Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Prince Estate Demands Donald Trump to Stop Playing "Purple Rain" at Rallies

Prince’s estate is sick of President Trump playing The Purple One’s music at his rallies and is demanding he stop STAT. The late singer’s half-brother, Omarr Baker, just said on behalf of the estate … “The Prince Estate has never given…


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Lil Pump Makes it Rain Outside of Strip Club in Photo Shoot

Lil Pump’s clearly tired of the crazy L.A. heatwave … thus bringing some much needed relief with a burst of rain with Benjamins. The “Gucci Gang” rapper was at Sam’s After Dark strip club in L.A. around 6 AM Thursday when he posted up in the…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Noah Brown SLAMS 15-Year-Old Sister Rain Brown as Childish, Immature

As Ami Brown’s cancer battle resumes, Alaskan Bush People fans and her family worry for her health but hope for the best.

Noah Brown has his own priorities — he’s about to get married.

So why, fans wonder, did he write a lengthy post slamming Rain Brown, his 15-year-old sister?

“My birthday is the 18th of July and it really has been making me think a lot about everything,” Noah wrote on Instagram.

He is in a contemplative mood, which is fine. 

“I am turning 26 and the following month I am getting married to the girl of my dreams,” Noah continues. “Rhain Merrill (soon to be Rhain Brown)”

Noah writes: “We will soon be our own Family, and although there are trials and tribulations and a tone of stress I could not be happier with the way my adult life is turning out.”

Feeling hyped about marriage is also fine.

“I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my adulthood and reminiscing of childhood.”

Reminiscing is fine. What’s not fine is what he has to say about his youngest sibling.

“Like a kid would say I am a ‘grown-up,"” Noah says. “And I cannot help but admire my littlest sister Kathryn Raindrop’s youthful innocence of a pre-teen.”

Obviously, Rain is not a preteen. She’s 15, dude. But that’s just the tip of the awkward iceberg.

“When you are a child like little Raindrop, you do not have to think about what you are going to eat for dinner or worry about paying bills,” Noah writes.

That’s a super condescending way to talk about his sister.

Noah explains: “because your parents do everything for you and you cannot yet take care of yourself.”

That’s arguably true, but then it gets worse.

“Young Raindrop spends her days cuddling Bunnies and playing with her dolls not knowing about the stressful lives of the adults around her,” Noah claims.

That is quite the characterization.

“Oh the metabolism of a pre-teen like little Raindrop,” Noah says. “She can eat whatever she wants and never gain a pound, she just stays her tiny self (that I am envious of).”

Pro-tip for being on the internet: unless you are her doctor, please don’t talk about any 15-year-old girl’s body. Uh, especially your sister’s.

Also, for the record, Rain Brown exercises to keep her figure. She’s not just coasting on her metabolism.

“I am an adult now I am getting married in 46 days and my parents do not make my dinner or give me a place to live,” Noah says.

While having a place to live is nice, it would be weirder if Noah’s parents were making him dinner. Even if he lived with them, which he does not.

“I am the head of my own household,” Noah says, which is also creepy. “And the family that Rhain and I are starting will look to me for advice and guidance.”

“My first priority will now always be my new family and my loyalty is to my soon to be wife and my future children,” Noah writes.

See, talking about being a responsible parent is great! He should have gone right to that and skipped the weird stuff about metabolisms and preteens.

“it is my job to take care of my new family and it will be an honor to do my best for them,” Noah says.

Good for him.

“I am unbelievably ecstatic with where I am in my life,” Noah says. “But Rainy girl stay small and please do not rush to grow up enjoy your childhood as long as you can.”

She’s in her adolescence, not childhood. Again, she is a minor and people should respect that, but she’s not a little kid. Don’t talk down to her like she’s 8.

“The world will wait for you,” Noah advises. “Just take your time and have fun, because being a kid is just as important as becoming an adult.”

“As the saying goes,” Noah concludes. “:You will grow up sooner then you think.”

We don’t know what spurned this aside from his looming wedding date.

Perhaps Rain was talking about a crush — Rain has spoken about love before, which is very age-appropriate.

(Some would say that your teens are the only age when it’s appropriate to be gushing vaguely online about an unnamed crush)

Did Noah hear some of this, or perhaps some of her frustrations at her limited freedoms as a teen, and panic at his little sister growing up?

Or was this an attempt to make himself sound more mature than he actually is as his wedding date looms ahead?

