Showing posts with label Ties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ties. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Terry Crews Implies Adam Venit"s LAPD Ties Got His Sexual Assault Case Tossed

Terry Crews isn’t done speaking out about his sexual assault case against WME talent agent Adam Venit … suggesting it was rejected by prosecutors for unscrupulous reasons. The “Brookline Nine-Nine” star shared his thoughts on Twitter…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Cutting Ties With Justin Theroux ... Because of Selena Gomez?!

It’s been four months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux ended their marriage, but they’re a modern couple with a lot of mutual friends, so they’ll probably stay on amicable turns, a la Chris and Gwyneth, Ross and Rachel, right?

Wrong! It turns out this situation is closer to when Rachel left that dentist at the altar or … every other non-Hollywood divorce you’ve ever heard about.

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin are at war, and Aniston is planning to go nuclear on Justin’s career and social life.

But it wasn’t the breakup that left her so angry.

No, those who know them best say Jen and Justin parted on good terms.

Unfortunately, after the fact, the fact Justin went tom-catting about town with various young starlets, a practice that Jen took as his attempt to embarrass her publicly.

Sources say Aniston was particularly upset over rumors that Theroux is dating Selena Gomez, a woman with a well-known affinity for Justins.

Justin, Jen, Selena

“As far as Jen’s concerned, it’s her or Justin and she doesn’t want to be a part of Justin’s social chain,” a source tells L&S.

Selena may have been the final straw, but she’s not the first young starlet Justin’s been spotted with.

“Jen was angry enough to see [Justin] at dinner with Emma Stone, whom she considers a friend,” says the insider.

“But then she has to contend with new photos of him schmoozing all over Selena Gomez and it’s really tipped her over the edge.” 

Unfortunately for Jen, it seems she might be seeing a whole lot more of Jen and Justin canoodling.

“They’ve known each other for years through their manager,” the source claims.

“Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups.”

The insider adds that Jen and Justin have “become closer than ever” in recent months, adding:

“It’s turned into something more than friendship.”

And if the insider is to be believed, Aniston has come up with a sort of sad revenge plan:

“Jen’s telling friends that she wants to date a younger guy,” the insider claims.

Seems to us that getting back together with Brad Pitt would be an even bigger eff-you, but maybe that’s just because we want to see that happen.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Former "Smallville" Star Allison Mack Arrested for Sex Cult Ties

Allison Mack — best known for playing Chloe Sullivan on “Smallville” — has been arrested for her connection to the case involving the alleged leader of a sex cult called Nxivm. The actress was arrested by the FBI, according to NYC law enforcement…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Kendall Jenner: Quitting TV? Cutting Ties With Family?

Kendall is gearing up to make a decision that may break her mother’s heart. And no, we don’t mean being naked on Instagram.

No, she apparently wants to quit filming her family’s reality series … and to separate her brand from that of her siblings and parents.

Will this break her momager’s heart?

RadarOnline‘s insider describes Kendall’s plan to quit Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

It sounds like part of what’s driving Kendall to break away from her family’s show is that, well, being a reality star is absolutely exhausting.

This source describes what has Kendall so fatigued.

“If Kris had her way the whole family would be filmed 24/7.”

According to Oprah, the family often films for 14 hours in just one day for Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

Don’t ever let someone tell you that the Kardashians didn’t work to get where they are.

The source does acknowledge that Kendall having her own career has given her extra wiggle-room.

“But she respects they need privacy and has gone easy on Kendall since her modeling career took off.”

“It’s given Kenny a sense of freedom and she loves being in charge of her own image at long last.”

That’s wonderful.

Though, admittedly, some fans are worried or baffled because they cannot imagine why Kendall Jenner partnered with Chris Brown for a recent project.

These fans wonder if Kendall being in charge of her own decisions is a good thing … or if her infamous Pepsi Commercial will one day be a fond memory.

After all, fans have already seen the variety of questionable choices that Kendall makes on her own … like when she appears to be about to kiss her own sister.

(Don’t do this)

The source continues by saying that Kendall has already been taking some steps back from the show that made her family into royalty.

“She’s been winding down her commitments for the show and exploring other options, in TV as well as modeling.”

Is … is Kendall looking into doing scripted television work? That would be interesting to see.

