Showing posts with label Stefani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stefani. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Blake Shelton Wants Gwen Stefani to Return as a Coach on The Voice!

Fans are coming to accept that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton might never get married.

But these two music stars are still crazy about spending every waking moment together.

And apparently Blake wants that to include work, and wants Gwen back as a fellow coach on The Voice.

RadarOnline reports that Blake Shelton is itching to have his lady love once again be his co-star.

“Blake absolutely wants Gwen back on the show,” a source from the set of The Voice reveals.

From Blake’s perspective, the insider says, “It just isn’t the same for him without her.”

That’s true, even for those who aren’t in love with her. Gwen is a huge star.

“Gwen wants to come back, too,” the source reports.

That doesn’t mean that she will return to the show … but she does have a lot of incentive.

Apparently, Gwen would fit in just as well on the show as she did on the day she left.

“She gets along with everyone,” the insider says.

That’s no surprise. Gwen is a delight.

“And,” the source adds, Gwen “is on set frequently anyways just to be there with him.”

Lots of people go hang out at their significant other’s place of employment.

“it’s like a second home to her,” the insider characterizes.

Blake Shelton, thirsty ho that he is, has been on every single season of The Voice. It’s how a lot of people know his name.

Gwen, a pop superstar as well as a busy mother, was only on Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12.

“Gwen finally left after Season 12,” the source explains.

The insider makes it clear that Gwen only departed “because she had a lot going on.”

“But NBC stands behind her,” the source says, emphasizing that there are no secret gripes or hard feelings.

“And,” the insider says. “They absolutely adore Gwen.”

“Although it would be a dream come true to have Gwen on in the near future,” the on-set source begins.

The insider points out that “everyone also knows that they need to have a more diversified panel of judges.”

The source correctly notes that a diverse panel is needed “to represent America.”

Yeah, it’s exciting that John Legend is joining the show for Season 16.

But nobody looks at Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, and Kelly Clarkson and goes wow, this show needs more white coaches.

(Honestly, The Voice could stand to remember that Native Americans and folks of Asian descent can be coaches, too)

So Gwen might not join — but will Blake leave to spend more time with her?

Blake seems determined to remain on the show. And honestly, as strange as it may sound, he may be vital to The Voice‘s success.

We all may have dissolved into laughter when he was named Sexiest Man Alive last year, but plenty of people like him.

And after 15 seasons, Blake Shelton is part of the show’s basic premise. He and Adam Levine have been constants.

It’s hard to imagine Blake leaving any time soon, even if Gwen probably won’t be back on the roster in the near future.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: The REAL Reason They Won"t Get Married!

Since the two started dating back in 2015 in a whirlwind romance that no one saw coming, marriage rumors have followed Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton.

Recently we reported on a rumor that the two had secretly married more than six months ago. But their ring fingers remain bare.

Now, Blake himself is opening up about the real reason for which he and Gwen aren’t married yet.

On NBC’s Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist, Blake Shelton opened up about why he and Gwen keep putting off marriage.

“I think if Gwen and I were being honest right now, talking about this,” Blake began.

You always know that a celebrity’s going to say something interest if they preface their words so carefully.

“I think in the back of our mind, that we both kind of thought, this is a rebound deal,” Blake admitted.

That is refreshingly honest.

They had both just undergone breakups — divorces, in fact.

Blake explained that they were both antsy about their new relationship “because we’re both coming out of a low spot in our lives.”

It is good to be self-aware of what is motivating you at any given point.

“And,” Blake said. “We’re kind of clinging to each other to get through this.”

But that was in 2015.

“But now, here we are, going on three years later,” Blake said.

He’s right.

If this were just a rebound relationship, we have to imagine that it would have fallen apart before 2017.

Instead, it looks like Gwen and Blake will still be going strong in 2019.

“And every day that goes by,” Blake gushed. “It just feels like a stronger bond between the two of us.”

Gwen and Blake seem to do everything together.

Blake has even stepped into a paternal role with Gwen’s children, though of course they also spend time with their father, Gavin Rossdale.

Blake loves his relationship, “and it constantly feels like it’s going to the next level.”

It might feel like that, even though they’ve avoided actually getting married.

But a lack of nuptials hasn’t lessened their bond.

