Showing posts with label Hang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hang. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2018

Jenna Dewan, Channing Tatum Hang with Their New BF and GF

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum seem to really have the conscious uncoupling thing down — going from peaceful reunited exes one night to love birds with their new boos the next. Jenna was spotted out Thursday near Palm Springs with her…


Monday, July 16, 2018

Farrah Abraham to Fans: Buy My App & I Might Hang Out With You Losers!

Sure, Farrah Abraham is still fired from Teen Mom OG, but that doesn"t mean she"s about to go gently into the good night of former reality star obscurity.

In fact, she"s been on her grind more than ever lately, making tabloid headlines like it"s her job … which we suppose it sort of is.

In the past few weeks, Farrah has been arrested for assault; she"s launched feuds with fellow washed-up reality stars, and of course, she"s been posting scantily-clad photos to her social media pages.

The girl has a product to sell, and it"s herself.

She"s banking on people like you wanting to know all about her hopes, dreams, and upcoming porn projects.

And now, it seems she"s under the impression that you"ll be willing to pay for that privilege:

1. The Farrah Files

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Yes, folks, it’s finally here — the app that puts all others to shame! Take a hike, Google Maps! Beat it, Uber! The official farrah Abraham app is now available for download!

2. Creativity — Not Her Strong Suit

Farrah abraham in underwear for some reason

Yes, quite lamely, the app is named simply “Farrah Abraham.” This might create confusion among fans who wish to purchase Farrah’s, um … other services.

3. Knowing Her Audience

Farrah abraham app launch

But what Farrah lacks in innovation, she makes up for with shameless self-promotion. Here she is pitching her app to fans as only she can.

4. Come Again?

Come again

For the most part, she’s clearly just reading from cue cards here, but there’s a weird bit at the end about how much she likes “the outdoors and summer.” Anyway, it might be the least nonsensical she’s ever been.

5. A Heaping Helping of Word Salad

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

And of course, no Farrah post would be complete without a massive block of emoji-laden text as a caption. “I’m freakin out my first app launched today at the @apple store,” Farrah wrote, adding that she’s hoping to take a break Instagram and Twitter for the foreseeable future.

6. Farrah For Sale!

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

“So happy I have my own app now & can have a break from social media! Enter to win a LA trip to join me for my App launch pool party!” Abraham wrote. Yes, Farrah wants to invite one lucky fan to bang … sorry, we mean HANG with her in Los Angeles.

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Justin Bieber"s Ex-Neighbor Claims He Skipped Depo to Hang with Hailey Baldwin

Justin Bieber skipped a scheduled grilling from lawyers, and decided to make out with Hailey Baldwin instead … according to his ex-neighbor who now wants Justin arrested. The Biebs was ordered by a judge to attend a deposition, which was…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

DeMarcus Ware Reps Monster 305-Pound Hang Power Cleans, "Basic Tuesday"

Sorry, James Harrison … there’s a new retired linebacker pushin’ serious iron in the gym — and it’s just as frightening. DeMarcus Ware did his best impression of the former Steelers superstar in the weight room Tuesday, hang power cleaning 305…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Derek Jeter Steps Away from Trash Marlins to Hang with Baby

Here’s a picture that’s as adorable as the Miami Marlins are terrible … both courtesy of Derek Jeter. The MLB legend took some time away from his atrocious baseball team to hang with his wife, Hannah Jeter, and their baby, Bella Raine, in New…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Bella Hadid & Hailey Baldwin Hang Out, of Their Bikinis

Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin went sun’s out, bums out while cruising around Miami on a luxury boat — and got SUPER close once they got back on land. Both ladies spent Sunday on “The Groot”, the boat that belongs to nightclub owner David Grutman.…


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kanye West and John Legend Hang Out, Will "Agree to Disagree"

Kanye West and John Legend are not letting a small matter such as the fate of our nation get in the way of their friendship.

Just days after the two exchanged in a semi-heated debate via text message, the artists not only hung out on Friday evening…

… they posed for a photo together.

“We got love. Agree to disagree,” wrote West last night as a caption to the above picture.

It was snapped during Chrissy Teigen’s baby shower, as she and Legend are expecting their second child any week now.

