Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silence. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Diddy Breaks Silence on Death of Kim Porter, As Does Son Quincy

2:12 PM PT — Kim’s son, Quincy, just posted a message about his late mother, saying … “I am broken…& the only thing that makes sense right now is that you were way too good for this silly world we live in. I love you so much MOMMY. Please…


Diddy Breaks Silence on Death of Kim Porter with Video Tribute

Diddy just addressed the tragic death of Kim Porter for the first time with a touching video and a heartbreaking message about the mother of his children. The Bad Boy honcho posted the tribute Sunday on Instagram, which shows him and Kim doing…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Shawn Booth Breaks Silence on Kaitlyn Bristowe Breakup: I"m in Agony

They were one of the couples that seemed to have beaten the odds, but Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn Bristowe are over.

Now, Shawn is opening up to fans with a heartfelt message.

He’s thanking them for their support — over the years and now, as he experiences real emotional pain.

Shawn Booth took to Instagram to deliver a heartfelt message about his not-so-secret breakup with Kaitlyn Bristowe.

“I just want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of my relationship with Kaitlyn over the years,” he writes.

After nearly three years together, the couple accrued a lot of fans.

“You’ve made me feel incredibly special,” he shares.

Shawn continues, noting that fans have made him feel “supported, and very loved.”

“So from the bottom of my heart,” Shawn continues. “Thank you.”

Shawn writes: “It truly means a lot.”

He’s thanking fans for more than just their support during the relationship.

Shawn appreciates the outpouring of respect that has flowed from the Bachelor Nation following their split.

“And,” Shawn says. “Thank you to everyone who has sent their love & support during this painful time.”

He gushes: “I love you guys.”

According to a recent report by People, Shawn isn’t the only one feeling heartbroken.

Kaitlyn’s in the same boat.

“This was the last thing Kaitlyn wanted,” and insider reveals.

According to the source: “she was willing to fight for the relationship.”

Ultimately, however, she and Shawn realized that they had lost their forward momentum.

“But,” the insider laments. “There was nowhere for it to go.”

“It’s only natural to think about the next steps when you’ve been together for three years,” the source explains.

“Kaitlyn,” the insider says. “Wants to be married and have kids.”

“But,” the source notes. “It didn’t seem like they were on the same page.”

Kaitlyn is two years older than Shawn. She is 33, he is 31.

Did that slight age difference make her the one who wanted to settle down first?

Fans cannot help but wonder.

Despite this key difference, the report says that neither of them simply quit on the other.

“It wasn’t one of them who broke things off,” the source reports.

In other words, it sounds like this painful decision to break up after nearly three years together was mutual.

According to the insider, Kaitlyn and Shawn are still “on good terms.”

That is great. But Kaitlyn is not doing so well internally, apparently.

“She’s devastated,” the source reports.

“There is a lot of hurt,” the insider says.

The source notes that “Kaitlyn tried to make it work.”

“She never thought this would end,” the insider concludes.

The hardest thing about relationships is that they inevitably end, one way or the other.

After three years of engagement, Shawn and Kaitlyn still have their memories of happiness, at least.

In time, those should be a source of comfort as the reasons for their conflict fade.

Who knows? Maybe they’ll even get back together, though we don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

Only time will tell.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Breaks Social Media Silence to Show She"s Voting

Demi Lovato has finally popped up on social media again in the wake of her near-fatal overdose earlier this year, and she made a splash with her message … I’M VOTING!!! The “Sober” singer posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday showing herself at a…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ben Affleck Breaks Silence After Completing Latest Stay in Rehab

In August, Ben Affleck entered rehab for the third time, following an intervention by his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, and a sobriety coach.

He has now completed his inpatient treatment.

Now, he is finally breaking his silence for the first time since beginning his latest stint in rehab.

Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Ben Affleck penned a serious message for his fans and followers.

“This week,” he begins. “I completed a 40-day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction.”

“And,” he continues, he will “remain in outpatient care.”

