Showing posts with label Shamed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shamed. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Announces "Pothead" Haircare Line, Gets Shamed By Ignorant Trolls

Of all the stars in the Teen Mom galaxy, perhaps no one is more adept at launching a successful side hustle than Kailyn Lowry.

In addition to starring in one of the most successful reality shows on television, Kail hosts a popular podcast and has written several bestsellers.

Earlier this week, Lowry announced the release of her signature line of haircare products.

Some might argue that she"ll have a tough road ahead of her in such a crowded market — but Kail"s company is offering products with an unexpected secret ingredient.

Take a look:

1. Kail on Her Grind

Kailyn lowry for good american

For several weeks, Kail has been teasing her hair care line on social media. Yesterday, she finally unveiled her signature products.

2. The Big Reveal

Kail cbd 6

Kail announced the release of Pothead Hair Care with a tweet that immediately caught fans’ attention.

3. Kail Explains

Kail cbd 7

Now, the name Pothead is intentionally provocative, but Kail has been quick to point out that her products contain CBD — a product derived from the hemp plant that’s been shown to have a number of medicinal properties — and not THC.

4. Reefer Madness

Kailyn lowry looks happy

In other words, the Pothead line can’t get you high and presents no more of a health hazard than whatever products you already use.

5. The Discourse

Kail lowry on instagram

Thankfully, everyone who had doubts read Kail’s science-backed explanation and calmly conceded that they had rushed to judgment.

6. lol jk

Kailyn lowry wearing all black photo

Ha! Just kidding. This is the internet in 2018, which means everyone rushed to form an opinion, then dug in their heels and refused to be swayed in spite of compelling evidence to the contrary.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

TMZ Live: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Weight Shamed

ON TODAY’S SHOW Meek Mill Shut Down By Judge  Terry Crews: Gives Emotional Testimony Before U.S. Senate  Heather Locklear: ‘Overdose’ Meltdown  George Lopez Selling Anti-Melania Jacket


Friday, June 22, 2018

Ex-Texans Cheerleader Claims She Was Body Shamed for Being "Skinny Fat" (LIVE STREAM)

A former Houston Texans cheerleader has lawyered up — with Gloria Allred — to sue the team after claiming she was treated like a bad sorority pledge … all because she was considered “skinny fat.” Allred claims the former cheerleader alleges…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Markelle Fultz Car Shamed By Ben Simmons" Ferrari, I Still Drive an Accord!

Markelle Fultz’s whip game is SERIOUSLY trailing his on-court abilities … as the 76ers rookie found out on his way outta the arena Wednesday night.  You might’ve heard — the #1 pick just dropped his 1st NBA triple-double, cappin’ off an…


Meghan Markle: Shamed by Sister Over Wedding Snub

Anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows how stressful the invitation game can be.

Do you invite co-workers? Former co-workers? Friends of friends of friends of your parents?

It can turn into quite a mess… and that goes for nearly any bride, let alone the bride who will soon take part in the most famous wedding of the decade.

As reported a few weeks ago, invitations to the Royal Wedding have gone out.

They’ve been received by friends, by loved ones of Prince William and Meghan Markle and by nearly every high of state not named Donald Trump.

But a few people are noticeably absent from the list of impending attendees:

Members of Markle’s own family!

As we’ve detailed on many prior occasions, Markle is not especially close to some of her relatives, most specifically her half-sister, Samantha Grant.

The siblings are not close in age and were not raised in the same household, yet Grant has taken many opportunities to slam Markle over the last several months…

… and now she is doing so again.

Depending on which reports you believe, around 600 people will attend Markle and William’s wedding on May 19, while the reception afterward may include an audience of over 2,000 individuals.

But it doesn’t sound as though Grant is included on either of these lists.

And she wants the world to know about it.

“At issue is not a matter of closeness as more than 1000 complete strangers are invited. Family is family,” Grant tweeted on Wednesday, adding:

“I have an uncle I have only seen once but I would never say he is not family because we are not close. Humanitarians move forward with love and kindness especially to Family.”

This is quite the rich dig, many would say.