Either way, Rain is fifteen. She is a teenager. If you’re 11 or 12, you’re a preteen. If you’re 13 through 19, you’re a teenager. Words mean things, my dude.

Noah’s words, apparently throwing Rain under the bus to make himself sound more grown up, are a far cry from his word of warning last December.

“Some people feel the need to try and say mean, insulting, and down right hateful things to a 15 year old girl that is opening up to everyone in such a difficult time just to make them feel better about themselves,” Noah lamented late last year.

Rain has become her family’s de facto spokesperson because of her frequent social media use, but it has exposed her to some real creeps.

“So if you do not like it, then do not follow it, if you do not want see it, then do not look at it, if you do not want to hear it, then do not listen,” Noah says.

Noah instructed: “If you have nothing nice to say, then do not say anything at all.”

That’s good advice in general, if not always. But please don’t harass minors on the internet. Be nice. Be an adult.

“Recently,” Noah’s December post continued. “My little sister Rainy has gotten discouraged because of some things that some mean people have said.”

People love to target the most vulnerable people on social media just to elicit a reaction and feel powerful.

“So if you like Rainy’s Instagram then let’s show her just how many people enjoy when she posts,” Noah asks. “So please everyone flood her message box with kind and generous words of encouragement.”

Words of encouragement, fun fact, are the opposite of infantalizing your sister to make yourself sound more wizened.

Noah concluded: “And let’s show her that there are more people that love her then there are that are dislike her.”

Good advice. We wish that Noah would follow it.


Prince"s Old Bible, Suit and Copy of "Purple Rain" Hitting Auction

What’s cooler than your copy of “Purple Rain” on vinyl? Try owning one of Prince’s personal copies on vinyl!!   Some 27 items previously owned by Prince are hitting the auction block — thanks to The Purple One’s old bodyguard — and the…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jill Scott"s Estranged Husband Wants His "Purple Rain" Album Returned

Jill Scott’s refusing to fork over a copy of Prince’s “Purple Rain” — and a bunch of other crap — according to her estranged husband. Michael Dobson filed docs in his divorce case with Jill … asking the judge to punish her and…


Monday, April 16, 2018

Boston Marathon Runners Soaked & Trash Baggin" in Crazy Rain Storm

Running the Boston Marathon is already hard as hell  … and that’s without being caught in a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR like the runners in Beantown are Monday! The field of about 30,000 competitors are gonna have to be Boston Strong to make it…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Justin Timberlake Makes it Rain from Halfcourt at Wizards" Practice Facility

Here’s Justin Timberlake  reminding us of his superior genes yet again — poppin’ by an NBA court and swishin’ deep balls without breaking a sweat. This time, JT hit up the hardwood where the Washington Wizards practice in D.C. … and…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Rain Brown: Is She Dating Someone?

Alaskan Bush People star Rain Brown is a delight on screen and on social media.

For a while now, the 15-year-old has acted as her family’s unofficial spokesperson. But her latest post has nothing to do with her family’s show — in fact, it’s very personal.

Has Rain Brown found her first love?

Rain shared this happy post on Instagram, and wrote her revealing caption:

“Sometimes all it takes is one special person and suddenly the world doesn’t seem so bad anymore.”

Rain followed those words with a tasteful black heart emoji.

Alaskan Bush People fans took to the comment to express … mixed responses.

But plenty were excited to see Rain appear to have found love.

One fan wrote in some unsolicited advice.

“Oh Rainy!!! So happy for you!!! First loves are the BEST. Just remember, ENJOY IT, take your time with it, embrace the experience. FUN FUN FUN ALSO!!!”

Another chimed in with more cautionary words.

“If it is your first love be careful and cautious because they can in the long run hurt the most”

Rain is 15, and a lot of people remember heartache from that age.

“Rainy, don’t get too serious about one person yet. You’re so very young and life has many places to go in it. There’s many people to meet yet.”

Then, however, the subject of Rain’s gay rumors came up.

First, a commenter responded to what appears to be news of Rain being in love, writing:

“Sounds like rain found a boyfriend!”

Another pointed out that her vague, alleged love interest needn’t be a boy.

“Or a girlfriend.”

To be clear, while rumors aren’t appropriate, reminding someone that girls exist is not the same as rumor-mongering.

One of the very first comment that Rain received on this post was a very blunt question that is seldom appropriate.

“Are you gay?”

