Showing posts with label Quitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quitting. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Lisa Vanderpump Is Not Quitting "RHOBH" .... At Least, Not Yet

Lisa Vanderpump has NOT decided to leave “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” … contrary to new reports. Sources close to Lisa tell TMZ … the reality is, reality shows are not the center of her life the way they used to be, but that doesn’t…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Dana White Says Khabib Ain"t Quitting UFC, "We Worked It Out"

Dana White tells TMZ Sports … he and Khabib Nurmagomedov have worked out their issues and “The Eagle” will not be leaving the UFC.  “We’re good with Khabib,” Dana said … “He’s staying. This will all work out.” Remember, Khabib threatened…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Damon Wayans Announces He"s Quitting "Lethal Weapon"

Damon Wayans says he’s had enough of working on “Lethal Weapon,” so come December … he’s done. The actor made the stunning announcement to Electronic Urban Report Wednesday, saying … “I’m a 58-year-old diabetic and I’m working 16 hours a day,”…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Julie Chen: I"m Quitting The Talk Forever!

After her husband was ousted from CBS following allegations of years of sexual misconduct, Julie Chen addressed the scandal on The Talk. It did not go over well.

She then took a “break” from the show, but it now looks like her hiatus will be permanent.

Julie Chen has now announced that she is quitting The Talk for good.

Multiple sources confirm to CNN that Julie Chen is leaving The Talk permanently — that she is quitting the show.

She has been absent from the talk show since last week, stepping back and signing off as Julie Chen Moonves in a display of support for her disgraced husband, Les Moonves.

From what a source tells CNN, Julie isn’t representing this as a retirement — she has other activities in mind.

“She has decided that her main focus needs to be clearing her husband’s name from accusations made 25-30 years ago,” the insider tells CNN.

So she will be allegedly doing that “And tending to her son.”

On Tuesday, September 18, Julie officially confirmed that she is leaving, via a taped message that aired on The Talk.

“I need to spend more time at home with my husband and our young son,” she claimed in the message. “So I’ve decided to leave ‘The Talk."”

Getting emotional, Julie added: “I have been at ‘The Talk’ since the day it started nine years ago, and the cast crew and staff have become family to me over the years.”

“I will always, always cherish the memories we shared,” Julie announced.

“Most important, I want to thank you, the viewers,” Julie said. “For allowing me into your home every day. It was a privilege that I will forever be grateful for.”

Reports say that Julie will continue to host Big Brother through the rest of the season.

But considering that this season ends next week, that does not say much about her planned future at CBS.

It may be that she plans to quit in protest or in solidarity with her husband, Les Moonves.

it is also possible that she is concerned that she will no longer enjoy her former status as the network — and that she has already grown to dislike the stigma of her association with her husband.

Her husband is certainly wealthy enough that the two of them can live in almost comical luxury, and he may receive $ 120 million in a severance package.

Though many fans will be sad to see Julie leave The Talk, others have soured on her in recent weeks.

Obviously, she is not to blame for her husband’s alleged sexual misconduct. Guilt by association is almost always unfair.

But in defending Les Moonves and affirming that she supports him, Julie picked a side. 

That resulted in her getting absolutely demolished on Twitter.

Whether she’s doing it as a true believer or because she wants to cling to her husband’s hefty bank account, a lot of The Talk viewers are less than enamored with Julie these days.

As for the statement that Julie will be trying to defend Les’ name … we’re not sure what to make of that.

She’s not, like, the world’s greatest detective, and we don’t mean that as an insult.

Let’s imagine that Les Moonves is totally innocent of sexual misconduct and also never set out to personally ruin various women’s careers for no conveivable reason beyond capriciousness and spite.

How exactly is Julie going to prove that he’s been framed for this? And how does quitting The Talk free her up to make her case?

Many fans believe that Julie is just using this as an excuse to step back from the camera because she is embarrassed.

Julie certainly seems to be either embarrassed or not interested in hearing anyone else’s opinion.

She has turned off Instagram comments — on posts going back for months.

We understand that the topic is upsetting, but if she wishes to continue to enjoy the privileges of being a public figure, she may want to accept that people who don’t personally work for her are going to have thoughts about her husband.

