembles voluntary sex work.

Except for the voluntary part.

That does not make all sex work involuntary or abusive or anything else.

Like, we know that Qatar has used slave labor in construction.

That does not mean that all construction workers are slaves.

Not all sex workers are desperate to get into a different line of work, either.

Not all porn stars want to be actors and not all escorts dream of a white picket fence.

People who rail against sex work are so often shouting over the voices of actual sex workers.

So a lot of ire was misplaced, basically.

Katie Price, to be fair, is far from the worst offender here.

She only brought this up because the other mom had already shared her story.

But unless it"s something that Harvey actually says that he wants when he"s an adult, she shouldn"t even consider it.

Hopefully the backlash, misguided as much of it might be, will make that clear.

Katie price maybe ill hire a prostitute for my autistic 15 year

Friday, June 30, 2017

Kaia Gerber: Cindy Crawford"s 15-Year-Old Daughter SLAMMED for Racy Pic!

Look, Kaia Gerber is an absolutely gorgeous girl.

With Cindy Crawford as a mother, she really didn’t have much of a chance to be anything else.

But while Kaia is lovely, and even though she’s been building a modeling career of her very own, she’s also only 15 years old.

It’s easy to forget her age — after all, she’s posing for magazine covers, not running around the mall and being obnoxious like most kids her age.

Still, that’s what she is: a kid.

And that’s why a whole lot of people are pretty uncomfortable with a new photo she shared on Instagram.

Here’s the pic in question:

As you can see, Kaia is only wearing a robe draped off her shoulders, and she’s clutching it in the front instead of, you know, wearing it like it’s meant to be worn.

(Robes aren’t that difficult to operate, friends.)

She captioned the photo “uniform,” which we’re sure means something to her.

But judging by her pose, it’s clear she’s trying to be at least a little provocative.

And that’s weird.

“Beautiful but I think too young for this,” one person commented on the photo “Speaking only from the perspective as a mom. Surprised your parents are on board with this seductive picture.”

Another concerned parent (not one of Kaia’s) wrote “If my 15 yr old posted his, model or not a model I would kill her. This just makes me sad.”

Kaia’s own mother got slammed for the photo, too.

“You’re too damn young to be taking such a suggestive photo,” wrote one outraged follower. “Then again this isn’t shocking seeing as the lengths your mom goes to have you make it in the industry.”

Her own fans even had some not-so-positive remarks to make — that’s how inappropriate some people found the photo to be.

“Don’t turn into one of those girls,” one such fan advised her. “You’re too good for that. Stay beautiful inside and outside.”

Another said “Ffs I like her but she’s only 15. Put on a bra and shirt, girl. I wouldn’t care if you wouldn’t be so young. Wait a few years before posting pics like that.”

And that’s only a small example of the kind of criticism she’s getting.

But, luckily for Kaia, not every comment was negative. She actually had a lot of people defending her choice to share such a scandalous photo.

“Everyone needs to chill. It’s no that serious. Let her do whatever she wants,” one person told the haters.

“What is wrong with showing shoulders?” another asked. “Damn y’all a new level of hate and stupidity.”

One person even thanked her for “showing us how to be proud of our bodies,” and told her that she’s “a great example of girl power, killing it as always.”

Do you think she crossed a line with her photo?


Friday, May 19, 2017

Anthony Weiner Weeps in Court, Pleads Guilty to Sexting 15-Year-Old Girl

Anthony Weiner shed tears in federal court as he entered a guilty plea for sexting a 15-year-old girl, and agreed to serve prison time, and will also have to register as a sex offender. The oft-disgraced Congressman appeared before the judge…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Giannis Antetokounmpo: My 15-Year-Old Brother Is Better Than Me (VIDEO)

If you think 6’11” Milwaukee Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo is a problem in the NBA, you ain’t seen nothing yet … ‘cause Giannis says his 15-year-old brother, Alex, is gonna be even better. We got BOTH Antetokounmpo brothers in New…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ariana Biermann Shows Off Unnaturally Full Lips for 15-Year-Old Girl

Ariana Biermann, 15-year-old daughter of Kim Zolciak, is showing off some seriously pumped-up-looking lips. 

For a young girl who’s got a whole life of plastic surgery ahead of her, she sure seems intent on starting soon, huh? 

Mom Kim shared the pic on her Instagram page last night, noting to her followers that her daughter is “just” 15 years old, which isn’t at all some kind of weird pedo invite, and insinuated that the costume was for Halloween. 

We, you know, hope

It’d appear that Ariana was dressed up as Batgirl or some incarnation of Bat things, and the pout is just so Kim Zolciak, we’re having a hard time keeping our lunches down. 

That’s not to say we’re shaming a 15-year-old girl. 

To be fair, Ariana is simply a beautiful girl, but that’s the thing: she’s just a girl, ffs, yet Zolciak insists on sharing inappropriate photos at every turn.

Like that one, for example. 

The one where Kim and her daughters were stark naked. 

All of them. 


And speaking of “together,” that’s a thing that Zolciak would be well-advised to get. 

She shared the above photo with the caption, “I must have done something right,” and called the girls “my three minis” and “my heart and soul.”

Don’t be misled, though – she clarified, and updated the post with, “We are not naked so don’t start.” 

Kim was also recently under fire for sharing yet another inappropriate snap – this time of her two-year-old daughter, Kaia. 

In the above pic, as you can see, Kaia was topless – not an entirely uncommon thing for a young toddler – but the problem was that she shared it on Instagram. 

Who does that? Besides, you know, Catelynn Lowell and poor Nova

Zolciak didn’t even acknowledge that part of the photo, though, captioning it only with snarky plastic surgery jokes. 

She said, “If you zoom in on my nose you will see my mom is already molding my face to look just like hers … as I stand there in anticipation I can’t wait to see what my face will look like.”  

Hilarious, right? 

Not so much. 

Commenters noticed, though, because they notice that sort of thing all the time. 

One, in particular, screeched, “

“KIM TAKE THIS SH-T DOWN NOW! If it took for you to put emojis on the pic you shouldn’t have even posted it. You raising up a bunch of Kims alright.”

Another “fan” wrote, “You are a horrible disgusting mother. If this picture was posted by anyone else people would think it horrible, but for some reason all of your crazy trashy fans adore it and you. I feel sorry for your kids and for the kids of your followers.”


Same, lady. 