This is much more confrontational and hardly appropriate in any circumstances, least of all when it’s directed at a 15-year-old.

For the record, Rain is a big believer in equality but says that she’s straight. Please be nice to her.

Rain is accustomed to playing third wheel, but perhaps it will soon be another sibling’s turn to feel left out by her romantic adventures?

However, some of the commenters were less interested in Rain’s romantic life.

One person decided that Rain only showing one eye in her photo was a secret sign that she’s part of a worldwide conspiracy.

“Illuminati sellout. One eye symbol. POS.. you’re just like the rest of them rain.”

We wish that we could be sure that this person was joking. There really are people who believe that the Illuminati are real. The internet is wild.

Another person had a very different yet nonetheless interesting comment:

“I’m so happy that you can recognize this already. It’s amazing the impact one single person can make on someone’s life with one brief glance, conversation or action.”

That started off normal, but keep reading:

“Sometimes I wonder if some of those ‘people’ I’ve encountered were actually guardian angels (messengers) sent by God or just regular people guided by divine intervention. In many parts of my life there is no other explanation for it and I feel undeservedly blessed.”

That one, at least, was very positive and affirming. Having beliefs like that is fine, but it’s odd that this person chose to share them with Rain like that.

Rain was super vague and she hasn’t followed up that caption with specifics.

But she’s talked about crushes in the past, and not just about her crush on Once Upon A Time actor Colin O’Donoghue

She’d made vague posts in the past:

“And you sir, you’re very attractive. Therefore, I will stare at you.”

She’s spoken about crushes.

“You stare, you dream, but you never have the courage to do anything about it, anyone can have a crush on anyone, in fact, it’s so common that it’s a cliche.”

She’s even talked about how past crushes have shaped her life.

“I told him (through text heehee) that I liked him. He was very sweet and understanding and it turned out that that scary monster of a crush actually made me who I am today.”

Each of her Instagram followers has seen the effects of that particular crush.

“He was the reason I found quotes and because of it I wanted to help others who had gone through what I had, the moral of the story is to never be afraid and that it’s never too late to face your fears.”

Does Rain have a boyfriend (or girlfriend)? We sure don’t know. This may just be another crush who might have no idea.

But she is 15 and that’s her business. She’ll share that information with fans and followers if and when she’s ready.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Rain Brown Writes About Hard Days, Feeling Broken

In January, Alaskan Bush People star Ami Brown revealed the news about her cancer: it’s in remission! Though the Brown family matriarch will need to stay on her guard, right now she’s focused on recovery.

But not all news in the Brown family is good news. Just recently, Ami’s young daughter posted about feeling “broken.”

Now, Rain is posting about one particular “hard day.” Is everything okay?

Though this tough mother is now cancer-free, Ami Brown’s lung cancer diagnosis was dire.

Initially, she was given only a slim chance to live. The cancer was not caught early, and had metastasized to both lungs as well as to her spine.

The fact that Ami has beaten the odds and recovered is defined by some as a Christmas miracle.

We should note that the good news came before Thanksgiving, however, and that Ami also suffered a number of health setbacks along the way, in part due to the intensity of her radiation and chemo treatments.

Ami Brown is a tough woman, though, and she pulled through.

It’s safe to say that the Brown family has a lot to celebrate. The family’s youngest, 15-year-old Rain Brown, posted this:

“A tiny rainbow appeared on my roof today. And disappeared as quickly as it came.”

She shared a photo of the rainbow — it’s on her ceiling, not her roof, just so that we’re clear. That photo is below.

“I just wanted to share this cute little thing that happened to me on a hard day.”

What, fans and followers cannot help but wonder, has made her day so terribly hard?

She then shares some words of wisdom.

“‘Every day might not be good, but there is something good in everyday."”

Rain Brown

Remember, however, that Rain Brown suffers from depression.

She’s opened up about it in the past, and this “rainbow” post isn’t the first time that she’s offered hope to people who share her struggle. Recently, Rain wrote:

“To everyone out there who feels broken … someday you will be immensely happy eating ice cream on the floor alone at six in the morning.”

That example was so specific that it was … definitely what she was doing at the time.

“Yes it can happen to you too.”

A lot of people say it can happen to you ominously, but she means it in a hopeful sense. Depression can make happiness seem impossible, but it isn’t.

“Someday you’re gonna go through something only to realize it doesn’t hurt anymore, not in a numb kind of way, but in a happy strong kind of way.”