If she decides to fade from public life along with her husband, well, people may give her a break eventually.

But it’s harder to imagine fans being so forgiving if she really does try to set about proving that her husband is innocent.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jill Duggar Comes Clean: Here"s How I"ve Been Making Money Since Quitting Counting On!

Back in 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On after launching a bigoted tirade against a fellow TLC star on social media.

Shortly thereafter, his wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show, thus leaving the Dillard clan with no apparent source of income.

These days, Derick is planning to attend law school, but fans are understandably curious about how he and Jill plan to support their two sons while he begins the very lengthy process of becoming an attorney.

Now, it looks as though we may have our answer.

Jump into the gallery below to learn the surprising secret behind Jill"s financial comeback.

1. The Breadwinner

Jill duggar nose pierced

In many respects, Jill is as traditional as her fundamentalist parents. But in one important way, she’s very much a woman of the 21st century.

2. One Ugly Rant

Derick dillard jill duggar

Last year, Derick was fired from Counting On after he launched an appalling tirade against fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

3. The Victim

Jazz jennings on instagram

Jazz is a transgender teen, and she became the surprise target of Derick’s wrath for reasons that remain a mystery.

4. The Subservient Wife

Jill duggar pregnancy

Jill quit the show shortly after Derick was fired, seemingly as a show of support for her husband.

5. A Tight Spot

Jill m duggar and derick dillard

The move left Jill and Derick without any visible means of support, and for months fans were baffled as to how the family was getting by.

6. Duggar Finances

Jill duggar hiding a bump

Sure, Jill’s parents are well-off, but they also have a LOT of kids to support. So how has Jill been supporting herself and her family this year?

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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Angelina Jolie Making Divorce So Hostile Her Lawyer is Quitting

Angelina Jolie is fighting Brad Pitt so hard and nasty in their divorce and child custody dispute, her lawyer is quitting her … sources tell TMZ. Sources familiar with the matter say Angelina has been out for blood. As one source connected to Brad…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Quitting Little People, Big World Because It"s God"s Plan?

In a heartbreaking move, Jeremy and Audrey Roloff have announced their departure from Little People, Big World.

Jer was the first to break the soul-crushing news.

Now, Audrey is thanking fans for their support — and shedding a little more insight on why they’re stepping back from the camera.

Audrey took to Instagram to repeat the news. Not everyone who follows her also follows Jer.

“In case you didn’t see our annoucement over on @jeremyroloff’s IGTV,” Audrey’s post begins.

Auj announces: “This past season was our last season of filming for Little People Big World.”

We already knew from Jeremy’s post, but … repetition doesn’t make this news any easier to swallow.

“I know it’s been a shorter run for me,” Audrey acknowledges. “For Jeremy it’s been 14 years!,”

He did, in part, grow up on reality television.

Audrey continues: “but I’ve shared some pretty big life moments on #LPBW”

For example, she lists how Little People, Big World viewers got to see her go through the process of “getting engaged,”

Audrey also recalls how viewers were treated to “our wedding day.”

She mentions that she was on the show for “the launch of @beating50,” which is definitely more exciting for her than for your average viewer.

Auj recounts how fans followed her and Jeremy for “3 moves” and “a remodel.”

And of course, fans got to see her “finding out we were having a baby girl, and becoming a new mom!”

Where would any of us be without precious Ember Jean?

Audrey continues, thanking her fans: “I am so thankful for the encouragement, kindness, and support that each of you have shown to our family.”

“We are forever grateful for the run we’ve had,” she says, almost wistfully.

“But,” she says, she and Jeremy are “Excited to focus on what we feel the Lord is calling us to!”

“You guys are the most loyal fans,” Auj gushes. “Thank you for respecting our decision. And thanks to TLC for putting up with us”

She follows that with a winky-face emoticon.

Audrey wasn’t done, however. She had another major shout-out.

“Mostly, I am so proud of my husband,” she writes.

“Who has grown up in the public eye and yet remained grounded, wise, and steadfast in his faith.”

Growing up in the public eye can be a challenge, but we’re not sure how it would challenge his faith or wisdom.

