Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Breaks Social Media Silence to Show She"s Voting

Demi Lovato has finally popped up on social media again in the wake of her near-fatal overdose earlier this year, and she made a splash with her message … I’M VOTING!!! The “Sober” singer posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday showing herself at a…


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Taylor Swift Sends New Message About Voting, Prepares to Be Killed by Republicans

There may now be bad blood between Taylor Swift and many Republicans, but the singer knew there would be trouble as soon as she posted to Instagram last week.

Nevertheless, she came out of the non-political woods and sent a message to young voters who think that a change in the direction of the country can only happen in their wildest dreams.

Yes, she received backlash.

But Swift has clearly shaken it off and is now prepared to receive any more.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that the artist shared two new photos on Instagram today, along with a very important caption affixed to each.

“Something I wish I knew about when I was 18 and voting for the first time: EARLY VOTING,” Swift wrote along the images above and below.

She added:

“It makes it so quick and easy to go and cast your vote before November 6. Early voting starts TODAY in Tennessee and goes to Nov 1.”

Taylor even included with these words a link to a page that offers information on early voting across the country.

Taylor Swift toes

Swift, of course, remained notoriously quiet about her political affiliations and preferences during the 2016 Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

She came under an unusual amount of fire for this indecision as well.

Apparently inspired to put an end to the misogyny/insanity/racism/total and complete chaos under the Donald Trump administration, however, Wfit stunned the world several days ago when she posted an endorsement of two Democrats in Tennessee on her social media page.

This is what Swift wrote at the time:

I’m writing this post about the upcoming midterm elections on November 6th, in which I’ll be voting in the state of Tennessee.

In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now.

I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent

I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn.

As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.

She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape.

She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry.

These are not MY Tennessee values. I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives.

Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values.

For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway

In response to Taylor’s unexpected foray into the world of politics, thousands and thousands of people registered to vote.

Despite endlessly promoting and bragging about Kanye West’s love of President Trump, however, Republicans for some reason decided to slam Swift for expressing her view.

They dismissed her as an out-of-touch and ignorant musician who is rich and famous and who therefore cannot relate to the common voter in any way, shape or form.

This is what Trump himself said about the pop star:

But Swift appears to be undeterred.

As she accepted the artist of the year trophy at the American Music Awards last week, Swift again reminded her fans to vote.

“I just wanna say to the fans … you have been so nice to me and fun, and you’re so funny and you’re so cool and so loyal,” she said om stage, adding:

“Every time that you have made me lucky enough to ever get to stand on a stage and have something really sparkly in my hands … it means something different.

“This time, I just want you to know it means encouragement … for me to be better, work harder and to make you guys proud as much as I possibly can.

“This award and every single award given out tonight were voted on by the people, and you know what else is voted on by the people is the midterm elections on Nov. 6.

“Get out and vote. I love you guys!


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Taylor Swift Gets Political at 2018 American Music Awards, Calls For Midterm Voting

Taylor Swift didn’t shy away from her newfound passion for politics during an acceptance speech at the 2018 American Music Awards … pleading for people to hit the voting booths next month for the midterm elections. Taylor saved her…


Monday, October 8, 2018

Taylor Swift Weighs in on Tennessee Congressional Race, Voting Democrat

Taylor Swift just made her current political views explicitly clear for what may be the first time ever in her career — and it might piss off a lot of conservatives in Tennessee.  Tay posted a lengthy statement on Instagram Sunday that…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Taylor Hicks Says Katharine McPhee"s Voting Tweet was Brilliant, Not Shady

Taylor Hicks says even though Katharine McPhee’s recent tweet about voting seemed to shade him pretty hard … it’s really all in good fun, and for a good cause. We talked to the “American Idol” season 5 winner Wednesday about McPhee tweeting…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump: Thousands Now Express Regret Over Voting for Him!

Donald Trump has been president for such a short time, but so many people are already over it.

From his whiny little hissy fits over the crowd at his inauguration — or the lack of a crowd, we should say — to the decisions he"s made to … it"s all bad, OK?