“That’s the only way I think either one of us would probably describe it,” Blake concludes.

That makes a lot of sense.

It’s not just that they began dating right after some very messy, painful splits.

They actively bonded over their shared breakups. It was what brought them together.

Gwen had split with Gavin Rossdale after he was allegedly exposed banging the nanny.

And Blake has accused self-described homewrecker Miranda Lambert of cheating on him during their marriage.

Fast forward about three years, however, and whether or not this was a rebound, it’s worked.

It’s odd. Gwen Stefani is one of the most well known and successful pop stars on the planet.

Blake is very successful within the Country Music scene.

Culturally, they seem to come from different worlds. But they make it work.

And while they may not be married, exactly, they seem to spend their time like a family.

Source close to the couple have revealed that marriage just isn’t a priority for them.

It’s sort of funny — the stereotype is that Millennials put off marriage until they’re sure, while older generations are hell-bent on a wedding.

Overall, that stereotype is rooted in reality.

But look at Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, and Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra.

Those are all Millennials and they’re all engaged after dating for relatively short stretches of time.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Blake are the ones who don’t need a piece of paper or a pair of rings to certify their happiness.

Not yet, anyway.

Since Gwen thinks about marrying Blake all the time, we won’t exactly be shocked when they actually do tie the knot.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Michael Moore Blames Donald Trump Presidency on ... Gwen Stefani

Before the days of Rudy Giuliani saying “Truth isn’t truth,” Donald Trump was a reality star. So what prompted him to run for office?

Michael Moore has a theory, and he shared it while promoting his new film on Trump.

Moore says that the blame for Trump’s run for office can ulimately be laid at the feet of … Gwen Stefani. What?!

In a lengthy interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Michael Moore shares his curious theory about what heralded our current political nightmare.

While it’s a bit of an oversimplification to blame Gwen Stefani … he basically blames Gwen Stefani.

See, Gwen was getting paid more to be a coach on The Voice than Trump was for starring on The Apprentice. Both shows were on NBC.

Moore’s theory is that Trump staged that first, infamous political rally as a stunt to remind NBC of his value as an entertainer.

And here we are in 2018, where every day is steeped in misery and dread. Is this all Gwen’s fault?

“He’d been talking about running for president since 1988,” Moore tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Trump spoke of the idea, like anyone who always believes that they could do better, Moore says, “but he didn’t really want to be president.”

“There’s no penthouse in the White House,” Moore explains.

Presidents work relentlessly at hours that they seldom get to choose. They are under constant scrutiny and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.

“And,” Moore adds. “He doesn’t want to live in a black city” like Washington D.C.

“He was trying to pit NBC against another network,” Moore summarizes.

Moore says that all that Trump wanted was a little more money and attention, “but it just went off the rails.”

Trump’s stunt, if Moore is correct about his intentions, backfired disastrously.

While any hefty dose of anti-immigration rhetoric is going to be exciting to racists, Trump referring to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” was too openly hateful.

NBC severed their ties with Trump, leaving him without a show … but with crowds of enthusiastic fans who clung to his every word.

Obviously, Gwen Stefani is not actually to blame for our current existential misery.

Of course she was being paid more for her role on The Voice — she’s a huge star.

Trump was, at the time, just a famous buffoon whom most people didn’t consider to be a political figure at all unless they remembered his “birther” antics.

In fact, it was smart of him to secure the regular salary of a reality series. That’s a good idea for anyone who is famously terrible at running a business.

This also isn’t NBC’s fault. Cutting ties with him after his racist comments was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, too much of the electorate did not feel the same way.

Trump is not Gwen’s fault. The Trump Regime is the fault of Donald Trump, of the society that paved the way for him, and of everyone who voted for him.

Moore’s theory may also ignore that Trump had apparently been plotting this since 2012, even registering trademarks in the buildup to his 2015 announcement.

Notably, Trump’s trip to Russia is believed by many to have helped to fuel his desire to run for office.

Moore may be right in that Trump never planned to win, but we’re not sure that Gwen’s salary was the impetus that he believes it to be.

As always, however, Michael Moore’s perspective is an interesting one to hear, even if you do not agree with him.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Secretly Married ... Six Months Ago???