Unless … was this some sort of jab at the agnostic Jacob Roloff?

“This decision is one that I respect him for immensely,” Audrey says. “‘Here’s hail to the rest of the road!’ I love you Farmer.”

Audrey, an outspoken Christian, then cites:

“Psalm 20:7 #journeyofjerandauj #beating50percent”

Psalm 20:7 refers to how some may trust in mundane things of the world to see them on their journeys, but Christians trust in their God.

Appropriate, given the subject matter.

Though, with Audrey’s phrasing, some fans may be asking themselves — did Audrey and Jeremy quit the show because they believe that God wanted them to?


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

David Eason to Jenelle Evans: Quit Teen Mom 2 or I"m Quitting You!

It"s been eight months since Jenelle Evans" husband, David Eason, was fired from Teen Mom 2, but as production generally lags a few months behind real time, we"re just now seeing our first David-free episodes.

Fans might like what they"re seeing, but not surprisingly, it seems Eason is not a fan.

In fact, he"s reportedly taken a hard-line anti-Teen Mom stance and informed Jenelle that she has to choose between reality TV stardom and her marriage.

Seems like a no-brainer to us, but Jenelle is reportedly having a hard time with the decision.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. Angry Dave

David eason allergic to shirts

Eason was fired back in November of 2017 after launching a homophobic tirade against fans of TM2 who criticized his insensitivity toward victims of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

2. Crossroads

Jenelle evans instagram pic

Jenelle continued to film in the weeks after David was fired, but she has yet to sign a contract for another season of the show.

3. The Ultimatum

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Now, Eason has reportedly issued an ultimatum to his controversial wife and forcing her to choose between her husband and her career.

4. Laying It on the Line

David jenelle eason

“David is telling Jenelle to quit the show, since he can’t be on it,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online.

5. The Small Matter of Money

David eason on insta

Considering David and Jenelle have five kids between them, it’s understandable that Jenelle isn’t too eager to cut off the family’s sole source of income. But David has apparently assured her that everything will be just fine …

6. Oh, Well In That Case…

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

“David tells Jenelle that they will be fine if she’s not on the show,” the source said. “However, she has no other way to make money. All of her endorsement deals fall through.”

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Chelsea Houska: QUITTING Teen Mom 2 Because of Jenelle Evans?!

Yet another Teen Mom 2 reunion show filmed in New York last week, and once again, there was enough tension among the principal cast members to fuel an entire season of the show.

But what was different this time around is that some of the moms didn"t even make the trip to Manhattan, yet still managed to piss each other off!

As you may have heard, Jenelle Evans skipped the reunion, but MTV accommodated the Carolina Hurricane by flying Dr. Drew Pinsky to her home, along with a camera crew.

Compare that to Chelsea Houska who was forced to do an interview via Skype after she decided to leave the reunion early.

It"s become the latest in a long line of complaints for Chelsea, and those who know the fan favorite best say it might be the final straw …

1. The End of Her Rope

Chelsea houska season 8b

Chelsea Houska has had a LOT of complaints about the way the show is run recently. And many of her criticisms have been echoed by fans.

2. Change In Priorities

Chelsea houska at 25 weeks

Chelsea recently complained on Twitter that the show “isn’t about being a mom anymore,” as producers continue to focus more and more on feuds between cast members.

3. Speaking Her Mind

Chelsea houska with son

Chelsea’s comments came in response to fan complaints that she doesn’t appear on the show as much as she used to.

4. Fed Up

Chelsea houska bump

Up to that time, Houska had griped about the show considerably less than often than any of her castmates.

5. A Change of Heart

Chelsea and cole picture

Chelsea attended last week’s reunion but left before filming her segment due to tension and even violence among the other cast members.

6. Improvising

Chelsea houska in sunglasses

In order to keep producers happy, Chelsea filmed a Skype interview with Dr. Drew this past weekend — an arrangement that might have made both sides happy, were it not for the revelation that one of her castmates received preferential treatment …

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Erika Girardi: Quitting The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Please, No!

On the heels of last week’s shade-filled reunion, many fans of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are concerned about cast shakeups.

Someone tweeted a rumor that Erika Girardi might be leaving the series — of her own volition!

