Showing posts with label THOUSANDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THOUSANDS. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Be Fired In Response to Petition From Thousands of Teen Mom 2 Fans?

Jenelle Evans" time at MTV may soon be coming to an end.

Jenelle"s been a controversial figure from the very beginning of her time in the spotlight, but in recent months, the Carolina Hurricane has hit rock bottom in previously unimaginable ways.

While there may have been a time when the constant drama was regarded as a source of amusement by Teen Mom 2 fans, no one is laughing these days.

And tens of thousands of fans are now circulating a petition urging the show"s producers to take action before someone gets seriously injured — or worse.

Take a look:

1. The Carolina Hurricane

Jenelle evans and a green screen

Jenelle has always been an agent of chaos, but these days, there’s more evidence than ever that her reckless behavior is creating an unsafe environment for her children.

2. Beyond Rock Bottom

Jenelle instagram

The situation has gotten so bad that many fans are convinced this is nothing less than a matter of life and death.

3. Taking Action

Jenelle evans in glasses

Now, more than 20,000 Teen Mom 2 viewers have sent a message to MTV that by continuing to employ Jenelle Evans, the network is condoning child abuse and endangerment.

4. Join the Fight

Jenelle is missing teeth

Click the link above in order to sign the petition to have Jenelle fired.

5. Dangerous Dave

Jenelle and david eason

Much of the concern among fans, of course, has to do with Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

6. Weird Flex

David eason in confederate flag

David recently boasted that the Department of Child and Family Sevices had been called to the Easons’ home more than 20 times in the span of a single year.

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Friday, May 18, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s San Francisco Pop-Up Shop Draws Thousands

Kylie Jenner’s pop-up shop damn near shut down an entire major city … and this ain’t lip service.  Kylie was in San Francisco where more than 2,000 crazed fans of the pouty reality star/makeup mogul took over … as lines snaked around Union…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

"M*A*S*H" Star David Ogden Stiers Left Hundreds of Thousands to Charity

The man best known for playing surgeon Major Charles Winchester on “M*A*S*H” wanted to help people in the real world too … or so it seems, based on his will. David Ogden Stiers — who died in March after a battle with bladder cancer — left…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Wheel of Fortune Player Flubs Puzzle Pronunciation, Loses Thousands

We have good news for the following Wheel of Fortune contestant:

Previous contestants have messed up worse than this. (See pieces of footage below.)

But we also have bad news for this Wheel of Fortune contestant:

This is still a pretty terrible screw-up.

On Monday evening"s edition of this beloved game show, a man named Jonny, was doing very well, filling in the final letters of the puzzle, “Flamenco Dance Lessons."

All the guy had to do was read the completed puzzle out loud to solve it and win $ 7,100.

Easy peasy, right? Not quite.

Unfortunately for Jonny, he said “flamingo” instead of “flamenco.” 

It was a small slip-up, but not small enough to not be noticed.

Host Pat Sajak called Jonny out for the mistake, allowing fellow contestant Ashley a shot at the solve and awarding her $ 1,000 for reading the puzzle correctly.

Jonny looked confused and stricken as Sajack explained the mispronunciation and promised to review the play during the commercial break.

Earlier in this same episode, Jonny landed on the $ 2,500 mark and was two letters from solving the puzzle, whose final words read as follows:

“Dog and Pony Show Me the Money."

At the time, it was missing the letters "g" and "p."

But Jonny asked for a "c" and also failed to win that round. Ouch.

As you can see above, plenty of Wheel of Fortune players have screwed up even worse than Jonny.

But that probably isn"t of much comfort right now to him.

Watch the mishap below and join us in feeling terrible for poor Jonny:

Wheel of fortune flubs puzzle pronunciation loses thousands

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Royal Photo Taken By Single Mom Has Already Made Thousands in the U.K.

The Christmas snapshot of the Royal Fab Four seen ‘round the world — taken by a single mother — has already generated thousands of dollars … and there’s more to come. TMZ has learned the photo taken by Karen Anvil — a less-than-amateur…


Friday, November 17, 2017

"Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show" Fans Getting Scammed Out of Thousands in China

‘Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show’ fans are getting scammed into dropping tens of thousands of dollars for a prized ticket to the China show … and we’ve learned the tickets aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. We did some digging and…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Prince"s "Purple Rain" Handwritten Notes Hit Auction for Thousands!

