Thursday, October 13, 2016

Angelina Jolie: Smearing Brad Pitt & Attempting to Silence Press?!

By now, you’re almost certainly aware that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt.

The intensely private couple has been predictably tight-lipped about their legal battles, but that naturally, that hasn’t kept the tabloid press from prying.

Now it looks as though Jolie may have inadvertently revealed more than she intended to about her private battle with Pitt by going to incredible lengths to keep news of the split out of the gossip column.

It seems Angie has been getting legal on bloggers and entertainment writers whom she feels crossed the line in their coverage of her split with Brad.

One blogger who received a cease and desist from Jolie is none other than the notorious Perez Hilton, who did not take her request kindly.

Hilton posted a screenshot of his response to Angelina’s lawyers on Instagram:

Perez Hilton: Email to Angelina Jolie Lawyers

Hilton captioned the above message (which he concluded with a polite “Such my dick!”) with the following:

“In other news, #AngelinaJolie’s lawyers at Greenberg Glusker have just threatened to sue me for my coverage of her split from #BradPitt. ME!! I have always been one of Angelia Jolie’s loudest and strongest supporters and defenders!!!!!

“This was my email back to Angelina’s lawyers, #BertFields and #PriyaSapori. Glad I’m not running for president!!”

Shockingly, Perez’s tersely-worded email was apparently enough to get Angelina’s lawyers to back down.

The offending piece is still on his website, and Jolie’s legal team has yet to file suit, several days after they reportedly received Hilton’s response.

So what does this all this tell us about the Pitt-Jolie split?

Well, for starters, it’s interesting that Angelina is the one who’s concerned about details of her split going public and not Brad.

After all, Pitt is the one being investigated for child abuse after allegedly getting into a physical confrontation with his son abound a private jet.

In addition, these cease and desist orders come on the heels of a new round of reports (allegedly issued from Angie’s camp) that prior rumors that Brad visited his kids last week and is working to hammer out a divorce settlement are patently false.

The fact that Jolie seems so suddenly concerned with smearing her ex and defending her own reputation may serve as an indication that she’s not as blameless in all this as we originally thought.

Or maybe she is! We don’t know!

Please don’t sue is, Angie!!!