That is good. Staying in rehab helps with sobering up and getitng support. The real test is when you return to the real world.

“The support I have received from my family, colleagues, and fans means more to me than I can say,” Affleck writes.

“It’s given me the strength and support,” he says, when he needed it most.

He writes about how empowering it is “to speak about my illness with others.”

Sometimes, the best way that you can help yourself is by doing your best to help others.

“Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle,” he affirms.

If a single stint in rehab could simply cure an addiction, well, the world would be a different place.

“Because of that,” Affleck explains. “No one is never really in or out of treatment.”

Sobriety becomes part of your life on a permanent basis. You can never let down your guard and relax, unfortunately.

“It is a full-time commitment,” he adds.

What matters to him is that he remain motivated and keep his eye on the prize.

“I am fighting for myself and my family,” Affleck writes.

“So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction,” he continues.

Sharing stories of personal struggles, even when those tales include setbacks, and build a powerful sense of commonality and community.

“To those people,” Affleck writes. “I want to say thank you.”

He credits them with lending him emotional support when he was at his most vulnerable.

“Your strength is inspiring and supporting me in ways I didn’t think was possible,” he says.

“It helps,” Affleck admits. “To know I am not alone.”

Addiction is a serious problem for millions of Americans — and for countless millions more. He is far from alone.

“As I’ve had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage,” he continues.

It is important, he notes, that asking for help is perceived as wise and brave, “not weakness or failure.”

He is absolutely right. If society shames people for seeking help, no one can ever receive treatment.

It’s a real relief that Affleck is taking this seriously now that he has completed his stint in rehab

People who struggle with addiciton can sometimes convince themselves that it’s in the past, only to relapse the moment that their lives experience setbacks.

No one wants that for Ben Affleck. Least of all Ben Affleck himself.

By sharing his journey with fans in an open message like this, perhaps he will feel that he has a larger support network this time around.

We hope so.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Ohio State Football Deletes "Silence" Promotion After Massive Backlash

2:55 PM PT — Ohio State has deleted all traces of its “Silence” campaign — which was supposed to promote this weekend’s game against Penn State … after a MASSIVE backlash.  The University campaign featured a football player making a…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jimmy Bennett Breaks Silence on Asia Argento Rape Accusation

Jimmy Bennett has spoken out for the first time since his allegations of sexual assault against Asia Argento went public.

In a case that has received national attention, and about which the reporting has gone through a number of twists and turns, the 22-year old actor says Argento raped him back when he was 17 years old.

She was 37 years old at the time.

JB pic

Bennett has known Argento since the two worked on a 2004 film together.

According to documents obtained by The New York Times, he claims that she plied him with alcohol and forced herself on him inside a hotel room about five years ago.

He made this allegations several months ago because Argento was in the news for making her own rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

In response to the accusation, Argento paid Bennett a sum of $ 380,000.

However, she has said she was prompted to do so by then-boyfriend Anthony Bourdain in order to 1. Help Bennett financially and 2. Make the issue go away.

Argento has strongly denied having any sexual contact with Bennett, as you can see in her statement below:

Asia Argento1

Asia Argento2

HOWEVER, a photo has since surfaced that appears to show Argento and Bennett in bed.

Moreover, there also appears to be a text message chain (down below) in which Argento admits to a friend that she slept with Bennett, while saying the actor initiated this interaction and has basically been obsessed with her ever since.

So that’s where we stand.

That’s the background to Bennett’s first statement on the confusing, disturbing scandal.

We’re just going to publish the entire statement here and allow our readers to make up their own minds about what may or may not have transpired between Bennett and Argento…

Many brave women and men have spoken out about their own experiences during the #MeToo movement, and I appreciate the bravery that it took for each and every one of them to take such a stand.

I did not initially speak out about my story because I chose to handle it in private with the person who wronged me.

My trauma resurfaced as she came out as a victim herself. I have not made a public statement in the past days and hours because I was ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative.

