Tuesday, November 17, 2015

18 Celebrities with HIV or AIDS

Charlie Sheen came out and stunned the world in an interview with Matt Lauer, telling The Today Show host that he"s HIV positive.

By confirming this news, the actor has joined a list of famous people (from all industries) who have been diagnosed with this terrible illness.

We send our best to Sheen as we rundown the company he has now joined below…

1. Magic Johnson

Magic johnson

Magic Johnson retired from the NBA and made this shocking announcement in 1992. He has gone on to have a wildly successful career in broadcasting and in business.

2. Freddie Mercury

Freddie mercury

Freddie Mercury, the lead singer for rock band Queen, became the first major singer to pass away from AIDS. He died in 1991.

3. Arthur Ashe

Arthur ashe

Arthur Ashe tragically contracted HIV from a blood transfusion. He passed away from AIDS-related pneumonia in 1993.

4. Anthony Perkins

Anthony perkins

Anthony Perkins was best known for his lead role in Psycho. The actor was secretive about his diagnosis and he died from complications with AIDS-related pneumonia in 1992.

5. Robert Reed

Robert reed

Reed will forever be best known for playing Mike Brady on the The Brady Bunchh. He died due to colon cancer in 1992, but physicians believe that HIV also played into his death.

6. Tommy Morrison

Tommy morrison

Morrison retired from boxing in 1996 after testing positive for HIV. He also had a role in Rocky V. The boxer died from AIDS in 2013.

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