Showing posts with label REFUSING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REFUSING. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2018

Farrah Abraham Refusing to Fight in Celeb Boxing Match Due to Promoter

Farrah Abraham will not step into the ring for the celebrity boxing match she’s been talking up for months, and her camp says it’s because the promoter screwed her … on the deal, that is. The ex-‘Teen Mom’ star was supposed to go toe-to-toe with…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Refusing Rehab, "In Denial" About Heroin Addiction

Earlier this week, Ryan Edwards was released from jail after being arrested for yet another probation violation.

Ever since Edwards was arrested for heroin possession last year, he"s been stuck in a seemingly endless downward spiral of legal troubles and other misfortunes.

But remarkably, Ryan apparently doesn"t see things that way.

In fact, sources close to the situation say the troubled Teen Mom OG star is totally in denial about his addiction.

Jump into the gallery below to see what Edwards has to say about his growing problem.



1. Free At Last

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Edwards was released from jail this week after being arrested for the third time in less than two years.

2. A Lucky Break

Ryan edwards mug shot new

He was originally supposed to remain in police custody until his August 6 court date but was unexpectedly permitted to go free on Tuesday morning.

3. What Now?

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

Edwards keeps discovering new rock bottoms, and insiders say his family fears for his life.

4. They Tried to Make Him Go to Rehab…

Ryan edwards a photo

Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, have reportedly done everything in their power to convince him to seek treatment.

5. He Said No, No, No

Ryan edwards is mad

Unfortunately, Edwards has been resistant to the idea and is reportedly in complete denial about the severity of his addiction.

6. No Plans

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

“There are no plans for him to go to rehab,” a source tells Us Weekly. Not surprisingly, those closest to Edwards are deeply concerned about his stubbornness…

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Refusing to Film for Teen Mom 2!

Jenelle Evans is … well, she"s not the brightest, let"s just say it.

And that"s OK, it really is, it"s just that when we say that Jenelle isn"t the brightest, it means that she makes seriously dumb decisions that affect her future and her family"s future.

Usually negatively.

We say this because Jenelle"s latest dumb decision could get her fired from Teen Mom 2 at long last.

And honestly, who else would have her?

1. Well, Jenelllllle ….

Well jenelllllle

Jenelle … well, things aren’t going too great for her right now in many areas of her life.

2. Unfortunate

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

A lot of people are creeped out by her marriage to David Eason — many people think he’s controlling and possibly even abusive, to her and/or the children. They think this because of David’s previous arrests for domestic violence, the way she seems so submissive lately, and all that scary gun stuff. Also for many more reasons, but that’s another topic for another day.

3. Run, Jenelle, Run

Jenelle eason david eason

Even if David isn’t abusive at all to anyone in the family, it’s clear that he’s a bad influence. Before him, Jenelle never even talked about guns, but now she’s allegedly chasing down strangers in fits of road rage and pulling guns on them.

4. Jesus God, David

Jenelle evans david eason st thomas

The unsettling way she’s sort of morphed into David hasn’t done her any favors, and for several months now there have been rumors that she could be fired from Teen Mom 2, thanks to her new gun-loving, bigoted ways.

5. Bad Business Move

Jenelle evans is thick

Which would be really very bad for her, because come on, what other career could she possibly have at this point?

6. Get It Together, Girl

Jenelle evans lounges

You’d think that at this point, after David got fired for his nasty homophobic rant, that Jenelle would be doing her best to cooperate with MTV and secure her own job.

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Rapper Kamaiyah Arrested For Refusing to Take Off Headgear at Airport

Rapper Kamaiyah was arrested Friday after she defied TSA agents who demanded she take off her headgear. Kamaiyah was traveling out of Bradley International Airport in Connecticut early Friday morning, and set off an alarm when she went through the…


Rapper Kamaiyah Arrested For Refusing to Take Off Headgear at Airport

Rapper Kamaiyah was arrested Friday after she defied TSA agents who demanded she take off her headgear. Kamaiyah was traveling out of Bradley International Airport in Connecticut early Friday morning, and set off an alarm when she went through the…


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Adrien Broner Slams Tekashi69 Refusing to Accept Draw Against Vargas

Adrien Broner wouldn’t let the judges in his boxing match against Jessie Vargas declare a draw without giving them a piece of his mind … and not without bashing Tekashi69 either. Adrien’s fight against Vargars Saturday night was announced as a…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tinder Sued By Transgender Woman for Refusing Service to Transgender People

A transgender woman is suing Tinder on behalf of other transgender people living in the Portland area, claiming it rejects all transgender people from the dating service. Ariel Hawkins claims in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, a few days ago she…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Refusing to See Kim Kardashian"s New Baby?!

