Showing posts with label 'Fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Fat. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

Ex-Texans Cheerleader Claims She Was Body Shamed for Being "Skinny Fat" (LIVE STREAM)

A former Houston Texans cheerleader has lawyered up — with Gloria Allred — to sue the team after claiming she was treated like a bad sorority pledge … all because she was considered “skinny fat.” Allred claims the former cheerleader alleges…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Donald Trump Calls Kim Jong Un "Short and Fat" in Response to Being Called Old

Donald Trump just took the high road in a war of words with the leader of North Korea … just kidding — he called him short and fat. The Prez responded to Kim Jong Un calling him old by dishing out an insult on Twitter Saturday night (Sunday…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Chris Christie Blasted On Radio Show: Take Your "Fat Ass" To a Different Beach!

Chris Christie’s first stint as a sports talk radio host was more like a boxing match — trading blows with callers over BeachGate … with one guy telling him to take his “fat ass” to a beach where ALL his constituents can sunbathe.  Christie…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Gronk Zings Jews, Blacks, "Fat Ass" at David Ortiz Roast

And now, the comedic stylings of Rob Gronkowski …  “You wanna know why Jews do play football??? To get their quarter back you cheap f*ck.” WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA! Yeah, that was the kind of material Gronk was workin’ with at the Roast of David…


Friday, October 7, 2016

Wale Nightclub Fight -- Some "Fat Guy" Cost Us Our Food ... Says Chick in Neon Jacket (VIDEOS)

One of the girls who squared off with Wale on the Sunset Strip now says the whole mess wasn’t the rapper’s fault … instead, it was a random chunky dude who ended up costing her a late-night meal. Bana Bongolan is the GF of the blonde…
