Showing posts with label Passes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passes. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Draymond Green Passes $300k Rock ... to Propose to GF

Exclusive Details

Draymond Green spared no expense when he proposed to his girlfriend last month — TMZ Sports has learned the ring he used to pop the question is worth $ 300,000!!!
Remember, Warriors coach Steve Kerr accidentally broke the news a few weeks ago that Green got engaged to...
Draymond Green Passes $300k Rock ... to Propose to GF

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brandon Mebane Baby Daughter Passes Away After Battling Heart Defect

Breaking News
L.A. Chargers defensive lineman Brandon Mebane rejoined his team Wednesday after taking time off to be with his hospital-stricken infant daughter, who passed away last week. 
While still in the womb back in July, Mebane’s daughter, Makenna, was diagnosed with a heart defect ...
Brandon Mebane Baby Daughter Passes Away After Battling Heart Defect

Friday, October 19, 2018

Rihanna Stands With Colin Kaepernick, Passes on Super Bowl Halftime Show

Rihanna knows all too well that fame comes with its downsides — like that horny stalker who broke into her house.

But it also has its upsides. As one of the most talented singers in the world, Rihanna was invited to do the Superbowl Halftime Show.

Rihanna said no, though — because she supports Colin Kaepernick.

Us Weekly reports that Rihanna turned down an offer to perform at the Superbowl Halftime Show.

“The NFL and CBS really wanted Rihanna to be next year’s performer in Atlanta,” the insider reveals.

Rihanna, the actress, singer, and beauty mogul, said no.

Her reason, the source says, is because she “supports Colin Kaepernick.”

Kaepernick is currently at odds with the NFL over their policy against kneeling during the Anthem, and over their icing him out of his football career.

To be clear, the report says that Rihanna was approached to do this — she didn’t just announce that she wouldn’t do it.

“They offered it to her,” the insider says.

“But,” the source explains. “She said no because of the kneeling controversy.”

For a time, it looked like the NFL would take the moral high ground for once and defend its players and support their freedom of expression.

Instead, the NFL caved to the demands of some of its viewers out of fear of lower ratings.

The insider says of Rihanna: “She doesn’t agree with the NFL’s stance.”

Colin Kaepernick is the face of the countless NFL players who knelt in protest during the Anthem.

The kneeling is a silent, peaceful protest of racial injustice and particularly of the killing of unarmed black people by police, most of whom seem to escape justice.

This controversial protest earned him a spot as GQ‘s 2017 Man of the Year.

It has also earned him infamy as the target of vitriolic racists.

Though he is now the face of Nike, Kaepernick’s football career took a nosedive as teams refused to hire him.

In 2017, he filed a grievance against the NFL, accusing the organization of colluding in order to prevent him from being hired despite his athletic record.

That Rihanna is taking a stand on this is huge, actually.

The NFL Halftime show is the biggest and most talked about musical performance of any given year.

(In fact, those of us who don’t watch sports at all still generally tune in to the Halftime Show, either because we like the performer or out of fear of missing out)

Rihanna may not need the money or the visibility, but turning down the Halftime Show just to take a stand is … a huge power move.

It’s also just plain ballsy.

No offense to Pete Davidson, but nobody radiates “big dick energy” like Rihanna.

The NFL has a controversial history — so much so that it has been characterized by some as a criminal enterprise.

There have been alleged cover-ups of domestic abuse committed by players.

There have been alleged cover-ups of vital medical information that shows the irreversible brain damage that playing football does to the human brain.

There’s the massively unjust the way that professional cheerleaders are treated.

There’s the way that the NFL relies upon taxpayers to foot the bill for what should be private costs.

And now, the organization has caved to hate and ignorance instead of standing up for the players.

There are very few talents in this world who can follow an act like Rihanna. You don’t even need all of the fingers on one hand to count them.

According to Us Weekly, the Halftime Show may go to Cardi B.

“She is definitely being considered,” an insider claims. “But it’s obviously way too early to say for sure.”

Says the source: “Pepsi, the NFL, and Cardi are all interested in her performing more than just her ‘Girls Like You’ verse.”

That sounds like someone’s throwing a little shade.

