Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exercise. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Rain Brown: Slammed on Instagram Over Exercise Video! Why?!

Poor Rain Brown. She has to deal with the struggles of being a teenager, with her mother"s cancer diagnosis and treatments, her own battle with depression, and with the rigors of being a reality star. Oh, and gay rumors.

She also has to deal with a bizarre amount of hate on Instagram. (Who hates a 15-year-old girl?!)

Rain posted a harmless video of herself doing pull-ups (as you"ll see below) and has gotten a world of hate for it. And you won"t believe why.

Ami Brown is battling lung cancer. As we told you in our latest Ami Brown cancer update, she recently suffered a setback but is reportedly recovering and making progress.

While these chemo treatments are taking a serious toll on the Brown family matriarch, Ami"s struggle is also taking its toll on the entire family.

Particularly on her youngest, Rain Brown, who openly admits that she doesn"t know if her mom"s going to make it.

Rain has been acting as her family"s de facto spokesperson in recent months, but her Instagram popularity comes at a cost: trolls.

Rain Brown has posted video of herself working out before.

So when Rain Brown posted what appears to be a totally innocuous, encouraging post — this time, doing pull-ups — you would think that it would be no big deal.

Rain"s caption, too, was harmless.

"Nine months ago I couldn’t even do a half of a pull up and now I can do 14 I’m so proud of myself and how far I have come never give up on your dreams and goals because If you start now who knows maybe nine months from now you could be half way to your goal"

That"s profoundly encouraging! Except that some trolls 

Some were patronizing:

"You"re doing it wrong but nice try A+ for effort."

Others seemed to direct their comments towards other, nicer Instagram followers.

"If she wants to be a fitness teacher, she should teach it right. It"s important. It also looks like someone is under her, helping by pushing her back up."

People seem to think that she was faking doing pull-ups.

"There"s no way she"s doing that on her own. No straining whatsoever. No need to lie Rainey"

And there were varying levels of rudeness.

"Show the box you"re standing on. Lol."

Rain did, however, receive some much kinder, friendlier comments.

"Keep it up Rainy and believe that way more people love you than don’t and bad comments come from insecurities in their own lives. You are amazing and luv and blessings goes to you and your whole family."

That"s so sweet!

"How are you and all your family doing. You are doing an excellent job, keep up the good work."

A lot of people asked about Ami"s health and about the show and also about how Rain is adjusting to city life. Other reminisced about Rain"s past.

"I remember when you challenged Bam to a push up contest. Keep it up and you’ll win someday soon!"

For half of Rain"s life, viewers have watched her grow up before their eyes. And they were eager to defend her:

"Rainy, ignore the fools. Keep up the good work! My group continues to send prayers for you and your family."

Rain Brown manages to remain cheerful — at least on camera — despite so much. And while the show"s on hiatus, she"s the only window to the Brown family for Alaskan Bush People fans.

The least that people could do is just be polite.

For the record, it looks like she"s really doing pull-ups. She"s a tiny person, folks. It"s not going to look the same as a muscled gymnast doing pull-ups.

Some people need to get a grip.

Rain brown slammed on instagram over exercise video why

Friday, May 19, 2017

Chris Cornell Used Exercise Band and Sturdy Clip Device to Hang Himself

Chris Cornell used a common piece of exercise equipment to take his own life.  We’ve learned the Soundgarden frontman secured a red elastic exercise band attached to a carabiner to the top of his hotel bathroom door. A carabiner is a device…


Sunday, January 29, 2017

U.S. Air Force Puts its Spin on Exercise

The U.S. Air Force wants to join the indoor cycling craze … and they’re looking for a super good spinner to lead the cardio charge. According to docs obtained by TMZ … the Air Force is revamping its Fitness and Sports Program. The brass wants to…


Monday, May 16, 2016

24 Tweets That Prove the Exercise Struggle is Real

Not everyone is Kim Kardashian.

Not everyone can get famous off a sex tape afford a personal trainer and have all the time they need to hit the gym to get in shape.

Working out is hard!

But making jokes about working out on Twitter can be easy. Just ask the following funny folks…

1. This is Enough for the Day

This is enough for the day

Seriously, I’m pooped.

2. No Argument Here!

No argument here

Gain is overrated.

3. I Need All the Motivation I Can Get

I need all the motivation i can get

Come get me, serial killers!

4. My Work Here is Done

My work here is done

But my eating is yet to begin!

5. What Choice Do I Have?

What choice do i have

You want me to choke?!?

6. Get It?!?

Get it

I’ll be here all week. And by “here,” I mean NOT the gym.

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