Prince was a perfectionist and it’s evident in the handwritten edits he made to “Purple Rain” and lyrics for songs which hit the auction block for a hefty price. Some 200 Prince-related items are up for bidding via RR Auction including the 9 pages…


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Boston "Free Speech Rally" Overtaken by Thousands of Counterprotesters

The “Free Speech Rally” in Boston Saturday has turned into a massive demonstration by counterprotesters — thousands and thousands of them — condemning the alt-right, white nationalists, racists, fascists and neo-nazis. Exactly one week after the…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Johnny Depp: Spending Thousands on Kardashian Collectibles?!

As you may have heard, Johnny Depp has some money problems.

In fact, some have gone so far as to claim that Johnny Depp is broke.

It’s important to clarify that we’re talking “Hollywood broke” here, and not “regular person broke.”

Depp still owns a chain of private islands, and – fun fact for your next dinner party – the average American welfare recipient doesn’t own even one private island. 

So even though he’s squandered all that sweet Pirates treasure, there are no mayonnaise sandwiches in Johnny’s future.

Still, the question of how in the hell he managaed to blow all that cash continues to captivate fans, and the answer is satisfyingly bonkers.

Court documents filed by Depp’s former management team, TMG, reveal that Johnny’s spending habits are as eccentric as … well, everything else about him.

Depp is suing TMG for allegedly mishandling his funds and allowing him to blow all his cash.

The group is countersuing, claiming Depp did it to himself and is now on a quest to permanently damage their reputation.

TMG says Depp spends an average of $ 2 million a month, including a jaw-dropping $ 30,000 a month on wine.

Depp tried to claim that the ultra-top shelf vino is an investment, but TMG lawyers hilariously pointed out that you can’t call it an investment if you drink it right away.

Of course, Depp’s ridiculous spending isn’t limited to high-end housewife juice.

The actor also blows a ton of cash on properties he rarely visits, antique cars he rarely drives, and bizarre collectibles … including a couch that’s housed some of the world’s most famous asses.

Yes, according to the latest round of filings from TMG, Depp once spent $ 7,000 on a couch that eas prominently featured on several episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

We would love to report that Depp is a closet Kard clan fan, but it doesn’t seem that that’s the case.

The couch was a gift for his daughter, who apparently is obsessed with the first family of reality TV.

We’re sure the Kardashians were glad to hear it, especially since Kim says she was “obsessed” with Depp when she was in her teens.

The Depp-Kardashian connection brings to mind those moments when you see, like, Jerry Seinfeld chatting up 2 Chainz and Snooki courstide at a Lakers game.

If you’re rich and famous, you really don’t need to have anything else in common.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Woman Spends Thousands to Look Like Barbie: PHOTOS

Rachel Evans is not the first woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie.

She probably isn"t the most famous woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie, either.

But Rachel"s story is still worth telling because it"s interest, it"s sad, it"s made her into a viral sensation… and the photos that accompany her transformation are pretty incredible.

See for yourself:

1. This is Rachel Evans

This is rachel evans

Or it WAS Rachel Evans, we should say, before she fell into a depression as the result of losing a son at a very young age.

2. Response to Tragedy

Response to tragedy

Around the same time this child died, Rachel’s relationship was falling apart. She says she developed an eating disorder in response and hated the way she looked at the time.

3. Start of the Transformation

Start of the transformation

“Because I was skinny, some people called me Barbie,” Rachel has said. “So I decided to embrace it, knowing it would make me a happier person inside and out.”

4. A New Woman

A new woman

Along with working out to improve her figure, Rachel underwent Botox and quickly became hooked. She loved her new look.

5. An Addiction is Born

An addiction is born

“It was like ironing out a shirt to erase the creases,” she has said. “After that I noticed other wrinkles I hadn’t noticed before, so I got more and more done. I gradually increased the face treatments and started having fillers in my cheeks and lips. By my early 40s, I was having non-surgical facelifts on top of all the other treatments to maintain my youthful look.”

6. A New Identity is Formed

A new identity is formed

“I feel like Barbie, I think like Barbie and I am Barbie,” says Rachel, adding that she is on the lookout for her Ken. “I think me and Barbie are the same person. I am a human doll.”

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Stole Thousands in Jewelry From Ex-Boyfriend, Remains Lindsay Lohan

2016 was a magnificent year for alliances between Russia and carrot-colored pop culture relics from bygone decades. Yuuuuge, really.

Unfortunately, some of those partnerships have since fallen on hard times.