Kylie Jenner … well, she’s going through a lot right now, bless her heart.

Just think: she’s only 20 years old, she’s outrageously rich and famous, and she’s expecting her first child.

She’s always said that she wanted to be a mother, but she is starting a bit young, right?

She could have had years of living it up in luxury, doing all kinds of dumb stuff, but instead she got pregnant at 19 — remember, her birthday was in August, and at that point she was already pregnant.

To add another weird layer on top of all of this, it’s not even like she’s having a baby with a guy she’s in a stable relationship with.

Nope, instead she’s got Travis Scott, a guy she’d been dating for a couple of months (at most) when he impregnated her — and a guy who doesn’t seem all that psyched to become a dad.

It’s a lot, right?

And so it sort of makes sense why she’s hidden herself away for all these months.

She’s reportedly not into the way her body looks right now, and she doesn’t want anyone to see or photograph her in this state. She’s also certainly aware of what a ruckus a Kylie sighting would be right now.

We really don’t blame her for wanting to stay away from paparazzi at the moment, because let’s be real, it could be a legitimate health hazard.

But according to a new report from Radar Online, Kylie is apparently so intent on not being seen that she’s refusing to see Kim Kardashian’s brand new baby.

The nerve!

“Kylie has no plans to see the baby,” a source claims.

“She’s really tired of having to stay inside all the time, but she cannot bare to go out into the world and have photos taken of her looking like this.”

Kylie. Kylie, honey. No.

We get that she’s self conscious and all that, but where’s the line?

She does realize that whatever weight she’s gained is totally normal, right? And that it won’t magically fall off the second she delivers the baby?

Her sisters have always gotten back into shape astonishingly quickly after having their children, so we can’t imagine Kylie will be any different.

Why wouldn’t she want to get all the fawning that comes with pregnancy, as well as the awe that comes with that stupid quick snapback?

Also, like … she has a new niece? Is her image really more important than her family?

Right now, it seems like it.

The source says that Kylie is “thankful that Kim’s baby took the attention off of her for a second.”

Not thankful that the baby is healthy and that Kim is very happy to have a third child? Got it.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic of Kylie’s remarkable hiding skills, you know that photo that’s been floating around of a pregnant woman at a CVS in L.A.? The one everyone thinks is of Kylie?

Yeah, it’s not.

TMZ confirms that the woman is actually just someone who kind of looks a little bit like Kylie, and that the girl herself “almost never leaves her house.”

Kylie, baby … are you gonna be OK?


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Matt Lauer: Wife Annette Roque REFUSING to Divorce Him?!

So, Matt Lauer has been fired for sexual misconduct and is now at the center of a scandal after countless stories of sexual harassment and other creepy, unacceptable behavior emerged about him.

Even so, he"s apparently trying to keep his life from falling apart. Specifically, as you"ll see in the video below, Lauer is trying to keep his marriage together.

That could be challenging, especially since his wife fled the country when news broke of his many misdeeds.

Matt lauer wife annette roque

For decades, Matt Lauer masqueraded as a pillar of the broadcasting community.

In many ways, viewers perceived him as something like "America"s Dad." He was awkward, but in a way that many people found to be endearing.

Endearing enough that most viewers were apparently happy to overlook his creepier moments — like his infamously bad interview with Ann Hathaway.

All of that changed when the news broke of Matt Lauer"s firing.

Though he was fired for the harassment of one employee, NBC admitted that they had reason to believe that it was not isolated.

And now that we"ve heard details about Matt Lauer"s sex toy "gifts" and pants-dropping and worse, it looks like they were right about that.

Matt lauer looks dour

We heard about how Matt Lauer allegedly leveraged his position within NBC to pressure women into performing sex acts.

This included treating NBC trips, such as for the Olympics, as his own personal hunting ground, identifying ambitious and attractive young NBC employees and either inviting or luring them to his hotel room.

Reportedly, he gave a female coworker a sex toy as an unsolicited "gift" … and made it immeasurably worse by including a note about how he"d like to use it on her.

Another time, he"s said to have invited a colleague into his office and dropped his pants, presenting his genitals to her … and later chastising her for not performing a sex act.