Markle, after all, it nearly as well known for her humanitarian and charitable efforts as she is for her role on USA Network drama Suits.

s, markle

Grant then followed up her diss with another Tweet that reads:

“Smoke and mirrors cannot hide the elephant in the room. Out of respect, tradition, and humanitarianism, the #Markles should be invited if 2000 complete strangers are invited.

“Our uncle who got her the internship, brother, me, best friend of 30 years Nikki Priddy, nephews. Fact.”

Perhaps Samantha should have considered this snub last year when she said of her half-sister:

“Hollywood has changed her. I think her ambition is to become a princess…The truth would kill her relationship with Prince Harry.”

s, m2

To Markle’s credit, she has never engaged Grant in any kind of back-and-forth.

We certainly can’t imagine her responding to these sorts of taunts.

Especially not when she has to concern herself these days instead with talk that Prince William has been cheating on her.

We strongly doubt that claim, which you can read more about via the link directly above.

But let’s just say this:

We actually believe it’s more likely that Williams stepped out on Markle than Meghan ever extends a wedding invitation to Samantha Grant.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kim Kardashian Posts Underwear Selfie, Gets Slut AND Mom Shamed!

In many ways, Kim Kardashian is the embodiment of the American dream.

Now, before you go hurling rotten produce at your computer screen or tossing your mobile device into a dumpster and then lighting the dumpster on fire, hear us out:

Kim came from a reasonably well-off family, it’s true, but who could have ever predicted she would grow up to be one of the most famous women on the planet?

In her early twenties, Kim was basically Paris Hilton’s errand girl.

By the time she reached her thirties, Kim had not only eclipsed Paris in terms of fame and fortune, she’d become a bonafide international icon and a one-woman media empire.

These days, she continues to rise to new levels of fame, all while raising three children and remaining in flawless physical condition.

We point all of this out only to highlight how absurd it is that Kim still gets ragged on by basement-dwelling trolls every time she posts a pic that they deem too risqué.

Kim posted the above photo to Instagram this week, along with a caption reading:

“Found this pic I took in the bathroom on set of My @calvinklein shoot #MyCalvins #ad”

Now, in terms of Kim Kardashian underwear selfies, this one is pretty tame.

Nevertheless, the trolls and haters came out in full force to 

Mom-shaming Kim is one of the internet’s favorite activities, but this pic seemed to bring out all manner of trash-talkers.

There were the plastic surgery-shamers, who said things like:

“She looks a bit more natural here. Is this an old pic?”

And then there were the classic body-shamers who like to pretend that 1. Kim would ever show any interest in them, and 2. They would totally pass if she did.

“If u still looked like this id crash but u garbage now,” wrote one such troglodyte.

And then there are those who seem to completely misunderstand the nature of Kim’s career and social media presence:

“Will your thirst ever be quenched?” these people ask, ironically quenching their own thirst in the process.

Folks, allow us to explain something important:

It’s not called “thirst” when you’re just carrying out the basic requirements of your job.

This is what Kim does for a living.

She identified the pic as an ad, which means she got paid (probably a staggering sum of money) to post it.

On top of that, this is how she’s amassed the following of tens of millions of fans that allows her continue cashing in on this sort of thing.

But please, continue telling us how taking a selfie in front of a mirror makes her a bad mom.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Was Shamed for My Sex Work!!

Long before Farrah Abraham fell victim to Viacom’s “hate crimes” — in other words, before Farrah got fired from Teen Mom OG — she starred in a sex tape.

Now she’s talking about the sort of response, which she describes as sex-shaming, she received for the tape that she claims she never intended to go public.

Farrah’s also talking about what she has planned next and … you’ll be genuinely surprised. Really.

These days, Farrah has wholeheartedly embraced her sex work. She’s even been named an ambassador for sex positivity.

Originally, however, she tells E! that she’d never planned on sex work becoming part of her life.

“I have to emphasize that I didn’t intentionally decide to work in the adult industry.”

And yet she did a sex tape with James Deen (before he was accused of rape by multiple women)

Farrah says that the sex tape with the porn star was never supposed to get out, and that she only signed her approval for distribution after it leaked.

“At that time, I was a young experimental 21-year-old woman who happened to be a celebrity that tried to balance life, fame, and dating while forging new friendships.”

Goodness — hearing Farrah describe herself is always fascinating and illuminating.

If you want another example, check out Farrah’s dating profile.