We could take the time to break down all the developments over the past week, or over the past couple of months since he won the election, but we don"t have the heart.

Instead, let"s just check out some pitiful tweets from some unfortunate souls who actually voted for the guy.

Yep, there"s a lot of regret over on Twitter these days …

1. "A Small Minded Petulant Baby"

A small minded petulant baby

May be time to work on your perception skills, bud.

2. "You’re Out of Control"

Youre out of control

… Because before he became president, he was the very picture of self control?

3. "Obama Had Me Covered"

Obama had me covered

Next time, it might be a good idea to do a little research for the jackass you’re voting for, huh, Glenda?

4. "Dude …"


Again, did these people simply never pay attention to Trump before voting for him? How could you miss this?

5. "I Voted for You to Make America Great Again!"

I voted for you to make america great again

Raise of hands, who actually thought that Trump would be a decent human being about this issue?

6. *Rage Tweet*

Star rage tweet star

Maybe ask around next time, Em. People would’ve told you.

View Slideshow

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Donald Trump -- Man Viciously Beaten, Car Stolen for Allegedly Voting Trump (VIDEO)

A Chicago man was dragged out of his car and bashed in the head in broad daylight … all because the attackers thought he voted for Donald Trump. The video is shocking … the white man took several shots to the head from several African-American…


Donald Trump -- Man Viciously Beaten, Car Stolen for Allegedly Voting Trump (VIDEO)

A Chicago man was dragged out of his car and bashed in the head in broad daylight … all because the attackers thought he voted for Donald Trump. The video is shocking … the white man took several shots to the head from several African-American…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Miley Cyrus -- Celeb Treatment at Voting Booth (VIDEO)

Miley Cyrus got the VIP treatment on election day — literally driving into a polling place and casting her ballot while Liam Hemsworth never let go of the steering wheel. Miley hit up a fire station in Bev Hills that offers curbside voting…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Who Are You Voting For? It"s Time to Decide

Finally, mercifully, painfully… it has come down to this.

It is nearly Election Day.

It is nearly time for the world to stop talking about emails that may have been covered up and pussies that may have been grabbed and for United States citizens to actually step inside and exercise their democratic rights.

It is time for them to vote.

Unfortunately, there will be no last-minute candidate on the ballot.

As much as millions of residents have tried to deny it, the main two nominees for the highest office in the land are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Many people believe the former is too corrupt, while many others believe the latter is too much of a lying bigot.

For those who try to base their vote on one’s character, it has been a very difficult decision to make.

For those who prefer to base their vote on experience, temperament and knowledge of the issues… well… it’s your call. Just try to make the right one.

It’s only the most important office in the world that it as stake here.

Heading into November 8, nearly every major poll has Clinton in the lead. But it’s not a landslide. It’s anything but a lock.

Voters in New Hampshire, Michigan, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina will play an especially big role in choosing our next President, with those battleground states remaining closely contested over the past few weeks.

Just when it seemed as though Trump’s infamous Billy Bush video would sink his campaign for good… the FBI announced it had new reasons for maybe thinking Clinton did something illegal with a private email server.

Director Jim Comey has since cleared Clinton of any actual wrongdoing (again), but his last-minute involvement in the race has caused polls to tighten.

It’s caused many to see Clinton in a negative light.

Even when compared to someone who has been accused by a dozen women of sexual misconduct and who has never met a lie he could not tell.

Oh, and Gary Johnson is also running for President.

He’s running under the Libertarian party and some polls have him earning as much as five percent of the vote.

Because he wants to legalize marijuana and restore various civil liberties across the board? Maybe. That could be a reason.

But mostly because he isn’t Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This is someone who was once asked to name a world leader that he admired and he was unable to do so.

So it’s not as though any third party has given voters a reason to be excited, either.

Yup, these are your candidates, folks.

(Yes, we know Dr. Jill Stein is technically also a candidate, but she is struggling to earn even one percent of the vote in most polls. We could practically call THG a candidate under that logic.)