We heard about Matt Lauer"s creepy button, installed on his desk at his request, that would remotely lock his office door.

That button figured into one woman"s grim accusation that Matt Lauer raped her, as he apparently did not begin propositioning her until after he had already locked his office door.

(And, from her description, it sounds like he stopped asking anything altogether, and only unlocked the door sometime after she passed out during the assault)

We"ve mentioned this before, but there are comedian brothers known as the McElroys who suggest, as a general rule, to never ask out a woman in a situation when she couldn"t run away.

Not in an elevator, not on a car ride, not when she"s a cashier or barista, and definitely not just after you remotely locked the door to your office.

Matt lauer smirks

As we mentioned, Lauer"s wife, Annette Roque, fled the country with the couple"s two youngest sons in the immediate aftermath of the scandal.

(We don"t think that her leaving their 16-year-old behind necessarily signifies anything beyond the fact that every 16-year-old would rather stay home alone than go visit family in Europe)

That was an understandable reaction.

Learning that your husband is a cheater is hard — that alone is enough to end plenty of marriages.

But for your husband to be outed as a serial predator in one of the biggest stories of a scandal-filled year?

That"s almost unimaginable.

Matt Lauer offered a vague apology without really admitting to any significant wrongdoing. He spoke about being embarrassed and ashamed in the same breath as he claimed that at least some of the charges are false.

That was public. In private, we"re sure that he"s been trying even harder to apologize to his wife. Strangely, it seems to be working.

Matt lauer at nbc

As you can see in the video below, E! News reports that Matt Lauer and Annette Roque are trying to make their marriage work.


Apparently, they believe that it will be best for their children.

If this were just an embarrassing cheating scandal, we"d be inclined to agree — if the couple had made nice and just needed to wait out the public embarrassment.

But the Matt Lauer scandal isn"t about him having a bunch of mistresses. It"s about him having a bunch of victims.

Women who fled from promising careers after he allegedly preyed upon them. Women who may have missed out on well-deserved promotions because they turned him down.

And a woman whom he allegedly locked in his office, bent over a chair, and raped.

Even if he manages to avoid hard-to-prove charges for sexual assault, which he very well may (just look at Bill Cosby!), Matt Lauer could be faced with a number of lawsuits in the near future.

If we were friend with Annette Roque, we"d advise her that she doesn"t need to leave the country to avoid the coming storm. But she might want to go ahead and leave her husband.

He might lose everything.

Matt lauer wife annette roque refusing to divorce him

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Adam Lind: Refusing Rehab For Meth Addiction?

On the long list of all the deplorable boyfriends, husbands, and baby daddies who have graced the Teen Mom franchise with their presence, Adam Lind stands alone.

Lind isn’t just a deadbeat dad or an addict like so many of the other walking red flags that MTV regrettably made famous.

No, he’s those things and much, much more …

Lind tested positive for meth shortly before a scheduled visit with his daughter back in June.

Amphetamines generally don’t remain in the human body for very long, which means Lind was likely indulging just minutes before he was supposed to spend time with youngest daughter Paislee.

Yes, Lind smoked meth in preparation for hanging out with a 4-year-old.

Like we said, dude is next-level messed-up, and it seems he’s not open to receiving the kind of help he clearly needs.

According to Radar Online, Lind’s friends and family recently staged an intervention, but the father of two reportedly stormed off when his loved ones implored him to enter rehab.

“He won’t go,” said one insider.

“It’s bad. He’s so far off the deep end that his friends can’t even be around him anymore,” the source added.

There’s no word on whether or not Lind’s baby mamas, Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur, were in attendance at the intervention.

But given how strained relations Lind and his exes have been, we’re guessing both moms couldn’t make it.

Halbur has instigated legal action to strip Lind of all custody rights, including the right to supervised visits with Paislee.

Houska hasn’t gone quite that far, but she stated in a recent interview that she has taken steps to ensure her daughter’s safety.

“I am glad I took precautions and he isn’t allowed to drive with her,” Houska said.

“Before, there was no proof. You know you are making the right decision, but you question it.”

Lind has yet to comment on the allegations of drug use, but that’s probably for the best.

We don’t need another unhinged social media rant from reality TV’s worst baby daddy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself how atrocious Adam really is.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Blake Shelton: Refusing to Marry Gwen Stefani Because of Miranda Lambert?!

It’s been a tough year for true love, huh?

Come to think of it, it’s been a tough year for pretty much everything.