Now, Farrah’s obvious persecution complex aside, she did receive some very unfair feedback.

“The backlash I received for my sex tape was genuinely hurtful.”

Sex-shaming is real and it’s never okay, though it doesn’t really make up the bulk of criticisms of Farrah — many of which are much more legitimate gripes.

“I felt misunderstood for expressing my sensuality.”

Sex-shaming is genuinely wrong — yes, even if it happens to Farrah.

“Although it took me a few years to reconcile those feelings through therapy, along with my faith in God, I was able to overcome being sex-shamed to find my real purpose.”

And she goes into what she believes that her purpose in life must be.

“I am grateful for this experience because it made me into an empowered woman who proudly wants to help end the stigma around sex.”

Sex positivity simply means rejecting shame and stigma surrounding sex — while also respecting that other people may not desire sex or feel that it’s as liberating as you do.

Farrah goes into what the term sex positivity means to her.

“For me, it means embracing your sexuality and personal freedom.”

That’s certainly true.

“It’s important to promote safe and consensual sex and use my celebrity status to spread this vital message.”

And she wants to pass on that message to the next generation.

“I want to be able to spread this message to my daughter.”

Farrah is asked what she wants to do next with her life.

“At 26 years old, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much already.”

We’ll let that one slide.

“And I hope to continue to develop new products, from my furniture, toys, and clothing line to providing entrepreneurs with educational resources. The sky’s the limit.”

It’s not a shock that Farrah’s going to continue to sell things, some of which is definitely lingerie.

But this is a bit of a surprise:

“I would also love to open a new frozen yogurt location!”

Sounds like somebody’s looking to broaden her brand.

Ignoring for the moment the prospect of slurping Farrah’s frozen yogurt …

It looks like Farrah’s persecution complex has led her to believe that people dislike her for her sex work, whether it’s the old sex tape or her more recent livestreamed sex shows.

This conveniently ignores her racist tirades that have gotten her called out by other reality stars.

It ignores the fact that, even for a reality star, she seems to feud with everyone in sight. It’s obnoxious.

No one should be shamed for sex or for sex work. But Farrah has allowed herself to believe that this, and not her very real personality flaws, are responsible for her “haters.”

She should consider that she’s not the only Teen Mom star who’s stripped down.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Shamed by Fans Over Pregnancy

It’s no secret that Jinger Duggar Vuolo is pregnant. In fact, fans were just treated to a look at Jinger’s baby bump at 15 weeks.

Some fans are offering Jinger and Jeremy their congratulations. This will be the couple’s first child.

Others, however, appear to be shaming the couple for having “taken so long” to get pregnant.

After Jinger shared her good news — and a glimpse of her baby bump — fans and followers filled her Instagram comments.

“Yay!! They are finally pregnant!!”

That comment … didn’t need the finally part, but it’s overall positive and doesn’t seem to be mean-spirited.

“Omg yay!!! Finally.  I’m so happy for you guys.”

That’s more like it.

“Congratulations, so happy for you guys! My God bless you and your family.”

That one’s sweet and incorporates a reference to the Duggar family’s Christian faith. Totally appropriate.

Other commenters offered their heartfelt congratulations … while also congratulating the “late” timing of the news, since Jinger and Jeremy have been married for a “whopping” 15 months.

“You look gorgeous. So glad you took time to just enjoy being a married couple before having a baby. I suspect you planned it that way & good on you. After all, women are not just brood mares.”

She does look great. Though we suspect that Jim Bob would disagree about the brood mares comment.

“I am glad you waited a little bit to enjoy being a newlywed. There is nothing like being parents but you also need time to learn and grow as a couple first.”

That’s definitely very healthy!

“So cute. Congratulations , I happy you had a year to learn about each other without distractions.”

Most people learn about each other by dating, but the courtship-to-marriage pipeline for the Duggars is practically instantaneous. 

Then came a comment that sounded an awful lot like shaming.

“Finally I was wondering if y’all were just gonna use birth control unlike the rest of your sisters. But I guess it happened for ya all in good time.”

This sounds like, for one thing, they’re relieved. And there seems to be a judgmental tone to it.

I’m not the only one who picked up on this and similar comments as being rude; one commenter took their peers to task:

“You don’t know why she didn’t get pregnant right away, whether it was by choice or they were having trouble for some reason or if she’s had miscarriages.”

