Showing posts with label Tinder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tinder. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

Briana DeJesus: I"m On Tinder! No More Javi Marroquin!

For one brief moment, Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin were happily dating. They were the Teen Mom 2 power couple that almost no one saw coming.

But that relationship fizzled out. And Briana is putting herself back out there.

Like countless others, she"s using Tinder to look for her next great romantic adventure.

In fact, she already has her eye on a certain someone, and is sharing her thirst with her followers.

And the two of them have even matched. 

Take a look as this Teen Mom 2 star embarks on her next quest for love.

1. Briana DeJesus is a total catch

Briana dejesus post surgery

She’s a reality star, a dedicated mother, and she’s gorgeous.

2. So … what is her dating life like these days?

Briana dejesus selfie

Let’s take a look.

3. Recently, she was infamously entangled with Javi Marroquin

Briana and javi make it official

Javi, of course, is the ex of Briana’s co-star, Kailyn Lowry. Fans were wary of Javi’s romantic motives.

4. But these two have split

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

The Javiana chapter of Briana’s life is over, and she’s made that very clear.

5. Now, Briana is once again single

Briana dejesus photograph

… And ready to mingle.

6. Briana shared her new romantic adventures with fans

Briana dejesus tinder tweet 01

Plenty of wonderful lasting relationships (and fun ones that don’t last) have started on dating apps like Tinder. And Briana’s already matched with a police officer.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tinder Denies Banning Transgender Users

Tinder says it doesn’t ban anyone from its dating service based on gender identity — as a transgender woman is claiming in a lawsuit.  A spokesperson for the dating app tells TMZ … the company can’t comment on pending litigation, but…


Tinder Denies Banning Transgender Users

Tinder says it doesn’t ban anyone from its dating service based on gender identity — as a transgender woman is claiming in a lawsuit.  A spokesperson for the dating app tells TMZ … the company can’t comment on pending litigation, but…


Tinder Sued By Transgender Woman for Refusing Service to Transgender People

A transgender woman is suing Tinder on behalf of other transgender people living in the Portland area, claiming it rejects all transgender people from the dating service. Ariel Hawkins claims in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, a few days ago she…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Missouri State Student Emails Every "Claudia" on Campus to Correct Tinder Mistake

A Missouri State student named Hayden accidentally swiped left on a beautiful female student named Claudia’s Tinder profile, and responded by sending an email to every single Claudia with a plea to let him undo his mistake.

Is this adorable? Creepy? Both? You’ll have to read and decide for yourself.

And, of course, then there’s the intended Claudia’s response.

“Hello all Claudias of Missouri State,” his email begins.

We don’t know how many Claudias that includes. It’s a great name with a great history, but kind of rare.

Even rare names can crop up a lot when you’re talking about a student body population of about 26,000 students.

“First off, my name is Hayden, and I made a rookie mistake on Tinder. I accidentally swiped left on Claudia’s profile (left is bad), and I really wanted to swipe right.”

Oh gosh.

“If Tinder provided last names, this would be much easier, but it doesn’t, so I have to describe the profile to you.”

This is taking those old “missed connection” stories and adding another layer. Color us intrigued.

“The age next to her name was 20, but in her bio it said she was actually 18 and didn’t know how to change it.”

It sounds like they have similar proficiencies in using Tinder. Kind of a promising start to their relationship?

“The pictures she provided had some with her friends and her mom in them. In her bio she said some of her friends were single and if anyone liked them better that’s fine but they couldn’t have her mom (had me deat btw).”

Yeah that’s genuinely funny.

“So, like I said, I meant to swipe right but that didn’t happen.”

That can happen to anyone if they’re just flipping through profiles and make the motion one time too many by mistake, but maybe he’s 

“My instagram is Hayden.Moll if you want to look me up.”

He has almost no photos on there. It’s hard to tell if he sanitized his profile just for the occasion or if he just needs to get better friends if he wants an Instagram profile that’s going to grab a thirsty fellow student’s attention.