With divorces for couples like Chris Pratt and Anna Faris, Fergie and Josh Duhamel, we have to wonder if it’s even possible for two people to get together and stay together these days.

It’s depressing.

Even one of our go-to favorite couples, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, seems to be struggling a bit these days.

Because even though you can’t get on the internet without hearing a rumor about the two of them having a baby or trying to have a baby or talking about having a baby, things may not be as good as you’d think between them.

And it’s all Miranda Lambert’s fault.

According to a source who spoke with Life & Style, Gwen and Blake are still in love and all that, but they won’t be getting married anytime soon because of how things went down between Blake and Miranda.

“Blake had hoped that time would ease the pain of the divorce and the betrayal he felt,” the source says, “but sadly, it just hasn’t.”

“To this day, Blake believes Miranda cheated on him. It just wounded his soul.”

This insider explains that although he knows Gwen is different, and although he and Gwen have been discussing getting hitched for a while now, “he’s still devastated” by his divorce.

“Blake has been honest with her lately about not being ready to tie the knot,” how tragic is that?

It could be worse though, because the source goes on to say that Gwen has similar thoughts about getting married — that perhaps it’s just not time yet.

Her reasons are the same as Blake’s, too — while there were a few reports that claimed that Miranda cheated on Blake, it was much more widely reported that Gwen left Gavin because he had an affair with their children’s nanny.

“Gavin’s betrayal of their marriage vows nearly destroyed her,” the source says. “Gwen has also realized over time that she doesn’t need to get married again.”

But before you go and get too upset at this development, know that although we may not see a wedding for these two anytime soon, there’s still a decent chance they could have a baby!

The source explains that “Blake and Gwen are committed to having a baby together. They just don’t want to get married.”

Which is fair, because marriage is a huge commitment, while having a baby with someone is a lot more chill … except there is no universe in which that logic makes sense.

If Gwen and Blake are just not worried about getting married, that’s one thing, but if they’re avoiding it because they’re scared of being hurt again?

Maybe slow down on all those baby efforts then, lovebirds.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Season 8 Extended; Jenelle Evans "Refusing" to Film

The fab favie of Teen Mom 2 are rumored to be itching to leave (one of them in particular), but legally, they’ll be hard pressed to do so.

Following the network’s latest move, especially.

MTV has exercised its option to extend Teen Mom 2 include a “B” season, allowing them to film more installments of Season 8.

This was the network’s choice, and is legally binding, meaning there will be a lot more episodes of the hit show coming our way.

As for what this means for the cast members?

According to The Ashley, Jenelle Evans, Kail Lowry, Chelsea Houska, Briana DeJesus and Leah Messer aren’t going anywhere.

Despite several members of the cast not knowing about MTV picking up the option yet, it won’t matter, since they’re all signed.

“The girls signed on to Season 8 knowing that the network has the opportunity to extend the season,” says an inside source.

The contract gave MTV this option and as such, it can “basically do a whole other season of episodes under the Season 8 contract.”

While that sounds nefarious, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, “MTV has done this for several of the previous seasons.”

Part of the reason this is so noteworthy is the controversy regarding the show’s editing and the stars’ current dissatisfaction.

Not that it’s slowing production down at all.

According to The Ashley, Season 8 is already set to be the longest in the hit reality show’s history at a whopping 18 episodes.

That’s not counting the Reunion and “Unseen Moments” episodes – or the “Season B” option that was just picked up – either.

What even is Season B? It’s a gray area.

“Some of the cast members are already filming for Season 8B, even if they don’t know it yet,” one MTV crew member dished.

The girls will earn additional income for the season, given the new number of episodes, but will not receive a salary bump.

Contract terms are re-negotiated (along with salaries) before each new season, and by definition, this is not a new season.

Somehow we don’t think this will go over well.

Monday night, Jenelle Evans blasted MTV in a rant for the ages, saying the network is ruining her marriage and treating her like a freak show.

The Carolina Hurricane has expressed frustrations before, but this time claimed she’s “probably done” for good after the “uncalled for” episode.

Can she legally bail, though?

The Ashley informs us that Jenelle is aware that Season 8 has been extended, and no, she cannot legally flake out … but this is Jenelle.

“She doesn’t care. She’s refusing to film,” says the source close to the Teen Mom 2 firebrand, breach of contract be damned.

While this has all the makings of a standoff, Evans has made these threats before and backed off, and time may be on MTV’s side.