It’s not newsworthy that Kanye and John are friends — but it is noteworthy that they are getting along well here because Legend called West out in an exchange that went public earlier in the week.

As part of his Twitter barrage over the past few days, Kanye has expressed an affection for Donald Trump.

He’s worn a MAGA hat. He’s questioned why Barack Obama did nothing to help Chicago. He’s received praised from the President himself on social media.

In response to this viewpoint, Legend sent his friend a few text messages… which Kanye actually went ahead and Tweeted to the world.

“I hope you’ll reconsider aligning yourself with Trump,” Legend wrote, as you can see above.

He added:

“You’re way too powerful and influential to endorse who he is and what he stands for.

“As you know, what you say really means something to your fans … so many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump’s policies cause.

“Don’t let this be part of your legacy.”

Well said and reasoned, right?

But Kanye basically blew his pal off.

He did, however, later Tweet the following:

“I really appreciate this dialogue with John Legend because I’m actually very empathetic.

“I’m still the kid from the telethon. I feel when people think of MAGA they don’t think of empathy.”

We’re not here to delve too deeply into Trump’s wayward views on what the MAGA movement stands for.

Those around the rapper are reportedly concerned about his mental health and thinking of staging an intervention.

However, it’s most likely that West is simply drumming up attention and publicity here in anticipation of his dual album release in June.

Love him or REALLY hate him for his TrLate Friday, meanwhile, Kanye released a track titled “Ye vs. the People.”

It’s a collaboration with T.I. and is an attempt by the rapper to clarify his political stance a bit.ump support, Kanye is most certainly accomplishing those aforementioned goals.

“I know Obama was heaven-sent/ But ever since Trump won it proved that I could be President,” Kanye starts off the track, later adding:

“Bruh, I never stopped fighting for the people…

“See that’s the problem with this damn nation. All Blacks gotta be Democrats, man, we ain’t made it off the plantation.”

And there are also these lyrics:

I feel an obligation to show people new ideas/ And if you wanna hear ‘em, here go two right here.

Make America Great Again, had a negative reception I took it, wore it, rocked it, gave it a new direction.

Added empathy, care and love and affection/And y’all simply questionin’ my methods.

Yes, many people are questioning Kanye West’s methods.

Unless you work in a marketing department.

In which case, you’re likely just sitting back in awe of them.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Beyonce, Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams Hang Post Coachella

The Destiny’s Child reunion is still going strong post-Coachella because all three ladies stepped out together Tuesday night in L.A. for a fashion event. Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams attended the Dundas traveling pop-up store opening…


Beyonce, Kelly Rowland & Michelle Williams Hang Post Coachella

The Destiny’s Child reunion is still going strong post-Coachella because all three ladies stepped out together Tuesday night in L.A. for a fashion event. Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams attended the Dundas traveling pop-up store opening…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Anna Faris and Boyfriend Michael Barrett Hang with Her Parents

S*** just got real for Anna Faris … her new boyfriend’s hanging with her parents. Anna, Michael Barrett, her kid and parents hit up a Super Bowl party Sunday in the Hollywood Hills. They were shuttled up to the shindig. Meeting the…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Brad Pitt Drops Insane Amount of Cash Just to Hang Out With Emilia Clarke

At one point or another, we’ve all daydreamed about what we would do if we had a virtually unlimited supply of time and money.

Perhaps you’d like to sail around the world on a yacht that’s twice the size of your first apartment, or eat manatee burgers on Richard Branson’s private island.

There are many ways to blow staggering amounts of cash in frivolous and obnoxious ways, and as far as we can tell, that’s the best reason to amass staggering amounts of cash.

Of course, saying you want to pull a Magellan or feast on some ground endangered species is that tres noveau riche sh-t that’ll get you called out in a second.

The folks who have been annoyingly well-heeled for most of their lives have moved beyond such pedestrian fantasies and are now only excited by displays of wealth that work-a-day schmucks like you and I would never even dream of.

Take for example, the latest expenditure by Mr. Brad Pitt, who began life by winning the genetic lottery, and then rode that wave all the way to unimaginable financial success.