Back in April, Gwen Stefani confessed that she thinks about marrying Blake Shelton all of the time

But a new report says that she may have had a different meaning when she said it — that she was already married at the time.

Did Gwen and Blake secretly get married back in March?

Insiders tell Star magazine that Gwen and Blake were hitched in March at Blake Shelton’s ranch in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.

“It was the most perfect day,” a source told the magazine.

“Simple and full of love,” the insider said of the ceremony. “You could tell these two are soulmates.”

Some fans on both sides might disagree, but they do seem to be very taken with each other.

“Blake shed a few tears during the ceremony,” the source revealed, claiming that “He’s a big softy at heart.”

So, what did Gwen wear at this alleged wedding ceremony?

Per the insider, Gwen is said to have donned “a gorgeous fitted pure white.”

That sounds as beautiful as it is hella vague.

“It was nothing over the top,” the source continues.

In that, the insider reports, the dress was “just like the ceremony itself.”

Gwen Stefani’s parents, Dennis and Patti, were reportedly in attendance, along with Gwen’s three children, Kingston, 12, Zuma, 9, and Apollo, 4.

They and the few dozen other guests were said to enjoy hunting, fishing, and dirt bike riding on Blake’s private hunting reserve.

“There were cookouts and campfires,” the source claims. “And Blake showed off his own herds of deer, antelope, and wildebeests.”

“Aside from the custom-made gazebo and glamping facilities,” the insider details. “Everything else was done in house.”

Glamping, of course, is a portmanteau of glamor and camping, and describes camping but with fancy accomodations. Some would question the point of that. And of camping.

Apparently, this is one celebrity wedding that did come cheap.

The source estimates that the entire alleged affair “wouldn’t have cost them much more than $ 20,000,” considering that it was on land that Blake already owned.

“Which is surprising,” the insider admits. “But that’s the kind of low-key life they enjoy together.”

Well, it’s no shock to hear that their ceremony was on the small side. 

What is astounding is the claim that Miranda Lambert “even sent a congratulatory text when she heard the rumors! There’s no hard feelings.”

Secret wedding stories are often interesting and almost always fake … but not only almost always.

After all, Cardi B and Offset got married in a secret ceremony, and pretended to be engaged for months and months before the world found out.

It is possible that Blake and Gwen might do the same.

But we’re very leery that this is coming from anonymous sources. And so much of it sounds vague.

Perhaps we would be a little more comfortable with believing this story if it had some more convincing details, or were being reported by multiple outlets.

You know what would be even nicer than that? A sneaky piece of evidence.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Summer Wedding Plans Revealed?

Back in April, Gwen Stefani admitted that she thinks about marrying Blake Shelton all of the time. Blake even hinted that the feeling was mutual.

Now, it’s reported that Gwen is dropping hints to her loved ones about a specific time and a place.

Are Gwen and Blake planning a summer wedding? And why are they keeping it a surprise?

HollywoodLife reports that Gwen and Blake are planning a summer wedding, and that they’ve been teasing this to their friends nad loved ones.

“Gwen family and friends are buzzing right now,” their source says. “Because she’s been dropping hints that she and Blake have a big announcement coming.”

But she’s not just blurting it out like in the Kim Kardashian dropping hints meme.

But it sounds like she’s still very eager to share the good news.

The insider continues, adding: “She’s been teasing that they have a big secret they’re getting ready to share.”

That could be all sorts of things, including confirmation of pregnancy rumors.

But Gwen’s loves ones are apparently convinced that she means one thing in particular.

“And everyone’s convinced they’re going to have a surprise wedding this summer.”

So what in particular makes people think that she’s building up hype for a summer wedding?

The insider reveals: “Gwen’s told her family and friends to block off some dates for a big party at Blake’s place in Oklahoma this summer.”


Is that what we think that it is?

“She hasn’t said it’s a wedding,” the source quickly clarifies.

That is an important distinction.

Saying I’m having a party is a far cry from sending out a Save The Date. Or, you know, a wedding invitation.

The source does add: “But a lot of her friends are convinced that’s what’s happening.”

Perhaps they’re mistaken … or perhaps her friends’ intuition is right on the money.

After all, if you want it to be a surprise wedding, you’d announce it differently.

Isn’t telling people to clear their calendars for a “party” effectively the same thing as sending out Save The Dates?

