Showing posts with label McConnell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McConnell. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mitch McConnell Says "I Will Not Be Intimidated" After Restaurant Confrontation

Senator Mitch McConnell says he will not be intimidated from the “far left” mob … this is his reaction to the angry confrontation at a Louisville restaurant over the weekend. The Senate Majority Leader is reacting to the video TMZ posted…


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Ben Stein Says Attack on Mitch McConnell is Nazi-Like

Ben Stein says the guy who attacked Mitch McConnell Friday night is like a brownshirt in the early days of the Nazi Party. We got Ben Saturday at Politicon in L.A., and he was disgusted by the video TMZ posted, showing a restaurant patron verbally…


Chris Christie Says Mitch McConnell Attack Will Drive Politicians Underground

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, is outraged at this weekend’s verbal assault against Senator Mitch McConnell, saying attacks like this will make politicians hostages in their own homes. We got the former Gov on Saturday at…


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Senator Mitch McConnell Confronted at Restaurant by Angry Customers

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, was confronted Friday night by some angry diners who loudly berated him for his politics. The Kentucky Senator was eating dinner with his wife at Havana Rumba in Louisville, when 4 men confronted Mitch. The…


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Mitch McConnell Confronted by Protesters Over Immigration

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the latest Republican to learn going to a restaurant in this political climate is dicey. McConnell was taunted by protesters Saturday as he left the eatery in Louisville, Kentucky … confronted over…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Gloria Steinem Warns Sen. Mitch McConnell, His Days are Numbered (VIDEO)

Gloria Steinem’s not about to let Sen. Mitch McConnell off the hook for silencing Sen. Elizabeth Warren – and she seems to be promising dire consequences. We got the famed feminist leader at LAX — a few hours before the Senate…