I was underage when the event took place, and I tried to seek justice in a way that made sense to me at the time because I was not ready to deal with the ramifications of my story becoming public.

At the time I believed there was still a stigma to being in the situation as a male in our society.

I didn’t think that people would understand the event that took place from the eyes of a teenage boy.

I have had to overcome many adversities in my life, and this is another that I will deal with, in time. I would like to move past this event in my life, and today I choose to move forward, no longer in silence.

This is a photo of Bennett and Argento:

Argento became a prominent leader of the #MeToo movement following her accusations against Weinstein.

(Dozens of other women have made similar accusations of assault against the producers in the days, weeks and months since.)

She was also in the news this summer after Bourdin tragically committed suicide.

Argento denied Bennett’s rape allegations in a statement to New York Magazine on Tuesday, August 21, saying:

“I am deeply shocked and hurt by having read news that is absolutely false. I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett.”

In one of the texts below, though, Argento appears to write:

“I had sex with him it felt weird. I didn’t know he was a minor until the shakedown letter.”

You can read more of these text messages here:


Monday, August 13, 2018

Bethenny Frankel Breaks Silence on Death of Dennis Shields

Bethenny Frankel has spoken out for the first time since her long-term ex-boyfriend was found dead of an apparent drug overdose.

As reported last Friday, Dennis Shields passed away as the result of what appears to have been over-consumption of the prescription pill Oxycodone, although we’re still waiting for an official report from the coroner’s office.

He was 51 years old.

Just two days before this tragedy took place, Frankel had talked openly on an episode of The Real Housewives of New York City about how she was planning to take a three-month break from her romance with Shields.

However, this installment was filmed many months ago.

A far more recent report alleged that Shields was planning to propose to Bethenny during their final dinner date, only to get the strong impression in the middle of this meal that she was uninterested in marriage.

The general point here, however, is that Frankel and Shields were a very serious item for a long time.

They started dating in 2016 and continually found their way back to each other in the years since.

In the wake of Shields’ passing, Frankel has now shared the following image on Instagram.

shields, d

The snapshot features Shields in bed with Frankel’s beloved dog Cookie, who passed away in October at the age of 17.

“Rest In Peace my sweet babies who gave me endless unconditional love,” wrote Bethenny as a caption, adding the hashtah “#nowandforever.”

We’re not about to judge anyone for how he or she responds to death.

Everyone mourns in his or her own way.

However, some social media users out there were taken aback by Frankel’s initial statement here for three reasons:

ONE, the passing of a pet is very sad. But is it a little bit odd to compare this event to the passing of a human loved one?

TWO, could it also be considered inappropriate to share a photo of Shields in a semi-passed out state, considering he died of an overdose?

THREE, Bethenny’s caption says nothing about Shields with the exception of how he treated her, which comes across as a bit self-serving.

Conversely, some are saying, Dennis’ estranged wife, to whom he was still legally married when he died, posted the above picture of herself and Shields.

Among other tributes, she wrote the following:

To the love of my life- Dennis-I will miss you every day. Forever your legacy will live on in our children and our future grandchildren.

Your intelligence, humor and of course your good looks will forever be engrained in our family!

even though we did not live together, you still remained my best friend and my husband. You’re the best — always and forever!

Jill, Bethenny and many others attended a funeral for Shields in Long Island on Monday.

According to the New York Post, Shields knew something was very wrong last Friday morning and asked his assistant to give him Narcan, an emergency medication intended to reverse the effects of a narcotic overdose.

However, he lost consciousness before the medication could take effect and was pronounced dead a short time later.

May he rest in peace.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).


