Showing posts with label Sheen's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheen's. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

Judge Warns Charlie Sheen"s Lawyer to Stop "Slut-Shaming" in HIV Lawsuit

Charlie Sheen may have just scored a small victory in his HIV suit, but didn’t win any points with the judge … who flat-out calls his lawyer a misogynistic jerk. According to new legal docs — obtained by TMZ — the woman suing Sheen for…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Charlie Sheen"s Alleged Victim in HIV Lawsuit Says He Forced Her to Stay Quiet

The woman suing Charlie Sheen for exposing her to HIV claims he coerced her into signing a hush agreement … with the help of a goon squad.  The woman, who’s suing as a Jane Doe, just fired back at Sheen’s response to her lawsuit and…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kendall Jenner Buys Charlie Sheen"s Old Beverly Hills Mansion

Kendall Jenner is moving to Beverly Hills, and she’s cozying up in Charlie Sheen’s old digs … which could spell trouble if she doesn’t lock up. Sources tell us Kendall recently purchased Charlie’s old mansion in Bev Hills for a cool $ 8.5 million.…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Charlie Sheen"s Living That Healthy Vegan Life

Charlie Sheen has kicked meat … and lots of other foods — ‘cause he’s now living the vegan life.  Sources close to the actor tell TMZ Charlie’s about 2 weeks into his new vegan diet, which is just the latest installment of what he says is a…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Julia Stambler: Charlie Sheen"s New Girlfriend Not Afraid of Getting HIV!

Charlie Sheen’s made a lot of mistakes in life — remember, this is the guy who’s still in a senseless feud with Rihanna for essentially no reason.

We can see why people would look at his antics and steer clear of him. 

But the one reason why people shouldn’t avoid him is his HIV status.

According to a TMZ report, Charlie Sheen’s new girlfriend Julia Stambler isn’t afraid of catching HIV from him.

Like, she’s not an AIDS-denier or from one of those religion offshoots that believes that their faith makes them immune to disease or whatever.

It’s just that she knows about countermeasures like PrEP and condoms and, like, common sense.

According to the report, multiple people warned Julia against dating Charlie because they were afraid that she would catch the virus.

That’s a super ignorant thing to say, and Julia agrees.

It looks like she hopes that being upfront about her lack of worries will help reduce stigma for others with HIV.

The actual weirdest part of this relationship is that Julia is friends with Charlie’s ex, Brooke Mueller, and that Brooke is reportedly rooting for the two.

Because sure, why not?

Don’t get us wrong — there are probably a lot of good reasons to not date Charlie Sheen.

Even if you ignore his, um, history of behavior — which includes some very recent allegations — you’re looking at a young, beautiful woman who’s dating a much older man. 

Though … he is estimated to be worth, like, $ 150 million.

As hard as it is to believe, since we don’t know literally anyone who’s ever watched the show, Charlie Sheen made over a million dollars per episode of Two and a Half Men.

Because we live in an unjust universe.

So we can see how this happened.

Also, he’s probably, like, charming or something in person.

But what’s wonderful here is how much how people view HIV has changed.

It’s no longer the automatic death sentence that it once was.

There is still a lot of stigma, but not nearly as much as there was during the height of the AIDS crisis.

People are even somewhat less ignorant.

Just as significantly, there have been multiple medical breakthroughs.

We’re not to the point where everyone’s HIV can just be “deleted” … yet … but between condoms and PrEP, people can almost completely inoculate themselves against becoming infected.

Though it’s important to note that there’s been at least one case of someone on PrEP contracting HIV, so PrEP isn’t an ironclad defense for random hookups.

But it sounds like it should be pretty safe for people who know exactly what strain their partners have.

Julia Stambler’s attitude, though, is a huge step forward from how people used to regard people who are HIV-positive.

Like, we’ve all heard of cultures that have “outcasts” who are literally untouchable, in that touching them is taboo.

That’s exactly how people with HIV and AIDS were treated in the ’80s and early ’90s.

There were people who didn’t want to risk kissing or even hugging someone with the virus for fear of catching it themselves.

And yes, there were people like that in the years after people discovered that HIV was transmitted through specific bodily fluids.

The AIDS crisis essentially killed off an entire generation of gay men.

It was a time when audience members on The Oprah Winfrey Show felt comfortable standing up and suggesting that anyone with AIDS be placed in internment camps until doctors were sure how it was spread.

So Julia Stambler shows how far the world has come.

All things considered, it’s great that so many medicines exist that can improve life expectancy and quality of life for those with HIV.

And the world needs more people who look at things like Julia Stambler does.

Well … more people who view HIV status like she does.

We really, really don’t need more people who look at Charlie Sheen and go “sure, yeah, I’d date that.”