She offers advice.

“Stay true to yourself and to God and that’s all you’ll ever need.”

That might be a little specific, religion-wise, but everybody gets the idea.

“It may not seem like it now, but eventually you will be exactly where I am.”

By which she means feeling happiness again despite depression’s attempts to rob her of all joy.

“This is just a reminder that happiness is real, it’s a beacon of hope and a glimpse of the light that will soon be in your life.”

She signs off, writing:

“#staystrong my Rainbrows and remember this unicorn loves you!”

Referring to herself as a unicorn is apt, since she’s fond of wearing a a unicorn onesie.

And it’s good to remember that she refers to her fans and followers as rainbows — because, you see, her name is Rain.

It sounds like, though some of Rain’s depression may be chemical in nature, Ami Brown’s recovery may have given her a much-needed infusion of hope.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Rain Brown Posts Sweet Tribute to Cancer-Free Ami Brown!

Just a couple of weeks ago, Ami Brown revealed that her cancer is in remission. It was a long, scary battle, but she’s begun to recover enough that she can go places with her family.

While fans are overjoyed, obviously, no one is happier about Ami’s recovery than the Browns themselves.

Ami’s youngest, Rain Brown, has posted a beautiful tribute to her mother.

Thrilled beyond belief that Ami Brown is finally cancer-free, 15-year-old daughter Rain posted to Instagram to celebrate her mother.

“I would just like to give a very honest thank you to the most amazing woman that’s ever walked this earth.”

She wrote this in the captions of an Instagram photo (above) in which she is embracing her mom.

“Not only am I lucky enough to have met an angel and know an angel, but that angel is my mother.”


“Honestly you inspire me more then anyone, and I’m so blessed to know I have people like you in my life that will support me no matter where I go and how I choose to get there.”

Rain then goes on to praise her mother’s parenting.

“You’ve never judged me or punished me but only taught me with love and with leading by great example.”

That sounds like a fantastic parenting style — one that has worked out beautifully for Rain, who is an incredible and compassionate young woman.

“You’re the reason I am who I am and the reason I keep fighting, because if the sweetest most honest happiest person such as yourself can do it? So can I.”

It’s wonderful that Ami can inspire her young daughter.

If you’re wondering what Rain means by “keep fighting,” remember that Rain Brown suffers from depression.

Rain wrote yet another post, sharing words of encouragement for followers who might feel the same way that she does.

“To everyone out there who feels broken…”

Sadly, a lot of people feel that way.

“Someday you will be immensely happy eating ice cream on the floor alone at six in the morning.”

That’s a very specific example of happiness, but sometimes people with depression begin to forget what joy feels like.

“Yes it can happen to you too.”

Rain speaks to her followers about how perspective can help them to battle their depression symptoms.

“Someday you’re gonna go through something only to realize it doesn’t hurt anymore, not in a numb kind of way, but in a happy strong kind of way, stay true to yourself and to God and that’s all you’ll ever need.”

She wants people who’ve felt depression like she has to know that there’s hope.

“It may not seem like it now, but eventually you will be exactly where I am.”

Like Tarek El Moussa’s hopeful message, Rain’s advice is clearly that people need to remember the good in order to make it through the bad.

“This is just a reminder that happiness is real, it’s a beacon of hope and a glimpse of the light that will soon be in your life #staystrong my Rainbrows and remember this unicorn loves you!”

Rain has become something of an unofficial spokesperson for her family in recent months, thanks to her social media presence.

But you can tell that these sweet messages were from the heart.

A 15-year-old may not seem like the most qualified self-help guru, but she’s not trying to be.

She’s just trying to share her wisdom — yes, teenagers can be wise — with the people who follow her to keep up with her thoughts and her family’s activities.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Prince Memorabilia Auction Features Purple Piano, Boots, Pants and Purple Rain Tour Microphone

Prince’s zest for purple flair will be showcased during an auction offering up incredible items from the legendary musician’s life … but you’ll have to bid big to take any home. The Prince Memorabilia auction begins online next week and features…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian Grab Lunch in the Rain, Guess Who Drove???

Riddle us this — if Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian all go to lunch in the rain, with two sisters expecting but only one of them pregnant … who drives?  The question’s gotta be asked, ‘cause the 3 Kardashians found themselves in that…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Rain Brown: Slammed on Instagram Over Exercise Video! Why?!

