Showing posts with label Charlie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Kyle Richards Hints Charlie Sheen May Be on "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"

Kyle Richards sounds like she knows something … about a possible Charlie Sheen appearance on “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” We got Kyle Saturday at LAX, and she says flat out … it’s possible Charlie will make an appearance on the show. As…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Bruno Mars Replacing Cardi B with Ciara, Boyz II Men, Ella Mai and Charlie Wilson

Cardi B’s a tough act to follow … according to Bruno Mars, who just announced he’s replacing her spot on his tour with a slew of artists … including Ciara. Bruno played the role of hype man — in a BIG way — when he finally revealed who’s…


Bruno Mars Replacing Cardi B with Ciara, Boyz II Men, Ella Mai and Charlie Wilson

Cardi B’s a tough act to follow … according to Bruno Mars, who just announced he’s replacing her spot on his tour with a slew of artists … including Ciara. Bruno played the role of hype man — in a BIG way — when he finally revealed who’s…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Charlie Sheen: I"m Broke AND Being Blacklisted!

Forgive us for the very obvious opener here, but…

… Charlie Sheen is most decidedly NOT winning these days.

Some might say he’s losing even more than the New York Mets, in fact.

The 52-year old filed requests to modify his child support payments to ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller yesterday, explaining to the court that he simply cannot afford to continue doling out the previously-agreed-upon sums to these women.

The former Two and a Half Men star, who is living with the HIV virus, who shares two daughters with Richards and twin sons with Mueller.

He alleges he doesn’t have the necessary cash flow to keep up with his monthly payments because he’s “been unable to find steady work, and [has] been blacklisted from many aspects of the entertainment industry.”

This is quite the accusation, of course.

Being blacklisted implies that there’s a concerted efforts by a multitude of people in Hollywood to keep Sheen from earning a living.

There’s a conspiracy against him, Sheen is claiming. 

Sort of like how Donald Trump and his associates willfully teamed up with Vladimir Putin and company in 2016, there’s collusion at work here.

That’s possible.

But it’s maybe more possible that Sheen is simpy unemployable because he’s an accused woman beater who may have lied to sexual partners about his disease and who spent like a year ranting and raving like a mad men.

Anyway, though.

Per these legal documents, Sheen has been making child support payments to both of his ex wives since the summer of 2016.

He was ordered to pay $ 55,000 a month to Mueller in August of 2016 and $ 20,000 a month to Richards in June of 2016 and…

… wait, what?!?!

Sheen has been shelling out $ 75,000 PER MONTH in child support for two years now?!?

We don’t feel sorry for the guy or anything, it’s just… wow. That’s a crap ton of money.

Sheen also pays both exes 9.5 percent of his gross annual income from all sources in excess of $ 2.1 million.

Due to his deal with CBS (for Two and a Half Men) and then with FX (for Anger Management), Sheen could pretty easily afford those aforementioned payments, as significant as they may be.

Now, though?

“I have been unable to find steady work, and have been blacklisted from many aspects of the entertainment industry,” Sheen writes in the documents, adding:

“All of this has resulted in a significant reduction in my earnings.”

As a result of being out of work, Sheen says he he no longer has “sufficient income” to pay the court-ordered child support amounts.

And he’s probably telling the truth.

Is he really in “dire financial crisis,” however, as he also claims?

Documents show that Sheen made an income of $ 37,631 last month and that his assets total about $ 5.8 million.

The latter figure would put him in the upper 1%, of course.

But remember, he’s paying $ 75,000 a month and that can add up quickly.

Sheen married Richards in 2002 and they separated in 2006. 

He then married Mueller in 2008, but the two broke up in 2011 after an ugly few years marred with allegations of infidelity and violence.