Fired WNBA Coach Fred Williams Breaks Silence After Reported Fight With Owner

You’re looking at Fred Williams — who was JUST fired from his job as the head coach of the Dallas Wings after getting into a screaming match with his boss Sunday night … and now he’s telling us why he thinks he got the chop.   Williams…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jimmy Garoppolo Breaks Silence on Kiara Mia, "Good Learning Experience"

San Francisco 49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo sounds like he regrets his very public date with porn star Kiara Mia … implying that he’s going to be much more careful when he’s out in public.  It was just last week, Jimmy G and Kiara hit up Avra…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Kathryn Dennis Breaks Silence on Thomas Ravenel Sexual Assault Allegations

In the wake of multiple sexual assault allegations against Thomas Ravenel, he is under investigation by the network and by law enforcement.

Bravo addressed the accusations by not having him at the reunion. But his castmates were still there. And his absence definitely came up.

During Part 1 of the reunion special, Thomas" ex and baby mama, Kathryn Dennis, finally broke her silence on the investigation.

Kathryn dennis at the reunion

Though Kathryn goes on quite the face journey (we"ve included some of our favorite stills) during this clip, her actual words are . . . moderate.

"I’m not going to comment until it’s resolved," Kathryn says after Andy Cohen asks her what she thinks.

“What I am going to focus on," Kathryn explains. "Is just the children and staying out of it."

Kathryn does acknowledge that she"s spent time with Thomas, saying: "We’ve been trying to spend more time together in front of the children."

"So things are moving in the right direction the best as they can," she explains.

Kathryn dennis unhappy at the reunion

Kathryn"s words may be almost neutral, but her face speaks of discomfort … and perhaps anger.

Andy Cohen read a statement to the group from Thomas" attorney.

"Along with Bravo," the statement reads. "Our client made the mutual decision not to attend today’s reunion taping as there is a pending investigation."

For Bravo, that"s a decision of taste. For someone under police investigation, that"s an issue of an attorney"s advice — you never want your client talking about the case.

"Our client is fully cooperating with authorities on that investigation,” the statement claims.

“He expects to be completely vindicated once the investigation is concluded," the statement says. "He sends his best regards to his fans and his fellow castmates."

Cameran eubanks

That was intensely awkward.

Andy then polls the group about how they feel about Thomas not being there.

Cameran Eubanks was quick to comment, saying: "I think it’s the right decision for him not to be here."

Any way that you look at it, she"s right.

"I will say this," Shep Rose says. "90 percent of the time Thomas is funny, eccentric, jovial and then we’ve seen that there’s a side of him that’s not really him."

Shep exudes more raw Owen Wilson energy than anyone but Owen Wilson himself. It sounds like he"s being very honest here.

"There"s a big side of him that I really really love," Shep explains. "And a little part that I don"t."

Shep rose and naomie olindo

Naomie Olindo (who, not that this is relevant, really stood out with her subdued yet gorgeous appearance at the reunion) spoke up about how Thomas has always been nice to her, personally.

At the same time, she joins in, acknowledging that there is another side to him, that he can be — and Shep jumps in and supplies the word: "Volatile."

Naomie agrees.

Many would point out that someone being nice to one person, or most of the time, does not make them actually a nice person.

Being nice to Naomie is great. There are a few different women who say that Thomas was anything but nice to them. And one of them has photos of injuries. That"s something to consider.

Ashley jacobs selfie

Shep and Naomie may be in agreement, but we already know who isn"t.

Thomas" girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs, will appear in the second part of the reunion special.

You can already guess her opinion as to whether or not Thomas is innocent.

"Of course, yes,” Ashley says in a preview of that special. “He has not be charged with anything."

"These," she says dismissively of the rape accusations from various women. "Are just allegations."

Kathryn dennis angry face

Kathryn Dennis may be Thomas" ex, but she also knew Nanny Dawn for years. For half of her very young children"s lives, really.

It makes a lot of sense that she cannot — one way or the other — speak out about Thomas" allegations.

For many fans, while they know that a single false allegation of rape is statistically unlikely but still possible, they find it hard to believe that multiple women made this up.

Especially when one has photographs of injuries sustained during the alleged assault.

Others aren"t convinced that the seemingly charming man they"ve seen on screen could sometimes be a monster when the cameras aren"t rolling.