“I’m just asking, if this is your profile that I described, please message me back with ‘right’ or ‘left’ just so I know if you’re interested or not.”

Like a do-it-yourself Tinder. Amazing.

But what is he hoping to get out of all of this?

“If you choose ‘right’ we could totally get some doughnuts or something but if you choose ‘left’ that’s cool too. No worries!”

That’s a polite thing to say. In part for politeness but also because, well, sometimes when men feel rejected they respond with murder. Hayden was good to include that reassurance.

 “If it’s none of you Claudias and you know even more Claudias, spread the word please. It would be much appreciated!”

Well, the young woman in question did reveal herself. Her name is Claudia Alley.

Public responses have ranged from comments admiring the story to finding humor in it to others disparaging them or the entire idea of meeting someone through an app.

“He was smitten..”

“He was desperate to meet her because he could just sense she has a great personality.”

“She just wants to know who does his eyebrows.”

“Um, stalking?”

“That twink is out of his league.”

“I feel sorry for people out there that cyber stalk someone before and rely on screens during courtship.”

“No dear, not creepy at all.”

What matters, though, is what Claudia thinks of all of this.

Apparently, she’s not only entertained by the story going viral — she’s also amused enough by his endearing email that she’s agreed to go out to get doughnuts with him.

A lot of the time, viral relationships like this fall apart. You know what else falls apart? Non-viral relationships. Not everybody clicks.

That doesn’t mean that we need to start singing a funeral dirge for this “relationship.” They’re literally just going out for doughnuts.

We would point out though that Hayden seems to be pretty tall and Claudia is either exclusively friends with Amazonians or is extremely short. Sometimes height differences are the secret ingredient that make relationships click and stick.

We hope that they’re both better at a doughnut date than they are at using Tinder.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

22 Tinder Users Who Just Won the Internet


An online dating service, this platform is typically where folks go to meet a potential significant other.

But sometimes conversations go awry and we"re left with exchanges such as the ones below, where the parties involved don"t end up agreeing to date…

… but we end up laughing over their back-and-forth.

1. None of Your Business!

None of your business

Not you know how I feel.

2. Should I Chance It?

Should i chance it

Got 50/50 odds, right?

3. So Offensive!

So offensive

Accurate. But still sort of offensive.

4. Keep Asking Questions!

Keep asking questions

We want to see how long he can do this for.

5. Marry This Person

Marry this person

Who cares if you haven’t even met?!?

6. This Escalated Quickly

This escalated quickly

And not in a good way.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Tinder User Creates Unique Profile, Is Our New Internet Crush

The last time we wrote about someone using a PowerPoint presentation to impress a member of the opposite sex, it didn"t work out very well.

But a 19-year old Canadian named Krista is hoping the second time is a charm.

As you"re about find out, she has scoffed at the notion of creating a simple Tinder profile with just her name and a few basic facts.

She has opted instead for the following – and we really hope it leads to some serious right-swiping for all who come across her impressively-detailed effort.

Talk about a catch!

1. Yes, This is a PowerPoint

Yes this is a powerpoint

As Krista says… enjoy!

2. A Dwight Schrute Reference!

A dwight schrute reference

She just proved she’s a keeper.

3. Here Are My Interests

Here are my interests

Between eating avocados and laughing at Trump, we’re not sure how she has time for anything else.

4. I’m Not Perfect

Im not perfect

I’ll be honest: my beer pong game could use some work. But I’m moderately attractive!

5. I Love Dogs!

I love dogs

Not saying I have one, but I still love hanging out with these animals.

6. But Don’t Take My Word For It!

But dont take my word for it

Look at what these other reliable sources have to say.

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Malamute Goes on Tinder, Becomes Most Sought After Dater EVER

Not everyone has success on Tinder.

It really can be a hit-or-miss platform, considering the subjectivity involved in members of the opposite sex simply looking at one"s picture and choosing on the spot to swipe left or right.