A huge part of her motivation to forge her own path is that she wants to be taken seriously in her career.

“She knows people look at her and snicker because of her family and it bugs her.”

Part of that is just that the Kardashians are easy targets for ridicule. 

“Kendall adores her family but figures it’s death by association, if she’s not careful.”

We all remember the outrage that some fans of modeling felt when Kendall did not have to audition for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

If she goes her own way, she hopes to be seen as earning what she gets.

There’s a much more practical motive behind Kendall’s reported desire to separate herself from her family’s show.

“She wants to get out of L.A., too, and plans to divide her time between New York and Paris.”

That sounds very wise. L.A. is big for television and film, but New York and Paris are go-to places for fashion.

A lot of members of the family like to stick close to home — in Calabasas. But if Kendall wants to go her own way, good for her.

Her loved ones will always be just one plane ride away.

Though she might need to find new ways to cope with anxiety since she won’t be able to physically run to her parents anymore.

Now, before start writing sympathy cards for Kris Jenner, remember that this is not confirmed. This may be something that Kendall is considering doing.

The Kardashians are heavily emotionally dependent upon each other, and that’s not easy to quit.

What’s more is that, though modeling can pay big time (at Kendall’s level, she can make six figures for one fashion show), Keeping Up With The Kardashians is a regular paycheck.

We all remember what happened to Rob’s finances after he stopped appearing on the show for years.

Sure, he’s still rich, but he’s no longer Kardashian rich.

But Kendall isn’t Rob and isn’t going to rely on sock sales, so we’re sure that she can pull it off. If that’s really what she wants.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Ties to Child Abuse Scandal Exposed?!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar hold a number of controversial views.

In fact, the parents of 20 are almost as well-known for their eccentric worldview as for their love of procreation.

Many of the Duggars’ most hotly debated ideas have to do with their unusual take on child-rearing.

In addition to the famous Duggar courtship rules, Jim Bob and Michelle advocate a number of controversial corporal punishment techniques.

Back in 2015, Michelle was criticized for her espousal of “blanket training,” a practice in which children as young as six months old are instructed to remain seated on a blanket and struck if they refuse to comply.

Blanket training was originally devised by Michael and Debi Pearl, authors of the bestselling parenting book To Train Up a Child.

Critics of the Pearls accuse them of advocating some of the most brutal forms of child abuse and neglect.

The New York Times reports that in 2011, their book was found in the homes of three children who had died from child abuse.

The Duggars effectively distanced themselves from the Pearls following the blanket training scandal, but now it appears they’ve decided its safe to get back in their old friends’ corner.

Last week, their daughter Joy-Anna Duggar’s ties to the Pearls were revealed when she promoted a speaking engagement of theirs that’s scheduled to take place at a facility owned by her in-laws.

On Monday, Jim Bob and Michelle also promoted the appearance on their Facebook page.

“This makes me so sad,” one user wrote on the post. “The Pearls literally promote hitting babies, actual babies. They are child abusers. Why you would promote their evil and cruel practices is mind boggling

“Why are you promoting child abuse?” another remarked.

“I hope every single one of you participating in the Pearls’ abusive ways are arrested and spend significant time in prison. Those poor Duggar children.”

In an impassioned interview with Radar Online, Michael Pearl defended his views and teachings:

“The book has sold well over 1 million copies,” he told the outlet.

“A lot of families are being blessed by the content. They say it’s the best thing that ever happened to their family, including grown people who were raised with the principles in that book.

“Those adults are now training their children.”

Pearl added:

“I teach not to punish your children. It’s a whole comprehensive approach to child training. Physical discipline is a small part of it.”

It seems unlikely, of course, that anyone who believes the Pearls’ are responsible for the deaths of several small children will be persuaded by that argument.

At this time, the post promoting the Pearls’ appearance in Arkansas has not been removed from the Duggars’ Facebook page.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Ties to Child Abuse Scandal Exposed

It looks like another scandal is rearing its ugly head for the Duggars, and this one could have lasting and far-reaching consequences for the entire family.

Newlyweds Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth have been linked to a couple with some very extreme views on the use of physical discipline to raise children.

Austin works for his parents, who are proprietors of the Fort Rock Family Camp and Retreat Center.