This could be devastating to her fans.

This heartbreaking rumor was broadcast on Twitter.

“Hearing that @erikajayne has quit #RHOBH and that a statement will be published after this season airs.”

Even the tweeter acknowledges that this dire prediction is not confirmed.

“Could just be a rumor.”

But she thinks that it’s the real deal.

Here is the tweet itself:

Erika Girardi rumor

The tweet continues, this time with less rumor and more opinion.

“However after this season plus Reunion Part 1, I would not be surprised if this [were] true.”

Clearly, not everyone would be sorry to see Erika go.

“And I can’t say I would care either, bye girl!”


It’s understandable that people might believe that this is a sensible time for Erika to leave.

After all, Erika seemed to be a little “checked out” during recent The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episodes. Including the reunion.

Normally not one to half-ass anything, particularly in defense of herself or of others, she’s limited responses to lines like “I am so confused.”

What’s the most heated that Erika has been on the show lately? The confrontation over “fake amnesia?”

Additionally, look at Erika’s career.

She’s still popular, and her recent memoir made the New York Times Bestseller’s list.

There’s a wisdom in quitting while you’re ahead.

What’s more, Reality Blurb says that their source close to production says that Erika has been threatening to quit.

But … threats aren’t the same as follow-through.

At time same time … Erika might make a mistake if she leaves.

For example, not every Real Housewife gets to become a meme that’s used by people who don’t even know that it’s from a Real Housewives show.

The above gif has been widely used for years across social media platforms. Meme status is something to treasure.

Additionally, though Erika was famous before she ever became a Real Housewife, she might expect for her visibility to fall if she leaves the show.

Just as people might point to her recent book sales making this a great time to leave, it could also be a reminder that being a Real Housewife has its advantages.

If you want to sell something, being on a show makes that a lot easier.

Just saying.

The best evidence that Erika probably isn’t leaving the franchise doesn’t come from speculation about the timing or whatnot.

Recently, Erika was seen doing promo work with Cynthia Bailey and Kandi Burruss.

It would be very strange to be taking promo photos with fellow Real Housewives (especially from a different series) if you’re not, you know, staying with the show.

It sounds to us like Erika threatened to quit, which created rumors that she’s leaving the show, but ultimately stuck with it.

But that’s just our guess, based upon these reports. You never know.


Monday, March 26, 2018

Kendall Jenner: Quitting TV? Cutting Ties With Family?

Kendall is gearing up to make a decision that may break her mother’s heart. And no, we don’t mean being naked on Instagram.

No, she apparently wants to quit filming her family’s reality series … and to separate her brand from that of her siblings and parents.

Will this break her momager’s heart?

RadarOnline‘s insider describes Kendall’s plan to quit Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

It sounds like part of what’s driving Kendall to break away from her family’s show is that, well, being a reality star is absolutely exhausting.

This source describes what has Kendall so fatigued.

“If Kris had her way the whole family would be filmed 24/7.”

According to Oprah, the family often films for 14 hours in just one day for Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

Don’t ever let someone tell you that the Kardashians didn’t work to get where they are.

The source does acknowledge that Kendall having her own career has given her extra wiggle-room.

“But she respects they need privacy and has gone easy on Kendall since her modeling career took off.”

“It’s given Kenny a sense of freedom and she loves being in charge of her own image at long last.”

That’s wonderful.

Though, admittedly, some fans are worried or baffled because they cannot imagine why Kendall Jenner partnered with Chris Brown for a recent project.

These fans wonder if Kendall being in charge of her own decisions is a good thing … or if her infamous Pepsi Commercial will one day be a fond memory.

After all, fans have already seen the variety of questionable choices that Kendall makes on her own … like when she appears to be about to kiss her own sister.

(Don’t do this)

The source continues by saying that Kendall has already been taking some steps back from the show that made her family into royalty.

“She’s been winding down her commitments for the show and exploring other options, in TV as well as modeling.”

Is … is Kendall looking into doing scripted television work? That would be interesting to see.

A huge part of her motivation to forge her own path is that she wants to be taken seriously in her career.

“She knows people look at her and snicker because of her family and it bugs her.”

