Showing posts with label Protesters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protesters. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2019

Michael Jackson Documentary Cops On Alert for Protesters ... At Sundance Premiere

The blistering Michael Jackson documentary premiering at Sundance will also feature angry pro-Jackson protesters, and we’ve learned local police are gearing up for possible confrontations.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the Park City PD is aware of an anti-documentary p...
Michael Jackson Documentary Cops On Alert for Protesters ... At Sundance Premiere

Friday, October 5, 2018

Amy Schumer Arrested with Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters in D.C.

6:30 PM PT — We got video of Amy while she was being detained, and she got a police escort … to take a pee. She also says she’s remaining hopeful about stopping Kavanaugh’s confirmation, and isn’t going to stop the fight. Amy Schumer talks…


Marco Rubio Drowned Out by Protesters While Talking Brett Kavanaugh

Marco Rubio had a hard time getting his message out about Brett Kavanaugh while a mob of protesters gave him, and every other Senator, an earful. We got the Florida Senator at the Capitol Building Thursday where thousands of protesters…


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Mitch McConnell Confronted by Protesters Over Immigration

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the latest Republican to learn going to a restaurant in this political climate is dicey. McConnell was taunted by protesters Saturday as he left the eatery in Louisville, Kentucky … confronted over…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Man Arrested After Brandishing Gun, Shouting "Womp Womp" at Immigration Protesters

Saturday saw nationwide protests over Donald Trump"s family separation policies — you know, the ones that Melania doesn"t really care about.

One of these protests was marred by counter-protesters who support the child internment camps.

When a counter-protester who had been shouting "womp womp" brandished a gun, however, things got downright scary.

Shane ryan sealy mugshot

The Keep Families United protest in Huntsville, Alabama was admittedly not the nation"s largest.

It took place at a gazebo in a park. It comprised of only 100 or so protesters.

Episcopal priest Kerry Holder-Joffrion was a speaker at the protest, where she delivered a prayer.

"Holy and ever-loving God …" she said, only for her words to be punctuated and interrupted by 34-year-old Shane Ryan Sealy.

Sealy, a counter-protester, would answer her words with "womp womp!"

Womp womp gun 01

"Womp womp" is, in a vacuum, simply a phrase to say when mocking someone else"s misfortune.

Famously, it was used in recent weeks by Trump surrogate Corey Lewandowski, who used the phrase to mock the story of a 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome being separated from her family.

It seems clear that, as Sealy chanted that phrase, he was mocking the suffering of thousands of innocent children in Trump"s internment camps.

He was also carrying a sign that read "ICE ICE Baby," the title of a Vanilla Ice song (the one with the conspicuously similar music to "Under Pressure").

The sign was clearly a reference to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, the organization founded in 2003 that has recently become so controversial that some of its own members wanted it disbanded.

Seaily"s thoughts on human rights may be horrifying, but they"re not cause for arrest.

Brandishing a gun, however, was another matter.

Womp womp gun 02

According to police, Sealy is accused of having picked a fight with one of the Keep Families United protesters and of then pushing the protester.

Police say that, when a protester responded by pushing him back, Sealy produced a pistol from out of his waistband.

"Gun, gun, gun, gun!" someone in the audience cried out in alarm.

Rally organizer Ava Caldwell described her reaction: "I got down on my face on the other side of the gazebo right here and just cried, I was so in shock."

That sounds absolutely terrifying. Any public gathering, but especially a political one that aims to oppose Trump"s policies, could be a potential target for a shooting.

Fortunately, no one was shot, but it"s good to see that the crowd responded by making themselves more difficult to target.

Womp womp gun 03

Sealy left, then, pursued by one of the protesters. Sealy did not make it very far.

First one, and then two police cruisers pulled up to prevent his escape. 

He was arrested on charges of possessing a firearm within 1,000 feet of a protest.

At the time of his booking, he faced misdemeanor charges of menacing and reckless endangerment

His actions prompted some very real fear in a lot of people, with a young girl who had been scheduled to speak too frightened to go on.

As you exercise your First Amendment Rights, don"t forget to stay safe, folks.