And it seems that the facility will be hosting two highly controversial guests later this year.

According to its website, Fort Rock will feature appearances by Michael and Debi Pearl in June, and again in October.

The couple travels the country offering seminars on child-rearing, and their critics accuse them of encouraging abuse.

The Pearls advise their followers to strike children as young as 6 months old with switches in order to foster a disciplinary environment.

They go into great detail regarding the materials and dimensions of said switches, advising parents to hit their children with a quarter-inch flexible plumbing line.

In cases in which plumbing line is not available, the Pearls offer alternatives that are also less likely to cause visible bruising and scarring.

In 2011, the Pearls’ controversial book To Train Up A Child was found in the homes of three separate victims who died from child abuse.

For obvious reasons, Duggar fans are not thrilled that Joy-Anna, who’s currently pregnant with her first child, has been tied to the Pearls and their controversial teachings.

But it doesn’t look like her in-laws will be removing the Pearls from their appearance schedule anytime soon.

“Michael and Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministries are nationally renowned ‘practical family-living’ teachers and authors of books such as To Train Up a Child, Created to Be His Help-Meet, and Jumping Ship,” reads a description on the Fort Rock website.

“This dynamic couple has dedicated their lives to educating families on basic principals of cultivating Godly relationships within the family so that their relationships with God and others can be infinitely more fruitful.”

When Joy-Anna and Austin got married back in May of 2017, little was known about his family, but insiders claimed the Forsyths were every bit as extreme in their views as the Duggars.

Now, it looks as though that may have been a massive understatement,

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, January 8, 2018

The Weeknd Cuts Ties with H&M After Racist Ad

The Weeknd is making it VERY clear — H&M’s apology for a racist online ad has fallen on deaf ears — and he’ll never work with them again. The clothing store came under heavy fire after an ad showed an African-American child wearing a…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Kevin Spacey, Netflix Cuts All Ties with "House of Cards" Star

Netflix is out of the Kevin Spacey business — completely — severing all ties with the actor and leaving the future of “House of Cards” uncertain. The streaming service announced, “Netflix will not be involved with any further production of “House…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Kathy Griffin Cuts Ties with Lisa Bloom Over Trump Beheading Photo, Press Conference

Kathy Griffin has apparently cut off her old attorney Lisa Bloom … and it all seems to be traced back to her Trump beheading photo and subsequent press conference. Kathy tweeted (seemingly out of nowhere ) early Sunday morning, telling @LisaBloom…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

John Salley Says Axing Rodman From Hall Of Fame Over North Korea Ties Is Crazy

John Salley 100% has the back of his old Bad Boys teammate Dennis Rodman … saying the human rights organization calling for revoking The Worm’s Hall Of Fame status is full of B.S. As we previously reported … The Victims of Communism Memorial…


Friday, May 26, 2017

NBA"s Enes Kanter Reportedly Wanted in Turkey Over Alleged Terrorist Ties

NBA star Enes Kanter is reportedly a wanted man in Turkey — where government officials have accused him of being a member of an anti-government “terror group.” But Kanter doesn’t appear to be worried — and is reportedly mocking his…


Monday, March 20, 2017

James Comey Confirms Investigation into Trump-Russia Ties

We cannot say for certain whether or not Donald Trump ever asked Russian prostitutes to urinate on each other.

But we may be able to at some point!

In a hearing before the House Intelligence Committee on Monday morning, FBI Director James Comey confirmed that his agency has been investigating ties between the Russian government and officials affiliated with Donald Trump since July.

He acknowledged Russia"s interference in the 2016 Presidential election, saying that evidence proves the country wanted Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton.

“I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

"That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

In short, the President of the United States is being investigated for treason.

"As you know, our practice is not to confirm the existence of ongoing investigations, especially those investigations that involve classified matters,” Comey also said Monday.

“But in unusual circumstances, where it is in the public interest, it may be appropriate to do so. This is one of those circumstances.”

We"d tend to agree.

Oh, and what about Trump"s claims that Barack Obama wire tapped Trump Tower in the fall of 2016?

"I have no information that supports those tweets," Comey told the committee, adding that the Justice Department – along with the FBI – had no information to support the allegations.

