Showing posts with label Attempting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attempting. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Brandon Browner Arrested for Attempting to Murder Ex-Girlfriend

Between Kellen Winslow II being arrested on 19 charges and LeSean McCoy accused of unspeakable domestic violence, this summer is reminding football fans that some of their heroes … are not.

Now, former NFL quarterback Brandon Browner is charged with trying to kill his ex-girlfriend. This is not the first time that has been accused of violence towards her or others.

He was arrested on Sunday east of Los Angeles. Be warned, folks: some of these details are not for the faint of heart.

According to prosecutors at the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office, the 33-year-old former athlete is charged with attempted murder, first-degree residential robbery, and other counts.

His arraignment is scheduled for July 30.

According to the allegations, Browner broke into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment.

He is said to have chased the woman, physically dragged her back into her house when she attempted to flee, and attempted to smother her with a carpet.

While it sounds considerably less serious than attempted murder of a former partner, he also allegedly stole a Rolex watch valued at $ 20,000.

It is not immediately evident whether or not Browner has an attorney.

Given that he signed a contract worth $ 15 million just a few years ago, it seems likely that he can afford a decent defense team.

Having played for both the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots, he enjoys the distinction of being one of the few players who has been on two different NFL teams who won the Superbowl back-to-back.

Though online sources are unclear as to his exact net worth, many assume that his alleged theft of a Rolex watch was motivated by something other than a need for cash.

Additionally, it is unclear what exactly motivated him to allegedly break into the La Verne, L.A. home of his ex-girlfriend.

But a troubled hsitory may shed light on what went down.

Last September, Marin Foster, who is the mother of his two children, filed a restraining order against Browner.

On her application, she reported that he had broken her tailbone, busted her eardrum, and given her multiple black eyes. She also suggested that he had threatened to kill her, if not in so many words.

It gets worse, in part because the permanent restraining order was not granted.

On May 6 of this year, prosecutors alleged that Browner inflicted “unjustifiable physical pain and mental suffering” on a two-year-old.


Last month, he plead no contest to misdemeanor charges of battery and cruelty to a child by inflicting injury.

If you’re wondering how much our legal system cares about protecting children, he served one day in prison, and three years on probation.

Also, 48 hours of community service and he is forbidden from seeing his victim for three years.

The only good news about this series of horrifying events, which are going to keep us up at night, is that committing a crime while on parole could mean that he spends longer in prison.

Assuming, of course, that his is convicted and actually given a real sentence this time.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Suge Knight"s Former Attorneys Arrested for Attempting to Bribe Witnesses in Murder Case

Two of Suge Knight’s former attorneys are behind bars for allegedly trying to bribe witnesses in his murder case. Attorneys Matthew Fletcher and Thaddeus Culpepper were arrested on charges of acting as accessories after the fact … a felony. The…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Chris Cornell 911 Call, Guest "Attempting to Hang Himself"

First responders to Chris Cornell’s Detroit hotel room were delayed in their efforts to save him because they had to get him down from the door he used to hang himself … according to the 911 call. On the just-released call you can hear an…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Smearing Brad Pitt & Attempting to Silence Press?!

By now, you’re almost certainly aware that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.

The intensely private couple has been predictably tight-lipped about their legal battles, but that naturally, that hasn’t kept the tabloid press from prying.

Now it looks as though Jolie may have inadvertently revealed more than she intended to about her private battle with Pitt by going to incredible lengths to keep news of the split out of the gossip column.

It seems Angie has been getting legal on bloggers and entertainment writers whom she feels crossed the line in their coverage of her split with Brad.

One blogger who received a cease and desist from Jolie is none other than the notorious Perez Hilton, who did not take her request kindly.

Hilton posted a screenshot of his response to Angelina’s lawyers on Instagram:

Perez Hilton: Email to Angelina Jolie Lawyers

Hilton captioned the above message (which he concluded with a polite “Such my dick!”) with the following:

“In other news, #AngelinaJolie’s lawyers at Greenberg Glusker have just threatened to sue me for my coverage of her split from #BradPitt. ME!! I have always been one of Angelia Jolie’s loudest and strongest supporters and defenders!!!!!

“This was my email back to Angelina’s lawyers, #BertFields and #PriyaSapori. Glad I’m not running for president!!”