But this isn"t the case for Phil.

Phil is outright OWNING Tinder at the moment, earning positive responses from nearly everyone who comes across his profile.

What"s his secret? Well… Phil is an Alaskan Malamute.

His owner made Phil an actual Tinder profile and the replies have gone viral – because they"re hilarious!

That"s what happens when you"re the one online dater who can get away with asking to lick someone on a first date.

Scroll around below to get an idea of what Phil"s life is like on Tinder:

1. First, This is Phil:

First this is phil

Who would NOT want to go home with him, right?!?

2. This is A Lot of Negotiating

This is a lot of negotiating

But the two sides arrive at an amicable resolution.

3. Illegal?!?


What, are they gonna put me in doggy jail?

4. Dog WALKER?

Dog walker

Lady, walking isn’t the action I’m looking for here.

5. You Know When People Ask "Who’s a Good Boy?"

You know when people ask whos a good boy

The answer is me.

6. A Little Tit for Tat, Please?

A little tit for tat please

Or belly rubs for commands, I should say?

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Friday, September 8, 2017

This Tinder Date Clogged His Toilet and Got Stuck in His Window

Think you"ve been on a terrible first date?

Think these are examples of some terrible first dates?

HA! Think again.

An Internet user named Liam Smyth has shared the following first date story on social media and we promise you"ve never heard anything quite like it.

After scrolling through each detail below, you"ll pray you never experience anything quite like it, either…

1. They Swiped Right!

They swiped right

Liam says he met his unnamed date on Tinder, which is a perfectly fair, reasonable and normal way to meet someone these days.

2. A Promising Start

A promising start

And a promising middle part, too: “After our meal, we repaired back to my house for a bottle of wine and a scientology documentary,” Liam writes on his GoFundMe page. (Why did he create this GoFundMe page? Keep reading to find out!)

3. An Hour Into the Netflix and Chilling…

An hour into the netflix and chilling

… Liam’s date got up to use the bathroom, returned and confessed: she popped in his toilet and clogged up the drain.

4. Panic Ensues

Panic ensues

We’ll let Liam explain what his date said/did next: “I reached into the toilet bowl, wrapped it in tissue paper, and threw it out of the window.”

5. WAIT!


It gets worse: This woman’s didn’t make it out the window all the way; instead, it fell inside the wide gap between the window’s two panes and got stuck there.

6. The Date Has an Idea!

The date has an idea

She says she was once a gymnast and can slide between the windows and hurl the poop down to the street. And she actually succeeds! But then gets stuck herself between the panes, as you can see in this photo.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ryan Edwards" Tinder Girl to Mackenzie Standifer: Blame Your Husband (P.S. He"s Old & Not Cute)!

Ryan Edwards’ Tinder match and his wife Mackenzie are getting into it following the alleged sexy pics and images he was busted sending.

It’s getting uglier by the minute, from the looks of it.

If you missed it, the troubled Teen Mom OG cast member was caught using Tinder and sending lewd pics and texts to at least one girl.

Edwards married Mackenzie Standifer just a few months ago, as seen (awkwardly, and painfully) on the season finale of the MTV hit.

After a show of Instagram solidarity – flaunting her rings, and changing her name to Edwards – Mackenzie came at the Tinder girl hard.

“I want you to stop,” Standifer told the other woman, adding that she’s ready to “deal with this the hard way” if she doesn’t comply.

It’s not clear what Mackenzie means, but it’s safe to assume thanks to Radar’s newly-revealed text messages that the woman is unmoved.

“I’m not sure why you’re mad at me when it’s your husband’s fault,” she texted, to which Mackenzie replied, “You’re just as much at fault.”

The Tinder girl then played the classic mistress card, implying that Mackenzie must have somehow “made” Ryan join the dating app.

Why would he do so if he were happy with Standifer, right?

Mackenzie was having none of that victim blaming, firing back that it’s “your fault you continue to message a man you know is married.”