In fact, very miscarriages are so common that many women have them without realizing that they were ever pregnant. The commenter continues:

“Please think about that kind of comment for any pregnant woman, because some women actually want to get pregnant right away and it can be hurtful when you congratulate them for a timeline they didn’t plan on.”

A couple of these comments seemed a little off-topic but also worth mentioning, so that people can get the full spectrum of Jinger’s Instagram comments:

“Congrats to you Jinger & Jeremy can’t wait to start the new season on the 26th of February. I have been wondering what the heck was going on and finally saw a commercial last night. My husband always has the control but I have a lot of shows saved on the dvr”

This sounds less like a comment and more like a cry for help. One possibly misplaced in the Instagram comments of a Duggar, since the family eschews both “worldly” entertainment and any notion of gender equality.

And then there’s this:

“The Lord put you and your baby on my heart today to claim the Lords DNA In every cell in that little babies body! And for protection against any firey darts the enemy tries to throw in the growing process! The Holy Spirit is guarding your womb and you will have a healthy baby and God ordained delivery in Jesus name!”

That is perhaps the most colorful well-wishing that we’ve ever seen on Instagram.

Jim Bob has been criticized for doing his best to force his children to be “clones” of his ideology and lifestyle by deterring them from seeking higher education (or public education).

Jinger may be a deviation from that — or maybe she and Jeremy have been trying their hardest to conceive since they got married.

We don’t know. Frankly, it’s not our business when an adult gets pregnant or what they did or didn’t do along the way.

She’s pregnant now and anyone who considers themselves a real fan should just offer congratulations. Pariod.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Jessa Duggar Gets Shamed For Dirty House, Fires Back at Haters

Last week, Jessa Duggar posted a series of Instagram photos chronicling the various unclean items around her less-than-immaculate home.

For many parents of young children, the images in Jessa’s confessional slideshow no doubt made for a relatable sight:

The mother of two showed the world her appliances and mirrors covered in fingerprints, a bed piled high with laundry, even a mound of soiled diapers waiting to be taken to out to the trash.

For the most part, fans were supportive and took the opportunity to offer their own admissions about allowing their housekeeping habits to fall by the wayside in response to the demands of caring for toddlers.

But this being the internet in 2017, there were more than a few haters and shamers, as well.

“No m’am. You had ONE job,” wrote one follower in response to Jessa’s post.

“This is so disgusting. You spend the most time in your home. Take pride in it and take care of it,” commented another.

It’s certainly not the first time Jessa’s parenting has been criticized.

But while Jessa may have let the negativity roll off her back in the past, this time she’s taking a stand against the mommy-shamers.

“We all try to put our best foot forward and are most comfortable posting our ‘highlight reel’ for people on social media to see. I could’ve waited 24 hrs and posted pics of everything freshly cleaned and looking beautiful (the stovetop is sparkling, dust bunnies have been removed, laundry is folded, bed sheets are washed, etc),” she wrote in a lengthy posted on response Instagram.

“Certainly people would find no fault with that… but many may find fault with themselves. I didn’t do that for a reason. Reality.”

Jessa went on to address the specifics of her situation:

“Sometimes you find yourself with an 8-month-old who isn’t sleeping through the night, and you don’t care that your bed has spit up on it–you’re tired. Throw a towel down on it and sleep!” she continued.

“Sometimes you don’t want to wash the dishes right after supper because your husband is finally home from work, and there’s only one golden hour of family time before babies are tucked into bed and hubby has to start in on his college homework… and so you put off dishes until then.”

Proving that her sense of humor hasn’t been broken by the judgemental response to her housekeeping, Jessa added:

“Oh, and the diapers. Our diaper pail is currently outta commission, and I’m awaiting a replacement. Yeah, they were stinky, but I had them bagged up and out of the house before the pic of them was even posted.”

Jessa concluded by summarizing what she had hoped to convey for the sake of her less receptive followers:

“My takeaway, and what I was trying to convey, was this: I could break down household tasks into manageable increments, with a few min here doing this, and a few min there doing that,” she wrote.

“And when it comes to quality time with kids, it’s really the same thing. It’s a few min here and a few min there. The point was not kids vs. house cleaning.