While Thomas" legal future hinges upon investigators, prosecutors, and a jury, his future on reality television may hinge upon whether viewers are willing to watch the show if he remains part of it.

Southern charm cast photo

Kathryn dennis breaks silence on thomas ravenel sexual assault a

Monday, July 16, 2018

Amy Roloff Breaks Silence on Chris Marek Breakup Rumors

A couple of weeks ago, Little People, Big World star Amy Roloff actually defended her ex-husband, Matt Roloff. Things between the two of them seemed better.

But ever since boyfriend Chris Marek was conspicuously absent from her Fourth of July photos, fans have worried that things between Amy and her love are worse.

Fortunately, Amy has found a gentle way to lay those rumors to rest.

“This guy!” Amy Roloff writes under this cozy photo of her with Chris, quashing breakup rumors without ever having to acknowledge them.

Amy’s post continues, as she gushes: “What a fun time at his family reunion picnic yesterday!”

Attending a family reunion with someone is usually a big deal — if you’re both adults, anyway. It’s like a magnified version of introducing someone to your parents.

“Yes they loved my Oregon Bounty,” Amy writes. “Marion Berry loaf and Hazelnut cookies and Lemon cookies from Amy Roloff’s Little Kitchen.”

If you don’t love Amy Roloff at her shameless product placement on social media, you don’t deserve her the rest of the time.

“Woohoo!” Amy says. “I was excited about that and being with him.”

“So excited for you,” one fan commented. “You found a very nice person. Your family is awesome.”

“So cute what a great couple!” another fan exclaimed. “You guys look great!”

Someone else decided to ask an impertinent question, writing: “Will you guys get married?”

Don’t be pushy, folks.

“Love the fact that ure much happier now. Best of luck. Been watching the series for years,” another fan commented.

Some fans also wrote to Amy that her description of the food that she brought to his reunion really sounded appetizing.

Amy has international fans, and some asked if her products were available in the UK or in Australia. We’re sure that she was heartened to see these messages.

Others offered some unsolicited advice on how Amy should get along with Matt and let go of her anger.

That’s all fine and well … if she asks for your opinion. If you’re not her friend or her therapist, what business do you have giving her life advice?

It seems that, no matter what Amy does, some commenters will never be satisfied.

Just because two people are dating doesn’t mean that they have to attend every single event together or be in every photo together.

For reference, see: what your parents told you when you wanted to bring a date on your family vacation in high school.

So Chirs didn’t have to appear in pics with Amy on Independence Day. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love Amy — or America.

If Amy had addressed the rumors, that would have seemed confrontational to fans — and might have seemed to lend legitimacy to them.

Instead, Amy just found a way to shut them down without addressing them.

And she included a little product integration in the process.

Fans are happy to see Amy with Chris for a lot of reasons — and some of them just didn’t like Matt. Or, at least, they didn’t like the way that he treated her.

We all recently saw Matt portray Amy as being dumb, so that kind of insulting behavior is fresh on the minds of fans.

Of course, there are also some trolls who like to give Amy a hard time about her relationshipw ith Chris.

They seem to be “convinced” that Chris is just using Amy for fame.

The reality is probably that these trolls are suspicious of a man who would date a little person because they are projecting their own bigotry onto him.

We’re glad to hear that Amy and Chris had a good time at the reunion.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Justin Bieber Breaks Silence on Engagement, Is "Soooo in Love" with Hailey Baldwin

… and just like that, he’s off the market.

Following a day’s worth of (very strong) speculation, Justin Bieber has come out and confirmed what multiple outlets confirmed on Sunday afternoon:

He really is engaged to Hailey Baldwin.

It’s still legitimately shocking, isn’t it?

“Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast,” Bieber wrote as a caption to the Instagram photos above and below on Monday evening, adding in gushing detail:

“listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you!

“So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY.”

It does seem as if Justin doesn’t seem Hailey all that well.