Comey added that no American president could order a wiretapping operation against a specific American citizen.

Watch Comey confirm the investigation into Donald Trump and Russia below:

James comey confirms investigation into donald trump russia ties

James Comey Confirms FBI Looking Into Russian Ties to Trump Campaign (VIDEO)

FBI Director James Comey says extreme situations call for extreme measures … which is why he’s actually revealing there IS an open investigation into Russia and the presidential election. Comey testified on Capitol Hill Monday morning the bureau…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Donald Trump"s Alleged Wannabe Assassin Has Strong 9/11, Hillary Clinton Ties

The man who said on video he planned to assassinate Donald Trump at Friday’s inauguration once spoke harshly about the 9/11 terrorists … in no small part because his mom died on one of the planes. Dominic Puopolo’s mom, Sonia, was on American…


Friday, June 3, 2016

Tom Cruise Completely Cuts Ties With Daughter Suri: Report

Back in April, we reported that Tom Cruise had not seen his daughter Suri in 1,000 days.

Now, he’s reportedly inching close to the three-year mark with no apparent plans to break his shameful streak of negligent parenting.

Sources say Cruise justifies his abandonment of Suri through Scientologist directives that require Church members to cut ties with those who have abandoned the faith (known in CoS jargon as “suppressive persons”).

Cruise refused all contact with ex-wife Katie Holmes immediately after she left the Church, and sources say he gradually distanced himself from Suri until he reached the point of having zero contact with his with his youngest daughter.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” one insider tells In Touch.

“He uses his film commitments as an excuse, but the truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore.”

Many who were formerly close to Cruise speculate that he was eager to remove Holmes from his life, and his relationship with Suri was simply collateral damage.

It seems there was a time when Cruise wanted 10-year-old Suri to be “reformed” by attending a school for Scientologist children.

Not surprisingly, Katie doesn’t want her daughter to have anything to do with the Church.

As a result, Scientologist leader David Miscavige reportedly gave Cruise all of the justification that he needed to cut off contact with his daughter.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” one insider states.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7.”

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad Thetan,” says former Scientologist and Cruise associate Gary Morehead.

Cruise has yet to respond to claims that he’s abandoned he’s not longer a part of his daughter’s life.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Duggar Family Publicly Snubs Josh: Are They Cutting Ties With the Scandal-Plagued Black Sheep?

On Sunday, social media users celebrated National Siblings Day – one of those Facebook-friendly “holidays” that most observers mark by issuing a public shout-out to their brothers and sisters.

Naturally, the Duggar family participated, but to the surprise of many, only 18 of Michelle and Jim Bob’s 19 kids were acknowledged.

If you’re familiar with the family’s troubles of the past year, we probably don’t have to tell you which sibling got snubbed.

Yes, the Duggars posted a photo album on their official Facebook page in honor of the special day, but as several commenters pointed out, disgraced former lobbyist Josh Duggar is nowhere to be found in the pics. 

Obviously, the topic of Josh’s relationship with his siblings is a sensitive one, but Jill and Jessa have spoken publicly about forgiving Josh for sexually assaulting them when he was in his teens.

Given the effort the Duggars have put into rebuilding their public image, it’s somewhat surprising that they would be willing to risk stirring up controversy by publicly distancing themselves from the most troubled member of the family.

The situation has led many to speculate that perhaps Josh isn’t as forgiven as his loved ones have claimed.

The Siblings Day snub comes on the heels of reports that Michelle Duggar has cut ties with Josh completely and told friends that she considers him dead. 

Sources have claimed that the relationship between Josh and his family has only gotten worse in the weeks since he left rehab, and that his parents have all but given up on the beleaguered father of four. 

It’s also possible that there are more pragmatic reasons for the family’s reluctance to publicly associate with Josh.

Advertisers have been backing out of Jill & Jessa: Counting On as a result of the lingering fallout over Josh’s sex scandals. 

The rest of the Duggars might have decided that it’s best for their business interests to not remind fans about Josh and his various scandals.

Whatever the case, if the family thinks the eldest Duggar son and his demons can be neatly swept under the carpet, we’re guessing they’ll be sorely disappointed.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Steven Avery: Juror"s Ties to Manitowoc Sheriff"s Department Exposed!