“The point was my heart’s goal to devote undivided time and attention to my kids– to make memories together each day, no matter what else I have on my schedule.”

“It’s all too easy for me to want to turn on Baby Einstein and get back to my project, and while that may be fine or necessary at times, it can’t replace pausing for moments here and there to give them a mama’s loving, playful, teaching, and engaging interaction.”

She added:

“P.S. We had a blessed day, the house was tidied right up, books were read, snuggles given, kids happy… and we all lived happily ever after.”

Wise words from a young mother who knows about the daily challenges of balancing priorities.

Watch Counting On online for more on Jessa’s parenting philosophy.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Sean Young Claims Barbra Streisand Shamed Her for Calling Out Sexual Harassment

Sean Young says she was the Rose McGowan of her day … getting shamed by Hollywood’s elite — like Barbra Streisand — when she dared to accuse Warren Beatty of sexual harassment. Sean was on KLBJ-FM in Austin Thursday and when they asked her…


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Shamed By "Shameless" Star Over Donald Trump Defense

When Floyd Mayweather says Donald Trump’s ”locker-room talk” is A-OK, no one should listen … CAUSE HE’S ILLITERATE — this according to “Shameless” star Cameron Monaghan. We got Cam leaving Catch … and the actor came…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kate Middleton: Shamed For Getting Pregnant Again! (Seriously, People Are Insane!)

Proving yet again that women cannot win, and that people on the Internet are out-of-their-mind bonkers, Kate Middleton is being mom-shamed.

Yes, trolls are dragging her over her latest pregnancy.

Leave it to social media morons to turn some special, non-controversial news that we frankly could all use right now into “get on the pill.”

A 35-year-old woman is trying to raise children and live her best life, while really not doing anything objectionable. Yet she gets this.

Kensington Palace announced that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, who will join George, 4, and Charlotte, 2, on Monday.

Very sweet, without a doubt. Unless you’re on Twitter, where people tell her to “get on the pill you slag” or liken her to a “conveyor belt.”

Seriously, those were actual comments.

Don’t ask us why a woman having a third biological child in her 30s is somehow newsworthy at all, let alone in a negative way, but …

KM Tweets

Basically, what you have here is Kate Middleton being shamed for … having sex with her husband? We really don’t see the point here. 

The idea that the Duke of Cambridge’s genitals “junk” is often up in there shouldn’t come as a surprise, nor offend anyone, in our opinion.

Isn’t it a woman’s business and hers alone – whether she’s married or not (which Kate is, it’s worth repeating) how many kids she wants?

We’re not judging them either, but Kailyn Lowry has three kids out of wedlock, and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have 19. Nineteen!

Kate truly cannot win no matter what here.

Imagine if the Duchess of Cambridge were, say, to end this pregnancy. Or not have children at all! She would be filleted online as selfish.

She would be heartless. Immoral. Worse.

Just wait until she starts to show, or in Kate’s case, barely show. Middleton has also been shamed for her body, and will likely be again.

Like a royal Sarah Stage, she will be “too skinny” to be in her third trimester. In the interim, she’s being “dramatic” about morning sickness.

Never mind that Kate’s morning sickness isn’t like most people’s; Middleton suffers from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a severe form of it.

She’s been hospitalized as a result, which was actually the event that prompted the palace to announce her first pregnancy in late 2012.

Perhaps the only positive spin we can put on this is that Kate seems fairly adept at blocking out the noise and living life on her terms.

Being criticized and scrutinized for whatever you do is, sadly, par for the course in her life, and honestly, she’s been through a lot worse.

Not only will detractors belittle her life choices, they’ll attempt to scandalize and sexualize her when she’s simply going about her life.

The Kate Middleton topless photo scandal, for example, involved her intimate moments broadcast online for all to see, against her will.

It’s no way to live. Just because she’s a celebrity doesn’t mean that the rules of basic human decency don’t apply to how you treat her.

This week, she and William won a judgment in that case, which they took to court out on principle, despite not needing to collect damages.

A little pregnancy hating/jealousy/people trying way too hard to be snarky and funny pales in comparison to telephoto lens stalking.

Silver lining?