But now that Rihanna has backed out, we wonder if other stars are going to feel pressured to back out in solidarity if they get the offer.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

NBA"s Nik Stauskas Passes The Rock To GF, Will You Marry Me?!

NBA guard Nik Stauskas just took the biggest shot of his life … and SCORED — ‘cause his smokin’ hot girlfriend said yes to marriage!! The new Trail Blazers stud just met Alexandra Brynn last August … but things heated up quickly — with…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ed Schultz: Former MSNBC Host and Radio Personality Passes Away at 64

Ed Schultz has passed his lake home in Minnesota.

The former MSNBC host and radio personality died from natural causes.

Schultz was 64 years old.

Schultz began his career in Fargo, broadcasting the news on both TV and radio in the 1890s.

Eventually, he began work as a commentator and host at MSNBC.

He was known for his progressive values, particularly as he championed the rights of workers.

He was a passionate defender of middle class and working class Americans, and used his show as a platform on which to espouse those values.

The Ed Show was broadcast on weekday afternoons until its cancelation in 2015.

In 2016, Ed Schultz puzzled some with his controversial choice.

After years of verbally excoriating Russian President Vladimir Putin, he went to work for the American version of RT, Russia’s state-controlled media and Putin’s personal propaganda machine.

But Schultz objected to the characterization, and explained his choice.

“RT completes the picture of the events in the U.S. and around the globe,” Schultz said. “Giving viewers access to a range of stories, voices and opinions, and a real opportunity to speak their minds.”

There are certainly plenty of arguments in favor of keeping an eye on how even hostile foreign governments are presenting the news.

Ed Schultz married his current wife, Wendy Schultz, in 1998.

Just a few years before his death, he revealed her struggle with ovarian cancer.

Wendy is the mother of Ed’s six children.

It was in seeking medical treatment for his mother during her battle with Alzheimer’s in the 1990s that his political leanings swung towards the left.

Ed has stated that he and his sons are gun owners, but that he supports certain gun control regulations.

He has stated that he does not believe in abortion because of his Christian beliefs, but he has also acknowledged that Roe v Wade is the law of the land.

Ed passed away on Thursday, July 5 of natural causes.

His death came as a shock to people who had followed his career for years or even decades, going back to when he was a sportscaster in Fargo.

Ed had friendships on both sides of the political aisle. Standing up for working Americans should not be considered partisan.

Ed Schultz will be sorely missed by his friends and loved ones.


Monday, July 2, 2018

NBA"s Kyle Kuzma Fires TD Passes In Flag Game with NFL Stars

Los Angeles Lakers star Kyle Kuzma can throw — in fact, he was launching TD passes at a huge flag football game with NFL stars over the weekend … and TMZ Sports has the footage.  The 6’9″ power forward went under center at the Team Ross…


NBA"s Kyle Kuzma Fires TD Passes In Flag Game with NFL Stars

Los Angeles Lakers star Kyle Kuzma can throw — in fact, he was launching TD passes at a huge flag football game with NFL stars over the weekend … and TMZ Sports has the footage.  The 6’9″ power forward went under center at the Team Ross…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Koko the Gorilla Passes Away at 46

Some famous deaths come out of nowhere and hit us when we least expect them.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce that Koko, the gorilla who communicated learning sign language, has passed away.

Koko was 46, but her impact on our understanding of gorillas will endure for countless generations.

Koko the Gorilla 01

“The Gorilla Foundation is sad to announce the passing of our beloved Koko,” the foundation announced in a grim statement.

Koko, they report, passed away in her sleep on Tuesday morning.

The Gorilla Foundation adds: “Her impact has been profound and what she has taught us about the emotional capacity of gorillas and their cognitive abilities will continue to shape the world.”

Koko was famous for her use of GSL — Gorilla Sign Language, a version of sign language adapted for a gorilla’s motor capabilities and hand shape.

She reportedly knew as many as 1,000 signs and, having been exposed to human speech from birth, knew and understood 2,000 English words.

Koko the Gorilla 02

At her birth at the San Francisco Zoo, Koko was named “Hanabi-ko,” which is Japanese for “Fireworks Child.”

She was born on July 4, thus her name, in 1971.

She was 46 years old at the time of her death.

Wild gorillas are believed to have a natural life expectancy of 40 to 45 years.