The girl then replied that it’s not like they banged … or she wanted to: “I’m 19, why the f–k would I want to sleep with a 29-year-old?”

Standifer herself is only 20, so that one had to hurt.

“Same reason every other slut does,” she said.

Ouch. But “If I want sex I’d choose someone a little closer to my age and someone who’s actually cute,” the Tinder match said in response.

While decidedly unapologetic, the unnamed young woman did note that she means no harm: “Don’t know why you’re trying to blame me.”

“You deserve better than Ryan.” 

Not inclined to grab onto that olive branch apparently, Standifer ended this with “What’s it gonna cost for you to shut your down mouth?” 

To be clear, Edwards went way beyond the plausible (albeit still shady) use of Tinder for mindless swiping and texting out of boredom.

He sent her a shot of his penis, encouraging her to “send me a sexy one,” in return. Lest she wonder what he meant by that, he added:

“Let me see how pink it is.”

“Me me hard. Come on.”

He then asked for a video of “u playing with your self,” and when she refuses, he says “Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face.”

“So I can get u good and wet.”

Kind of horrifying … and worse yet, when she refused to meet him in person, he tried another day, when Mackenzie is “out of town.”

Pretty much as blatant an attempt to get some on the side using Tinder as you can get – and Mackenzie isn’t the only one who’s worried.

Ryan’s ex-girlfriend, Teen Mom: OG star Maci Bookout, has been following this drama, and she’s as concerned about it as she is unsurprised.

Considering that this comes on the heels of Ryan’s recent battles with addiction, Maci understandably worries about his current state.

Maci wasn’t surprised at all about the allegations that Ryan was sexting some chick on Tinder,” a source close to Bookout said.

“She can’t help thinking, a leopard never changes its spots. Once a cheater always a cheater. What really worries her though is his sobriety.”

“Maci has had reservations about Ryan being able to stay sober … this [scandal] just reinforces her belief that he’s not to be trusted.”

As for potential backlash from Edwards and Standifer?

“Maci couldn’t care less about Mackenzie and her feelings,” the source said. “She’s is super worried about Ryan being around their son.”

Given that tensions between them are already high, something tells us this is all going to get a lot worse before it gets better …


Maci Bookout Reacts to Ryan Edwards Tinder Scandal: He Can"t Be Trusted!

Ryan Edwards was recently busted hitting on women on Tinder, and Maci Bookout believes this reinforces how untrustworthy he is.

The Teen Mom: OG stars share one son, Bentley, who Maci says is her only concern regarding Ryan’s alleged cheating on wife Mackenzie.

Reports of Edwards sexting on Tinder surfaced last week, as the reality star was apparently caught sending lewd messages and images.

This scandal involving the troubled MTV star comes just a few short months after his bizarre parking lot wedding to Mackenzie Standifer.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you remember the rushed, controversial nuptials on the most bizarre season finale in show history.

You also know the deluge of questions this raised:

Why was he high at the time? Why was she allowing him to drive in such a state, and shutting off the dash cam en route to the ceremony?

More significantly, why were the two hastily marrying in such fashion, without his own son (or anyone but his parents) present for it?

In any event, the way that played out made a lot of people skeptical about the couple’s future prospects … and then came last week.

A Tennessee woman claimed that Ryan sent her suggestive messages and pics on the app, talking about getting him hard and the like.

Ryan asked if she was “DTF,” she said that she was, depending on who was asking, and they began arranging a time and place to “chill.”

It’s not clear if said in-person meetup actually happened.

We’re guessing not, because she said “I want to see more of you” first, and he later admitted who he was and that he is in fact married.

Just looking to have some fun, he said. And show off his d–k, evidently. Not something a wife wants to find out about her new spouse.

She stood by him, though, flaunting her engagement and wedding rings (below) and changing her Instagram name to Mackenzie Edwards.

Still, she was clearly very rattled by what happened.