But if the two of them dating helps fight the stigma, we guess that it’s worth her putting up with his unbearable nonsense.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Charlie Sheen"s New Girlfriend Not Scared of HIV

Julia Stambler isn’t scared boyfriend Charlie Sheen has HIV … and she wants to spread the word it’s not a relationship buzzkill. Sources close to the new couple tell us … Julia and Charlie believe there are surefire ways to avoid…


Saturday, June 3, 2017

Charlie Sheen"s Jumps on Nanny Train with New Girlfriend

Charlie Sheen’s joined the craze that’s sweeping Hollywood … nannies can be super fun to date. Charlie’s followed in the footsteps of Jude Law, Ben Affleck and Stephen Belafonte … except he’s not married.   Charlie’s boo is 26-year-old…


Charlie Sheen"s Jumps on Nanny Train with New Girlfriend

Charlie Sheen’s joined the craze that’s sweeping Hollywood … nannies can be super fun to date. Charlie’s followed in the footsteps of Jude Law, Ben Affleck and Stephen Belafonte … except he’s not married.   Charlie’s boo is 26-year-old…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Charlie Sheen"s Ex-Wife Brooke Mueller -- She"s "Beating Her Kids" (POLICE AUDIO)

Cops searching for Charlie Sheen’s ex, Brooke Mueller, in Salt Lake City got a report of a white lady beating 2 kids, along with a rundown of her fashion sense. TMZ obtained audio of the police dispatcher describing Brooke at a car wash early…


Brooke Mueller -- On the Run with Charlie Sheen"s Kids

Police are searching for 2 of Charlie Sheen’s kids after his ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, wandered into a Salt Lake City bar with them Tuesday night looking disheveled. Sources close to the situation tell us Brooke’s bizarre behavior started last…


Friday, March 25, 2016

Bree Olson: Charlie Sheen"s Regrets Her Career Choice

Your heart breaks a little for Bree Olson, who"s only claim to fame is being one of Charlie Sheen"s "goddesses."

Olson spoke candidly about the shame she feels as a woman in adult entertainment in a video for Real Women, Real Stories.

"I came from the adult industry but then I transitioned into the mainstream industry but I encountered a lot of issues with my transition and people not accepting me into the mainstream world," Olson said, adding that she had wanted to do porn since she was a teenager.

"The names that people have called me, it"s as if if you could take out those names and print them and put a ribbon around my whole body of all the names and things that people say to me on the internet, that"s how I feel when I walk outside the door.

"The words are something that I didn"t expect to affect me in my everyday life, so when I go out I feel as if I"m wearing "slut" across my forehead.

"So I have really got into the point where there are days to weeks at a time where I don"t leave my house because I don"t feel like facing the world of what has been created out there for me."

A career in porn proved lucrative for Olson, but the stigma attached to it isn"t worth it, she admits.

""I gave up between $ 30,000 and $ 60,000 a month and I could just go back to porn today and still make that. "I could go back to porn and make $ 20,000 just in one week if I wanted to this week and I don"t because that"s how much I don"t want my photos on the internet."

"People treat me as if I am a pedophile," she said.  "They don"t treat me like an ex-sex worker, they treat me like I would somehow bring damage to children."

Watch the video below for more on Olson"s interview.


Bree olson charlie sheens ex says porn ruined her life

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Denise Richards & Brooke Mueller: Why Did They Stay Quiet Despite Charlie Sheen"s Abuse?

By now, you’ve probably heard that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive.

Millions were shocked by the bad boy actor’s announcement earlier this week, including several women who say they unknowingly put themselves at risk by having unprotected sex with Sheen.

Former Sheen “goddesses” Natalie Kenly and Bree Olson say they were never told that Sheen had HIV, even though they were both in long term relationships with him after he received his diagnosis.

Porn star Lisa Ann blasted Sheen as a “criminal,” claiming that he endangered dozens of sex workers by not informing them of the risk they were undertaking by sleeping with him. 

Two women who were not surprised by the announcement, however, were Sheen’s second and third wives, Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller.

According to Radar Online, Sheen “used threats and insults” to keep Richards and Mueller quiet, and it may be a testament to how badly he frightened them that they never betrayed his confidence no matter how much public abuse he heaped upon them.

Sheen’s tirades against the mothers of his children are too numerous to reprint here, but you probably remember some of the recent lowlights.

Back in June, he called Richards an “evil terrorist” and a “a heretic washed up piglet Shame pile” (whatever the hell that means).

Prior to that, Sheen was involved in an ugly custody battle with Mueller, during which he slammed her as a “chubby weirdo who will lose at every turn trying to get between me and my boys.”

Thankfully, both women and their children have tested negative for HIV, but the fact that they respected Sheen’s wish for privacy despite his frequent verbal abuse seems to be an indication of how much power the temperamental actor holds over the women in his life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Martin Sheen Hopes "This is the First Day of the Rest of Charlie Sheen"s Life as a Free Man"

Like most of us, Martin Sheen watched the Today show on Tuesday, November 17th, waiting for his son, Charlie to reveal that he was HIV-Positive.

“He had been leading up to this sort of story for several months, and we kept encouraging him to do it,” Martin Sheen told the audience Tuesday night at CME Group’s Global Financial Leadership Conference, held at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, FL.

“And he kept backing away and backing away because it was like going to his own execution, I guess.”

The elder Sheen, who has been sober since 1989, has stood by Charlie, along with his wife, Janet; they weren’t sure at first if their son was going to end up making the announcement.

“We didn’t know until he walked on the set this morning that he was going to do it,” Sheen said, according to the Naples Daily News.