The St. Louis Zoo says that Western lowland gorillas like Koko can potentially live for as long as 50 years, but to live so long, in the wild or captivity, is rare.

Koko the Gorilla 03

Koko first made headlines for her use of sign language to communicate in the late 1970s.

She was featured on the cover of National Geographic — in a photo that she herself had taken using a mirror.

(Don’t let anyone tell you that Millennials are the first to take mirror selfies — Koko was clearly Gen X)

Koko garnered attention again when she adopted a small gray kitten — after having requested one and not been satisfied by the stuffed kitten with which she was supplied.

She named the kitten “All Ball.” All Ball tragically passed away after escaping confinement and getting hit by a car. Koko grieved her, but was later allowed to pick out two new kittens.

She named one “Lipstick” because, as she had to explain (using just a few signs) to her caretaker, the kitten had a pink mouth. She named the other “Smoky” because it resembled a kitten from a book that she enjoyed.

Koko also made friends with the late, great Robin Williams. When she first met him, she recognized him from having seen him in a movie.

In 2014, she grieved his death along with the rest of us.

Koko the Gorilla 04

Koko also passed on her understanding of sign language to another gorilla named Michael.

Some challenged Koko’s ability to sign and her reported cognitive abilities over the years, stating that they believed that the Clever Hans effect might be at play.

(This was not implying that this is a prank, but simply that people’s confirmation bias will lead them to infer correct answers where there are none)

Koko’s ability to teach others was not merely limited to gorillas, however.

A bonobo reportedly picked up some sign language from merely watching videos of Koko, and surprised a researcher who was familiar with sign language with his communications.

Koko had a profound effect on how humans view the minds of non-human animals and especially of gorillas. Her legacy will endure.

She herself will be sorely missed.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Tragedy Strikes: 17-Year-Old Passes Out in the Shower and Drowns

Sometimes, tragedy strikes without warning or reason or even an intelligible sequence of events.



Brianne rapp 01

This awful, tragic story may remind some people of the Final Destination horror films.

But Brianne Rapp was a very real 17-year-old girl whose family, friends, and classmates are all grieving.

On Friday morning, it appears that she either slipped or lost consciousness while showering while getting ready for school.

What sounds like a frightening accident became worse when, it is believed, her hair somehow stopped up the drain of the shower, causing water levels to rise.

Brianne remained unconscious despite the water, and investigators say that she drowned in her own shower.

This is a senseless tragedy, and her family is deeply in mourning.

Brianne rapp 02

Brianne was a junior at Butler Area Senior High School. 

Her father, Michael Rapp, who is still reeling from the loss of his daughter, does his best to describe what unfolded on Friday morning.

He says that, because of her thyroid condition, Brianne had to take a medication that could occassionally cause blackouts.

"We’re thinking she blacked out in the bathtub and fell and hit her head and was found by my ex."

Brianne"s mother was asleep while Brianne got ready.

Michael can only guess as to some details.

"We don’t know if maybe hair clogged the drain but the tub overflowed."

Brianne rapp 04

Michael says that he learned this when his ex called him.

"She was hysterical on the phone and she told me she was gone."

That is a vague way of telling him, but sometimes people have trouble putting such dire news into words.

"I thought maybe she ran away or something."

That would be any parent"s nightmare, but still preferable to this tragedy.

"I didn’t realize she meant she passed away."

He says that he is proud that his daughter was such a beloved person to have so many people saying such kind things about her.

Brianne rapp 05

As we mentioned, Brianne is mourned by many of her friends and classmates.

Her friend Kaylee eulogised her on social media, writing:

"RIP Brianne Marie Rapp."

This must have been so difficult to write.

"I am gonna miss you so much, we had so many plans that we didn"t get to. But that"s okay because I got tons of memories with you."

When you lose a friend suddenly, you treasure what you had together.

"You were always there for me and I was always there for you. We were sisters."

She is not the only one to describe Brianne that way. That is so sweet.

"So while you are up there, so show them people the crazy you because if you don"t show them that then they won"t know the true you."

She signs off.

"I love you so much [black heart emoji] Fly high babe."

Brianne rapp 03

Brianne"s parents — and her brother — aregrappling with this unimaginable loss.

