Showing posts with label Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radio. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Friday, October 19, 2018

Congressman French Hill Condemns Offensive Radio Ad Targeting Black Voters

Arkansas Rep. French Hill says he had absolutely nothing to do with the shocking radio ad targeting black voters with threats of white Democrats lynching black men accused of rape by white women. French called the political ad appalling and…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Katt Williams Slams Tiffany Haddish as Unproven Comic in Radio Interview

Tiffany Haddish ain’t s**t as a comedian … is what Katt Williams is claiming after going on one of his patented rants, bashing her rise to success. Katt joined V-103’s ‘Frank and Wanda’ Friday and went nuclear on a bunch of comedians…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Nicki Minaj Says Cardi B Fight Has Made Her the Winner in Album Sales and Radio

Nicki Minaj thinks Cardi B took a giant L in their war that almost erupted in hand-to-hand combat, because Nicki’s business empire has gotten even bigger, her radio show has shot to #1 and all Cardi got was a lump on the head. Sources connected…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Tom Brady Shuts Down Radio Interview Over Alex Guerrero Questions

Tom Brady was definitely not cool in the pocket when asked about his controversial personal trainer during a radio interview Monday morning — and got so irritated, he hung up on the show.  Brady called in to the “Kirk & Callahan” show on…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Nicki Minaj Lashes Out At Travis Scott And Kylie Jenner On "Queen Radio"

Nicki Minaj can’t top Travis Scott on the charts … but she’s got him beat when it comes to hosting a radio show.  Nicki WENT OFF on Travis during her Tuesday ”Queen Radio” show … giving the rapper the “Hoe N****…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ed Schultz: Former MSNBC Host and Radio Personality Passes Away at 64

Ed Schultz has passed his lake home in Minnesota.

The former MSNBC host and radio personality died from natural causes.

Schultz was 64 years old.

Schultz began his career in Fargo, broadcasting the news on both TV and radio in the 1890s.

Eventually, he began work as a commentator and host at MSNBC.

He was known for his progressive values, particularly as he championed the rights of workers.

He was a passionate defender of middle class and working class Americans, and used his show as a platform on which to espouse those values.

The Ed Show was broadcast on weekday afternoons until its cancelation in 2015.

In 2016, Ed Schultz puzzled some with his controversial choice.

After years of verbally excoriating Russian President Vladimir Putin, he went to work for the American version of RT, Russia’s state-controlled media and Putin’s personal propaganda machine.

But Schultz objected to the characterization, and explained his choice.

“RT completes the picture of the events in the U.S. and around the globe,” Schultz said. “Giving viewers access to a range of stories, voices and opinions, and a real opportunity to speak their minds.”

There are certainly plenty of arguments in favor of keeping an eye on how even hostile foreign governments are presenting the news.

Ed Schultz married his current wife, Wendy Schultz, in 1998.

Just a few years before his death, he revealed her struggle with ovarian cancer.

Wendy is the mother of Ed’s six children.

It was in seeking medical treatment for his mother during her battle with Alzheimer’s in the 1990s that his political leanings swung towards the left.

Ed has stated that he and his sons are gun owners, but that he supports certain gun control regulations.

He has stated that he does not believe in abortion because of his Christian beliefs, but he has also acknowledged that Roe v Wade is the law of the land.

Ed passed away on Thursday, July 5 of natural causes.

His death came as a shock to people who had followed his career for years or even decades, going back to when he was a sportscaster in Fargo.

Ed had friendships on both sides of the political aisle. Standing up for working Americans should not be considered partisan.

Ed Schultz will be sorely missed by his friends and loved ones.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Bill Cosby"s Ex-Lawyer to Spill the Beans on Famous P.I."s New Radio Show

Bill Cosby’s ex-lawyer will break his silence for the first time since the disgraced comedian’s aggravated indecent assault conviction … and he’s dishing deets with his private investigator who now has his own radio show. Scott Ross — a renowned…


Bill Cosby"s Ex-Lawyer to Spill the Beans on Famous P.I."s New Radio Show

Bill Cosby’s ex-lawyer will break his silence for the first time since the disgraced comedian’s aggravated indecent assault conviction … and he’s dishing deets with his private investigator who now has his own radio show. Scott Ross — a renowned…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kendall Jenner Sued Over "Pizza Boys" Radio Project

Kendall Jenner ripped off a pizza guy and is using his good name for her new radio show .. according to a lawsuit. Robert Karageuzian is the founder of Pizzaboyzzz, an L.A.-based art collective known for its enthusiasm for pizza and pizza-themed…


Kendall Jenner Sued Over "Pizza Boys" Radio Project

Kendall Jenner ripped off a pizza guy and is using his good name for her new radio show .. according to a lawsuit. Robert Karageuzian is the founder of Pizzaboyzzz, an L.A.-based art collective known for its enthusiasm for pizza and pizza-themed…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Tom Brady Goes OFF On Radio Host Who Mocked His Daughter

In just six days, the New England Patriots will face off against the Philadelphia Eagles in what may well prove to be one of the most lopsided Super Bowls in NFL history.