“I saw him Saturday night, my wife and I went to see him, to make sure he knew we were behind him, and if he wanted me to go, I would have canceled this event. He said, no, this was his and his alone.”

Sheen got a bit choked up recalling the interview with Matt Lauer.

“I can’t speak for him of course. Sorry,” he said.  “As a father, I dare say that if I were to ask, just a general question in this room, how many of you have children or spouses or nieces, nephews, uncles, clients, who are dealing with drugs or alcohol.  I dare say that there isn’t a person in here that wouldn’t raise their hand.”

Sheen’s words made an impact on the audience as he talked about coping with and overcoming addiction, a battle Charlie has publicly struggled with.

“When someone comes to them-self, they have the moment of clarity, and they reveal their secrets — which all of us have — in public, it is a great sense of relief. It is a miraculous occasion.

“This morning, as I watched him alone, reveal his deepest, darkest secret, I couldn’t believe the level of courage I was witnessing, and that it was my son.”

“I left him a message, and I said that if I had that much courage, I would change the world,” Sheen said.

“I hope that this day is the first day of the rest of Charlie’s life as a free man.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lady Gaga: Charlie Sheen"s HIV Admission is "Brave"

A few stars have publicly praised Charlie Sheen for his bravery in admitting he’s HIV-Positive, most notably Lady Gaga.

Gaga works closely with HIV and AIDS awareness organizations;  In 2012 she launched Born This Way, a foundation “committed to supporting the wellness of young people, and empowering them to create a kinder and braver world.”

Mother Monster (or “The Countess” as she currently goes by on social media) took to Instagram this morning after watching Sheen’s Today show interview with Matt Lauer.

“#BraveCharlie @btwfoundation, an opportunity for people all over the world to learn about modern HIV prevention, treatments, and emotional intelligence as it relates to the stigma of the virus,” Gaga wrote, according to Gossip Cop.

GLAAD echoed Gaga’s sentiment this morning with a statement of support for Sheen.

“To eradicate HIV once and for all, we must first eradicate the stigma attached to it,” GLAAD CEO & President Sarah Kate Ellis said.

“Stigma prevents people from getting tested, it prevents people from getting treated, and it can contribute to increased rates of infection.

“In this new era of prevention and treatment, including methods like PrEP, the media must take this opportunity to end the stigma and shine light on the stories of more than 1.2 million Americans living full lives with HIV today.”

Sheen was diagnosed as HIV-Positive four years ago, and has been under a doctor’s care to remain as healthy as possible.

Charlie Sheen"s Doctor: He Does NOT Have AIDS

This morning on Today, Charlie Sheen and his physician, Dr. Robert Huizenga answered questions about Sheen"s health in the wake of his reveal.

“Charlie has contracted the HIV virus,” Dr. Huizenga explained, but stressing that he was more concerned about Sheen"s history of substance abuse and battle with depression, which can be exacerbated by the knowledge that he"s living with HIV.

Matt Lauer pointed out that while in this day in age no one wants to be HIV-Positive, "people live long, normal, productive lives while they carry the virus."

To dispel further rumors about Sheen, Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga for an exact diagnosis.

“Charlie does not have AIDS,” he stated, adding that the odds of Sheen spreading the virus are low as long as he is "optimally treated" and uses protection during sex.  

The treatment Sheen is on suppress the virus to the point where he is "absolutely healthy from that vantage."

Sheen, who was diagnosed four years ago, has an undetectable amount of the virus in his blood, according to his doctor.

When asked about his treatment, Sheen explained that he takes four pills a day, does not take antidepressants, but still drinks.

"Are you worried that an impaired state, that Charlie will simply lapse on taking his medication?" Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga.  "Can he be trusted to continue to take that medicine on a regular basis if he continues to drink and perhaps do drugs?"

Watch Dr. Huizenga"s response in the video.


Charlie sheens doctor he does not have aids

Monday, November 16, 2015

Charlie Sheen"s Ex-Girlfriend: I"m Not HIV-Positive

With reports that Charlie Sheen is HIV-Positive making headlines, one of his ex-girlfriends confirmed that she has a clean bill of health.

According to PeopleBree Olson, 29, did not name names, but did write on her blog that despite “speculations circling that one of” her ex-boyfriends “from years ago may have contracted the HIV virus,” Olson herself did not.

“They are rumors and I know nothing more than anyone else,” the adult film star wrote last Friday, just four days before Sheen is expected to sit down with Today‘s Matt Lauer on November 17th.

“I, myself have been to my gynecologist at least once a year since we split up and have always been tested across the board for everything and have came back clean across the board every time.”

Olson (real name: Rachel Oberlin) was one of Sheen’s live-in “goddesses” in 2011, the same year he went absolutely crackers.  

The meltdown cost Sheen his very lucrative gig on CBS’ Two & A Half Men.

Sources told TMZ that Sheen’s “medical outlook” is positive, but he’s terrified of telling fans, fearing that telling fans would ruin everything he build as an actor.

“He was teary-eyed as he told friends that he had [the disease] but he felt that a public admission would destroy him and his fans,” the source said.

To learn more about the disease, visit