Privately, Mackenzie confronted the Tinder girl and begged her to stop. The unnamed woman appeared unapologetic and blamed Ryan.

This response prompted Standifer to threaten to deal with her “the hard way,” though it’s unclear what that specifically entails.

As for Maci’s response – especially in light of Ryan’s recent issues with addiction and the custody disputes that caused in the last year?

Let’s just say she wasn’t shocked, which says a lot.

“Maci wasn’t surprised at all about the allegations that Ryan was sexting some chick on Tinder,” a source close to Bookout revealed.

Implying he’s been unfaithful before, she “can’t help thinking … a leopard never changes its spots, and once a cheater always a cheater.”

“What really worries her though is his sobriety.”

“Maci has had reservations about Ryan being able to stay sober, and this latest scandal just reinforces her belief that he’s not to be trusted.”

As for potential backlash from Standifer, Edwards’ young wife whom Bookout has clashed with before, Maci is nonplussed.

“Maci couldn’t care less about Mackenzie and her feelings. She’s is super worried about Ryan being around their son right now.”

Ouch. Obviously, this is an ugly situation.

Just because Ryan allegedly tried to cheat on Mackenzie doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not sober, though one can’t help but wonder.

It’s safe to assume that a man who just got married, yet is asking Tinder girls to “show me how pink it is” is not in a good place mentally.

The danger is that Bookout is caught in a tough situation, wanting to protect her son above all else, but not rankle Ryan and his wife.

Maci questioning Ryan’s sobriety or ability to parent Bentley is not something that’s gone over well in the past, to say the absolute least.

A separate source said that the two are sick of Maci’s “drama,” just want her to “move on” and not be totally “obsessed with him relapsing.”

That would be fair, but Edwards’ behavior isn’t giving him much of a leg to stand on, as you have to think he’s a little unstable right now.

Meanwhile, two more women have come forward with claims that he contacted them on the dating app, Radar Online is reporting today.

This isn’t altogether stunner, as Tinder matches can be stockpiled rather easily (if you’re swiping at all, you’re likely doing it a lot).

More shockers could be coming, however.

If these new claims are confirmed and more raunchy messages are revealed, it won’t exactly help his marriage … or custody arguments.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer to Ryan Edwards" Tinder Girl: I Want You to STOP!

Ryan Edwards’ wife Mackenzie is standing by her man in the face of his recent Tinder scandal – and going after his match(es) as well.

One day after Mackenzie Standifer’s reaction to rumors of Ryan cheating on her, we can confirm that she confronted the “other woman.”

Last week, the troubled Teen Mom: OG star was busted reaching out to at least one girl via the dating app, and in graphic fashion to boot.

Not only was Ryan Edwards on Tinder, but asking the girl if she’s down to f–k … and sending her d–k pics after the convo moved to text.

It would be one thing if Ryan simply had a Tinder account and swiped here and there, but sending nude pics and sexts is another matter.

Yeah. The plausible (if unlikely) explanation that he’s just on there to make friends or for harmless fun kind of went out the window there.

Ryan married Mackenzie Standifer in a bizarre parking lot wedding this spring, and it looks like their union may have sadly peaked then.

While Standifer made a grand public display of loyalty to Edwards with the photo below (and subsequent caption), she’s clearly upset.

Thanks to a text message exchange obtained by Radar, we know that Standifer reached out to the girl her husband hit up over Tinder.

“Why did you call me?” the other woman asked her.

Mackenzie told her to, “Please stop playing dumb.”

“I know everything,” Standifer, whose relationship with Edwards has been heavily scrutinized from the start, added (see below).

That may well be the case, but as the girl said next, “I’m not playing dumb, just wondering what you want from me if you know everything.”

Mackenzie then put it bluntly, “I want you to stop.”

When the Tinder fling, whose photos have not been released, asked what she would like her to “stop,” Standifer threatened her:

“Guess we will have to do this the hard way.”