It was around this time last year that Lindsay Lohan broke up with Egor Tarabasov, the Russian heir who was supposed to revive her career and turn her into the Grace Kelly of Putin country.

When Lindsay and Egor first began dating, it seemed like a match made in heaven.

Like the nation Egor hails from, Lindsay consumes several million liters of vodka each year and has been the subject of a number of international espionage allegations.

All LiLo and Russia jokes aside, it’s good that Linds was able to get out of her relationship with Egor, as it seemed deeply unhealthy for both parties.

Cheating and abuse allegations were leveled by both sides, and a seriously ugly fight between Lindsay and Egor that was captured on video underscored exactly how explosive the situation had become.

But despite the fact that Linds and Egor are nearing the one-year anniversary of their high-profile breakup, they remain inextricably enmeshed in one another’s lives.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is currently the subject of three separate investigations involving her alleged theft of tens of thousands in property from Egor.

Sources close to the situation say Lohan was nearly arrested last month on suspicion of stealing over $ 30,000 in belongings from Tarabasov’s home, including a Rolex watch and several pieces of jewelry.

“Egor had been chasing Lindsay for months for the return of his personal belongings, but to no avail,” says a source close to the situation.

“In the end, he felt he had no choice but to go to police and formally accuse her of theft,” the insider adds.

“Lindsay had been in and out of the country, so police initially struggled to pin her down to be interviewed.”

The source claims that it was only by threatening to throw Lindsay in jail that authorities were finally able to get her attention:

“They finally got through to her after sending an email to her publicist, threatening Lindsay with arrest,” the insider says.

“It is fair to say there is no love lost between the two.”

Not surprisingly, Lindsay’s people say it was all a misunderstanding and that she’d simply borrowed some items from Tarabasov’s home and forgotten to give them back.

“Once we were informed and back in the country we happily found the belongings and gave them back. I wish the best for him and hope he can move on in his life,” said a rep for Team Lindsay in a statement issued last week.

We’re not sure who to believe, but the important takeaway here is that involvement with Russian oligarchs can lead to some messy legal situations.

If you know anyone who could benefit from that information, please tweet it along to them.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Ariana Grande Manchester Benefit Concert Hosting Original Guests, Thousands of Frauds Busted

The Manchester bombing isn’t scaring off Ariana Grande’s fans — most of them have claimed seats for this weekend’s One Love benefit show … despite the underhanded efforts of fakers. Sources at Ticketmaster tell TMZ about 9,000 of 14,200 free…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Ryan Lochte "Dancing with the Stars" Protesters Pay Thousands to Avoid Criminal Prosecution

The 2 protesters who bum-rushed Ryan Lochte during his live season premiere of “Dancing with the Stars” have cut a deal to avoid time behind bars … but it cost them a fortune. Sources tell us the judge and the L.A. City Attorney’s Office dropped…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Carmelo Anthony ... Guess How Much That Furry Outfit Cost? (Hint: Thousands)

You know that furry getup Carmelo Anthony rocked to the Knicks game last night? It was custom-made … and it was expensive!  TMZ Sports spoke with Nadeem Waheed – owner of Daniel’s Leather in New York — who says Melo…


Carmelo Anthony ... Guess How Much That Furry Outfit Cost? (Hint: Thousands)

You know that furry getup Carmelo Anthony rocked to the Knicks game last night? It was custom-made … and it was expensive!  TMZ Sports spoke with Nadeem Waheed – owner of Daniel’s Leather in New York — who says Melo…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

State Department Drops Hundreds of Thousands on Silverware

The U.S. State Department is out to entertain the world, and when it comes to silverware it’s sparing no expense. Lenox Holdings just snagged a State Dept. contract for $ 71.7k to provide “elegant yet graceful formal table settings that…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump: Thousands Now Express Regret Over Voting for Him!

Donald Trump has been president for such a short time, but so many people are already over it.

From his whiny little hissy fits over the crowd at his inauguration — or the lack of a crowd, we should say — to the decisions he"s made to … it"s all bad, OK?

We could take the time to break down all the developments over the past week, or over the past couple of months since he won the election, but we don"t have the heart.

Instead, let"s just check out some pitiful tweets from some unfortunate souls who actually voted for the guy.

Yep, there"s a lot of regret over on Twitter these days …

1. "A Small Minded Petulant Baby"

A small minded petulant baby

May be time to work on your perception skills, bud.

2. "You’re Out of Control"

Youre out of control

… Because before he became president, he was the very picture of self control?

