Showing posts with label Snubs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snubs. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Snubs Handshake From Parkland Victim"s Father

Brett Kavanaugh was in no mood to meet a father whose kid was killed during the Parkland shooting — snubbing his handshake attempt during a SCOTUS confirmation hearing. Judge Kavanaugh’s morning session in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle Makes Stunning Wedding Decision, Snubs Her Own Family

Meghan Markle has shocked the world.

We’re barely even exaggerating here.

Nearly the entire world has moderate to major interest in Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry tomorrow, which means millions and millions of people are likely surprised by what the bride-to-be just decided.

Kensington Palace announced on Friday that Markle has asked Prince Charles to carry out the second most important duty of anyone at her ceremony tomorrow.

(The most important, of course, being Harry’s job of vow recital and bride kissing.)

He’ll be walking her down the aisle.

“Ms. Meghan Markle has asked His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to accompany her down the aisle of the Quire of St George’s Chapel on her Wedding Day,” the Palace statement reads, concluding:

“The Prince of Wales is pleased to be able to welcome Ms. Markle to The Royal Family in this way.”

Markle had hoped her father would give her away to Harry, but he recently underwent a heart procedure and cannot make the trip.

Most observers had assumed that Markle would therefore be walked down the aisle by her mother.

We can’t help but therefore wonder whether this last-minute change was truly Markle’s decision… or if it was forced upon her by the Palace, which may not want any members of Markle’s family front and center for this monumental occasion.

(Markle’s mom hasn’t done or said anything controversy. But the former actress has been slammed left and right by her half-brother and half-sister, neither of whom are invited to the wedding.

And both of whom suck a whole lot.)

An insider insists to People Magazine, however, that Markle is behind this surprising decision.

“It was Meghan’s wish and she is grateful for the Prince of Wales to be doing it,” this source claims.

Charles, of course, is the father of Prince William and Prince Harry — but he is not without his own history of scandal.

He infamously cheated on Princess Diana prior to splitting from the beloved Royal many decades ago.

Thomas Markle, meanwhile, lives a rather reclusive life in Mexico.

He isn’t especially close with his daughter, but he doesn’t have a bad relationship with her, either.

Aside from his unfortunate health concerns, Thomas was at the center of controversy last week after admitting that he accepted money from the paparazzi in exchange for staged photos.

He likely didn’t mean any real harm by agreeing to this arrangement, but making oneself into a public spectacle is a giant no-no in the universe of the Royal Family.

Said Markle, through a spokesperson, after her dad officially backed out of the wedding:

“Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health.

“I would like to thank everyone who has offered generous messages of support. Please know how much Harry and I look forward to sharing our special day with you on Saturday.”

A global audience will be tuning in for the event, which has sort of become a nightmare for one of its participants.

“This poor girl. Your wedding, everyone says, ‘It’s your day. It’s your day,’” said Amy Schumer this week on Australia’s Fitzy & Wippa podcast. “She’s like, ‘No it’s not.’

“She has to meet all these foreign dignitaries she’s never met before. There’s so much pressure. Can you imagine having a worse wedding?”

Not really, no.

We hope the ceremony goes as smoothly as possible on Saturday and we hope Markle has the bes time EVER on her honeymoon.

She deserves it.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Snubs Khloe Kardashian, Apparently Thinks She Sucks as a Mom

Come on now, Caitlyn Jenner.

Don’t you think Khloe Kardashian is dealing with enough these days?!?

on instag

The 33-year old reality star is in Cleveland at the moment, struggling with that whole my-baby-daddy-is-a-horrible-no-good-dishonest-cheater thing, and now she’s also dealing with questions about her relationship with her step-father.

Khloe has made it pretty clear for awhile now that she and Caitlyn aren’t on the best of terms…

… and Jenner went ahead and made this pointedly clear via some very passive aggressive shading on Mother’s Day.

“So blessed to have so many amazing moms in my life!” the former Olympian gushed in her Instagram Stories this past Sunday.