Between his team’s obnoxious dominance of the AFC, his history of shrugging off cheating allegations, and a haircut that makes him look like a guy who would happily park his Lamborghini in a handicapped space, it’s not hard to see why Pats QB Tom Brady is so widely despised.

But even when doling out some well-deserved trash talk to Tom Terrific, it’s important to observe Mafia rules:

You have to leave the man’s wife and children out of it, and you can only put a severed horse head in his bed if you’re a vengeance-seeking Colts fan.

Unfortunately, a co-host of a Boston radio show failed to adhere to that code of conduct, which means he’ll soon be “deflated” by Brady’s team of “equipment managers.”

(That means he’ll be stabbed repeatedly.)

Now, being a member of the Boston sports media means publicly fellating misters Brady, Belichick, and Kraft in hopes that one day Bill Simmons will offer you a job ghost-writing his 14,000-word listicles cataloging the most underrated quotes from The Wire.

WEEI host Alex Reimer broke the rules in a big way last week by referring to Brady’s daughter as a “an annoying little pissant.”

The comment was made in response to a scene in the hagiographic documentary Tom Against Time, which apparently features a scene in which Brady’s daughter behaves in a way that Reimer deemed unacceptable.

Brady is a weekly guest on Reimer’s show (talk about biting the injured throwing hand that feeds you) and needless to say, this morning’s interview was a mite tense:

“I’ve tried to come on this show for many years and showed you guys a lot of respect,” Brady said Monday before abruptly ending the conversation.

“I’ve always tried and come on and do a good job for you guys. It’s very disappointing when you hear that, certainly. My daughter, or any child, certainly don’t deserve that,” he added.

“I really don’t have much to say about it this morning.”

We kid Tom, but in all seriousness, it’s beyond uncool to talk trash a public figure’s kid.

Besides, this is Tom Brady we’re talking about.

Despite his many accomplishments and rugged good looks, the guy’s life is a treasure trove of shade-throwing possibilities.

How about the allegations that he banged Ivanka Trump?

Or the fact that Tom keeps trying and failing to convince the press that he’s not friends with Floyd Mayweather because his wife is understandably less than thrilled by the fact that he hangs with convicted wife beaters?

Or better yet, why not just be good sports and hope that Brady gets repeatedly pounded into the turf and humiliated in front of the world’s largest television audience on Sunday?


Tom Brady Threatens Radio Station After Host Slams QB"s Daughter

Tom Brady says he’s considering ENDING his weekly appearance on WEEI radio in Boston after one of the station’s hosts called his daughter an “annoying little pissant.”  WEEI has suspended the radio host … but Brady’s still pissed. …


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Liam Payne Turns On Rita Ora, Radio DJs With "Fifty Shades of Grey" Reading

Liam Payne’s voice doesn’t just turn on Rita Ora … he left at least 3 dudes speechless with his seductive reading of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Liam and Rita were guests Wednesday on London’s KISS radio. The two recorded a single…


Liam Payne Turns On Rita Ora, Radio DJs With "Fifty Shades of Grey" Reading

Liam Payne’s voice doesn’t just turn on Rita Ora … he left at least 3 dudes speechless with his seductive reading of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Liam and Rita were guests Wednesday on London’s KISS radio. The two recorded a single…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Garrison Keillor: Radio Host Fired, Accused of Misconduct!

Do the names Lake Wobegon or Prairie Home Companion sound familiar to you? Well, Garrison Keillor is the man who created that long-running series.

And Keillor is now the very latest to be exposed for alleged sexual misconduct. In fact, he’s been fired.

Interestingly, it was Keillor himself who made certain that the news became public. And he claims that there’s more to the story.

Garrison Keillor is a radio host, author, and voice actor whose work is widely recognized.

In an email sent to the Associated Press, he makes it known that he has been fired from Minnesota Public Radio, where he has worked for nearly 50 years.

“I’ve been fired over a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version M.P.R. heard. Most stories are.”

That line is the most widely circulated from the email, but there was more:

He refers to it as “poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself.”

That’s a very colorful description, and even a charming one.

(We don’t know if it’s appropriate, given the circumstances and subject matter, for him to wax poetic)

Still, he says that he doesn’t intend to fight to keep his job.

“But I’m 75 and don’t have any interest in arguing about this. And I cannot in conscience bring danger to a great organization I’ve worked hard for since 1969.”

He did not go into any detail in that letter. But that doesn’t mean that he’s kept mum about the whole thing.

