Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Heather Locklear Sued for Attacking EMT and Wishing Death by AIDS on Her Kids

Heather Locklear was vicious, violent and wished death by AIDS on the children of an EMT that was placing her on a gurney during her June arrest … so says the EMT is a newly filed lawsuit. Jennifer Hayn-Hiton — a single mother of 3 — was…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Matt Bomer Praises Magic Johnson For AIDS Activism

Matt Bomer is praising Magic Johnson for his fight against HIV & AIDS, telling TMZ Sports the Hall of Fame basketball player was “incredibly brave” in taking on the disease. Today is World AIDS day and Bomer is a huge activist, so when we got…


Matt Bomer Praises Magic Johnson For AIDS Activism

Matt Bomer is praising Magic Johnson for his fight against HIV & AIDS, telling TMZ Sports the Hall of Fame basketball player was “incredibly brave” in taking on the disease. Today is World AIDS day and Bomer is a huge activist, so when we got…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Olivia Wilde Accused of Giving Son "Lip Aids"

Two days after the horrifying shooting in Las Vegas this month, Olivia Wilde was in search of a reason to smile.

Weren’t we all, right?

As a result, she shared the following photo and wrote as a caption to it: Finding hope in this.

How sweet, right?

How loving and precious and how nice of a reminder that it can be the simple things in life that matter most and to appreciate every second with your loved ones, right?

Nope, apparently not.

How gross and disgusting and inappropriate, some online critics apparently thought and said.

“Ehhhh gonna give this kid lip aids . . . That’s how kids get lip herpes. From adult lip kisses,” an actual person wrote as an actual comment on the image.

Added another:

“Kissing your kid like your husband. It’s not good for him.”

Wondered another dumb person: “Would it be still appropriate if the genders were switched? Just curious.”

Wilde, to her credit, rose above this lunacy and didn’t feel a need to clap back against the trolls.

But we’ll go ahead and do it for her:


First, how is this any of your business?

Second, of all the causes you wish to take up, a mother showing affection for her son is what you choose?

Third… Lip Aids? Really?!?

Fourth, consider the context perhaps, as Wilde said she was seeking “hope” in the face of the most deadly mass shooting in U.S. history.

Maybe focus on that as an issue to consider and debate online, as opposed to mommy-shaming a responsible parent?

Wilde accidentally sparked a silly controversy last year via these onesies for her baby, while we’ve seen other famous mother face the wrath of Internet trolls often in the past.

In December of 2016, Hilary Duff was criticized after she posted an image of herself kissing her then four-year-old son Luca at Disneyland.

You should not kiss your son like that. There’s other ways to show love but not that one. It’s confusing for him, it’s not healthy,” said one critic.

Kelly Clarkson, meanwhile, was slammed for giving her daughter Nutella.

People really need to chill the heck out and give parents of little kids a break. It isn’t easy!

Wilde is engaged to Jason Sudeikis and is the mother of little Otis and one-year Daisy. She’s fantastic.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Phil Spector"s New Prison Mug Shot Released, Now Totally Bald with Hearing Aids

Music legend Phil Spector hasn’t moved much during his 8 years in prison for 2nd degree murder — his hairline, on the other hand, has gotten the hell outta Dodge. Prison officials in Stockton, CA just released a new mug shot of 76-year-old Spector,…


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bono Thanks Mike Pence For AIDS Relief Support (PHOTO)

Bono gave kudos to Vice President Mike Pence for his supporting a cause close to the singer’s heart … AIDS relief. The Veep was in Germany Saturday talking about global threats and met up with Bono, who thanked him for supporting the President’s…


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

18 Celebrities with HIV or AIDS

Charlie Sheen came out and stunned the world in an interview with Matt Lauer, telling The Today Show host that he"s HIV positive.

By confirming this news, the actor has joined a list of famous people (from all industries) who have been diagnosed with this terrible illness.

We send our best to Sheen as we rundown the company he has now joined below…

1. Magic Johnson

Magic johnson

Magic Johnson retired from the NBA and made this shocking announcement in 1992. He has gone on to have a wildly successful career in broadcasting and in business.