Poor Rain Brown. She has to deal with the struggles of being a teenager, with her mother"s cancer diagnosis and treatments, her own battle with depression, and with the rigors of being a reality star. Oh, and gay rumors.

She also has to deal with a bizarre amount of hate on Instagram. (Who hates a 15-year-old girl?!)

Rain posted a harmless video of herself doing pull-ups (as you"ll see below) and has gotten a world of hate for it. And you won"t believe why.

Ami Brown is battling lung cancer. As we told you in our latest Ami Brown cancer update, she recently suffered a setback but is reportedly recovering and making progress.

While these chemo treatments are taking a serious toll on the Brown family matriarch, Ami"s struggle is also taking its toll on the entire family.

Particularly on her youngest, Rain Brown, who openly admits that she doesn"t know if her mom"s going to make it.

Rain has been acting as her family"s de facto spokesperson in recent months, but her Instagram popularity comes at a cost: trolls.

Rain Brown has posted video of herself working out before.

So when Rain Brown posted what appears to be a totally innocuous, encouraging post — this time, doing pull-ups — you would think that it would be no big deal.

Rain"s caption, too, was harmless.

"Nine months ago I couldn’t even do a half of a pull up and now I can do 14 I’m so proud of myself and how far I have come never give up on your dreams and goals because If you start now who knows maybe nine months from now you could be half way to your goal"

That"s profoundly encouraging! Except that some trolls 

Some were patronizing:

"You"re doing it wrong but nice try A+ for effort."

Others seemed to direct their comments towards other, nicer Instagram followers.

"If she wants to be a fitness teacher, she should teach it right. It"s important. It also looks like someone is under her, helping by pushing her back up."

People seem to think that she was faking doing pull-ups.

"There"s no way she"s doing that on her own. No straining whatsoever. No need to lie Rainey"

And there were varying levels of rudeness.

"Show the box you"re standing on. Lol."

Rain did, however, receive some much kinder, friendlier comments.

"Keep it up Rainy and believe that way more people love you than don’t and bad comments come from insecurities in their own lives. You are amazing and luv and blessings goes to you and your whole family."

That"s so sweet!

"How are you and all your family doing. You are doing an excellent job, keep up the good work."

A lot of people asked about Ami"s health and about the show and also about how Rain is adjusting to city life. Other reminisced about Rain"s past.

"I remember when you challenged Bam to a push up contest. Keep it up and you’ll win someday soon!"

For half of Rain"s life, viewers have watched her grow up before their eyes. And they were eager to defend her:

"Rainy, ignore the fools. Keep up the good work! My group continues to send prayers for you and your family."

Rain Brown manages to remain cheerful — at least on camera — despite so much. And while the show"s on hiatus, she"s the only window to the Brown family for Alaskan Bush People fans.

The least that people could do is just be polite.

For the record, it looks like she"s really doing pull-ups. She"s a tiny person, folks. It"s not going to look the same as a muscled gymnast doing pull-ups.

Some people need to get a grip.

Rain brown slammed on instagram over exercise video why

Friday, December 22, 2017

Rain Brown Responds to Gay Rumors: I"ve Accepted My Sexuality

Back in October, Alaskan Bush People star Rain Brown was praised for her pro-equality message that she shared on Instagram.

Some fans, however, wondered if her message about LGBT rights might be a little personal. And, rudely, a couple of fans boldly asked Rain if she’s gay.

Though she had every right to ignore the questions, Rain decided to come clean and answer them.

Like the rest of her family, Rain Brown has a lot on her plate. 

Since no, Ami Brown’s cancer wasn’t miraculously cured despite our hopes and best wishes, she’s still contending with her mother’s battle with lung cancer.

That’s hard for anyone to deal with, especially a girl who’s only just turned 15.

Reportedly, the Brown family is filming Season 8 in Colorado. We don’t know how much they’ve filmed — possibly just a promo or two — but filming a reality series is no joke.

Oh, and with Rain’s Instagram account having reached over 45,000 followers in just a few months, she’s dealing with a lot of social media pressures as both a teenage girl and her family’s de facto spokesperson.

It’s through social media that some people decided to give her a hard time by grilling her about her sexuality.

Folks, straight-up asking somebody their sexual orientation is fine sometimes, awkward at other times, and sexual harassment in other contexts.

When total strangers are asking a 15-year-old girl her sexual orientation, that’s seriously crossing some boundaries.