As the national obsession with the bizarre murder trials of Steven Avery and his young nephew Brendan Dassey continues to grow, new evidence of corruption on the part of the authorities who helped put him away seems to surface daily.

Avery, of course, is the focus of the recent Netflix documentary series Making a Murderer, which covers both his wrongful imprisonment for sexual assault at the age of 23, as well as his arrest and conviction for the murder of Teresa Halbach two decades later.

The filmmakers make a compelling case for why Manitowoc, Wisconsin law enforcement would have incentive to frame Avery and Dassey for Halbach’s murder, yet viewers of the series remain deeply divided on the question of whether police and prosecutors would have or even could have perpetrated such a conspiracy.

Avery was on the verge of receiving a $ 36 million settlement from the county as a result of spending 18 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit, and Murderer establishes that several prominent local figures harbored intense hatred for Avery.

At one point in the documentary, investigators are shown coaxing a confession out of Dassey – Avery’s mentally impaired 16-year-old nephew – apparently for no other reason than it would be easier to convict Avery if they could prove he had an accomplice.

There’s too much damning evidence against the Manitowoc law enforcement and judicial systems to recount here, but after viewing the series in its entirety, even stalwart supporters of Avery are left with a number of questions:

For example, if Avery didn’t kill Halbach, who did? And with so much at stake, how did Manitowoc officials ensure that the jury would turn in a guilty verdict?

The first of those questions may have been answered yesterday when it was revealed that Steven believes his brothers Chuck and Earl Avery may murdered Halbach, but his theory was buried by the courts for six years.

Earlier today, a shocking new allegation may have revealed the lengths to which prosecutors were willing to go to guarantee a favorable outcome for the state. 

According to a report from the website, a man who frequently volunteered for the Manitowoc Sheriff’s Department was chosen to be on Avery’s jury despite the obvious conflict of interest. 

The site claims that the juror – Carl Wardman – was not just a local with law enforcement ambitions who went on the occasional ride-along, but an “an official and very active volunteer for the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department” who worked with deputies at the same time the trial was going on. 

To make matters worse, sources say Carl Wardman’s son, Chris Wardman, “worked as a Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department supervisor in the jail during the trial.”

Wardman admitted all of this during pre-trial screening, but Avery’s defense attorney, Dean Strang, says he was essentially forced to let him through, because at least at six other jurors appeared to be more biased against Avery than Wardman was.

We understand this a complex case with a lot of conflicting evidence, but at this point, it’s hard to believe that any reasonable person wouldn’t at least have doubts as to whether or not Avery and Dassey committed the crimes of which they’ve been accuses.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Cutting Ties with Lamar Odom for James Harden?

Khloe Kardashian’s plan to cut ailing husband Lamar Odom out of her life – slowly but surely – remains on track, according to insiders,

Boyfriend James Harden is the primary reason.


To be fair, Kardashian visited Odom in the hospital – where he is still recovering from a near-fatal overdose this fall – this holiday weekend.

She seems to be struggling with how much (and in what emotional sense) to be there for the 36-year-old former NBA star, however.

An insider tells Radar of the KUWTK star:

“It’s a delicate situation, because Lamar’s so sensitive and there’s no easy way for Khloe to tell him she’s not coming back [as his wife].”

Running Odom’s “finances and medical planning way too much to bear, since so much of her own life had to be placed on hold.”

Her friends worry that her drinking and partying may be an effort to numb the pain of a broken heart, or the pressure she’s under.

She’ll be vilified on social media (and by Liza Morales) for moving on, but also criticized if she stands by him after what he put her through.

The scrutiny seems to get to her at times.

Khloe recently blasted critics: “Divorce is going forward. Doesn’t mean I won’t be there through sickness and health. I’ve proven that.”

The biggest factor in her continued attempt to put distance between herself and Odom, though, is Houston Rockets star James Harden.

“He has been a saint, but he’s getting extremely frustrated at still playing second fiddle to Lamar,” says a source close to the situation.

“That’s why Khloe’s had to start the withdrawal process, slowly but surely … she’s terrified of driving James any further away.”

Kardashian has also been the subject of rumors that she’s cheating on Harden or that her vagina is ruining the Rockets’ season so far.

A day in the life.