Showing posts with label Drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drive. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Breaking News

Remember when TMZ Sports spotted Jimmy Butler drivin’ around Beverly Hills in a freakin’ minivan??
The Philadelphia Sixers superstar is finally dishing out the deets on why he prefers mom mobiles over luxury whips … saying it’s all a big scheme to throw...
Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Breaking News

Remember when TMZ Sports spotted Jimmy Butler drivin’ around Beverly Hills in a freakin’ minivan??
The Philadelphia Sixers superstar is finally dishing out the deets on why he prefers mom mobiles over luxury whips … saying it’s all a big scheme to throw...
Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Breaking News

Remember when TMZ Sports spotted Jimmy Butler drivin’ around Beverly Hills in a freakin’ minivan??
The Philadelphia Sixers superstar is finally dishing out the deets on why he prefers mom mobiles over luxury whips … saying it’s all a big scheme to throw...
Jimmy Butler Here"s Why I Drive a Minivan!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Chris Christie Says Mitch McConnell Attack Will Drive Politicians Underground

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, is outraged at this weekend’s verbal assault against Senator Mitch McConnell, saying attacks like this will make politicians hostages in their own homes. We got the former Gov on Saturday at…


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Bikini Babes to Drive You Coconuts!

These stars in swimsuits are getting coco-nuts in tropical locations this summer … crack open our gallery of husky hotties with coconuts to get right down to the meat of the matter!  Doctor!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jeremy Calvert on Girlfriend"s DUI: Who DOESN"T Drink and Drive?!

Jeremy Calvert … he sure is a character, that’s for sure.

Sometimes it’s fun, like when he absolutely destroyed Jenelle Evans for her pulling a gun on someone during a road rage incident and then getting mad when he expressed that maybe she should face some consequences for that.

Sometimes it’s not so fun, like when he got kind of racist when Leah Messer told him she was thinking about taking their daughter on vacation to Mexico.

But either way, Jeremy has opinions, lots of them, and he’s never afraid to share them.

And his opinions on his new girlfriend and her recent DUI … well, you’re really just going to have to see it to believe it.

See, Jeremy has been dating this girl, Desi Kibbler, for a little while now.

He just started posting about her on social media within the past few weeks, but when people started talking about it, she tweeted that “this has been going on longer than any of y’all know.”

She explained that they’d “kept it under wraps until we were ready,” but it seems like Desi’s more than just ready to reveal their relationship.

She’s been hinting that she’s ready to get married to Jeremy and to start having kids with him, which seems … premature, we’ll say.

It actually seems insane and like a big ol’ crazy red flag, but we’ll give her the benefit out the doubt at this point.

And hey, who knows, they might actually end up getting married and living happily ever after, right?

Anything is possible.

Anyway, that’s Desi, and she got a DUI last month in Ohio.

We heard about it after it happened, but the story got some traction again during Jeremy’s recent feud with Jenelle.

It started because Jeremy asked Teen Mom executive producer Morgan J. Freeman if Jenelle was going to face any consequences for her infamous road rage incident.

She didn’t appreciate it, and so she went off in a series of tweets directed at Jeremy, and in one of those, she asked “Shouldn’t you be worrying about that 22 year old you just bailed out for DUI?!"”

“Lmfao Hope Leah doesn’t have her kids ride with your new side piece.”

Desi responded, admitting that she did get a DUI, but adding that “I keep my mouth shut about you and your life because I don’t care, maybe you should do the same.”

But apparently that wasn’t enough of a rebuttal, because Jeremy and Desi both gave an interview to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup to share the whole story about Desi’s DUI.

For one, she actually got two DUIs. On the same night.

“I have never been in trouble before,” she begins, “and I’m far from a bad person and a trouble maker.”

“On April 11 I decided to go have a few drinks with a friend. We were there for a few hours and I didn’t consume more than three drinks in those few hours.”

She says that they left the bar around 1:00 AM “and I got pulled over because I hadn’t put my new registration sticker on my car.”

After she got pulled over, the police officer asked her to get out of the car for a sobriety check, and she obviously didn’t do too well.

“He said I was drunk and had me taken down to the police station where I sat and did paperwork for two hours,” she recalls.

“After everything was said and done, he released me and never mentioned I couldn’t go back and get my car. I figured I had sobered up enough to go get my car and go home.”

Spoiler: she had not.

Desi says that she didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to drive, since the cop didn’t say anything about it and didn’t do anything with her car.

After getting a ride from a friend to her car, she drove off, and then the very same cop “pulled up behind me when I was out of my car and said I was getting another DUI.”