Apparently, Rain’s short hair, or perhaps the fact that she calls her fans “rainbows,” or perhaps her recent message about equality, led some fans to wonder about her sexuality, which is no one’s business by Rain’s.

We don’t know if they expected Rain to answer, but she did.

Rain shared an optimistic post, as she often does, and a fan straight-up commented:

“Are you gay?”

Though we’d have absolutely understood if Rain had ignored the comment, she decided to reply with a very direct answer:

“No, I’m straight.”

Rain didn’t stop there, though.

“And I call my fans rainbows because my name is Rain, but you do you boo.”

She added to that a kissy face emoji. Some people would add that as an insult, but coming from Rain, we think that it’s to show that there are no hard feelings over the question.

On another photo, a different fan commented:

“I wonder if [Rain] has accepted her sexuality yet?”

(Folks, if you want to speculate over somebody’s sexuality, do it in private or not at all — not on that person’s Instagram page)

Rain replied:

“I’m straight … so yeah, I have.”

That’s a polite reply but we believe that we detect an air of frustration.

To be clear, the sexuality question is inappropriate, not because gay people are somehow inherently inappropriate, but because it’s nobody’s beeswax. Also, it can constitute harassment.

She shouldn’t be faced with these questions, folks.

Not just because plenty of LGBT+ folks don’t feel comfortable coming out at 15 (if they’re even aware), but because it’s straight-up inappropriate.

We understand the desire to know as much as possible about the stars you admire.

And, quite frankly, a lot of television is starved for decent LGBT+ representation. Reality television is definitely included.

But instead of asking stars to come out — whether they’re actually gay or not — how about if we all instead mind our own business?

Especially when the reality stars in question are, you know, 15.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Rain Brown Issues Catfishing Warning: That"s NOT Gabe Brown!

For reality stars, the Brown family isn"t the most active on social media. Sure, Bam Bam and his girlfriend provide some updates, but it"s mostly only Rain Brown who speaks for Alaskan Bush People on the interwebs.

Which means that a strange task fell to her, as you"ll see in the video below.

Rain Brown took to social media to share that Gabe Brown hasn"t been online and is going through a rough time right now. Because apparently a catfisher has been pretending otherwise. …

Gabe brown hauling wood

Most reality stars use the fame that they acquire on the small screen to make their star shine even brighter.

That can mean product endorsements. It can mean crossover reality appearances (especially if anybody"s marriage or relationship isn"t going so well).

But, bare minimum, it means using social media to the fullest extent. You can grow your audience that way. You can also market yourself and your fame to companies that way.

The stars of Alaskan Bush People, however, don"t do that so much.

Rain Brown, the family"s youngest — she just turned 15 — has become the Brown family"s de facto spokesperson.

Which led her to share this strange, strange message on Instagram:

Gabe brown bird brown rain brown in target

In the video that you"ll see below, Rain (who seems a bit anxious as she speaks, but we get it) warns of a stranger who is spreading misinformation about Gabe Brown.

"There"s this girl posing to be Gabe"s girlfriend. I wanted to quickly [clear] some things up for you guys."

That"s super alarming. It sounds like either the girl herself is just seeking fame over an imagined relationship, or someone is pretending to be Gabe online in order to catfish Alaskan Bush People fans.

It sounds like it"s the latter situation, because Rain goes out of her way to assure the world that Gabe is not online at the moment.

"Gabe does not have his phone; hasn"t had his phone in a long time."

That"s unusual for anyone these days.

"Please don"t listen to anything that anyone says about him."

That"s not uncommon for reality star siblings to say about each other — it"s natural to be protective.

But it"s good to remember that being contacted by someone claiming to be a celebrity … well, you should almost always assume that it"s not really them. Look for that blue checkmark of verification and even then, consider that they may have been hacked.

Rain elaborates on Gabe"s circumstances, and though she"s pretty vague, it doesn"t sound good:

"He"s going through a very hard time and his phone broke and he does not have it."

Considering that the Brown family has been living large in a Beverly Hills mansion recently, we"re guessing that there"s much more to Gabe"s lack of a phone than the first one getting damaged.

Because surely they could just buy another. It sounds like he"s in a really bad place, emotionally.

Rain brown and gabe brown

Rain takes the opportunity to share a message about her sister, Birdie.

"And also Birdie likes to be kept very private."