In an email to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Garrison Keillor went into further detail about his version of events:

“I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches.”

Sometimes a hand ends up under clothing rather than above it (though that’s certainly never happened to me in a work situation), but … six inches is pretty far for a hand to travel by accident.

He describes how they both responded.

“She recoiled. I apologized.”

That sounds pretty standard.

“I sent her an email of apology later and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it.”

He says that things changed later.

“We were friends. We continued to be friendly right up until her lawyer called.”

Well, he spins a very compelling story. But, as he noted above, he’s been doing that for longer than most of us have been alive.

Now, based upon Keillor’s own words, we might interpret him as something of clumsy old man, too absorbed in storytelling and his thoughts to realize where he’s putting his hands.

But we haven’t actually heard the woman’s account of this.

While we’re by no means suggesting that Garrison Keillor is Minnesota Public Radio’s very own Weinstein, we have to remember that, particularly when faced with only a single accusation, a man even as notorious as Weinstein might point their own, entirely believable, version of events.

While we only know of one incident, hearing only the accused man’s description of the alleged interaction doesn’t leave us in a place where we’d feel comfortable drawing a conclusion about what really happened.

However, the news of his firing has left fans shocked.

At least, as far as it’s possible to still be shocked by anything, anywhere in 2017.

Just this morning, Donald Trump accused Joe Scarborough of murder in a tweet … and that was after retweeting radical, Islamophobic shock-videos from a fringe right politician in Europe.

Many feel that we’re living in grim times. Often people joke that this is “the timeline God abandoned.”

But others think of the turmoil of 2017 — politically, and in terms of the countless powerful men accused of being sex monsters — as like growing pains.

Or perhaps like the storm before the calm. Maybe the world is in the midst of an upheaval as our society purges its worst elements and prepares to become a better place.

Let’s hope so.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Son of Syndicated Radio Host Delilah Commits Suicide

Delilah Rene, a nationally syndicated radio host who specializes in dedicating love songs to fans who call in, broke some awful news to her Facebook followers yesterday:

Her son, Zachariah, committed suicide last Tuesday.

“My dear friends, I need to share some devastating news with you. In the early morning hours, Tuesday, October 3, my son Zachariah, took his life,” Delilah wrote to her 1.4 million online fans.

She went on to give a bit of background on Zachariah’s condition:

“He was being treated, counseled, and embraced fiercely by family and friends while battling depression for some time now.

“My heart is broken beyond repair and I can not fathom how to go on… but I have to believe he is at peace with the Lord and that God will get us through.”

In a January Facebook message, Delilah had said her son was autistic.

Zack was one of the host’s 13 children, 10 of whom are adopted.

Another child, Sammy, passed away in 2012 due to complications from sickle cell anemia, just two years after she adopted him from a Ghanaian refugee camp in West Africa.


This is what she wrote after that personal tragedy:

“My son Sammy passed from this world today into heaven, but he left behind a piece of his amazing soul in all that met him.

“As painful as this moment is, I am so so so so so thankful that God allowed me, my family and friends to experience the essence of his soul for the past two years.

“Everyone who met him was blessed by his big heart, his silly character voices, his wonderful sense of humor and his kindness towards all.

“He was a precious, precious young man and I praise the Lord that I was allowed to be bathed in Sammy’s love as his “MommaBear”…

“We have been forever changed by having him in our lives.”


Delilah is proudly known as the “Queen of Sappy Love Songs.”

She has responded to an endless array of requests and dedications throughout her impressive career, as her nightly show is recorded in her home and airs on various stations around the country.

“I will be absent from the radio and on social media for a time as I grieve and try to process this loss with my family,” Delilah wrote on Facebook shortly after confirming Zach’s passing.

She added:

“In the meantime we’ll be playing some of my favorite shows from the recent past. I’ll look forward to my return, as you all lift me up so very much.

“Please pray for my beloved Zacky, and I will pray for all suffering from this debilitating disease called depression.”


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ralphie May Discussed Health Problems in Radio Interview Weeks Before Death

Ralphie May was so sick a couple weeks before he died that he was forced to call in for a radio interview instead of being at the studio in person … and he sounded awful. The comedian’s interview with Albuquerque’s “Carlos & Kiki in the…


Ralphie May Discussed Health Problems in Radio Interview Weeks Before Death

Ralphie May was so sick a couple weeks before he died that he was forced to call in for a radio interview instead of being at the studio in person … and he sounded awful. The comedian’s interview with Albuquerque’s “Carlos & Kiki in the…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Boomer Esiason: CBS Radio Scrubbed All Traces of Carton, Changed Show Name

CBS Radio wasted no time removing all evidence that Craig Carton ever worked at WFAN — with his old broadcasting partner, Boomer Esiason, even announcing the name of his show has changed. It all went down less than 24 hours after Craig Carton…