“[Her family] adores Blake and Gwen together,” the source says.

So they would apparnetly give this their seal of approval.

“It’s harsh,” the insider admits. “But the truth is that even her family likes him a million times more than they ever liked Gavin [Rossdale].”

Hating Gwen’s ex for being a no-good cheater, we understand. But it’s kind of wild that they apparently secretly hated the father of her children.

The source explains what sets Blake apart, saying: “They can see how committed Blake is to Gwen.”

“He’s tried and true and exactly what she needs,” the source says.

Blake is so devoted to her, the insider explains, “so they’re hoping he’ll officially become family this summer.”

Since we’ve heard that Blake really might marry Gwen, perhaps they’ll get their wish soon.

Fans are perplexed that they would keep these plans a secret, but hey, everybody’s entitled to live their lives without announcing their plans.

We want to emphasize that, Gwen’s family’s wishes aside, this party could be a huge Fourth of July party. Or perhaps an engagement party.

So … we’ll take this news with a grain of salt. But we’ll also keep our ear to the ground for whatever Gwen and Blake get up to this summer.

Something is bound to happen, right?


Monday, May 7, 2018

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton: We"re FINALLY Ready to Get Hitched!

From the moment the world first learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating, rumors that the couple is headed for the altar have been circulating non-stop.

For the most part, Gwen and Blake have been coy about their plans, hinting that there are wedding bells in their future, but stopping just short of providing a timeline for their engagement and wedding.

Both Blake and Gwen enjoy the attention of particularly obsessive fan bases, and the hunt for clues that the singers are getting ready to wed is never-ending.

Now, one outlet is claiming that Shelton has taken an important step toward proposing to Stefani.

“Gwen was raised in a Catholic family and religion is a big part of her life,” a source close to the situation tells Celebrity Insider. 

“Shelton converting to Catholicism is a final step towards the altar.”

And that’s not the only major change Blake has reportedly made in his lifestyle in recent weeks.

Apparently, Stefani has asked her future husband to quit the activity he’s most famous for aside from singing so that he can be an ideal stepfather to her three kids:

“Shelton has given up drinking,” says the insider.

If you know the man, you know that Blake’s drinking is the stuff of legend.

Shelton’s booze consumption is a significant part of his persona, but the source says he was happy to put the plug in the jug for good when Gwen asked him to.

So it’s sounding more and more like Gwen and Blake are getting their ducks in a row for the day fans have been anticipating for years.

Unfortunately, it looks as though the wait isn’t over quite yet.

 “I don’t think it’s anytime soon or anything,” says the source when asked when Blake and Gwen plan to exchange vows.

We’re guessing Blake would prefer that the wedding take place sooner rather than later.

He went from guzzling bourbon on a nightly basis to choking down nothing but vinegar-y communion wine.

The least Gwen can do is reward the man by putting a ring on it!


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blake Shelton: I Really Might Marry Gwen Stefani!

Blake Shelton would really prefer it if you did NOT believe everything you read.

Over the past few weeks, there have been multiple reports about Shelton and Gwen Stefani splitting up.

For whatever reason, it’s like people just don’t want to accept that these two artists are fully and truly in love.

“Gwen doesn’t know what hit her. She’s heartbroken,” In Touch Weekly wrote as recently as last month about the alleged demise of this romance.

But Shelton is here to tell you the truth straight from the horse’s mouth.

(If it’s possible for a horse to be very handsome and have a great singing voice, that is.)

In an interview with CMT’s Cody Alan over the weekend, Shelton came right out and said he thinks about marrying Stefani, making it as clear as possible that he’s in this for the VERY long run.

“I don’t think it’s anytime soon or anything,” he clarified, although he made a point to add:

“The more time that goes by, I guess, the closer you’d be getting to that.”

The question did not come out of nowhere.

It was posed up in response to Stefani’s recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where the former No Doubt frontwoman said candidly that she was very much open to marrying Shelton.

Like, soon.

Like, all it would take it him asking.

“You know what? I love weddings, the kids love him,” she told DeGeneres. “Everybody loves him. He’s lovable. I think about [marriage] all the time.”

Watch this interview HERE.

Shelton and Stefani are downright adorable together, surprising many celebrity gossip followers who thought this would be some kind of post-divorce fling.