Again, the Brown family is much, much more privacy-oriented than you"d expect for a bunch of reality stars.

"And so she doesn"t, you know, she doesn"t really let anyone follow her. And she doesn"t like people messaging her."

Rain then seems to almost immediately contradict herself (again, she"s talking about a serious subject; some anxiety goes with the territory).

"But you are welcome to message her, and she"ll read it, and sometimes I think she replies — I"m not positive."

So maybe Rain should have checked with Birdie before she spoke about what Birdie likes or doesn"t, but Rain"s doing her best.

"My family"s really private, and that"s really the only reason that I"m the only one on here."

No 15-year-old should have to be the spokesperson for her famous family, but here we are.

"And I never say anything about the rest of my family because they"re all very private people."

Gabe brown and best friend

So, first of all: catfishing is bad, but catfishing as a celebrity who is already going through a hard time — we"re guessing that Ami Brown"s lung cancer is just one of his current struggles — is worse.

You might think that only a fool would get caught by that, but that doesn"t mean that a foolish person deserves to be deceived.

There are a lot of desperate, lonely people who would love to believe that they"re in a relationship with a famous person.

And there are some truly unhealthy people who would get a thrill out of tricking someone into believing that.

Second of all, though, the Browns are continuing to make a big mistake by staying off of social media.

Remember the fan controversy over that photo of Billy Brown? If Ami and Billy were active on social media, they"d have a chance at controlling the narrative about Billy continuing to smoke while his wife battles lung cancer.

At the very least, they could bombard fans with enough content that a random photo of them would have gotten less scrutiny.

Also, Rain uses the video to share that she has "almost" 40,000 followers on Instagram. She actually has more than 40K, now.

Anyway, here"s the video of Rain Brown. As we said, she seems a little anxious, but that"s more than understandable.

Rain brown issues catfishing warning thats not gabe brown

Monday, November 20, 2017

"Candy Rain" Singers Soul For Real "Memba Them?!

With hits like ‘Candy Rain’ and ‘Every Little Thing I Do’ Dalyrimple brothers KD, Choc, Bri and Jase joined forces to make the smooth singing ’90s R&B band Soul for Real. Guess what they look like now!


Friday, October 27, 2017

Rain Brown: I Don"t Know if My Mom"s Going to Make It

Just over a week ago, we told you that Ami Brown’s second round of chemo was coming up. 

The Alaskan Bush People star’s family might be living large in a Beverly Hills mansion, but the Brown matriarch spends her time these days undergoing chemo and then recovering from those sessions.

Well, she’s undergoing chemotherapy treatments now, and we have some details on how she’s coping.

We know that chemotherapy is a brutal but vitally necessary treatment as Ami Brown fights against stage 4 lung cancer.

Rain Brown, the youngest member of the Brown family, took to Instagram and offered an update on her mother’s progress.

“My mom and I spent all morning making our favorite peach tea and our own mix of essential oils together.”

Though it’s a bad situation, it’s good that they still have mother-daughter time.

They use the essential oils as a homeopathic treatment — to aid comfort and recovery.

Rain lists the specific scents:

“(frankincense, eucalyptus, pink grapefruit, and spearmint) with coconut oil as a carrier and a touch of shimmer.”

A lot of those sound great.

Rain sounds like she has a very realistic grasp on her mother’s condition:

“She is now going though her second round of chemo, sadly I can’t say how she is doing just yet, but we are all hopeful and faithful.”

Sometimes “I don’t know” is the most honest, mature answer that you can give.

“Thank you all so much for your support and love in this harsh time. Stay strong my rainbows, God bless.”

Rain is such a sweetheart. We’re so glad that she’s there for her mother.

We know that being surrounded by (almost) her whole family — since they all live just minutes from the hospital — must be a great source of comfort for Ami.

Rain is maintaining a healthy perspective on life.

This is important, too. As we’ve mentioned, cancer patients do go through their ordeal alone. All of their loved ones are along for the ride.

And, at just 14 years of age, “Rainy” does not have the kind of life experience or coping mechanisms that some of her much older siblings do.

(No matter how bad your experiences as an adult may be, they would always be worse as a child)

Rain shared a quote on Instagram:

“What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.”

Rain also added quite a few of her own words in the caption:

“Quotes aren’t about who said what when and what they meant when they said it they are about a few words put together in a way so beautiful it speaks to everyone differently.”

Rain regards quotes as a sort of inspirational poetry, then. If we’re reading this correctly.