Part of that is just that the Kardashians are easy targets for ridicule. 

“Kendall adores her family but figures it’s death by association, if she’s not careful.”

We all remember the outrage that some fans of modeling felt when Kendall did not have to audition for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

If she goes her own way, she hopes to be seen as earning what she gets.

There’s a much more practical motive behind Kendall’s reported desire to separate herself from her family’s show.

“She wants to get out of L.A., too, and plans to divide her time between New York and Paris.”

That sounds very wise. L.A. is big for television and film, but New York and Paris are go-to places for fashion.

A lot of members of the family like to stick close to home — in Calabasas. But if Kendall wants to go her own way, good for her.

Her loved ones will always be just one plane ride away.

Though she might need to find new ways to cope with anxiety since she won’t be able to physically run to her parents anymore.

Now, before start writing sympathy cards for Kris Jenner, remember that this is not confirmed. This may be something that Kendall is considering doing.

The Kardashians are heavily emotionally dependent upon each other, and that’s not easy to quit.

What’s more is that, though modeling can pay big time (at Kendall’s level, she can make six figures for one fashion show), Keeping Up With The Kardashians is a regular paycheck.

We all remember what happened to Rob’s finances after he stopped appearing on the show for years.

Sure, he’s still rich, but he’s no longer Kardashian rich.

But Kendall isn’t Rob and isn’t going to rely on sock sales, so we’re sure that she can pull it off. If that’s really what she wants.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Is She REALLY Quitting Teen Mom 2?!

It’s not hard to see why Kailyn Lowry’s name has become synonymous with “hustle” in the eyes of many Teen Mom 2 fans.

In addition to her duties as a mother of three and reality star, Kail is a podcast host and bestselling author.

While some of her castmates might be lulled into a false sense of security by the fact that they’ve been famous for over a decade, Lowry seems well aware that the getting might not always be this good.

Which is why she’s not letting up, despite the fact that she currently has more projects in the works than hours in her day.

Last night, Kail announced her own TM2 pseudo-spinoff.

It’s a YouTube vlog entitled Kail & the Chaos, which – as the title indicates – will focus on the Lowry’s hectic life, as she attempts to continue building her media empire, while simultaneously raising three sons.

As far as we can tell, each installment will be like a Kail-centric episode of TM2, but you won’t have to deal with the annoyance of unexpected Jenelle scenes.

Here’s the trailer for Kail’s latest project:

Already, Kail is asking for suggestions from fans in order to figure out what sort of content to feature on her vlog.

“Should I film the podcast w Leah for Kail & the chaos?” she tweeted this morning.

Yes, Kail is synergistically combining her MTV gig with her podcast with her vlog.

It’s all enough to leave fans wondering if Kail will need to start lightening her work load soon.

And many are afraid that the job that made her famous will be the first to go.

Earlier this week, Kail seemed to be in a reflective mood, and she posted a cryptic tweet that left some fans with the impression that she’s soon to end her relationship with MTV:

“I’ve been on tv for almost 10 years and i don’t know where i would be if i never signed a contract. Probably a more similar path to my mother,” Lowry wrote.

It’s important to note that Kailyn’s mother is an alcoholic who has been mostly absent from her life for most of the past decade.

It seems some of her followers were unaware of that painful history, and they misinterpreted the tweet to mean that Kailyn would like to be more like her mother.

Kail later clarified that despite the many challenges of reality TV stardom, she remains grateful to her first bosses:

“So as crazy as it can be, thanks for the opportunity… which ultimately made me want to work for even more (other) opportunities @MTV,” she tweeted.

One fan was still confused and decided to ask Kail about her future career choices point-blank:

“Wait are you leaving Teen Mom 2?” the follower tweeted, with the obligatory frowny-face emoji.

Not that i know of! lol. Just tweeting my thoughts after watching tonight!” Kail tweeted during Monday’s behind the scenes special.

Needless to say, her biggest supporters were very relieved.