Love the field or hate the field, this is the field.

And the time has come to make the most important decision of your life:


And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Justin Timberlake -- D.A. Reviewing Voting Selfie ... Punishment Includes Jail (PHOTO)

Justin Timberlake could go to jail for 30 days for taking a selfie in a voting booth.  JT posted a pic of himself back home Monday at the polling place. Problem is … Tennessee law prohibits voters from taking pics or recording…


Friday, July 29, 2016

Taylor Swift: Is She Voting For Donald Trump?!

Just before Hillary Clinton accepted her party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention last night, another wildly famous and influential woman took the stage.

Sure, Katy Perry isn’t exactly a major figure in the world of American politics, but she’s the most-followed person on Twitter and one of the most recognizable women in the world.

Perry taking the stage to endorse Hillary made the GOP’s use of Z-list celebs like Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato, Jr. seem even more ridiculous in contrast.

But it’s possible that the folks who put together the RNC’s baffling guest list weren’t the only ones stewing as they watched Hillary’s star-studded coronation.

At this point the feud between Perry and Taylor Swift is one of the most notorious in Hollywood.

It’s dragged on for years, inspired hit diss tracks, and prompted more than a few amusingly shady tweets.

While she has many celebrity foes, Katy is the closest thing that Taylor has to an arch-nemesis.

So it’s possible that despite her commitment to feminism (though it’s worth noting that she’s been described as a “fake feminist” by other young female celebs), Taylor may not have tuned in to witness one of the most important moments in the history of American women.

Add to that the fact that Swift has some indirect ties to the Trump family, and it’s enough to make you wonder whom the iconic singer will be casting a ballot for in November.

As you may know, Taylor’s best friend is Victoria’s Secret model Karlie Kloss.

What you probably weren’t aware of is that for the past four years, Kloss has been dating Joshua Kushner, brother of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner.

Kushner spoke at the RNC last week, making it clear that he’s no silent bystander in his father-in-law’s rise to power.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing if Swift’s relationships with Kloss and Kushner have influenced her political leanings, but it’s interesting that while her high-profile friends like Lena Dunham have come out in full-throated support of Hillary, Swift has remained conspicuously silent.

Trump and Swift may not be the likeliest allies, but the real estate mogul has expressed his fondness for the singer in the past…

Donald Trump-Taylor Swift Tweet

…and it’s possible the two of them have an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” understanding going on.

It’s tough to imagine Swift actually voting for a candidate who’s been so openly misogynistic throughout his career – but you can bet she won’t be voicing an endorsement for Hillary any time soon.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Teresa Giudice is Voting for Donald Trump Because Of Course She Is

You’ll never guess who Teresa Giudice is voting for when it comes to President of the United States.

Actually, you’ll totally guess.

After all, one of the world’s worst reality stars is now on record as saying she’ll cast her vote for one of the world’s worst people.

“Of course I’m going to vote for Donald Trump,” Giudice tells Andy Cohen in an interview that will air tonight on Bravo. “I think he’s amazing. I think he’ll make a great president.”

We can’t make too much fun of Teresa, we suppose, because a whole lot of people (especially in New Hampshire) apparently share this same asinine opinion.

And at least Giudice has a personal connection to Trump, having been a cast member on Celebrity Apprentice in 2012.

When Teresa turned around and asked Cohen who he’ll be voting for, the Watch What Happens Live host said he wasn’t certain yet, but…

“I’m pretty sure I’m not voting for Donald Trump.”

This also might be a good time to mention that Teresa Giudice actually cannot vote for President until she completes her probation, per New Jersey law.

So there’s one fewer vote for Trump! There’s still hope, people.

Giudice was released from the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution on December 23 after serving 11 months on fraud charges; her house arrest ended last Friday.

Earlier this week, meanwhile, Bravo announced that she will be featured on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7, along with Melissa Gorga and Jacqueline Laurita.

Here’s the first teaser for new episodes of that program, which will feature cameras capturing Giudice reuniting with her family after her release from jail.

Because of course this was filmed for television, right?