It’s not clear what Mackenzie means by doing this the hard way, but the Tinder girl he swiped right on made the same point once again.

“I’m seriously not doing anything,” she said.

“Your husband is the one on Tinder.”

The number linked to the above text messages does belong to Standifer, who did not respond to Radar’s request for comment about it.

Edwards began talking to the girl on August 12, and while she claims to have done nothing wrong, she obviously knew who he was.

“Why are you on Tinder? I thought you were married,” she asked, and he didn’t deny it, telling her, “I am… I still like to have a little fun.”

She also asked him, “Are you going to f–k me?”

Ryan said he was down, telling her to “Come on then” and sending a selfie along with a penis photo, because guys think girls like those.

“Send me a picture,” he said in response, and lest you think he meant a LinkedIn head shot, clarified, “A sexy one. Let me see how pink it is.”

“Make me hard. Come on. Sent me a video… U playing with yourself… Come over I told you I’ll let u sit on my face so I could get u good and wet.” 

He then sent a second photo of his penis.

Edwards, who fathered Teen Mom: OG mainstay Maci Bookout’s eldest son Bentley, has raised concerns about his mental state before.

This behavior will only intensify that.

Edwards and Standifer tied the knot May 15, after he infamously drove high to their wedding, falling asleep at the wheel and slurring his words.

He entered rehab afterward.

Initially, when confronted about these Tinder antics, Edwards responded, “I’m married. Get [the] f–k out of here with that dumb s–t.”

Apparently, Mac was buying it or putting on a good front, sharing the above photo of herself with her wedding and engagement rings.

In her caption, she shared a quote that said the following. “She’s bad ass with a good heart. Soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest.”

“She’s the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you m a r r y.” (The emphasizing spaces between the letters are hers.)

She also changed her Instagram handle to Mackenzie Edwards, having been Mackenzie Standifer up until this very incident.

Time will tell how long it takes her to change it back, or whether we’ll see this unfold when we watch Teen Mom OG online.

Here’s hoping.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

19 Tinder Profiles That"ll Make You Swipe Left. HARD.

It"s the only question that matters when surfing around Tinder?


Based on the profile of a potential mate, users must decide whether they approve of their fellow user by swiping right… or disapprove by swiping left, hoping never to come across this latter type of individual again.

We"ve collected a bunch of Tinder profiles below, all of which actually exist and all of which people uploaded in the hopes of winning members of the opposite sex over.

But we somehow doubt these will work…

1. Oh, Jesus

Oh jesus

Any time you asked him to “nail” down a date, he’d probably get scared and run away.

2. This is Funny

This is funny

But also potentially dangerous. Run, fellas. RUN!

3. This is Not Funny

This is not funny

Just scary.

4. This is Very Specific

This is very specific

Maybe a little too specific?

5. Just Think of Miss Piggy’s Reaction

Just think of miss piggys reaction

She’ll be PISSED.

6. Comedy? Yes.

Comedy yes

Dressing up like a viking? No.

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Tinder Couple: After Three Years, Watch Them Meet for the First Time!

Remember Josh and Michelle, the Tinder couple who kept a joke running for three years without meeting? After screenshots of their exchanges went viral, Tinder offered to send them on a dream date.

But while they haven"t gone on that date to Maui yet, the world gets to watch them meet for the very first time on video, which you can see below.

Honestly? Josh and Michelle have to feel a little overwhelmed, but they are so cute and compatible and their chemistry is palpable.

So, a quick refresher:

Michelle and Josh attended the same university and matched on Tinder a few years ago.

Josh messaged Michelle, and she didn"t respond for ages, finally apologizing as if her reply had come a few hours late instead of taking much, much longer.

Josh replied a couple of months later, as if he, too, had only had a momentary delay.

And so it began — they"d check in every few weeks or months with another joking excuse for why they"d taken so long.

Their senses of humor seemed to really match up.

(The video will walk you through it)

They managed to keep this going for three years before Josh finally posted screenshots of their exchanges to Twitter.

