Showing posts with label Sheep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheep. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

A new political feud is quickly emerging online and it’s between a couple of the most unlikely people you ever thought would get into it … Cardi B and one Tomi Lahren.
It all started with Tomi commenting on Cardi’s political rants last week about the government shutdown, with...
Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

Monday, April 11, 2016

Duggar Family Publicly Snubs Josh: Are They Cutting Ties With the Scandal-Plagued Black Sheep?

On Sunday, social media users celebrated National Siblings Day – one of those Facebook-friendly “holidays” that most observers mark by issuing a public shout-out to their brothers and sisters.

Naturally, the Duggar family participated, but to the surprise of many, only 18 of Michelle and Jim Bob’s 19 kids were acknowledged.

If you’re familiar with the family’s troubles of the past year, we probably don’t have to tell you which sibling got snubbed.

Yes, the Duggars posted a photo album on their official Facebook page in honor of the special day, but as several commenters pointed out, disgraced former lobbyist Josh Duggar is nowhere to be found in the pics. 

Obviously, the topic of Josh’s relationship with his siblings is a sensitive one, but Jill and Jessa have spoken publicly about forgiving Josh for sexually assaulting them when he was in his teens.

Given the effort the Duggars have put into rebuilding their public image, it’s somewhat surprising that they would be willing to risk stirring up controversy by publicly distancing themselves from the most troubled member of the family.

The situation has led many to speculate that perhaps Josh isn’t as forgiven as his loved ones have claimed.

The Siblings Day snub comes on the heels of reports that Michelle Duggar has cut ties with Josh completely and told friends that she considers him dead. 

Sources have claimed that the relationship between Josh and his family has only gotten worse in the weeks since he left rehab, and that his parents have all but given up on the beleaguered father of four. 

It’s also possible that there are more pragmatic reasons for the family’s reluctance to publicly associate with Josh.

Advertisers have been backing out of Jill & Jessa: Counting On as a result of the lingering fallout over Josh’s sex scandals. 

The rest of the Duggars might have decided that it’s best for their business interests to not remind fans about Josh and his various scandals.

Whatever the case, if the family thinks the eldest Duggar son and his demons can be neatly swept under the carpet, we’re guessing they’ll be sorely disappointed.