The actor also has a 33-year-old daughter, Cassandra Jade Estevez, from a previous relationship with his high school girlfriend Paula Speert.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Judge Warns Charlie Sheen"s Lawyer to Stop "Slut-Shaming" in HIV Lawsuit

Charlie Sheen may have just scored a small victory in his HIV suit, but didn’t win any points with the judge … who flat-out calls his lawyer a misogynistic jerk. According to new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — the woman suing Sheen for…


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Charlie Sheen Says Alleged Victim in HIV Suit Happily Signed NDA

Charlie Sheen claims the woman suing him for exposing her to HIV is flat-out lying about being forced into signing an NDA — and, instead, says she was desperate to spend time with him. According to new docs, Sheen denies there was any coercion…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Charlie Sheen"s Alleged Victim in HIV Lawsuit Says He Forced Her to Stay Quiet

The woman suing Charlie Sheen for exposing her to HIV claims he coerced her into signing a hush agreement … with the help of a goon squad.  The woman, who’s suing as a Jane Doe, just fired back at Sheen’s response to her lawsuit and…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Charlie Sheen Says "Hooker" Knew He Had HIV, Plus She Signed an NDA

Charlie Sheen says the “hooker” suing him for exposing her to HIV is an extortionist, who rolls the dice with STDs on the regular because she’s banged “hundreds, if not thousands,” of guys. Sheen is responding to the lawsuit filed anonymously last…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Charlie Rose Sued by 3 CBS Staffers for Sexual Harassment

Charlie Rose just got hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit from 3 women he worked with at CBS, including his personal assistant. The women include a broadcast associate, a news associate and Rose’s executive assistant. In the suit, 2 of the women –…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Charlie Sheen and National Enquirer Settle Lawsuit Over Corey Haim

Charlie Sheen will not go to trial in his legal battle with the National Enquirer — it appears both sides have reached a settlement in the defamation case. Charlie sued the Enquirer late last year over a story it published, claiming he raped a then…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Lenny Dykstra: Charlie Sheen Is a Murderer!

Charlie Sheen has been accused of just about every type of sordid behavior imaginable over the course of his 52 years as a tiger-blood guzzling warlock from Mars.

But before today, the Sheenius had never been publicly accused of taking a human life.

Sadly, the actor/human chemistry experiment will now be forced to cross that item off his resumé (or bucket list – this is Charlie Sheen we’re talking about) thanks to a mind-blowing new interview with his former friend, baseball legend Lenny Dykstra.

The notorious bad boys were BFFs for more than 20 years.

They first hung out together in 1993, partying in exactly they way you would expect from guys nicknamed Chuckles and Nails, respectively.

According to Dykstra, he stopped by Sheen’s house, and the two of them proceeded to get “hammered” and bond over automatic weapons and $ 3,000 bottles of wine.

Several sh-tty years later, as Kenny Powers would say, Dykstra has done hard time and is no longer on speaking terms with Sheen.

Dykstra shared all of these details and revealed exactly why he chose to end his relationship with Sheen in a stunningly candid conversation with The Hollywood Reporter.

After retiring from baseball, Dykstra embarked on a number of sketchy business ventures, amassing more than $ 58 million and losing it all shortly thereafter.

In 2011, after being charged with indecent exposure, drug possession, grand theft auto, identity theft and filing false financial statements, Dykstra was sentenced to three years in prison.

He claims that in the months before his sentence began, he became a sort of personal assistant to Sheen, arranging deals and offering advice that the troubled star rarely took.

Dykstra says he attempted to convince Sheen to come forward with his HIV diagnosis more than a year before the actor revealed his illness publicly.

The Philadelphia Phillies icon adds that these days, Sheen is living a tortured existence – alienated from most of his inner circle and facing a tax fraud investigation that might eventually land him behind bars.

Dykstra reveals to THR that he first realized how far Sheen had fallen when witnessing the near-fatal drug binge that coincided with Sheen’s famous “meltdown.” 

“When [the OxyContin pills] are at their peak, it’s a euphoria, where you’re smart and you’re creative and you’re quick and you’re invincible,” Dykstra says of the famous 2011 interview in which Sheen introduced “winning” to the pop culture lexicon.

Dykstra says he last saw Sheen in 2014 and found him to be a shell of his former self:

“It was right out of a mystery spy thriller, with a sliding bookcase,” he says.

“I walked in and Charlie was standing there with a glass dick — a crack pipe — in one hand and his phone in the other. I took one look around, there’s all this stuff, cool paintings and Babe Ruth’s ring, and I said, ‘Charlie, I have to admit, if you’re going to smoke crack, this has got to be the best crack den on the planet!’ That broke the ice.”

