Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump: Thousands Now Express Regret Over Voting for Him!

Donald Trump has been president for such a short time, but so many people are already over it.

From his whiny little hissy fits over the crowd at his inauguration — or the lack of a crowd, we should say — to the decisions he"s made to … it"s all bad, OK?

We could take the time to break down all the developments over the past week, or over the past couple of months since he won the election, but we don"t have the heart.

Instead, let"s just check out some pitiful tweets from some unfortunate souls who actually voted for the guy.

Yep, there"s a lot of regret over on Twitter these days …

1. "A Small Minded Petulant Baby"

A small minded petulant baby

May be time to work on your perception skills, bud.

2. "You’re Out of Control"

Youre out of control

… Because before he became president, he was the very picture of self control?

3. "Obama Had Me Covered"

Obama had me covered

Next time, it might be a good idea to do a little research for the jackass you’re voting for, huh, Glenda?

4. "Dude …"


Again, did these people simply never pay attention to Trump before voting for him? How could you miss this?

5. "I Voted for You to Make America Great Again!"

I voted for you to make america great again

Raise of hands, who actually thought that Trump would be a decent human being about this issue?

6. *Rage Tweet*

Star rage tweet star

Maybe ask around next time, Em. People would’ve told you.

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