The tweet went viral and the story took off.

We wrote about it.

And then Tinder took notice and, delighted at the free publicity and seeing an opportunity, offered them a dream date to anywhere that they wanted.

It"s a pretty good sign that they could agree on Maui — there are married couples who can"t agree on where to go on just a regular date.

Now, this video is going to be a little awkward in a couple of places, for one simple reason:

Josh and Michelle are not reality stars.

They"re not actors.

They"re not celebrities.

We"re not used to seeing people spend this much time being interviewed like this unless they have some experience with it or always aspired to show up on camera.

A lot of that awkwardness melts away when they see each other, though.

Then they just seem more excited.

It"s almost enough to make you believe in love at first sight.


Are you ever in the position where you love ways in which society has changed and evolved and you love technology but you step back and acknowledge that certain situations are super weird?

This is one of those.

Like, love is beautiful and Tinder is an amazing tool.

But also this feels like the premise for an episode of Black Mirror.

(And not a really good episode, like "San Junipero")

So, in the video below, you"ll see Josh and Michelle looking super nervous but excited.

(Josh, bless him, has a lot of restless energy and keeps moving around on his stool and licking his lips — we all have nervous habits)

They get asked some questions and they seem super compatible, giving similar answers if not the same ones even before they"ve laid eyes on each other.

And once they do meet, some of that nervousness goes away.

They both seem excited.

They keep exchanging glances, they keep half-moving to hug after their first hug.

Josh and Michelle really seem to have chemistry on camera together.

Also, Josh is at least a foot taller than Michelle. Bless.

Hopefully, they"ll have plenty of chemistry one-on-one, too.

Obviously, we have no idea where this relationship is headed.

In many ways, the whole thing is a lark.

But they did match on Tinder, and they"re both super attractive and their interests mesh really well.

Also, Josh mentions that his brother met his fiancee on Tinder.

So Tinder matches are no joke.

And these two are adorable.

Tinder couple after three years watch them meet for the first ti

Monday, July 17, 2017

Tinder Couple Who Kept a Running Joke Going for Three Years Will Finally Meet on a Dream Date!

Tinder isn"t just an app for hooking up (or finding a genuine romance, if you"re into that); people can and do make lasting friendships without ever meeting.

But this is the story of a couple of attractive young people, Josh Avsec and Michelle Arendas, whose running joke of delayed replies to each other via Tinder ended up going viral on Twitter in a big way.

You know how sometimes you"ll miss a message and reply to it a little late? Well, after one missed connection, Michelle and Josh started replying to each other, taking weeks or even months between replies in the messages that you"ll see below.

Each time, they"d make an endearing fake excuse — the sort that would explain a delay of a few hours or a day, not of a few months.

A sense of humor is a great relationship builder.

After Josh posted screencaps, the internet collectively delighted in their messages, and folks started retweeting them. That"s when the story started to blow up.

In fact, so many people passed around screencaps of their exchanges around that Tinder took notice, and opted to send the couple on a dream date — wherever they wanted. So now they"re planning a date in Hawaii.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Josh and Michelle were tweeting about sportsball and regular stuff. They had no idea that their story would have people rooting for them from all over the world.

So, you know, no pressure. …

1. This Is Josh

This is josh

He’s a good-looking guy, trying his luck on Tinder.

2. This is Michelle

This is michelle

She’s as lovely as her sense of humor.

3. These two matched on Tinder three years ago

These two matched on tinder three years ago

A Tinder match doesn’t tell you everything, but it’s a start.

4. It started with "Hey Michelle" and one very delayed reply

It started with hey michelle and one very delayed reply

We’re guessing that she saw the message later and thought that it was new.

5. Then they started running with the joke

Then they started running with the joke

It’s really heartwarming to see how the two started playing off of each other with this joke.

6. The joke became more elaborate over time

The joke became more elaborate over time

They’re such goofballs.

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