So are her friends and classmates. A sudden tragedy like this can change how you view the world and the entire rest of your life.

And very few teenagers have the experience that would prepare them to deal with this. 

We hope that all who are grieving get the support that they need.

Rest in peace, Brianne.

Anton yelchin in star trek

Tragedy strikes 17 year old passes out in the shower and drowns

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Mariah Coogan: 23-Year-Old Instagram Model Passes Away in Plane Crash

Mariah Coogan was 23. She was a beautiful Instagram model with over 30,000 followers.

Tragically, on April 9th, she died in a private plane crash in Scottsdale, Arizona while flying out to Las Vegas.

Five others died with her, though two remain unidentified. Those who have been identified include Anand Patel, who was 26, Helena Lagos, who was 22, and James Pedroza, who was 28.

Mariah is survived by her parents and four siblings.

As much sorrow as her followers are feeling, those who knew her best now mourn her the most.

Take a look at some of the photos that she decided to share before her passing and learn more about this talented beauty who died too young.

1. This was Mariah’s last photo shared to Instagram

Mariah coogan and chapo el guapo

The dog featured is Chapo El Guapo. According to her tags, the drink was ketchup and ice.

2. She was a horse-trainer and enjoyed equestrian sports

Mariah coogan photo

Mariah trained with horses in 2012 and clearly had a love for animals.

3. She left school to pursue modeling in 2012

Mariah coogan flaunts her slim figure

At the time, even the principal of her school praised her adventurous spirit and how likable she was.

4. Mariah recently moved into a modeling house

Mariah coogan in a blue bikini

The house is in Hollywood. It is not uncommon for career-driven models to share a home.

5. Mariah was in Scottsdale for the Phoenix Lights Festival

Mariah coogan in sunglasses

Just two days before her fateful crash, she posted this photo to announce that she had obtained new sunglasses, just for the festival.

6. Mariah was headed to Vegas with friends

Mariah coogan mirror selfie

She shared videos of her fellow passengers and of the plane just before takeoff.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Colin Kaepernick Ripping Passes In Houston, "Training Every Day"

Colin Kaepernick wants everyone to know he’s still NFL ready … and he’s showing off his rocket arm during a training session in Houston.  Kaepernick hit the field with Josh Hidalgo — Head of Sports Performance at William Paterson…


Colin Kaepernick Ripping Passes In Houston, "Training Every Day"

Colin Kaepernick wants everyone to know he’s still NFL ready … and he’s showing off his rocket arm during a training session in Houston.  Kaepernick hit the field with Josh Hidalgo — Head of Sports Performance at William Paterson…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

George Lopez Is Quitting Golf Until Trump Passes Clean DREAM Act

George Lopez is ditching his love affair with golf to stand in solidarity with DACA. We got the comedian leaving the Laugh Factory Tuesday night in WeHo and asked him about Trump’s first State of the Union address. GLo laughed it off, but…


Friday, January 19, 2018

Olivia Lua: Porn Star Passes Away at 23

The world of adult entertainment was rocked by yet another tragedy this week.

Multiple sources have confirmed that actress and model Olivia Lua was found dead on Thursday.

She was just 23 years old.

While authorities have yet to confirm the cause of Lua’s death, her agency, LA Direct Models issued a statement claiming that she was the victim of an accidental overdose:

“Olivia joined LA Direct Models in April 2017, though had not been available for work since early October of last year, as she had been facing some personal challenges that had seen her in residential rehab for a period of nearly three months and from which she had been out for about a month, hoping to make a return to work in the early part of this year,” the statement reads.

“We learned today that she had returned to a different facility in West Hollywood after a relapse, approximately a week ago, at which she was found deceased this morning.

“Family and close friends [said] they had deep concern at the volume of prescription drugs prescribed to Olivia and the danger this posed [to] her. If this was mixed with recreational drugs or alcohol, it is believed this to be the cause of her passing.”

The cause of death suggested by Lua’s agency has not been confirmed by authorities investigating her passing. 

Sadly, Lua is the fifth adult film actress to pass away unexpectedly in recent weeks.

News of her death comes just one week after the world learned that performer Olivia Nova was found dead in Las Vegas.

She was just 20 years old.