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Broncos" Garret Bolles Spit Shamed at Rookie Hot Dog Eating Contest

Denver Broncos rookie Garett Bolles is no Joey Chestnut — and was booed out of a rookie hot dog eating contest last night when he grabbed a trashcan and prepared to blow chunks.  Bolles — the 20th pick in the ’17 draft — lined up next…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Bill Cosby: Shamed by the University of Missouri!

Bill Cosby should spend the rest of his life in jail.

The comedian almost definitely raped dozens and dozens of women over the years, yet a jury of his peers could not reach a verdict this month and Cosby remains a free man.

It sucks and it’s stupid and we really hope Cosby is found guilty when he goes back on trial later this year.

In the meantime, however, at least the 79-year old is being publicly shame in some fashion, even if it’s not exactly the same as wearing an orange jumpsuit behind cold metal bars.

On Friday, the Board of Curators at the University of Missouri voted unanimously to strip Cosby of the doctorate in humane letters that he received in 1999.

This no-brainer of a decision was the first time the school had ever revoked an honorary degree.

But it’s probably the first time a celebrity to whom it had given this distinction was accused of over 50 women of sexual assault.

In a statement, University President Mun Choi cited assault allegations from all these women as the reason behind the move, saying Cosby’s alleged actions don’t reflect the school’s values.

Altogether, around 25 other schools across the nation have similarly revoked honorary degrees and awards given to Cosby since nearly 60 women accused him of drugging and raping them.

(Seriously! This guy is so guilty!)

About a year ago, the University of Connecticut took this step, also voting unanimously to rescind the Doctor of Fine Arts given to Cosby in 1996.

The resolution at the time cited Cosby’s own admissions in lawsuit depositions.

In one, for example, he admitted he had affairs with young models and actresses and had obtained quaaludes to give to women he wanted to have sex with.

(Seriously! This guy is so, so guilty!)

“The University respects the principles of due process and Mr. Cosby’s right to a fair and public trial on the criminal charges against him,” the resolution said last year, adding in detail:

“But the conduct which he admitted in his sworn testimony provides compelling reasons for the University of Connecticut to consider the revocation of his honorary degree.

“This is an extraordinary action that is not being taken lightly.”

We live in extraordinary times, that’s for sure.

Cosby apparently plans to tour the country this summer and host seminars to help young men avoid being charged with sexual assault.

We’re not making this up.

According to spokesman Andrew Wyatt, Cosby wants kids to “know what they’re facing when they’re hanging out and partying, when they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing.”

Such a show of hubris on Cosby’s part is truly remarkable.

If anyone plans on paying money for these seminars, allow us to save you some money…

Here are the two ways to avoid the fate of Bill Cosby:

1. Do not drug women.

2. Do not rape women.

There. Boom. Done. You’re welcome.


Monday, May 8, 2017

29 Stars Who Shamed Their Body-Shamers

Being in the spotlight might seem fabulous sometimes, but it also means more criticism.

From fans on social media to other celebrities who think they have a right to comment, there are way too many people who think it"s okay to criticize celebrities for their appearances.

These 29 stars have dealt with such body-shaming, but their responses?

They totally shamed their body-shamers!

And we LOVE them for it.

1. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez pose

When Selena Gomez was insulted about her weight on Instagram, she responded with a photo of herself in a bathing suit. The caption read, “I love being happy with me y’all. #theresmoretolove.”

2. Ariel Winter

Ariel winter poses for a prom photo

Modern Family actress Ariel Winter receives negative comments all too often about her appearance and the clothes she wears, but her responses are always golden. “Dear sorry body-shamers, I looked HOT in that dress,” was just one of her responses. She also tweeted recently, “Know your value. Remember who you are. Love yourself. You’re perfect along with the hashtag: #stoptheshaming.

3. Tyra Banks

Tyra banks image

Tyra Banks’ response to insults about her weight after photos were taken of her on the beach was simple and to the point. “Kiss my fat ass!”

4. Demi Lovato

Demi lovato rocks out

Demi Lovato has struggled with eating disorders, and that’s something she’s been open about. So when the haters starting criticizing her body, she was quick to respond. “Dear haters, you don’t have to like me cause I love you. Everyone’s equal, everyone has a soul, and everyone deserves to be loved.”

5. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian 2016 de grisogono party at cannes

Like many others, Kim Kardashian was criticized for her weight gain during pregnancy, but her response on Twitter was pretty fabulous. “Anyone who has had a baby knows how hard it is to lose weight… your body totally changes! Making fun of me pregnant and making fun of me trying to lose weight now, shame on you. I’m not perfect, but I will never conform to your skinny standards. Sorry!”

6. Khloe Kardashian

Khloe kardashian promo picture

Khloe Kardashian has received a lot of criticism for her weight, often called “the fat one” of the Kardashian family. She consistently stands up for herself on the issue. “My weight doesn’t define who I am.”

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

13 Kids Who Have Been Brutally Shamed By Mom & Dad

Remember on Game of Thrones? When Cersei was publicly shamed by the citizens of King"s Landing?

Who cursed at her and threw horse feces at her while she walked naked through town?

Well… the following kids were NOT shamed in any way, shape or form along these lines by their parents.

But they were asked to pose for social media photos that revealed to the world the naughty ways in which they had recently behaved, with moms and dads hoping against hope that the actions would NOT be repeated.

See what we mean below:

1. I Learned It From Dad, Alright!

I learned it from dad alright

Why isn’t he wearing a sign?

2. Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Cant we all just get along

These siblings are about to find out.

3. Oh, Crap

Oh crap

Perhaps we should say instead: No crap, kid. Just stay away from all crap.

4. Lessons to be Learned

Lessons to be learned

Expensive lessons, apparently.

5. By They Looked So Pretty!

By they looked so pretty

My parents just didn’t get it.

6. It’s Called Hide and Seek!

Its called hide and seek

Daddy told me he likes that game.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tim Allen: Shamed for Nazi Comments, Urged to Apologize

Tim Allen was already an unfunny comedian prior to sitting down for an interview with Jimmy Kimmel last week.

But then the actor went ahead and compared modern society to the Holocaust, actually claiming that Republicans in Hollywood these days have something in common with Jews in Nazi-occupied Germany…

… and now he’s gone from merely being unfunny to becoming a national embarrassment.

Appearing Thursday on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Allen discussed attending Donald Trump’s inauguration and offered his thoughts on the polarizing political climate.

As one of the few Conservatives in show business, he told the host and his audience:

“You gotta be real careful around here. You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany.”

Yes, like ’30s Germany. When it was run by Adolf Hitler. And when millions of Jewish people were rounded up, thrown into concentration camps and killed by the Nazi regime.

You can see Allen make these actual, real-life comments in the video below:

In response to these remarks, hopefully any level-headed human being was aghast and appalled.

But the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect has specifically called out Allen for what it has deemed to be his “deeply offensive characterization” of the situation, adding in further detail, via a statement from the organization’s executive director:

“Tim, have you lost your mind?

“No one in Hollywood today is subjecting you or anyone else to what the Nazis imposed on Jews in the 1930s – the world’s most evil program of dehumanization, imprisonment and mass brutality, implemented by an entire national government, as the prelude for the genocide of nearly an entire people.”

The statement concluded:

“Sorry, Tim, that’s just not the same as getting turned down for a movie role.  

“It’s time for you to leave your bubble to apologize to the Jewish people and, to be sure, the other peoples also targeted by the Nazis.”

That pretty much says it all, but it’s still worth emphasizing:

1. Over six millions people were killed in the Holocaust. As far we we know, not a single Republican has been killed in Hollywood for expressing his or her viewpoint.

2. Allen is (somehow) STILL working on the ABC sitcom Last Man Standing. It’s filmed over 100 episodes!

3. He’s been the voice of Buzz Lightyear in all three Toy Story films. He starred in one of the most beloved shows of its era, Home Improvement, during the mid-1990s.

In other words: The guy is not hurting for work.

This would be a ridiculous, inappropriate, hurtful statement to make by anyone.

But it’s especially off-base and tone deaf when coming from an actor who has been regular employed (and VERY well compensated) for well over 20 years.

The Anne Frank Center is named after the young Jewish girl who kept a now-published diary while hiding from the Nazis and says its mission is to call out “prejudice” in the world.

The group also “counters discrimination and advocates for the kinder and fairer world of which Anne Frank dreamed.”

Allen is yet to speak out on his controversial quip.