There will reportedly be a season of Teen Mom: OG, the flagship of the franchise, in between Teen Mom 2 Season 8 and Season 8B.

Nothing is finalized, but we would guess that means the OGs will return in winter/spring followed by the TM2 crew in summer/fall 2018.

In other words, plenty of time to get over her gripes about how the network makes her look bad and remember that it lines her pockets.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Anna Duggar: Is She Refusing to Follow Josh Duggar"s Rules?

Back in April, a photo of Jinger Duggar wearing pants surfaced on social media, and many fans posited that the pic signaled the start of a rebellion for Jinger and her long-oppressed sisters.

Months later, however, the revolution seems to have stalled, as the women of the Duggar clan have chosen to stick to the draconian dress code devised by their parents.

But that doesn’t mean that Jinger’s gesture of independence hasn’t planted the seeds of insurrection elsewhere in her family.

The above photo was posted to Jinger’s Instagram page earlier this week.

It’s one of many pics that Jinger posted from her recent visit to Little Rock.

The woman who accompanied her to the Arkansas State Capitol Building remains unidentified, but some fans have a theory about Jinger’s pants-clad traveling companion.

“Girl on left – Anna???” commented one fan.

“Anna could be a fit for the woman on the left. But I doubt, she would ever wear pants!” wrote another.

Yes, many believe they’ve solved the mystery of “the girl on the left” (probably also the title of a bestselling thriller hitting bookstores this fall).

We know that Jinger spent some time with Anna during her trip to Little Rock, and the photo above is being cited as further evidence that Josh’s wife has joined the Pants Party.

That’s Josh and Anna’s daughter Meredith seen rocking a pair of tiny jeans in 2015.

It’s hard to believe, but typically, the Duggars’ no-pants rule extends to very young children.

So Anna allowing her daughter to wear jeans may be an indication that she agrees with the rest of the world that Jim Bob and Michelle’s dress code is completely idiotic.

And if anyone would have reason to reject some of the rules and values with which the Duggar children were raised, it would be Anna.

Despite the frequent Josh and Anna divorce rumors, the couple is still together and expecting their fifth child.

But now that her husband’s been caught engaging in multiple acts of sexual impropriety (some of them criminal), it stands to reason that Anna would start making some changes in their relationship and, quite literally, wearing the pants.

So is that really Anna rocking a pair of Levi’s next to Jinger in that photo?

We may never know for sure, but we’re cheering her on if it is.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Robert Pattinson Praised by PETA for Refusing to Masturbate a Dog

Robert Pattinson is a hero to 4-legged friends for refusing to masturbate a dog for a movie scene … so says PETA. The actor told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night the director of his latest flick, “Good Time,” wanted him to shoot a scene in which he…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi: Help! My Ex Is Refusing to Sign Divorce Papers!

Golnesa ‘GG’ Gharachedaghi is finding out the hard way that Shalom Yeroushalmi was not the man she first thought he was and is trying to find a way to divorce him.

The Shahs of Sunset star filed for a divorce in March, proving she was not as into the relationship as she first thought. 

However, Shalom is apparently making it difficult for the divorce to go through and is dragging things out. 

It’s not very often we hear about a reality TV star having an amicable divorce, but it sounds like Shalom is genuinely the one with the issue. 

Golnesa just wants to move on with her life and putting this horrible chapter behind her would be a good start.

We’re not sure what’s happening with the engagement ring. It was a huge rock that would light up any room. 

“There are no issues about spousal support, assets or those typical divorce things at all,” a source said to Page Six. 

“He is not asking for anything. What he’s basically doing is tormenting her. He’s not signing just to give her a hard time.”

“He just keeps saying he’s going to sign, then he doesn’t sign,” the source added.

“He’s trying to drag it out and prevent her from moving on.”

Turns out, rushing into weddings is a bad idea. 

Maybe Golnesa will think about that the next time she gets married in secret. 

The former couple got married in a secret ceremony in January after getting engaged in December 2016, but Golnesa quickly opened up about her thoughts on the impromptu wedding ceremony. 

“I wanted to throw up,” she told E! News earlier this year. 

“I was just thinking, ‘My dad’s going to kill me right now. And my mom is going to wake me up and then kill me again.’”

Golnesa agreed that she had a knack for making rash decisions in the heat of the moment. 

“I just make decisions in the moment and I pay the price afterwards, and I am right now,” she added.