Along with this caption, Caitlyn included a few pictures:

One was of daughter Kylie Jenner cradling her daughter, Stormi.

One was of Caitlyn, Kim Kardashian and grandchild Saint.

And one was even of Kris Jenner from way back when she and Caitlyn were getting along well.

Note who we did not name there?

Note who Caitlyn did not cite as an “amazing mom,” despite having just given birth a month ago for the first time ever?

Yup: Khloe.

Kardashian’s social media snub comes after a February interview with U.K. morning show Lorraine, during which she opened up about her estranged relationship with Jenner.

Still pregnant at the time, Khloe was asked whether or not having a child would mend her broken connectionto Caitlyn.

“I don’t think that affects anything with Caitlyn. Things are just as they are,” she replied.

Not exactly any shade thrown here on Khloe’s part, just an honest (and unfortunate) answer.

We can’t say for certain whether Caitlyn was offended by Khloe’s reply, but it seems hard to believe he forgot to mention her on Mother’s Day by accident, doesn’t it?

Jenner has since deleted this post, but not before the Internet could capture it for all of eternity.

Caitlyn’s relationship with the entire Kardashian family has been on the rocks ever since April of 2015 when she revealed her identity as a transgender woman.

It didn’t help matters when she later wrote in her memoir how ex-wife Kris was well aware of her transgender desires during their marriage.

“I’ve lost all relationship with them, yes, I don’t talk to any of them anymore,” Caitlyn told Piers Morgan in 2017. 

At the time, the ex-athlete revealed she hadn’t spoken to Khloe in two years.

That really is pretty sad, isn’t it?

Khloe, who did NOT spend Mother’s Day with Tristan Thompson, did make a point to honor her own mom on this occasion.

She referred to Kris Jenner as “the best mommy we could ask for!! and added:

“We couldn’t imagine life without you!! You are the reason for it all!! Thank you for showing us what unconditional love and loyalty is.”


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Caryn Chandler Snubs Amy Roloff, Stirs Tension at Family Birthday Party

Little People, Big World…

… major tension?

On the surface, Matt and Amy Roloff get along just about as well as any formerly married couple possibly can.

They split in 2015, yet still star on a reality TV show together and still pose for photos such as this together:

However, a couple recent reports have hinted strongly that there’s some trouble in this TLC-based paradise.

First, as previously detailed, nearly every member of this famous family was on hand last weekend because it’s pumpkin picking season at the Roloff farm in Oregon.

This included Caryn Chandler, Matt’s girlfriend since March and the farm manager, an awkward arrangement considering how well she knew Amy before she started to date her ex-husband.

Sources have said Chandler basically acted like the matriarch of the clan, as she “ran the show” with Matt while Amy was shoved to the background.

You can read all about this controversy below:

The Daily Mail, meanwhile, has a follow-up account from the weekend, focusing on how Caryn organized a birthday party for Matt.

It was meant to be a surprise and loved ones such as Jeremy, Matt, Tori and Jackson all attended… but Amy wasn’t even invited!

Even though the gathering took place on her co-owned property!

“Caryn made sure some of the farm hands were there as well, and gave out party hats to some of the crowd who had gathered behind the main gift shop,” an insider tells the British publication, adding:

“The odd thing was that Amy Roloff was on the other side of the barn doing meet and greets with the general public and wasn’t asked by Caryn to participate.

“It definitely felt like she was being usurped at her own farm by Matt’s new girlfriend.”

This appears to be an ongoing problem.

Those who watch Little People, Big World online and/or have followed these stars closely are aware that Amy has been dating Chris Malek for over 10 months now.

It’s not as though she’s alone and jealous.

But it is as though Caryn may be trying to replace her role within the family in some ways.

“I never once saw Amy speak to Caryn, there’s a real tension there,” The Daily Mail insider adds, expounding as follows:

“The kids seem caught in the middle. This was baby Jackson’s first day at the farm during pumpkin season, it was kind of a big deal and Amy was shut out.”

Amy and Matt finalized their divorce last year.