But he’d be well-served to issue a mea culpa and move on.

What a stupid thing to say.

Can the world just agree to cease all comparisons to the Holocaust on a grand scale?

Until a dictator comes into power and starts rounding up individuals from a certain ethnicity for mass imprisonment and slaughter, NOTHING is like 1930s Germany, okay?


Friday, February 10, 2017

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos Gets Shamed, "Game of Thrones" Style (VIDEO)

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos had a loud, angry face-to-face clash with protesters … which sounded like a recreation of a famous “Game of Thrones” scene. DeVos, in only her 2nd fully day on the job, was attempting to visit Jefferson Academy in…


Education Sec. Betsy DeVos Gets Shamed, "Game of Thrones" Style (VIDEO)

Education Sec. Betsy DeVos had a loud, angry face-to-face clash with protesters … which sounded like a recreation of a famous “Game of Thrones” scene. DeVos, in only her 2nd fully day on the job, was attempting to visit Jefferson Academy in…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lala Kent Goes OFF on Vanderpump Rules Cast: You Slut Shamed Me and Are Awful People!

Kent just went off on the Vanderpump Rules cast in an online tirade, accusing them of slut-shaming her and basically being terrible people.

Amid speculation of why she’s leaving the hit Bravo show, and whether it has to do with dating a married man, Kent issued this tweet:

Kent Tweet

Rumors of Lala Kent dating a married man (who allegedly bought her a Range Rover among other expensive gifts) is at the crux of this.

It runs deeper than that, though, according to Lala, who says she’s been shamed regarding her sexuality from day one – based on nothing.

“Y’all did slut shame me,” Lala began her rant.

“From the second I walked onto the show … U had 0 facts. Not one thing you said was 100% factual. That’s the part that hurt my feelings most.”

“It was a game of telephone and y’all took it and didn’t care what was actually real and what wasn’t. Shame on you,” she went on.

“The disgusting human-beings are you people.”

“Why would anyone want to be honest with any of you! Have you seen how you have treated each other?” Kent asked rhetorically.

“You bailed on your best friend because you didn’t like the group. You punch your friend in the face because she slept with your man.”

“But I’m supposed to be a saint to you after none of you have been kind to me? You’re delusional,” Lala said, raising some solid points.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know this is one of the shadiest, most promiscuous, sophomoric groups of people in history.

And honestly, we love them for that.

The idea that any of these residents of glass houses are throwing rocks at newcomers is ridiculous though, as Ms. Kent dutifully notes.

Her missive comes just after Stassi Schroeder wrote that “expressing distaste for someone for dating a married family man is slut shaming?”

Stass Tweet

“I’m so baffled by this,” Stassi said.

“Tapping out of this convo.”

Sure you are, Stassi.

Schroeder and Kent have been engaged in a war of words from the start, with Stassi blasting her as a liar and a nobody earlier this month.

It appears that the increasingly mysterious Lala actually has tapped out – not just from this debate but from the lifestyle of a reality starlet.

Lala quit the show, and has rarely appeared on camera in recent weeks, though she will reportedly return for at least one more episode.

The rest of the cast remains intrigued by her affair, and of the mystery man’s identity – perhaps even more so now that she’s bounced.

So who is the alleged sugar daddy bestowing gifts upon our girl?

Unconfirmed speculation has linked Kent to producer Randall Emmett, 45, who is indeed married (to actress Ambyr Childers).

The speculation began when former co-star Schroeder jokingly tweeted at her adversary to “give Randall a big kiss for me.”

Given that piece of information, Vanderpump Rules obsessives quickly uncovered a number of clues (however circumstantial).

Lala and Randall have been photographed together, first off …

She also deleted a photo of her kissing a man whose face had been blocked out after fans felt they found clues “proving” it was Emmett.

Bracelets worn by the man in said pic match those worn by Randall on other occasions, according to Kent’s legion of social media fans.

Some of the so-called compelling evidence does seem credible.

Does it matter, though? Kent has made her decision to bail on Bravo, and we’re guessing Lala won’t soon be issuing any sort of response.

Kent is reportedly making people sign NDAs regarding her boyfriend, which tells you she really, really does not want this getting out.

That and quitting a hot reality TV gig. You know she’s serious.