Something tells us Golnesa will not be big on commitments from here on out. 

If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, you will know that Golnesa is not one to shy away from speaking her mind, so we think it’s fair to say we will find out more details about the romance on Season 6 of the show, which debuts later this month. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Refusing to Film Reality TV Series?

Kylie Jenner’s reality TV series might be going the way of Rob & Chyna. By that, we mean it’s probably going to be a steaming pile of garbage that still manages to pull in solid ratings. 

Life of Kylie has been in production for a while now, but apparently, insiders of the show are furious with the way the 19-year-old has been acting. Hey, it’s not like anyone ever compliments a Kardashian for the way they act. 

We’re convinced Kris Jenner holds weekly classes with her brood to make sure they know what their plan is to stay in the headlines for the week. With Kris resorting to promoting healthy tea products on social media, the family must be in dire straits. 

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you will already know that Kylie Jenner is one of those teenagers who gets everything she wants. 

That’s sort of what happens when you are brought up in front of reality TV and you have a life that most would kill for. As sad and pathetic as it sounds, Kylie’s blatant attempts to get in the headlines are probably brought on by her desire to be the biggest celebrity in the family. 

Just like her brother, Rob Kardashian did during the production of his own series, Kylie has allegedly been holding up the shooting of Life of Kylie and has even been skipping out on production some days. 

Jenner “refuses to go into the studio and do her pickups,” a source close to production revealed to Radar.

We always here things about the Kardashians being difficult people, and we’ll be taking these claims with a pinch of salt. There’s no confirmation of it. 

“It is like Kylie doesn’t even care, she just ignores any schedule that dictates when she is supposed to be in the studio.”

Being in production, it takes a lot to set filming days up, so you can only imagine the looks of disgust Kylie must be getting if this is, indeed, how she’s been acting. 

“Kylie just doesn’t show up when she is needed, and no one knows that she isn’t coming,” the source continued. That’s totally uncool, and it won’t be doing much for the morale on set. 

Maybe Kylie is worried about the show being a failure and is having second thoughts about sticking with it. It’s not exactly the best time to launch a new iteration of the series when you consider just how terrible the parent series is performing in the ratings. 

“Kylie is upset at how the show is turning out, and she is running out of content. She does not want to give too much away … but the footage just seems boring and basic to her!”

Keeping aspects of her life hidden from the series is not going to do much to make it a success. Viewers will be able to pick up on Kylie keeping quiet about things. 

“She’s totally spoiled and doesn’t care about anything. It’s unprofessional,” the report concluded. 

Something tells us the Kardashian family will be blacklisted by E! if they are really skipping out on filming. What’s the point of signing up for a TV show to bail on filming at the drop of a hat?

There’s also the possibility Jenner is too busy too filming because she’s trying to find a way to deflect the latest scandals that rock her young life. 

The series is set to debut this month. If you like watching someone showing lots of cleavages and side dose of sass, you will love it. 

If not, then you can make it watchable by taking a drink of vodka every single time she takes a selfie. 



Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Conrad Hilton No-Shows at Arraignment After Refusing to Ride the Bus

Conrad Hilton – who went off the rails Saturday morning with racial and homophobic insults directed at cops — will stay in jail another night because he decided court was not for him. Hilton was supposed to be arraigned Tuesday but we’re told…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Gwen Stefani: REFUSING to Work With Miley Cyrus on The Voice?!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Blake Shelton is quitting The Voice because of Gwen Stefani.

Some “insiders” claimed that the reason for both stars quitting the show is that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby, and she reasons that if she has to leave her spinning coach’s chair behind, so should Blake.

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (With a new baby on the way, wouldn’t Gwen want someone to continue earning?), and other sources close to the show claimed have offered a more likely explanation:

They claimed that Gwen is refusing to work with Miley Cyrus, who’s reportedly set to return to the show next season.

Apparently, there’s no specific reason for the bad blood between Gwen and Miley.

They’ve never worked on the show together before, but insiders say that after hearing about the feud between Miley and Adam Levine, Gwen believes she simply wouldn’t get along with Cyrus.

Producers reportedly fear a “domino effect,” and are afraid that Gwen’s decision will prompt other coaches to quit the hit NBC series – and might even mean the end of The Voice.

“Producers would love nothing more than for both Gwen and Miley to be on the show at the same time because there would be so much drama, but Gwen simply does not want any part of it,” a source close to production tells Radar Online.