“Him and another cop went through my car and found an ADHD pill in my car.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Jeremy said that the pill was an Adderall, but they both said it wasn’t Desi’s, that it belonged to someone else because she gives lots of people lots of rides in her car.

“I will own up to having a few drinks and driving when I shouldn’t have,” she says, “but I will not own up to a pill that wasn’t mine.”

She ended up pleading no contest, and one of the DUI charges was dropped. She was found guilty for the other, she got a misdemeanor for the pill, and they dropped the whole thing about her expired tags.

Jeremy is standing by his girlfriend through it all, saying that “Desi doesn’t use drugs. She drinks, yeah clearly, but who doesn’t drink and drive once or twice?”

“Anyone over the age of 21 without an Uber service in their area goes to the bar and drives home.”

… No, Jeremy. No, that is not true.

You could pick a designated driver in your group of friends. You could arrange for someone to drop you off and come pick you up if you plan on drinking.

This is an extra crazy idea, but if you know you’re going to be in a situation where you have to drive, you could just not drink?

Finally, Jeremy talks about Desi in a more general sense, and it kind of sounds like he’s open to the idea of getting married, too.

“It’s way different with her than my past relationships,” he says. “I guess we’ll see what the future holds.”

However, he adds that “I don’t want Desi to be brought into the MTV bullsh-t. I don’t want her in that whirlwind of drama.”

Little late for that, bud.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Markelle Fultz Car Shamed By Ben Simmons" Ferrari, I Still Drive an Accord!

Markelle Fultz’s whip game is SERIOUSLY trailing his on-court abilities … as the 76ers rookie found out on his way outta the arena Wednesday night.  You might’ve heard — the #1 pick just dropped his 1st NBA triple-double, cappin’ off an…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Take a Drive to Grandma"s Palace

Prince Harry flies a helicopter, so it should be no surprise he was behind the wheel driving Meghan Markle to Buckingham Palace, but still … where’s the butler? Megs rode shotgun Wednesday as they headed off to Queen…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Charles Manson Funeral Drive Shut Down By GoFundMe

Charles Manson’s dead body can rot in prison … at least as far as GoFundMe is concerned. The fundraising site shutdown an effort to pay for the murderer’s funeral expenses. As TMZ reported, John Michael Jones used GoFundMe to pay for Manson’s…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Cardi B Schools TMZ Photog on How to Get Laid on Rodeo Drive

Cardi B would make a helluva hookup artist … just ask our photog!!! We got the rapper leaving Ace of Diamonds Monday night and our guy was minding his own business (not really) when, out of nowhere, Cardi dished some priceless advice about…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Aaron Carter 911 Caller Saw Him Drive Past Cops, "Looks Like He Is On Something"

Aaron Carter was opening his door while driving and swerving all over the road — until he drove right past a parked cop … according to an extremely worried 911 caller. In the audio obtained by TMZ, the caller says he’d been following the…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Teen Mom Crew Member: Here"s Why We Let Ryan Edwards Drive High

If you watch Teen Mom online you know that the most recent season finale featured one of the show’s most controversial scenes to date.

Viewers were shocked to see Ryan Edwards driving to his own wedding while visibly intoxicated.

MTV has issued a statement on the incident, but the network has failed to adequately respond to fans’ questions about why it allowed such a dangerous scene to take place.

Now, a crew member who was present during the notorious incident is speaking out on condition of anonymity and defending the potentially deadly decision to let Ryan get behind the wheel:

“The reason the producers didn’t stop Ryan from driving after he was seen nodding off is because the producers would not have been able to see him nodding off,” the anonymous crew member tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“That footage (and almost all car footage) is captured on Go-Pro cameras installed on the dashboard. We do not have a live feed to watch the cast in their car, despite what some viewers think. We do not have live eyes on them the whole time we’re filming them.

“That footage is captured and watched a few days later after the producers/crew get home from the shoot. It’s edited in later. When things happen in the car, we don’t know about it until the cast tells us, or when we watch the footage later on.”

He went on to throw some mild shade at Mackenzie, insinuating that she may have made the situation worse by turning off the dash cams in the car:

“In the case of Ryan, he or Mackenzie would have had to alert us  to watch the footage ASAP,” the crew member said.

“We wouldn’t have seen it happen as it was filmed. Obviously, Mackenzie unplugged the GoPros, which isn’t really allowed, but we wouldn’t even know she turned them off until later when we watched the footage.”

“People think that the production crew is just looking for footage that will get the best ratings, no matter what and that is not true at all,” the source added.

