Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen"s Doctor: He Does NOT Have AIDS

This morning on Today, Charlie Sheen and his physician, Dr. Robert Huizenga answered questions about Sheen"s health in the wake of his reveal.

“Charlie has contracted the HIV virus,” Dr. Huizenga explained, but stressing that he was more concerned about Sheen"s history of substance abuse and battle with depression, which can be exacerbated by the knowledge that he"s living with HIV.

Matt Lauer pointed out that while in this day in age no one wants to be HIV-Positive, "people live long, normal, productive lives while they carry the virus."

To dispel further rumors about Sheen, Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga for an exact diagnosis.

“Charlie does not have AIDS,” he stated, adding that the odds of Sheen spreading the virus are low as long as he is "optimally treated" and uses protection during sex.  

The treatment Sheen is on suppress the virus to the point where he is "absolutely healthy from that vantage."

Sheen, who was diagnosed four years ago, has an undetectable amount of the virus in his blood, according to his doctor.

When asked about his treatment, Sheen explained that he takes four pills a day, does not take antidepressants, but still drinks.

"Are you worried that an impaired state, that Charlie will simply lapse on taking his medication?" Lauer asked Dr. Huizenga.  "Can he be trusted to continue to take that medicine on a regular basis if he continues to drink and perhaps do drugs?"

Watch Dr. Huizenga"s response in the video.


Charlie sheens doctor he does not have aids