“They would even throw [Gwen] a considerable amount of money, but between her and Blake [Shelton], money really doesn’t matter.”

Yes, we imagine “a considerable amount of money” is involved in every season of the show.

Equally unsurprising is the fact that Gwen isn’t exactly struggling financially these days.

Sources say Stefani is completely inflexible on the Miley issue and has basically issued an ultimatum to NBC execs: It’s me or Ms. Wrecking Ball.

“Gwen just does not want to be any part of the show when Miley returns,” says one tipster.

Hey, we don’t blame her.

Gwen Stefani has NO TOLERANCE for spunky blondes with unique senses of style who were initially dismissed as flash-in-the-pan pop stars but wound up being taken semi-seriously as artists.

No tolerance at all, sir! Good day to you.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Anna Duggar: Meeting with Divorce Lawyer! Refusing to Have Sex with Josh Duggar!

Long-suffering Anna Duggar is ready to end her marriage to Josh Duggar at long last, according to a shocking new and detailed report.

Yep. After a tumultuous two years of scandals, toiling away as a single parent, and who knows what else behind closed doors, it’s over.

Probably. He’s not getting any, though, that’s for darn sure.

While we simply can’t believe certain aspects of this report until she physically leaves, we can probably tell you this much with certainty:

Reports of Anna Duggar pregnant for the fifth time are false.

How do we know this conclusively, you may ask? Well …

“Anna and Josh share the same bed, but she never has sex with him anymore. She just does not want to,” a source dished to In Touch.

Understandable. After enduring the multitude, sordid scandals of 2015, we can’t imagine she’s keen on letting Josh get on top of her.

Even she believes he’s truly sorry following his trip to rehab slash Christian labor camp, it’s gotta be tough getting in the “mood,” y’know?

Dude is lucky he still gets to share her bed for sleeping.

There are some things you can forgive, but are still impossible to forget, and while she’s stood by him dutifully, Anna is still pretty disgusted.

The idea that he made a career promoting “family values” as a lobbyist while living a double life as a cheater and an online porn addict?

While she raised the man’s kids, no less? It just hurts. Bad.

“Anna feels Josh that put her through hell with his disgusting behavior, so she believes that she is completely justified,” says the source.

An unexpected catalyst pushing Anna to her breaking point?

Josh is going to court for ganking LA DJ and photographer Matthew McCarthy’s photo to use on his OkCupid and Ashley Madison pages.

Although his cheating on her via those websites is not news, the case serves as a trigger for Anna, who’s getting increasingly sick over it.

“She wants nothing to do with the case and is toying with the idea of divorce,” says the source. “Anna is sickened by the lawsuit.”

“It’s a major reason for her deciding to [finally] leave Josh.”

Sometimes one straw really can break a camel’s back.

Allegedly, Anna has taken a major step towards divorce and has made introductions with a divorce attorney who can get her out of there.

“Anna has spoken to the lawyer on the phone,” a family insider said, noting that “she’s been putting off the meeting for some time.”

The reason for her hesitation is obvious: 

“She was terrified of being spotted at their office,” the source says, until she was sure, “but she is now finally ready to make the move.”

“[She] will be visiting the attorney in the next week or so.”

Anna’s top concern is Mackynzie, 7, Michael, 5, Marcus, 3, and Meredith, 1, because Josh’s scandals “took a terrible toll on the kids.”

A divorce, however justified, will take a toll as well.

Anna reportedly doesn’t have any hard feelings toward Josh’s parents Jim Bob Duggar, 51, and Michelle Duggar, 50, over any of this.

Still, she wants out and feels that she “has to protect her children’s future, and the only way she can do that is with a multimillion-dollar payout.”

Oh yes. We could be gearing up for an epic court battle, as she’s not afraid of “squeezing every penny out of him she can,” the source said. 

The Duggar family, of course, has plenty of money.

Whether that matters in the context of her marriage to Josh is an open question, especially since he’s selling cars to pay the bills lately.

Anna “can ask for a huge amount in spousal support because the Duggar family is worth many millions,” a lawyer not affiliated with her said.

It seems dubious that Jim Bob and Michelle would be on the hook for Josh’s hypothetical divorce settlement, but again, we don’t know.

Exactly how the Duggars supported 19 kids is something of a mystery, but you have to think a big part of their income came from TLC.

And still does. You can still watch Counting On online – with the occasional Josh Duggar wedding cameo – or on television to this day.

What do you think: Should she leave him? Will she?