“We really do care about the safety of the cast and other people. A lot of these people on the show are our friends.”

The crew member went on to point out that even if the production staff wasn’t concerned with Ryan’s safety, workers still would have prevented him from driving for legal reasons:

“Even if you take the human decency element out of it, we care because it’s our butts on the line if something happens,” he said.

“The show would have been absolutely liable had Ryan gotten into an accident or something while filming, even if the producers were not aware that he was under the influence.

“It doesn’t matter, we are still liable. They would be risking their jobs and possibly be liable personally for allowing that to happen.”

Thousands of fans have expressed outrage on social media, and it seems unlikely that they’ll be satisfied by MTV and the production crew’s comments on the incident.

Fortunately, Edwards checked into rehab shortly after the scene was filmed.

Only time will tell if the uproar will change the way the Teen Mom franchise is filmed going forward.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Teen Mom Fans to Mackenzie Standifer: Why Did You Let Ryan Edwards Drive High?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG then you know that Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer ties the knot in a ceremony that was captured by an MTV camera crew.

And you also know Ryan and Mackenzie’s wedding was one of the saddest in reality TV history, with more cameramen on hand than actual guests.

The wedding was a rush job, planned with the goal of giving Ryan a leg up in upcoming custody negotiations with his ex, Maci Bookout.

Just days after tying the knot, Edwards checked into rehab to receive treatment for persistent substance abuse issues.

At the time of the wedding, however, it appears he was still using.

And to the shock of many viewers, he drove to the ceremony while visibly intoxicated.

Fans of the show took to social media to express their outrage that no one intervened to stop Ryan from operating and getting married, all while so high that he struggled at times to keep his eyes open.

“Ryan was wasted, his mom was crying, and Mackenzie was standing there the whole time without a care in the world right before they got married,” wrote one fan on The Hollywood Gossip‘s Facebook page.

“Seems she’s in it for the fame and the money and doesn’t care how it’s affecting anybody in Ryan’s family. Everything about her that they showed last night was sad and desperate on her part.”

Others blamed MTV for allowing the potentially deadly scene to continue:

“I was absolutely stunned that MTV kept filming when Ryan was driving under the influence of drugs, putting other people’s lives at risk but as long as they get their ratings,” one viewer commented, adding:

“Unbelievable, the show is a joke now.”

Other fans focused on the fact that Ryan made one of the most important decisions of his life while high out of his mind, and there’s a very good chance he doesn’t remember his own wedding day:

“He is in rehab, but honestly I wouldn’t want to marry anyone who isn’t sober at the times our vows are made,” wrote one viewer.

“I felt bad for his parents and Kenzie seeing it his mom wasn’t crying bc other people weren’t there it was bc of the state of being her son was in.”

Some fans accused Mackenzie of enabling Ryan along with his parents,

Others encouraged Maci to continue to fight to limit Ryan’s visitation rights.

One fan may have summed up the sentiments best, writing:

“I was in total shock and seriously couldn’t believe what I saw. I’ve watched EVERY episode for YEARS. This…by far… was the craziest.”

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the many struggles that brought Ryan to where he is today.


Teen Mom OG Season Finale Recap: Did Ryan Edwards Drive to His Own Wedding Wasted!?

Monday on the season finale of Teen Mom OG, the sad truth was told about Ryan Edwards’ wedding, as well as Matt Baier’s past … again.

Meanwhile, Farrah Abraham feuded with her mom Debra over her fiance (again), and Catelynn and Tyler landed their dream home.

When Teen Mom OG Season 4 Episode 13 got underway, Maci Bookout expressed her deep concerns over her ex’s substance abuse.

Again. She told a friend regarding Ryan Edwards:

“He’s an addict. He doesn’t care about anything.”

Meanwhile, Ryan’s fiancee Mackenzie Standifer spoke with a minister who agreed to marry her and Ryan … that very same day.

Why the quickie wedding? She explained to an MTV producer he had met with a lawyer “to get his rights to Bentley legalized.”

Obviously, he’s not marrying Bentley’s mother, but the attorney felt it would help Ryan’s efforts to be married to his girlfriend.

And so they did … but it was not a joyous affair.

On the way to their own ceremony, Mackenzie had to make a few attempts to straighten out the steering wheel for Ryan, asking him:

“Why are you swerving?”

He answered, appearing semi-dazed, “My eyes, babe, in the sunlight I can’t keep ‘em open.” Then he appeared to fall asleep, practically.

Mackenzie asked Ryan, “Did you take Xanax again?” Edwards swore on Bentley’s life that he had not. Standifer didn’t believe him.