(The stars got together not long after Shelton broke up with Miranda Lambert and Stefani broke up with Gavin Rossdale.) 

The two have now been dating for well over a year and they have the full support of the music community.

Entertainment Tonight, for example, caught up with Shelton friend and American Idol judge Luke Bryan at the Academy of Country Music awards on Sunday, where he said the following about any future Blake-Gwen nuptials:

“I’ll do the sermon. The sermon? The service? I would be honored to marry Blake and Gwen.”

He then made a joke at his buddy’s expense:

“If Blake were smart, he would marry her before she goes to an optometrist. Every time I meet Gwen, she’s holding her phone way out here. I’m like, ‘That’s it, she can’t see!"”


As for chatter that Stefani is pregnant, let’s all slow down and chill out with that talk.

She’s 48 years old and she already has three kids.

We do not see children in Shelton and Stefani’s future, as much as some folks out there and nearly every tabloid would love to see this happen.

We’ll just be content instead to sit back and watch these adorable lovers gush over each other in public, quietly wishing they really do tie the knot someday.

“I love you, pretty girl, #truth,” Shelton recently wrote on Instagram.

These two are the best.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Gwen Stefani: I Think About Marrying Blake Shelton All of the Time!

Gwen Stefani is opening up and speaking directly about her relationship with Blake Shelton.

On Tuesday, she spoke to Ellen DeGeneres and confessed that she thinks about marrying the Country crooner "all of the time."

You can see her say that and more in the video below.

We hear a lot of reports about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. We"ll hear that Blake dumped Gwen after a fight, or that the two are married or expecting.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to parse what is true and what is a rumor.

What is very clear, however, is that Gwen and Blake"s relationship is still the subject of a lot of speculation. And a lot of fans want to see them stay together.

Blake Shelton gushed about Gwen on social media recently, and now Gwen"s sitting down with Ellen DeGeneres to speak up about how she feels.

And the results, as you"ll see, are very cute.

Gwen Stefani was visibly anxious when discussing her relationship.

When the subject of marriage comes up, she asks Ellen for advice.

"Well, how do you feel about it? I mean, you"re married. What do you think I should do about it?"

Ellen, who is married to Portia De Rossi and has been for many years, answered her bluntly:

"I love being married. I think you should get married."

"Really?" Gwen asks.

Ellen presses her, asking: "Don"t you?"

"WHAT are you doing?!" Gwen exclaims.

Ellen points out that Gwen came to her for advice.

As a general rule, don"t ask for advice if you don"t want it.

That goes for television interviews, too.

Gwen clarifies that she loves Ellen — who doesn"t? — and, speaking of love, she talks about how Blake gets along with her children.

"The kids love him," she reports.

"We love him," Gwen continues. "Everybody loves him. He"s lovable."

That last may not be quite as accurate as the lovestruck pop singer may want to believe.

Apparently the Country singer has ruffled some feathers at The Voice.

Some reports even claim that Blake is high on fame and money. But if that"s true, it doesn"t sound like she and her family see that side of him.

Ellen tells Gwen to "think about" marrying Blake, but emphasizes that there is no rush.

And this is when Gwen confesses, saying: "I do. I think about it all of the time."

That sure makes it sounds like wedding bells could be in the air.

Watching this, one is reminded that it wasn"t so long ago that anti-marriage equality activists were arguing that same-sex marriage would ruin straight marriage.

But here we see Ellen DeGeneres talking about how her marriage is so wonderful that she wants that for Gwen Stefani. It"s beautiful.


Gwen stefani i think about marrying blake shelton all of the tim

Monday, April 9, 2018

Blake Shelton to Gwen Stefani: I Love You, Pretty Girl

It looks like Blake Shelton is doing his level best to quash rumors that he dumped Gwen Stefani.

He’s taking to social media to gush about Gwen, calling her his “pretty girl.”

And he’s even referring to her as an “adopted Okie,” which we’re sure that he means as a compliment.

Blake Shelton’s tweet  even tags his lady love.

“Hey @gwenstefani it’s official …”

Despite the use of the word official, no, this is not a confirmation that the two of them are engaged or married or expecting.

“With your arrowhead finding eye you are now an adopted Okie!!!”