“For me they were something I found myself drawn to and couldn’t find out why, they helped me through some of the darkest times in my life, and have lifted me up to great heights.”

Rain is at that age where she’s figuring out who she wants to be and also who she is.

Quotes can have a powerful impact and become a guiding force as you figure out what resonates with you — and what does not.

“People always mock them for being so small and stupid but knowing so much, meaning so much but just being something someone else said.”

We think that what Rain is trying to say here is that some people have a dismissive attitude towards quotes, but she finds meaning in them.

“Being a copycat if you will, but I find quotes are beautiful and hold all the secrets to life.”

And we think that, here, she’s asserting that using quotes isn’t being a copycat, it’s finding inspiration.

“Even the ones that are right in front of our eyes, quotes are like a magic that is always there but only makes sense when you need them to most.”

That’s true. Even a quote from a childhood cartoon — or a dream — can have meaning.

(I’ll always remember that famous dream that someone had where Obama said “Violence for violence is the rule of beasts”)

“So I guess you could say I’m a lot like a quote small and young but has a deeper understanding then even I could ever understand.”

It’s cute that she was able to connect how people are dismissive of quotes with how they sometimes underestimate her.

it’s sad, too.

And tough, being the baby of the family — especially such a large family.

Rain will pull through, though, even as she battles depression.

Right now, we wish that we had as much confidence in Ami Brown’s fragile health.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Rain Brown: Wanting to Quit Alaskan Bush People?!

Considering that Alaskan Bush People is in production limbo while Ami Brown undergoes cancer treatments, we don’t know when the new season will begin.

But though the Brown family is living large in a mansion during this hiatus, you figure that, sooner or later, they’ll retreat back into the wilderness to continue filming.

Rain Brown said something recently, however, that has fans concerned. it sounds like she wants to quit the show!

We absolutely love that Rain Brown is on social media.

Her posts and photos are a great insight into her life and thoughts — sides to her that we would never get to see on a series that follows the entire family.

And as carefully as we follow Ami Brown’s chemotherapy treatments, we — and all fans of Alaskan Bush People — need to see that the rest of the family is coping during this trying experience.

Remember — cancer patients don’t go through their cancer battles alone.

Their loved ones are in the thick of it with them.

Just as when we were excited to learn of Noah Brown’s engagement finally being official and confirmed, we welcome any positive news about the family.

Rain Brown, however, the youngest of the Brown clan at just 14 years old, has revealed more than just her quirky side and fondness for equality over Instagram.

Rain Brown is depressed. And this is not a new development, either.

What’s worse, she’s often felt sidelined or ignored when speaking about her battle with depression.

No one should be dismissed because of their youth.

In fact, teens and preteens experiencing depression can be at extremely high risk, which is why treatment is so important. Hormones and a tumultuous social life can both work to exacerbate depression symptoms.

And Ami Brown’s cancer battle must also be taking its toll.

Rain’s alarming new post doesn’t refer to any of that, but you can see how it all might be an influence if she’s tired of being on Alaskan Bush People.

The picture is fine (it looks like a still from a Vine, actually; gosh I miss Vine), but the caption is what has fans worried.

“This is my I don’t really want to take this picture but I love the person who I’m taking it for look #yup #idontwannadothisanymore #hurtinginside #staystrong #stayhappy”

In case you find hashtags overwhelming, Rain wrote: “I don’t wanna do this anymore” and “hurting inside.”

Both of those tags are huge red flags — not only for her mental health, but for fans of the series who enjoy he role on the show.

Fans were quick to comment, and Rain Brown even responded. …

One fan wrote:

“If you want to quit, then stop. You will be so missed. I so look forward to your posts. If you need to get out of the public eye do it! You can’t be strong for others if you don’t take care of yourself.”

Honestly, Rain Brown is a minor, so we doubt that she ever had much of a choice to begin with and we don’t know that she gets to decide that for herself now, either.

Rain jumped in, however, and replied:

“I was actually talking about taking a picture lol.”

We have to say that “hurting inside” sounds a little more serious than posing for a photo, but it may be that her humor isn’t translating well over Instagram.

But that’s okay. She’s 14 and she’s just figuring out how to (and how not to) deliver her quirky brand of humor to her fans.

This is a relief. Though, as long as the show remains in hiatus for Ami Brown’s treatments and recovery, we won’t know for sure if the show will go on.