It remains to be seen just how Kail will manage to juggle her many side-projects, but we guess that’s the “chaos” that’ll be documented on her vlog.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to stay up to date on all things Kail.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

George Lopez Is Quitting Golf Until Trump Passes Clean DREAM Act

George Lopez is ditching his love affair with golf to stand in solidarity with DACA. We got the comedian leaving the Laugh Factory Tuesday night in WeHo and asked him about Trump’s first State of the Union address. GLo laughed it off, but…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Omarosa is Quitting White House Gig

Omarosa’s breaking up with Donald Trump — she’s quit her post at the White House. WH spokesman Sarah Sanders says Omarosa officially resigned on Tuesday to “pursue other opportunities.” She had been serving as Trump’s Director of Communications for…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Meghan Markle: Quitting Suits! Moving to London!

As far as we know, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are not engaged.

Fans of the couple have been waiting for Harry to pop the question for months, but either he’s still waiting for the right time, or he and Meg aren’t quite ready to share their big news with the public just yet.

But either way, it seems marriage is definitely in the cards for these two.

Fans want them married yesterday, but Meg and Harry are taking their time and adhering to royal protocol.

When a prince pops the question, he doesn’t just slip a ring in his girlfriend’s dollar margarita at Applebee’s.

No, Harry and Meg can’t get hitched until about a dozen people sign off on the idea.

It’s an outdated and somewhat ridiculous process, but unfortunately, Markle has to jump through quite a few hoops before she gets a ring.

Meghan has met the Queen and reportedly secured her approval, but that’s only the beginning.

Sources say Meghan recently began sticking to the royal dress code (pants and long skirts only, as apparently knees would offend the peasants, or something), and apparently that’s not the only way that Meghan is being encouraged to change her lifestyle.

Meghan stars on the USA Network legal drama Suits, but it seems she’s currently switching gears with an eye toward becoming a full-time royal.

“She is looking at the future and definitely feels she has come to the end of her acting career. She feels it’s time to move on and do something different,’ a source close to Markle tells Vanity Fair.

“It was always her intention to focus on her humanitarian work, but I think her relationship with Harry has accelerated things moving in that direction.”

Yes, Meghan is no stranger to philanthropy, and she’s long devoted her free time to helping others.

Now, however, she’ll able to commit herself to humanitarian work full time.

Kate Middleton is currently one of her nation’s most high-profile advocates for the less fortunate, and it seems Meg has every intention of following suit when she moves to London, which will reportedly happen next month.

It’s a calling that doesn’t offer the same glitz and glamour of starring on a basic cable legal dram, but we’re sure Meghan will adapt.

And we bet returning home to your fully-staffed castle really takes the sting out of spending your days with the unwashed masses.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Briana DeJesus: Quitting Teen Mom 2 Due to Kailyn Lowry Feud?!

When it was first announced that Briana DeJesus was joining the cast of Teen Mom 2, the news was accompanied by many dire predictions.

Many feared that a fifth mom woud make the show feel overstuffed.

Others were concerned that Briana would be unable to bring anything new to an already densely-packed series.

Oh, how wrong the haters were.

It turns out, Briana delivered so much compelling drama that it couldn’t all be contained in a single season.

Since the show wrapped filming Briana has gotten caught up in enough shenanigans to sustain her very own reality series.

First, we learned that Briana is dating Javi Marroquin, much to the chagrin of Javi’s baby mama, Kailyn Lowry.

Shortly thereafter, Briana slammed her Teen Mom 2 co-stars, accusing them of being vincictive and inauthentic.

(Interestingly, the show’s most volatile personality, Jenelle Evans, was spared from Bri’s social media roasting.)

Not surprisingly, Briana’s co-stars were less than thrilled when they arrived home from the latest TM2 reunion special to find that their newest castmate was talking trash.

“If ‘fake’ is the definition of rising above unnecessary drama, I’ll be considered fake, I suppose,” Leah Messer wrote on Instagram in response to DeJesus.

“However, I consider it being mature. I’m also a loyal friend and I call it how it is. There was a lot happening backstage.”

In the wake of Briana’s now-deleted rant (she also deleted all of her tweets and Instagram posts), there were rumors that Briana would be driven off the show by her irate co-stars.

Briana addressed the rumors last night in a new Instagram post:

“Had some time to sit, reflect and talk to the executives and I came to the conclusion that I’m gonna always do me,” DeJesus wrote.

