Monday, June 12, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Stole Thousands in Jewelry From Ex-Boyfriend, Remains Lindsay Lohan

2016 was a magnificent year for alliances between Russia and carrot-colored pop culture relics from bygone decades. Yuuuuge, really.

Unfortunately, some of those partnerships have since fallen on hard times.

It was around this time last year that Lindsay Lohan broke up with Egor Tarabasov, the Russian heir who was supposed to revive her career and turn her into the Grace Kelly of Putin country.

When Lindsay and Egor first began dating, it seemed like a match made in heaven.

Like the nation Egor hails from, Lindsay consumes several million liters of vodka each year and has been the subject of a number of international espionage allegations.

All LiLo and Russia jokes aside, it’s good that Linds was able to get out of her relationship with Egor, as it seemed deeply unhealthy for both parties.

Cheating and abuse allegations were leveled by both sides, and a seriously ugly fight between Lindsay and Egor that was captured on video underscored exactly how explosive the situation had become.

But despite the fact that Linds and Egor are nearing the one-year anniversary of their high-profile breakup, they remain inextricably enmeshed in one another’s lives.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is currently the subject of three separate investigations involving her alleged theft of tens of thousands in property from Egor.

Sources close to the situation say Lohan was nearly arrested last month on suspicion of stealing over $ 30,000 in belongings from Tarabasov’s home, including a Rolex watch and several pieces of jewelry.

“Egor had been chasing Lindsay for months for the return of his personal belongings, but to no avail,” says a source close to the situation.

“In the end, he felt he had no choice but to go to police and formally accuse her of theft,” the insider adds.

“Lindsay had been in and out of the country, so police initially struggled to pin her down to be interviewed.”

The source claims that it was only by threatening to throw Lindsay in jail that authorities were finally able to get her attention:

“They finally got through to her after sending an email to her publicist, threatening Lindsay with arrest,” the insider says.

“It is fair to say there is no love lost between the two.”

Not surprisingly, Lindsay’s people say it was all a misunderstanding and that she’d simply borrowed some items from Tarabasov’s home and forgotten to give them back.

“Once we were informed and back in the country we happily found the belongings and gave them back. I wish the best for him and hope he can move on in his life,” said a rep for Team Lindsay in a statement issued last week.

We’re not sure who to believe, but the important takeaway here is that involvement with Russian oligarchs can lead to some messy legal situations.

If you know anyone who could benefit from that information, please tweet it along to them.