2. Freddie Mercury

Freddie mercury

Freddie Mercury, the lead singer for rock band Queen, became the first major singer to pass away from AIDS. He died in 1991.

3. Arthur Ashe

Arthur ashe

Arthur Ashe tragically contracted HIV from a blood transfusion. He passed away from AIDS-related pneumonia in 1993.

4. Anthony Perkins

Anthony perkins

Anthony Perkins was best known for his lead role in Psycho. The actor was secretive about his diagnosis and he died from complications with AIDS-related pneumonia in 1992.

5. Robert Reed

Robert reed

Reed will forever be best known for playing Mike Brady on the The Brady Bunchh. He died due to colon cancer in 1992, but physicians believe that HIV also played into his death.

6. Tommy Morrison

Tommy morrison

Morrison retired from boxing in 1996 after testing positive for HIV. He also had a role in Rocky V. The boxer died from AIDS in 2013.

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Charlie Sheen"s Doctor: He Does NOT Have AIDS

This morning on Today, Charlie Sheen and his physician, Dr. Robert Huizenga answered questions about Sheen"s health in the wake of his reveal.

“Charlie has contracted the HIV virus,” Dr. Huizenga explained, but stressing that he was more concerned about Sheen"s history of substance abuse and battle with depression, which can be exacerbated by the knowledge that he"s living with HIV.

Matt Lauer pointed out that while in this day in age no one wants to be HIV-Positive, "people live long, normal, productive lives while they carry the virus."

To dispel further rumors about Sheen, Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga for an exact diagnosis.

“Charlie does not have AIDS,” he stated, adding that the odds of Sheen spreading the virus are low as long as he is "optimally treated" and uses protection during sex.  

The treatment Sheen is on suppress the virus to the point where he is "absolutely healthy from that vantage."

Sheen, who was diagnosed four years ago, has an undetectable amount of the virus in his blood, according to his doctor.

When asked about his treatment, Sheen explained that he takes four pills a day, does not take antidepressants, but still drinks.

"Are you worried that an impaired state, that Charlie will simply lapse on taking his medication?" Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga.  "Can he be trusted to continue to take that medicine on a regular basis if he continues to drink and perhaps do drugs?"

Watch Dr. Huizenga"s response in the video.


Charlie sheens doctor he does not have aids

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tinder, Gridnr Slams AIDS Org ... You"re Defaming Us!!!


0929-ahf-free-std-check-ahf-01The folks at Tinder and Grindr are attacking an AIDS org that is warning people they can get STDs by using the apps.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) posted billboards around West Hollywood, telegraphing a warning — you can get chlamydia by hooking up on Tinder and gonorrhea on Grindr.

Tinder has responded, courtesy of its lawyer who fired off a cease and desist order, obtained by TMZ. The letter says, “Tinder cannot tolerate AHF’s exploitation of these false, unsupported statements.” Tinder is demanding the billboards be removed immediately.

As for Grindr, it cut off AHF paid advertising for free STD testing from its app. 

AHF does not seem inclined to back down, citing various studies linking STDs to dating apps.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Amber Heard Cries Tears Of Joy As She And Johnny Depp Provide Hearing Aids To The Deaf In Brazil

It puts into perspective all that we take for granted!

On Thursday, Johnny Depp was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to perform with his band The Hollywood Vampires at the Rock in Rio festival.

However, the 52-year-old and his wife Amber Heard took time out of their busy schedules to spread a little love and joy.

Related: Johnny Depp Says He Owes His Career To Wes Craven!

Teaming up with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, the actor and the 29-year-old handed out hearing aids to more than 200 deaf adults and children in the area.

The experience became extremely emotional for Heard who witnessed these individuals perceiving sound for the very first time in their lives.

In the (above) photo, the Magic Mike XXL star cried tears of joy with recipient Daniele Lopes.

What’s even more miraculous is that some of the men and woman were then taken to Depp’s show later that night and got to listen to music!

Again, for the first time ever!

We are completely touched by Johnny and Amber’s charitable efforts, and we hope the donees are experiencing all the wonders that sound can bring!

[Image via AP Images.]