The two started dating in late 2015 and then continued with their romance into 2016, posing for a handful of cozy photos on Instagram.

But the romance never seemed all that serious.

Heck, Baldwin herself said back then in a magazine interview that the stars were not “exclusive” and shrugged casually at the fact that Bieber was set to go back on tour and the two would therefore be separating soon.

She all but admitted it was nothing but a f-ckfest at the time.

But that was over two years ago and the celebrities have remained tight ever since.

They were spotted making out in New York City about six weeks ago and then… BAM!

The engagement news hit.

In his heartfelt Instagram message, Bieber made vows to Hailey (yes, already!) and even hinted strongly that kids were on the way.

At some point, that is.

“I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make,” Bieber wrote, going on as follows:

“My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else.

“You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!”

A million hearts of Beliebers just shattered into a million pieces, didn’t they?

Did you ever imagine Justin would write these words about someone NOT named Selena Gomez?

As detailed HERE, Bieber proposed to Baldwin in the Bahamas on Saturday night, doing so in front of many other hotel guests.

The soon-to-be-newlyweds then celebrated their engaged status by going from bar to bar in this same tropical location on Sunday.

They really do seem to be in love.

Just look at the way Bieber concluded this lengthy post:

It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense!

The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!!

Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts?

By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA VE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!”

This is the year of favor!!!!

So… there you have it, folks.

Now, you tell us:

Do you think Bieber and Baldwin will make it down the aisle?


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Janoris Jenkins Breaks Silence On Murder at His Home, "Hurts My Heart"

NY Giants star Janoris Jenkins says the man who was killed at his New Jersey home was a “good friend” — and it “hurts my heart to know that he’s passed.” TMZ Sports broke the story … officials found a dead body in Jenkins’ basement on June 26.…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Breaks Silence (For Real!) on Tristan Thompson Cheating Scandal

Khloe Kardashian has broken her silence on Tristan Thompson.

For real this time.

We mean it.

We’re not just talking about some vague and mysterious quote on Instagram that may or may not have been some kind of reference to Thompson having slept with many other women while Khloe was pregnant.


We’re talking about the first direct reference to her dishonest baby daddy that we can recall Khloe making since she became a mother.

And this is what brought it on:

On Monday afternoon, a Twitter user named Queen Persia wrote the following:

“I love, adore & root for @khloekardashian but I’m so disappointed she stayed with that wasteman Tristan.

“She preaches about women knowing their self worth and when to walk away but when it’s time to walk the walk, she’s a hypocrite.”

This is now really all that unfair of a take, but it prompted quite the response from Kardashian.

“Not exactly Queen Persia,” she wrote, prior to making two things clear:

  1. She is still with Thompson.

  2. She does not consider this to be a sign of weakness.

Continued Khloe in this reply;

“You have no knowledge of what goes on in our household or the enormous rebuilding this takes to even coexist. I’m proud of my strength.

“I appreciate your opinion and I hope you hold that same opinion to everyone else who has stayed in situations.”

khloe speaks!

Again, as far as we can recall, this is by far the most Khloe has ever said about this sad situation.

It started in mid-April, once surveillance footage surfaced from multiple establishments that appeared to depict Thompson cozying up to various women during Kardashian’s pregnancy.

He’s never denied talk that he cheated several times on his girlfriend… and there’s been plenty of talk about it.

The unfortunate news broke two days before Khloe gave birth to the couple’s daughter, True Thompson.

And, ever since, neither Khloe nor Tristan has really said anything about the scandal.

Of late, however, there have been a myriad of signs that the couple never really broke up.

They’ve been spotted on lunch dates and, just recently, Khloe herself shared footage of the stars working out together,

Moreover, Thompson posted his very first pic of True late last week.

It doesn’t seem to matter what her family members think or what Thompson did with a number of side pieces in the past, Khloe is obviously dead set on making this romance work.

She’s “staying in” the “situation,” right? By her own admission above.

Pretty revealing, huh?