Many fans interpreted the comment as an indication that Briana would soon be leaving the show.

She later clarified, however, that for the time being, at least, she has no intention of quitting:

“I am not going anywhere,” DeJesus wrote in response to a rumor that she had quit the show after being pressured by Kailyn.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for the reunion show.

It promises to be a doozy.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Meghan Markle: Quitting Suits Ahead of Engagement Announcement?!

Almost from the day the world learned they were dating, rumors that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are secretly engaged have been circulating non-stop on social media.

Royal watchers seem split on the issue, with one side arguing that Harry has yet to pop the question, and the other insisting he’s already put a ring on it, and he and Meg are just waiting for the right time to make an announcement.

Whatever the case, the latest news on Meg’s career is sure to bolster theories that the couple will be publicly taking the next step sometime before the year is out.

According to The Daily Mail, Meghan has quit her job on the USA network legal drama Suits in order to turn her attention toward her upcoming wedding and future royal duties.

Sources close to production tell newspaper that Meghan has informed her bosses that she won’t be returning for the show’s eighth season, and is instead planning to relocate to the UK in December.

Many have already jumped to the conclusion that Markle’s departure date is an indication of a holiday wedding.

“Meghan knows she can’t really act at the same time as being a princess and is happy to make this career sacrifice,” an insider tells the Mail.

As for how she’ll spend her time after leaving Hollywood behind, the source says Markle plans to carry on the proud royal tradition of philanthropy:

“She really enjoys her charity work with Unicef and will broaden out her charity commitments when she becomes a full-time royal,” the insider claims.

A different tipster says Meghan’s decision to essentially leave her career behind is every bit as significant as it seems:

“Her decision to give up the biggest role of her career would mean a lot,” says the source.

As for exactly when Harry and Meghan are planning to get married, there’s still no offiail word.

But of course, there have been plenty of theories.

“They’ve spoken about their marriage plans openly with each other, and friends and family around them are pretty much thinking about wedding attire already,” says one insider.

Yes, it appears even Harry’s inner circle is in the dark about when he and Meg are planning to tie the knot.

We’re starting to think these two are just enjoying keeping a secret.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Is She REALLY Quitting Teen Mom 2?!

Just about everyone who"s ever appeared on MTV"s flagship reality franchise has complained about Teen Mom"s editing department at one time or another. 

But as is the case in so many areas of human experience, no one has ever taken it quite as far as Jenelle Evans.

Jenelle flipped out after watching this week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, and the Carolina Hurricane now says she"s officially done with the show that made her famous.

It"s not the first time she"s threatened to quit, but it looks like it may be the last.

Check out our complete breakdown of Jenelle"s latest feud with MTV below:

1. The Troubled Couple

David and jenelle eason

Jenelle’s main issue these days seems to be that she doesn’t like the way her relatonship with David Eason is being portrayed.

2. What’s a Little Verbal Abuse Amongst Spouses?

Jenelle evans with david eason

“Yes, me and David have our ups and downs but yesterday’s episode was uncalled for,” Jenelle explained on Instagram. We haven’t seem many ups, but the camera’s captured plenty of downs!

3. No Weird-Ass Sh-t Here!

Jenelle eason

“Because David didn’t feel like explaining another argument or drama on camera they make it look as if David is hiding some weird ass sh-t from the public as if he was hurting me in some way?!”Jenelle continued.

4. Jenelle’s Bombshell

Jenelle evans with choker

“I have decided after this season I’m probably calling it quits for filming this show,” Evans added, leading many fans to believe she’s really done with TM2.

5. MTV to Jenelle: Not So Fast…

Jenelle evans pre wedding photo

To the surprise of absolutely no one, MTV’s legal department anticipates erratic behavior from stars like Jenelle and draws up contracts that prevent them from leaving production staff in a lurch.

6. A Supersized Season of Teen Mom 2: Headed Your Way!

Teen mom 2 cast a picture

Get ready for the confusingly-titled Teen Mom 2 Season 8B. MTV says an extension of the show’s current season is already in the works … whether Jenelle likes it or not.

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