But they remain business partners, parents to four kids and now grandparents to a pair of babies.

Jackson was born to Zach and Tori in May, while Ember Jean was born to Audrey and Jeremy last month.

“It was obvious that Matt and Caryn run the show during pumpkin season, while Amy has been relegated to “greeter” on the farm she spent decades helping to create,” this report concludes.

That sounds awkward.

Let’s hope this alleged tension doesn’t impact Matt and Amy’s relationship too much.

We’d hate to see such a close-knit family torn apart.


Monday, September 18, 2017

Emmys In Memoriam Segment Snubs Charlie Murphy, Erin Moran and More; Twitter Rages

So the Emmy Awards happened last night, and lots of people had lots of feelings about it.

And many, if not most, of those feelings were extremely negative.

Lots of people were upset when Sterling K. Brown was played off the stage during his lovely acceptance speech — so many that the venue was filled with boos after it happened.

There was also the very odd choice to bring out Sean Spicer — the "joke" didn"t land, to say the least.

Then there was the In Memoriam segment, the part of the show where everyone takes time to pay tribute to the people from the industry who are no longer with us.

It sounds nice, right?

But the people in charge over there at the Emmys truly dropped the ball with this one.

Huge stars like Charlie Murphy, Dick Gregory, Frank Vincent, Harry Dean Stanton, and Erin Moran weren"t remembered during this special moment during the show.

And you know Twitter wasn"t having that …

1. A Strong Start

A strong start

Viola David? Chris Jackson? Boy, this thing had all the ingredients to be a real tear-jerker, huh?

2. But Alas …

But alas

It just simply did not work out.

3. Common Knows

Common knows

In a nice way, Common called out the Emmys for ignoring Charlie Murphy and Dick Gregory.

4. A Huge Oversight

A huge oversight

… Because really, how are you going to do that to Charlie Murphy and Dick Gregory?

5. Not Erin Moran!

Not erin moran

Seriously, they forgot this lady, too. Such a disappointment.

6. Where’s the Lie?

Wheres the lie

Nothing against legends Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, obviously, but this person has an excellent point.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jerry Seinfeld Snubs Kesha, Appears to Have No Clue Who She Is (VIDEO)

Jerry Seinfeld made it clear he’s not down with hugs from random strangers who approach him out of nowhere … even if they turn out to be Kesha. LAST NIGHT @KeshaRose found out @JerrySeinfeld is not a #Hugger — Is it hard to be a…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Congratulates Chelsea Houska, Snubs Jenelle Evans

It’s been a busy week for the ladies of Teen Mom 2.

On Tuesday, Jenelle Evans gave birth to her third child, a daughter named Ensley Jolie.

The very next day, Chelsea Houska gave birth to her second kid, a boy named Watson Cole.

There was talk of Chelsea stealing Jenelle’s thunder, which is insane, when you consider that we’re talking about the creation of human lives here …

… but not that surprising when you consider that this is Jenelle Evans we’re talking about, a woman has spent the last decade testing the limits of how much insanity society will tolerate.

Anyway, Teen Mom 2 fans appear to be much more enthusiastic about congratulating Chelsea than Jenelle, and it seems that enthusiasm extends to the ladies’ castmates as well.

“So so happy for Chelsea Houska and her family! Cannot wait to hold baby boy!” Kailyn Lowry tweeted just minutes after news of little Watson’s birth went public.

Kailyn offered no such kind words to Jenelle the day before, and fans were quick to take note of the possible passive-aggressive diss.

Many pointed out that Leah Messer re-tweeted a photo of Chelsea’s bundle of joy, but made no mention of Jenelle, meaning that none of the TM2 girls acknowledged that Evans also welcomed a new addition to her family this week.

“Weird how none of the girls congratulated Jenelle….” tweeted one fan.

“Y should any of them congratulate Jenelle when they’re not friends w/her?? That’d be so fake & stupid,” commented another.