3. "Obama Had Me Covered"

Obama had me covered

Next time, it might be a good idea to do a little research for the jackass you’re voting for, huh, Glenda?

4. "Dude …"


Again, did these people simply never pay attention to Trump before voting for him? How could you miss this?

5. "I Voted for You to Make America Great Again!"

I voted for you to make america great again

Raise of hands, who actually thought that Trump would be a decent human being about this issue?

6. *Rage Tweet*

Star rage tweet star

Maybe ask around next time, Em. People would’ve told you.

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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cesar Millan"s House Burglarized, Hundreds of Thousands in Jewelry Stolen

Cesar Millan got bit where it really hurts when someone broke into his house and made off with a ton of jewelry. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the break-in happened Thursday night at Cesar’s home in Studio City, CA. We’re told the…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Harambe For President: Thousands Wrote In Dead Gorilla"s Name on Ballots

Harambe, The Ape. The myth. The legend. The president?

Okay, not quite on that last one, but thousands of Americans thought the Cincinnati Zoo resident turned deceased meme would make a great commander-in-chief.

Or they just thought it would be funny to write his name on their ballot. Either way…


The Founding Fathers gave you a republic and you take the time to actually show up to your polling place only to try and resurrect a dead-ass meme?!

Look, we miss ‘Be (pronounced “bae”) as much as anyone, but can that meme go the way of Ken Bone already?

Granted ‘Be-‘Be (pronounced “bae-bae”) never said anything about Jennifer Lawrence’s butthole on Reddit, but he still probably wouldn’t be the greatest president.

Better than the guy we just elected, obviously, but at best, he would fall near the Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding side of the presidential-quality spectrum.

Though it would send a powerful message, flinging your own poop is just not an appropriate response to disagreeing with a visiting foreign leader.

Now is it an appropriate response to a White House tour waking you up from your nap.

Though it’s better than tackling the slowest runner and ripping their face off, which is another course of action President Harambe might pursue.

In case this is your first day dabbling with this Internet thing, Harambe is the gorilla who was killed when a child fell into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Since then, he’s been elevated to the status of social media god.

Harambe memes are still a thing six months after he died.

That’s approximately 4 millennia in meme years.

Today, it’s being reported that an estimated 11,000 Americans wrote Harambe in as their vote for president.

Many are slamming these citizens for wasting their votes.

But let’s face it, 11,000 votes wouldn’t have swayed the election, and we would’ve ended up with a game show host as president no matter who those people cast their ballots for.

Come to think of it, a reality star president was always our destiny.

We may have just reached #PeakAmerica.

A social media flash-in-the-pan is the only way to go down from here, but don’t force it.

It’ll happen, America. It’ll happen.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Christina Grimmie: Thousands of Fans Donate to GoFundMe Campaign For Slain Singer"s Family

On Friday night, The Voice contestant Christina Grimmie was shot and killed while greeting fans following a concert in Orlando.

She was just 22 years old.

Members of Christina’s family have shared their grief in heartbreaking social media messages, and while nothing can heal the wounds of such a senseless tragedy, they can hopefully find some comfort in the fact that their loss is shared by fans from all corners of the globe.

In addition to her prodigious talent, Christina connected with millions through her tremendous energy and spirit, and when the opportunity arose to show her family how much of an impact the singer made in her brief time on Earth, fans answered the call en masse.

Christina’s manager, Brian Teefey, created a GoFundMe page to support the Grimmie family in this dark time.

The goal was to raise $ 4,000 to help them cover funeral expenses. 

That goal was reached within minutes of the page going live, but the outpouring of support didn’t stop there.

At this point, less than 48 hours since the campaign began, over 4,500 fans have raised nearly $ 170,000.

Teefey, who had worked with Grimmie from the very start of her career, posted the following message on the page:

“Words cannot begin to describe the pain I am feeling. I learned this business through the eyes of a father and Christina was like a second daughter to me.

“All I wanted to do was assist her in achieving her musical dreams while protecting her from the pitfalls associated with the business.

“I never could have imagined this horrific event being one of the pitfalls needing to be avoided. In Christina’s honor I have created a Go Fund Me page to assist her family in their time of need.

“As family Mother, Father, and Brother made the ultimate family sacrifice to support Christina on her musical journey. They did nothing but love her and support her as family the best they knew how, the only worry I want them to have at this point is that of recovery.”

Click here to donate to the Grimmie family.