In response to Khloe’s response to her original Tweet, Queen Persia went ahead and wrote the following:

“I’m not trying to judge you, bc I do adore you girl. your a role model to millions of girls, I get that you’re trying to figure shit out & tbh, your fans are protective of you.

“we just don’t want some lame breaking your heart again. that’s it.”

Kardashian seemed to come around and appreciate this take, ending the exchange as follows:

“I love you for that and girl trust me don’t I understand!!! I appreciate you. I do!!”

So there you have it. Khloe and Tristan are together and they show no signs of this changing.

Should Kardashian be prasied or mocked for this decision?


Monday, June 18, 2018

Thomas Markle Breaks Silence, Teases Royal Pregnancy

The truth continues to come out, Royal Family aficionados!

First, a few days ago, Meghan Markle shared her true feelings on life as Prince Harry’s wife.

Now, in an interview with Good Morning Britain, Meghan Marke’s mysterious father has shared his true feelings regarding what transpired in the days leading up Meghan becoming Prince Harry’s wife.

That is, how does Thomas Markle feel about missing the Royal Wedding?!?

“I was very upset,” he said on Monday in a lengthy chat, adding of the occasion and his non-role in it:

“The unfortunate thing for me now is that I’m a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history rather than the dad walking her down the aisle. That really upsets me somewhat.”

Thomas, of course, was anything but a footnote in the week or so prior to May 19.

First, he was caught in a paparazzi picture scandal, forced to admit that he paid photographers to take flattering snapshots of him.

This would be frowned upon anywhere, but such an attention-seeking move could not be more of anathema to Kensington Palace.

“I thought [it] would be a nice way of improving my look, but obviously that all went to hell. I feel bad about it,” Thomas said on air of the scandal.

“I apologize for it and that’s all I can do. I can’t do much about it. That was a mistake.”

Following this mistake, Thomas actually suffered a heart attack.

He has led a private life in Mexico, very far from the spotlight, for decades… and all the stress and tension of his daughter marrying into Royalty finally got to him physically.

“I couldn’t get over the fact that that had happened,” Thomas said today of the photo scandal and subsequent outrage, explaining:

“All of that stuff was working on me. I’ve got a bit of a heart condition. This pushed me a little further to the point where I had heart palpitations… I had a heart attack.”

Markle’s life was not necessarily in danger.

But doctors did advise him to rest.

Combined with that advice and his embarrassment of the aforementioned scandal, Meghan Markle’s dad did NOT attend her wedding.

“They were disappointed,” he said of Meghan and Harry’s reaction to this news.

“Meghan cried… They both said, ‘Take care of yourself. We’re really worried about you.‘ They said the important thing is that I get better.”

In Thomas’ place, Prince Charles walked Markle down the aisle.

“I was honored. I can’t think of a better replacement than someone like Prince Charles,” Thomas now says.

“He looked very handsome and my daughter looked beautiful with him. I was jealous. I wish I had been there. I wish it’d been me, but thank god he was there and thank him for that.”

Other points of interest in this interview with Thomas Markle:

– He has not yet met Harry, but has talked to him on the phone.

– Meghan told him during maybe their third conversation about her new boyfriend that the guy indeed, was, Prince Harry.

– She said they had to refer to him as “H” to keep this secret for awhile.

– Thomas gave Harry “permission” to marry his daughter after Harry vowed to never lay a hand on Meghan.

– Is Markle lucky to have found a Prince? Of course, but…

“My daughter’s certainly a prize for him as well. He’s great. He’s an interesting guy, but my daughter’s been a princess since the day she was born.”

What a great quote.

Thomas was also asked about everyone’s favorite new gossip item?

Is Meghan Markle pregnant? If not, when will she be pregnant?!?

She’s wanted children for a long time, yes,” he said of the Duchess.

“And when she met Harry and she spoke about how much she loves him, there’s gotta be a child in the making soon.”

Yes! We knew it! We totally and completely knew it!

How exciting.