Man arrested after brandishing gun shouting womp womp at immigra

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


DHS Kirstjen Nielsen Driven Out of Mexican Restaurant by Protesters

Kirstjen Nielsen — the Secretary of Homeland Security — busted out a walk of shame after a group of protesters disrupted her dinner at — of all places — a Mexican restaurant. The incident went down Tuesday night at the popular MXDC Cocina…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Racist Lawyer Aaron Schlossberg Razzed by Protesters Outside His Apartment

Aaron Schlossberg — the Manhattan lawyer who went viral for his anti-Latino rant at a sandwich shop — hasn’t been getting much peace and quiet since being outed as a racist … even at his own apartment. A group of protesters gathered on the…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Vivica A. Fox Responds to Fur Protesters with Holy Wish

Vivica A. Fox didn’t take the high road when confronted by fur protesters at her book signing … she took the holiest road.  The incident went down Wednesday night at Barnes & Noble in Tribeca where Vivica was signing copies of her…


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Animal Rights Protesters Display Faux Dead Fox During Women"s Fashion Week

You’re as likely to find animal rights protesters at fashion shows these days as you are models. Check out Women’s Fashion Week in Milan, Italy Saturday, where protesters blocked the entrance to the Simonetta Ravizza show, protesting models who were…


Animal Rights Protesters Display Faux Dead Fox During Women"s Fashion Week

You’re as likely to find animal rights protesters at fashion shows these days as you are models. Check out Women’s Fashion Week in Milan, Italy Saturday, where protesters blocked the entrance to the Simonetta Ravizza show, protesting models who were…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Muhammad Ali Would"ve Been Proud of NFL Protesters, Ex-Wife Says

Muhammad Ali would have been in full support of NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem … because his ex-wife tells TMZ Sports “he would’ve been right there with them.” Khalilah Ali — who was married to the boxing legend from ’67 to…


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Jim Brown Blasts Parents of 8-Year-Old Football Protesters, "Exploitation"

Jim Brown tells TMZ Sports he’s got a big problem with the 8-year-old football team that took a knee during the national anthem this week … saying, “I thought that was exploitation.” The NFL legend has previously spoken out against Colin…


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Donald Trump Bashes NFL National Anthem Protesters, Fire Those SOB"s

Donald Trump says any NFL player who takes a knee during the National Anthem should be fired — and referred to them as son’s of bitches. “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘get that son…


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Gucci Mane Stands His Ground When Fur Protesters Attack

Gucci Mane gets the award for most chill response ever to angry fur activists — or maybe he was just confused as hell. The rapper was at a Barnes & Noble Tuesday in NYC to sign copies of his autobiography. All seemed normal until one fan…


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Nick Cannon Joins Protesters in St. Louis Wearing Colin Kaepernick Jersey

Nick Cannon is on the front lines of protests in St. Louis … and he’s doing it in a Colin Kaepernick jersey. Well lookie who just walked up and joined the #Stockley protest. @NickCannon #stl #stlouis #AnthonyLamarSmith #STLVerdict…


Friday, August 18, 2017

James Harrison: I Never Threatened Anthem Protesters, Fake News

Pittsburgh Steelers badass James Harrison is opening up about how he REALLY feels about national anthem protesters … in the wake of a fake threat attributed to him last week.  The false quote whizzed around social media — claiming Harrison…


James Harrison: I Never Threatened Anthem Protesters, Fake News

Pittsburgh Steelers badass James Harrison is opening up about how he REALLY feels about national anthem protesters … in the wake of a fake threat attributed to him last week.  The false quote whizzed around social media — claiming Harrison…


Laguna Beach PD to Protesters: One False Move and You"re Busted!!!

The Laguna Beach PD’s not putting up with crap from “America First” protesters this Sunday, and it’s got everything to do with Charlottesville — get out of line, head straight to jail. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Laguna Beach PD has put…


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Silly String Initiates Seattle Protesters Getting Pepper Sprayed By Cops Day After Charlottesville

The pepper spray is already flying in Seattle as protesters have started to clash with police the day after chaos in Charlottesville … and it seems to have been initiated by silly string. The scene in #Seattle. @MSNBC @NBCNews @NBCNightlyNews…