But the most shocking revelation has to do with Sheen’s former friend and de facto assistant, Rick Calamoro, who was found dead of an apparent accidental overdose in 2012.

Dykstra claims that after Calamaro insinuated himself in Sheen’s social circle, many began to suspect that he had done so with plans to write a tell-all book about the actor:

“Before I went [to jail], I said, ‘Dude, this guy, he is writing a f-cking book, you got to fire him,"” Dykstra recalls.

After he was released from jail, Dykstra says he confronted Sheen about Calamaro’s death:

“What the fuck happened to Calamaro?” Dykstra remembers asking.

“He said, ‘You mean Dead Rick? What f-cking happened is the motherf-cker tried to blackmail me just like you said — wanted $ 5 million. I had him fucking iced.’ He said he had a hot dose put in there,”

Dykstra says “hot dose” is slang for an intentionally lethal dose of an intravenous drug that can be used to murder a user without suspicion.

Interestingly, Dykstra says he’s come to terms with Sheen’s alleged murder, but remains distraught over charges that Sheen assaulted his former fiancée Brett Rossi.

“Killing the guy that fucking tried to extort him: That’s his business,” he says. But what Rossi alleges happened to her is too much for him. “Men, they get in rages. But no pummeling.”

THR also spoke with Rossi, who details her allegedly abusive relationship with Sheen, and says she believes her ex to be capable of murder.

Not surprisingly, Sheen could not be reached for comment, but we’re guessing he would’ve muttered something about “Adonis DNA.”


Monday, February 5, 2018

Republic Records Honcho Charlie Walk, Alleged Extortionist Left #MeToo Threat on Voicemail

Republic Records honcho and ‘The Four’ judge Charlie Walk claims he was being extorted before an ex-employee accused him of sexual misconduct, and says he has a voicemail to prove it.  TMZ has obtained a voicemail a source close to Charlie…


Republic Records Honcho Charlie Walk, Alleged Extortionist Left #MeToo Threat on Voicemail

Republic Records honcho and ‘The Four’ judge Charlie Walk claims he was being extorted before an ex-employee accused him of sexual misconduct, and says he has a voicemail to prove it.  TMZ has obtained a voicemail a source close to Charlie…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"The Four" Judge Charlie Walk Fired After Sexual Harassment Allegation

‘The Four’ is down from 4 judges to 3 after FOX dropped the ax on Charlie Walk … the Republic Records honcho, who was accused of sexually harassing a former employee. FOX cut Walk on the heels of Tristan Coopersmith’s claim Walk had…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"The Four" Judge Charlie Walk Accused of Sexual Harassing Ex-Employee

One of Charlie Walk’s former employees claims “The Four” judge repeatedly groped her, and sent her vulgar, sexually charged text messages … ultimately forcing her to quit the music biz. The accuser, Tristan Coopersmith, claims Walk –…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lane Kiffin Hires Charlie Weis" 24-Year-Old Son as Offensive Coordinator

Lane Kiffin’s new offensive coordinator at Florida Atlantic isn’t old enough to have a mid-life crisis. He’s 24 years old … and he’s Charlie Weis’ son. Charlie Weis Jr. is expected to follow in his dad’s footsteps and become a big time…


Saturday, December 23, 2017

NBA"s Charlie Villanueva Gets Emotional About New Toilet

Lot of toilet information to unpack in this post …  First, Charlie Villanueva finally got his replacement toilet (courtesy of Poo-Pourri)  after his crapper was stolen from his Dallas home earlier this week. Charlie says ever since he…


Friday, December 22, 2017

Charlie Villanueva Gets Toilet Xmas Miracle

Twas 3 days before Christmas, and at Charlie Villanueva’s pad …  A new TOILET was being delivered after someone took the one that he had. Some scumbags in Dallas broke open his door … And ripped Charlie’s beloved crapper right out of the…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

NBA"s Charlie Villanueva: Burglars Stole My Toilet!

WHO STEALS A TOILET?! Whoever broke into Charlie Villanueva’s house, that’s who … this according to the NBA player himself.  Villanueva — who made more than $ 50 million in his career — says he came home to his Dallas pad and realized…