One fan completely missed the point and assumed that the snub was a result of some sort of misguided slut-shaming:

“I don’t see y hate on Jenelle bc if Kail has another kid she’ll b in same boat 3 baby daddies,” she wrote.

This person has apparently never seen an episode of Teen Mom 2.

The other moms don’t distance themselves from Jenelle because she’s has three baby daddies.

No, they distance themselves from Jenelle because she’s a bitter, hateful, violent human being.

Interestingly, Jenelle probably believes that she’s reviled because of her promiscuity and her past addictions, but the fact is there are many legitimate reasons to dislike her and she provides us with more every day.

We offer our congrats and we hope that Jenelle is able to provide her kids with the stable family life they deserve.

But you need only to watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of why her co-stars might not be rushing to congratulate the Carolina Hurricane. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Oscar Nominations 2017: Shocks! Snubs! Screwjobs!

The nominations are in…

… and the complaining can now begin!

Earlier today, the world was made aware of which movies, actors and actresses will compete at the 2017 Academy Awards.

But we"re more focused right now on which movies, actors and actresses will NOT be competing. That is, who got snubbed the hardest?!?

And these nominees are…

1. Amy Adams, Arrival

Amy adams arrival

What?!? We thought she’d actually win Best Actress… and she’s not even nominated?!? We adore Meryl Streep, but she doesn’t need to be up for every single role she takes on. Come on now!

2. Sully


Clint Eastwood directed. Tom Hanks starred. And yet nothing at all came this drama’s way.

3. Silence


Over the last 16 years, the only Martin Scorsese movie that failed to earn a Best Picture no was Shutter Island. We can now add Silence to the list.

4. Annette Bening, 20th Century Women

Annette bening 20th century women

Sorry, Steep. But Bening was more deserved for her portrait here of an eccentric single mom.

5. Deadpool


Didn’t the Oscars expand the Best Picture category to 10 potential nominees in order to include more commercial films such as Deadpool? Why make that move and then NOT nominate this fun superhero flick?

6. Rogue One

Rogue one

We also would have accepted Rogue One as the mainstream movie nominated for Best Picture.

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Duggar Family Publicly Snubs Josh: Are They Cutting Ties With the Scandal-Plagued Black Sheep?

On Sunday, social media users celebrated National Siblings Day – one of those Facebook-friendly “holidays” that most observers mark by issuing a public shout-out to their brothers and sisters.

Naturally, the Duggar family participated, but to the surprise of many, only 18 of Michelle and Jim Bob’s 19 kids were acknowledged.

If you’re familiar with the family’s troubles of the past year, we probably don’t have to tell you which sibling got snubbed.

Yes, the Duggars posted a photo album on their official Facebook page in honor of the special day, but as several commenters pointed out, disgraced former lobbyist Josh Duggar is nowhere to be found in the pics. 

Obviously, the topic of Josh’s relationship with his siblings is a sensitive one, but Jill and Jessa have spoken publicly about forgiving Josh for sexually assaulting them when he was in his teens.

Given the effort the Duggars have put into rebuilding their public image, it’s somewhat surprising that they would be willing to risk stirring up controversy by publicly distancing themselves from the most troubled member of the family.

The situation has led many to speculate that perhaps Josh isn’t as forgiven as his loved ones have claimed.

The Siblings Day snub comes on the heels of reports that Michelle Duggar has cut ties with Josh completely and told friends that she considers him dead. 

Sources have claimed that the relationship between Josh and his family has only gotten worse in the weeks since he left rehab, and that his parents have all but given up on the beleaguered father of four. 

It’s also possible that there are more pragmatic reasons for the family’s reluctance to publicly associate with Josh.

Advertisers have been backing out of Jill & Jessa: Counting On as a result of the lingering fallout over Josh’s sex scandals. 

The rest of the Duggars might have decided that it’s best for their business interests to not remind fans about Josh and his various scandals.

Whatever the case, if the family thinks the eldest Duggar son and his demons can be neatly swept under the carpet, we’re guessing they’ll be sorely disappointed.