Honestly, it’s super impressive that she’s managed to spot so many — as you’ll see in the photo that he tweeted.

It’s a lot.

Blake Shelton Gushes About Gwen Stefani

By “Okie,” he means Oklahoman. Gwen is a California girl who’s learning to 

“Side note: I love you pretty girl… #truth.”

Well, she is gorgeous. And she deserves love.

Incidentally, if you were looking for confirmation that Gwen really did spot all of these arrowheads simply by perusing Blake Shelton’s property, you’re not alone.

A fan asked Blake, and he replied:


This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen signs of Gwen adopting Blake’s habits and hobbies.

Recently, she shared photos of herself in what appears to be hunting gear in the woods of Oklahoma.

She even had her children with her, which we cannot imagine that Gavin Rossdale loved.

Gwen is a California native. Plenty of people move to California after they become famous, but she was born there.

(Which is not really surprising — more than 12% of the nation resides in California)

And yet it looks like she’s taking to Blake’s lifestyle and to Oklahoma like a duck to water.

Fans have joked on social media that, in another timeline — perhaps a better one — we would see Blake adapting to Gwen’s lifestyle instead of the other way around.

One cannot help but imagine the sight of Shelton wearing more colorful, stylish clothing as he dines at a restaurant near the beach in California.

Or if he were to gush online about his growing love for sushi, or share that he’s started to really enjoy getting pedicures.

Instead, fans have watched Gwen seem to lose herself in a less successful and ultimately less famous musician.

Love can do that to a person.

It may seem strange that two singers from totally different worlds — one a pop star with a wide, international audience, the other one of the most famous Country singers — were brought together by a singing competition and a pair of failed relationships.

But while bonding over both having allegedly been cheated on might not be the normal definition of a meet cute, love can start that way.

And this whirlwind romance, which has lasted for years, may just end in marriage.

We don’t know that this would mean that Gwen Stefani will live in Oklahoma full time for the rest of her life.

But it looks like, if it does, she’ll fit right in.

Think what you will about the pairing, but we think that the woman who taught the world how to spell “bananas” deserves happiness in whatever form.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani: Married? EXPECTING?!?

We have good news, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani fans:

Contrary to recent reports such as THIS ONE, this beloved couple has not broken up!

We also have incredible news…

… the beloved couple is apparently engaged and expecting their first child together!

For real! Maybe!

It was just a few weeks ago that In Touch Weekly alleged Stefani was “heartbroken” after Shelton broke up with her out of nowhere.

But while this tabloid alleges that Blake was sick of Gwen’s “neediness, drama and jealousy,” another tabloid now claims just the opposite.

Not only isn’t Shelton sick of these things, writes the latest issue of Life & Style, he has vowed to embrace them and love every aspect of Stefani until death does them part.

We’re talking marriage, people!

Or, to be more specific, anonymous sources that supposedly spoke to this magazine are talking marriage.

As you can see above, this publication alleges that these singers took part in a “quickie beach ceremony in Mexico,” even adding that they wed in such a manner “after they [got] happy news.”

In case the implication wasn’t clear enough, it added as a headline:


Flip open this issue, however, and the cover story reads that Gwen and Blake are not actually husband and wife. Not yet, at least.


“Pals believe the pair are finally getting married because she’s pregnant more than two years after trying for a baby,” says an insider who is absolutely real.

This non-made-up individual adds:

“[Gwen’s] dream is to marry Blake and have his child. And announcing her pregnancy to friends and family on the big day would make the wedding all the more special.”

That’s a new twist on a shotgun wedding, huh?

Look! We got married because I’m pregnant! Isn’t that special?!?

Talk of Stefani being pregnant has run rampant for several months, almost since these two artists first started exchanging bodily fluids.

It’s sort of unclear why.

The former No Doubt leader already has three kids. She’s also 48 years old.

Moreover, there was chatter back when Shelton split from Miranda Lambert that the twosome went their separate ways partly because Blake did not want children.

So… yeah.

Call us crazy, but we’re calling BS on this rumor.

Blake and Gwen make for a gorgeous and adorable couple. We like them a lot.

We’re just really not sure why people out there are so quick to attach weddings and babies to their relationship.

Can’t the stars just get along, have fun together, enjoy each other’s bodies and each other’s company and not get married or create any small humans together?