At 54, Brad’s been rich and famous for nearly three decades, which means those nighly illuminati orgies are just a tedious chore to him at this point.

This is a guy who’s done it all, which means he needs something truly wondrous to get his motor running.

You can only drive so many luxury cars and observe so many alien autopsies before you begin to crave the purest and most universal pleasure known to man.

We’re talking, of course, about enjoying the company of the Mother of Dragons herself, Emilia Clarke.

Proving once again that he’s living the very best of lives, Pitt recently spent bid $ 120,000 for a chance to spend an evening watching Game of Thrones with Emilia.

Obviously, Clarke is gorgeous, but it seems Pitt ponied up the dough simply out of sheer GoT fanboy geekiness.

Clarke auctioned off her time as part of a benefit for the Haiti organized by Sean Penn.

Sadly, like the Red Wedding, this tale has a tragic ending.

It seems Brad’s colossal bid was insufficient, and someone who we’re gonna assume was George R.R. Martin dropped an astonishing $ 160,000 for an hour of Emilia’s time.

That may seem ludicrous, but the way our cable bills have been looking lately, we’ll all be dropping six figures to watch HBO before the year is out, amirite?!

Yes, that was an incredibly lame joke, but if we told it you while we were clinking glasses of $ 800 champagne aboard our private space shuttle, you’d be in hysterics right now.

Maybe money can’t always buy you a night with the Khaleesi, but it can always buy you fake friends.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

"Catwoman" Jocelyn Wildenstein and Boyfriend Free to Hang Out Again

The so-called Catwoman, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and her boyfriend are free to get on the same elevator, cook and hang out again … but one false move and they’re back to square one. TMZ broke the story … Jocelyn and her boyfriend, Lloyd…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Hang Out Together All Day

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez spent a full day together Sunday … from morning until night. These are pics of Justin and Selena attending church services Sunday morning … this after grabbing some grub together at Joi Cafe in Westlake Village.…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Blake Griffin to Kendall Jenner: Of Course You Can Hang with the Guys!

Seems Kendall Jenner is already close enough with Blake Griffin to join in on steak night with his boys.  The L.A. Clippers star and 3 of his guy friends hit up the Ocean Prime steak and seafood house in Bev Hills on Wednesday night … with…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Blac Chyna & Lamar Odom Hang Out in Beverly Hills

Life after the Kardashians — it does exist — looked pretty smooth for Blac Chyna and Lamar Odom Wednesday night in Bev Hills. Rob and Khloe’s exes were hanging together at the iGo.Live app launch event. Tyga was there too, but opted out of…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Chris Cornell 911 Call, Guest "Attempting to Hang Himself"

First responders to Chris Cornell’s Detroit hotel room were delayed in their efforts to save him because they had to get him down from the door he used to hang himself … according to the 911 call. On the just-released call you can hear an…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Billie Jean King Also Said Serena Couldn"t Hang with Men

John McEnroe isn’t the only one who thinks Serena Williams would get crushed on the men’s circuit — Billie Jean King told us the exact same thing last year … and backed it up with science.  Of course, McEnroe’s been getting killed over an…


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Orlando Bloom, Son and Miranda Kerr"s Dad Hang Out, But is He Invited to Her Wedding? (PHOTOS)

Orlando Bloom is in the same zip code where ex-wife Miranda Kerr will be tying the knot for a second time … the question, is Orlando on the guest list? Orlando was out with his son and Miranda’s dad Friday, grabbing a cone at Sweet Rose Ice Cream.…


Orlando Bloom, Son and Miranda Kerr"s Dad Hang Out, But is He Invited to Her Wedding? (PHOTOS)

Orlando Bloom is in the same zip code where ex-wife Miranda Kerr will be tying the knot for a second time … the question, is Orlando on the guest list? Orlando was out with his son and Miranda’s dad Friday, grabbing a cone at Sweet Rose Ice Cream.…


Friday, May 19, 2017

Chris Cornell Used Exercise Band and Sturdy Clip Device to Hang Himself

Chris Cornell used a common piece of exercise equipment to take his own life.  We’ve learned the Soundgarden frontman secured a red elastic exercise band attached to a carabiner to the top of his hotel bathroom door. A carabiner is a device…