Shockingly, Perez’s tersely-worded email was apparently enough to get Angelina’s lawyers to back down.

The offending piece is still on his website, and Jolie’s legal team has yet to file suit, several days after they reportedly received Hilton’s response.

So what does this all this tell us about the Pitt-Jolie split?

Well, for starters, it’s interesting that Angelina is the one who’s concerned about details of her split going public and not Brad.

After all, Pitt is the one being investigated for child abuse after allegedly getting into a physical confrontation with his son abound a private jet.

In addition, these cease and desist orders come on the heels of a new round of reports (allegedly issued from Angie’s camp) that prior rumors that Brad visited his kids last week and is working to hammer out a divorce settlement are patently false.

The fact that Jolie seems so suddenly concerned with smearing her ex and defending her own reputation may serve as an indication that she’s not as blameless in all this as we originally thought.

Or maybe she is! We don’t know!

Please don’t sue is, Angie!!!


Monday, February 15, 2016

Martin Shkreli: Robbed of $15 Million While Attempting to Purchase Kanye West Album

When most people want to buy an album, they open up iTunes and shell out the necessary $ 9.99.

When Martin Shkreli wants to buy an album, he wants fork over more cash than most people make their entire lives so that no one else can ever listen to it.

This obnoxious habit began when the much-reviled “pharma bro” paid $ 2 million for the sole copy of a Wu Tang Clan album that had previously been stored in a vault in Morocco.

The odd arrangement was orchestrated by Wu Tang members with the idea that whoever purchased the disc would in some way distribute it to the public. 

They didn’t account for someone like Shkreli, who appears to have no plans to share the album with anyone outside of his inner circle.

Apparently, Shkreli is really relishing the title of Most-Hated Man in Hip Hop, as he attempted to pull a similar stunt last week when he offered to buy the sole rights to Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo, for $ 10 million.

Unfortunately for Shkreli, Kanye’s people saw through the offer as an obvious attempt to prevent, or at least delay, the album’s release.

Even more unfortunate for Shkreli is the fact that karma’s a bitch.

The 32-year-old former hedge fund manager – who first made headlines for jacking up the price of a life-saving medication when he was CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals – upped his offer to $ 15 million following Kanye’s star-studded release party.

With that kind of cash on the table, Shkreli was bound to generate some interest.

Hilariously, that interest came from someone who’s probably never even met Kanye.

Shkreli took to Twitter yesterday alleging that  he had been bilked of $ 15 million in Bitcoin by someone who identified himself as a friend of Kanye’s named Daquan.

Apparently, Shkreli was under the impression that Daquan would pass the money along to Kanye, who he believed had agreed to sell the rights to the album.

You’d think a guy who’s famous for screwing people over wouldn’t be quite so trusting.

“WHO THE F-CK HAS MY FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS??????” an increasingly irate Shkreli tweeted yesterday afternoon.


“I hope you all enjoy this stupid music SO much and the fact it has brought me so much pain and suffering. I quit rap.”

The irony of that statement is probably lost on Martin, but we’re sure there are many people who enjoy the album much more precisely for that reason.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Emma Stone: Attempting to Steal Ryan Gosling From Eva Mendes?!

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling have worked together on multiple films, and the actors have gushed about their fondness or each other in multiple interviews.

Unfortunately, it seems the Emma and Ryan may have different ideas about the nature of their off-camera relationship.

As you may have heard Stone broke up with Andrew Garfield in April after several years of dating.

Shortly thereafter, we began to hear rumors that Gosling was cheating on Eva Mendes with Stone, but nothing ever came of the affair allegations.

Now, the folks over at Celeb Dirty Laundry are reporting that Gosling and Mendes briefly broke up as a result of his romancing the Stone, and Emma did everything in her power to ensure that the couple stayed separated.

Despite Stone’s best efforts, the website reports that “unnamed insiders reported that Ryan and Eva decided to give things one more try and want to give Esmeralda a baby brother or sister.”

Further complicating matters is the fact that Garfield is reportedly trying his best to win Stone back, but she only has eyes for Gosling.

Sound like quite the Hollywood love quadrilateral. It seems fitting that the film that Gosling and Stone recently completed filming is entitled La La Land.