Let them be in love in peace, tabloids of America.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Take Her Kids To Easter Sunday Mass

Blake Shelton sprang into dad duty after Easter Sunday mass in L.A. with Gwen Stefani and her 3 kids, and it makes you think their next trip to church might not be for a holiday. The group was dressed in their Sunday best-ish as Blake…


Gwen Stefani Launching Her Own Cosmetics Line

Gwen Stefani’s already mastered “The Voice” and now it looks like she’s moving on to the face with her own line of cosmetics.  Gwen’s applied to trademark P8NT — as in “paint” — for her own makeup line. It’s a clever name considering it’ll…


Gwen Stefani Launching Her Own Cosmetics Line

Gwen Stefani’s already mastered “The Voice” and now it looks like she’s moving on to the face with her own line of cosmetics.  Gwen’s applied to trademark P8NT — as in “paint” — for her own makeup line. It’s a clever name considering it’ll…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Is It Over?

Just weeks ago, fans were wondering if and when Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton would have a baby.

Now, they’re wondering if the two will ever see each other again.

A grim report now says that Gwen and Blake have broken up.

The idea of Blake Shelton being the one to break up with Gwen sounds absurd, but that’s what InTouch Weekly‘s report says.

Even though she’s more famous and more successful outside of the Country music crowd, she fell for her The Voice costar.

Until recently, it had looked like he was just as crazy about her.

“Gwen doesn’t know what hit her,” a source reveals. “She’s heartbroken.”

Of course she is — Blake is only, what, her third serious relationship that she’s ever had in her life? This is a woman who loves with her whole heart.

“She continues to send him loving social media support from LA while he’s been out on the road.”

Which explains her continued social media posts about missing him while he’s on his tour.

“But Blake has drastically slowed regular communication with her.”

The report goes on to claim Blake’s motives for breaking up with his better half, which really drives home the rumor that Blake is high on fame and money after his time on The Voice.

“Blake’s through with Gwen’s neediness and all the drama: her demanding, critical ex-husband and her jealousy of him and other women.”

Remember, it was rumored that Blake was cheating with Chloe Kohanski.

Of course she couldn’t resist People’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” (I’m kidding)

“She told him she didn’t want to spend her life in fear of her famous partner cheating on her.”

After what Gwen went through with Gavin, that’s a very understandable fear. Especially since it was rumored that Blake cheated on Miranda just as much as she did on him.

Here is how the split allegedly went down.

“Blake told Gwen that he was going to be doing the latter part of the monthlong Country Freaks Tour without her.”

That’s not a good sign.

“Gwen was so used to accompanying him on tour, she was upended.”

Plenty of partners would enjoy a break like that, but not Gwen and not under these circumstances.

“After their nastiest argument ever, Blake took off without even saying goodbye.”

That sounds really grim.

“It was a real breaking point in the relationship.”

To top it all off, this same report claims that Blake is connecting with his ex.

“Miranda reached out to Blake via text.”

A couple of weeks ago, the world heard a report that Miranda Lambert and Anderson East have broken up.

Which would mean that Miranda is now single and ready to mingle … or fall back on old habits.

“Ultimately, they buried the hatchet and have been supporting each other through their latest troubled relationships.”

That doesn’t mean that things are necessarily turning intimate again, though.

“They’ve become close friends and allies over the past month or so.”

So, despite their nasty breakup a few years back, now they’re becoming friends again.

“They have developed into close confidantes and are sharing intimate details of their lives.”

To be clear, it isn’t 100% certain that Miranda Lambert and Anderson East have split … though they haven’t exactly jumped at the chance to shout from the rooftops that the report of their breakup is false.

Similarly, right now, we just have speculation from social media and this illuminating report on Gwen and Blake.

But until anything is announced, reports that the two had a fight aren’t the same thing as confirmation of a breakup.

Perhaps, as they go their separate ways, cooler heads will prevail.

It is nice to imagine the kind of music that Gwen Stefani might make if she’s inspired by a split from Blake Shelton, whom many have seen as little more than a bloated parasite clinging to Gwen’s underbelly to siphon away a bit of her fame.

But the two may reconcile as if they never had a fight in the first place, folks. It happens all of the time.