Nova was also represented by LA Direct Models, a coincidence that the agency addressed thusly:

“The coincidence that both of these models chosen stage names is Olivia is solely that and they otherwise have no connection. We actually do not think they had ever met.”

Just weeks before Nova’s death, adult performer August Ames took her own life, seemingly in response to a targeted online harassment campaign.

The past three months have also seen the unexpected deaths of adult actresses Shyla Stylez and Yurizan Beltran.

The cause of this sudden string of tragedies remains a mystery.

The adult film industry is now being urged to organize an outreach program to address mental health and addiction issues that seem to be plaguing performers more than ever these days.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Olivia Nova: Porn Star Passes Away at 20

Just weeks ago, the adult film world was stunned by the death of August Ames, who took her own life at the age of 23.

Now, another young starlet has been found dead, sending a second round of shockwaves through an already-reeling industry.

According to Radar Online, the body of 20-year-old Olivia Nova was discovered in Las Vegas over the weekend.

The actress and model’s cause of death remains unknown.

Nova (real name Jennifer Severin) was a Minnesota native who entered the adult film industry in March of 2017.

“She was a great person,” a friend tells Radar.

“We’re missing her. Everyone is in shock. We’re trying to piece this together.”

Though no official cause of death has been reported, those who knew Nova best say she struggled with depression and mental illness throughout her short life.

“Alone on the holidays and want to give a fan a holiday call. Would lift my spirits,” she tweeted on Christmas Day.

It is widely believed that Nova entered a depressive period over the holidays, and loved ones suspect that like Ames, the actress took her own life.

Though Ames’ may have been the most high-profile death due to the media’s interest in the possibility that her suicide was the result of cyber-bullying, she’s sadly not the only adult film star to pass away in recent months.

Actresses Yurizan Beltran and Shyla Stylez both died recently, at the ages of 31 and 35, respectively.

Substance abuse played a role in both deaths.

LA Direct Models, the agency that represented Nova during her brief career issued a statement.

“While only represented by Direct Models for a short period of time, we came to know Olivia as a beautiful girl with a very sweet and gentle personality,” the statement read.

“It is understood next of kin have been informed.

“Another one, way too young we are beyond shocked and most certainly, completely out of the blue. Rest in peace, sweet angel.”

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ryan Edwards: Banned from Seeing Son Until He Passes Drug Test!

We all know that Ryan Edwards has had his fair share of issues.

Drug issues, douchebag issues … it"s always been something with this guy.

But earlier this year, things came to a head when Maci Bookout discovered the extent of his drug problem. She began taking steps to help him, and to protect their son, Bentley.

And that last part, the thing about protecting Bentley?

That"s the thing we"re going to be discussing today …

1. Borderline Deadbeat

Ryan edwards image

First, let’s get this sad fact out of the way: Ryan has never been a great father to Bentley. From refusing to spend a few dollars for a cake mix on his first birthday to consistently being late or absent for most major events, Bentley has just never seemed like a priority for Ryan.

2. Poor Bentley

Maci bookout and bentley

Sure, Ryan sees the kid, but it’s mostly because his own parents, Jen and Larry, are very active grandparents. If it weren’t for them, many Teen Mom OG fans feel like he wouldn’t be involved in Bentley’s life at all.


Ryan edwards high

We don’t know exactly when Ryan began experimenting with drugs, but we do know that he went to rehab for the first time in 2012, when Bentley was just four years old. That information was revealed by Ryan’s ex-girlfriend, Dalis Connell, and she didn’t sound too confident about how seriously he took treatment back then. So there’s a possibility he’s been on drugs for years now.

4. Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards on the teen mom reunion

Sometime last year, though, his drug use became heartbreakingly obvious to Teen Mom viewers. In many scenes, his eyes appeared to be bugging out of his head, and we began hearing about some strange behavior of his. Remember all his “trips to the bank” that would have him gone from home for hours?

5. The Truth Comes Out

Maci bookout on teen mom og

His drug use wasn’t confirmed until last season, when Maci went on a trip to Puerto Rico with Amber and Catelynn. She opened up to them about how concerned she was for Ryan, and Amber told her that it’d been clear to her that he’d been high on the show for a while. Same, Amber.