At the ceremony, Ryan appeared more alert, though the small and bittersweet wedding literally involved only his parents, Jen and Larry.

Ryan’s mother wept about how the “important people” (most notably Bentley) were present; Edwards says they’re not going to tell him.

Very sad all around.

Meanwhile, Amber Portwood had Matt Baier take a polygraph test amid lingering doubts that her shady fiance remained faithful to her.

The image above tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it? Ironically, Baier passed when it came to questions about if he had cheated.

Sort of. Sexual relations or sexual contact? He’s in the clear. But when it came to making “sexual advances” to someone … he failed.

Amber stormed out in tears, thinking of her daughter: “What about Leah? How do I explain this to her? How do I explain this to her?”

When Matt tried to calm her down, Portwood was not having it, calling him names and reminded him of how she helped him financially.

“Trash! Trash!” Amber yelled at him.

“I got you money! I got you deals! Who the f–k are you laughing at? F–k you! Sexual advances? You tried to f–k her!” Portwood continued.

Reflecting on her young daughter again, she lamented, “What is she going to say to me? I wasted seven years of my life with a man.”

“Then I wasted three years of my life,” she said.

“My teenage years and my 20s. Is it me?”

We live and learn. It would only be a waste if she went back to Matt after this, so at least she can go forward and put this behind her.

Oh, wait. Despite calling off her wedding to Matt, there’s no evidence that the two are actually broken up for good, even now!

Kind of incredible, honestly.

In Michigan, Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra placed a bid on a home they were interested in buying, and heard back that their bid was accepted.

Alright!! That’s awesome for them!

The most awesome part, though, is not the house, but the fact that we’re talking about a house purchase and not them splitting up.

With the way things were going for a time, you cannot take that for granted, so we’re thrilled that they’re on more solid footing of late.

Finally, Farrah Abraham was at odds with her mother’s fiancé, David, after she became frustrated that he wouldn’t try to get to know her.

Simon Saran called David out on Twitter this week (obviously), so clearly there’s not a lot of love lost between would-be Farrah in-laws.

Stay tuned for the troll’s next tirade.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Says She"s Buying a Porsche She Can"t Drive

Danielle Bregoli’s too young to drive it, or even pronounce it — but that’s not stopping her from buying her first Porsche … or so she says. The “Cash Me Outside” girl was outside Catch in Weho Thursday night talking about how she’d spend the…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

John Daly Calls BS On The Rock ... You Hit 490 Yard Drive? Prove It. (VIDEO)

John Daly says he ain’t buyin’ The Rock’s claim that he smacked a 490 YARD drive during a recent golf outing … telling the movie star straight-up: PROVE IT!  After The Rock posted a yoked out pic of him on a golf course boasting about…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Chief Keef Now Legal to Drive Fleet of Cars (PHOTOS)

Chief Keef is free to drive around without fear of getting pulled over … for unlicensed driving, anyway. The 21-year-old rapper just got his California state drivers license — which is pretty shocking news, considering how many freakin’ cars…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mariah Carey to Backup Dancer -- Baby, You Can Drive My Cart (PHOTO GALLERY)

There’s a new dude in Mariah Carey’s driver seat, and James Packer’s gonna be pissed. MC hit the road with her choreographer/dancer, Bryan Tanaka, on Halloween — he was behind the wheel of her golf cart, sporting a king’s crown — when…


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jared Fogle Blames Sex Drive On Subway Diet

The filth that is Jared Fogle will do anything for a lower sentence.

The ex-Subway spokesman and accused pedophile is looking at 12 1/2 years behind bars, which his lawyers are trying to get reduced with a new excuse.

According to TMZ, lawyers brought in a sexual behavior expert to testify that prior to his Subway deal, Fogel had a “compulsive eating disorder.”

The lawyers believe that when Fogle lost the weight, he developed compulsive hypersexuality disorder.

First of all, 12 1/2 years is not nearly long enough.  

Second of all, the judge had better not put him in solitary confinement, but instead leave him to the other inmates.

And how does compulsive hypersexuality disorder have anything to do pedophilia?  

It’s a weak excuse, but one that the lawyers must think might work in trying for five years in prison instead of 12 1/2.

Fogle released a statement to the court today, claiming that he’s learned his lesson from keeping child pornography and having sex with minors, and won’t commit such crimes again.

“I owe a huge apology to the people who supported me and my positive messages the last 15 years,” Fogle said.

Fogle has been ordered to pay $ 1.4 million to 14 victims after being arrested in August.