6. Scarier and Scarier

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer photo

But the big confirmation happened when Ryan and Mackenzie got married — specifically on their ride over to the parking lot where the wedding took place.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Rapper Z-RO Charged by D.A. in Just Brittany Beating Case After Grand Jury Passes

Houston icon Z-RO isn’t walking away clean from his alleged beating of his ex-girlfriend, Just Brittany — the D.A. is refiling a misdemeanor assault charge one day after the grand jury refused to indict him. TMZ has learned the Harris County…


Rapper Z-RO Charged by D.A. in Just Brittany Beating Case After Grand Jury Passes

Houston icon Z-RO isn’t walking away clean from his alleged beating of his ex-girlfriend, Just Brittany — the D.A. is refiling a misdemeanor assault charge one day after the grand jury refused to indict him. TMZ has learned the Harris County…


Saturday, September 9, 2017

J.J. Watt Harvey Relief Fund Passes $30 Million ... with Assist from Jimmy Fallon!

J.J. Watt’s Hurricane Harvey relief fund is still goin’ hard — blitzing past $ 30 MILLION as Houston begins its long road to recovery. After breaking $ 20 million on Tuesday, a couple HUGE donations came through for J.J. — $ 5 mil…


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Leah Messer: Daughter Ali Passes MAJOR Milestone!

Lately, Leah Messer’s come under fire for not being a child-abuser, which is bizarre but thoroughly typical of how, for a very vocal minority of Teen Mom 2 fans, she just can’t win. Even for doing good things.

Even Leah’s harshest critics should appreciate this, though — as she proudly announced her daughter Ali Simms passing a huge milestone!

It’s a big deal, especially since Ali’s muscular dystrophy can make even simple activities strenuous or even impossible.

Ali Simms has a rare form of muscular dystrophy.

While different cases and forms of MD can progress at different rates, but involves the breakdown of skeletal muscles over time.

Skeletal muscles are throughout the body and are basically how people do things like walking. Most of them are attached to the bones with tendons.

As painful as this is to imagine, children with muscular dystrophy can experience the effects of this breakdown at an early age.

It can be directly inherited from a parent or caused by an early mutation (Ali’s twin, Aleeah, does not yet appear to have MD).

Ali has struggled with certain activities, complaining that some physical motions and activities are “too hard.”

Many children with muscular dystrophy face the looming reality that they will lose their ability to walk.

That doesn’t mean that Ali is incapable of activities, however — for fun but also for therapeutic purposes.

Leah Messer shared with pride that her daughter Ali had learned to ride a bike.

Leah took to Snapchat to share the news.

Leah’s so proud!

Ali and Aleeah are both part of a local softball team, which is adorable.

We hope that Ali will be able to continue to play for a good, long time.

We know that Ali quit tumbling (kids’ gymnastics) because the strain was too much, but maybe softball will be easier on her.

Bills for physical therapy and specialized equipment for a child with muscular dystrophy can get steep over time.

It’s a great thing that Leah Messer has that Teen Mom money so that she can support all of her children.

What might be even better is that Leah Messer has seemed to be thriving as a single mother for the past year, which has been such a welcome sight.

Now, we’re not going to pretend that Leah’s perfect these days.

She might not be nodding off while holding her kids or getting them carted away because she can’t keep her schedule straight enough to get them to school, which is great.

Because that was the situation when her twins were younger.

But Leah recently shared a quote on Instagram that suggested that, were she married, she would put her husband before her kids.

That is literally never an appropriate statement to make or belief to follow.

You did not bring your husband in this world, so he cannot be a higher priority than your children.

Once you cause a person to exist, you owe them — they’re your primary responsibility.


Hopefully the backlash will really make it sink in that her children should be her first priority, no matter what.

But that was … alarming.

Especially considering how far she’s come.

Growing up on camera isn’t easy.

Little children might not be as aware of it.

It will get harder as they get older.

The pressures of reality television families can be intense — just look at what life in front of the camera has done to Tamra Judge’s family.

(Though, honestly, it’s pretty clear that Tamra herself is more of a culprit than reality television)

At the moment, though, it’s how Leah can support her daughters as they grow.

In Leah’s case, the intrusion of the cameras doesn’t seem to be harmful.
