Showing posts with label Marrying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marrying. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Justin Bieber Implies No More New Music Before Marrying Hailey Baldwin

Justin Bieber is getting his priorities in order on the heels of a new hit song … implying that his wedding with Hailey Baldwin will come before any more new music.  JB was out with his fiancee Sunday in NYC when he got asked by a bunch…


Justin Bieber Implies No More New Music Before Marrying Hailey Baldwin

Justin Bieber is getting his priorities in order on the heels of a new hit song … implying that his wedding with Hailey Baldwin will come before any more new music.  JB was out with his fiancee Sunday in NYC when he got asked by a bunch…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Gwen Stefani: I Think About Marrying Blake Shelton All of the Time!

Gwen Stefani is opening up and speaking directly about her relationship with Blake Shelton.

On Tuesday, she spoke to Ellen DeGeneres and confessed that she thinks about marrying the Country crooner "all of the time."

You can see her say that and more in the video below.

We hear a lot of reports about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. We"ll hear that Blake dumped Gwen after a fight, or that the two are married or expecting.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to parse what is true and what is a rumor.

What is very clear, however, is that Gwen and Blake"s relationship is still the subject of a lot of speculation. And a lot of fans want to see them stay together.

Blake Shelton gushed about Gwen on social media recently, and now Gwen"s sitting down with Ellen DeGeneres to speak up about how she feels.

And the results, as you"ll see, are very cute.

Gwen Stefani was visibly anxious when discussing her relationship.

When the subject of marriage comes up, she asks Ellen for advice.

"Well, how do you feel about it? I mean, you"re married. What do you think I should do about it?"

Ellen, who is married to Portia De Rossi and has been for many years, answered her bluntly:

"I love being married. I think you should get married."

"Really?" Gwen asks.

Ellen presses her, asking: "Don"t you?"

"WHAT are you doing?!" Gwen exclaims.

Ellen points out that Gwen came to her for advice.

As a general rule, don"t ask for advice if you don"t want it.

That goes for television interviews, too.

Gwen clarifies that she loves Ellen — who doesn"t? — and, speaking of love, she talks about how Blake gets along with her children.

"The kids love him," she reports.

"We love him," Gwen continues. "Everybody loves him. He"s lovable."

That last may not be quite as accurate as the lovestruck pop singer may want to believe.

Apparently the Country singer has ruffled some feathers at The Voice.

Some reports even claim that Blake is high on fame and money. But if that"s true, it doesn"t sound like she and her family see that side of him.

Ellen tells Gwen to "think about" marrying Blake, but emphasizes that there is no rush.

And this is when Gwen confesses, saying: "I do. I think about it all of the time."

That sure makes it sounds like wedding bells could be in the air.

Watching this, one is reminded that it wasn"t so long ago that anti-marriage equality activists were arguing that same-sex marriage would ruin straight marriage.

But here we see Ellen DeGeneres talking about how her marriage is so wonderful that she wants that for Gwen Stefani. It"s beautiful.


Gwen stefani i think about marrying blake shelton all of the tim

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Blake Shelton: Is His New Song About Marrying Gwen Stefani?!

Sometimes Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are so cute they make you want to vomit, you know?

But like, in a good way.

It’s just so sweet how they found love after what seemed like such painful, dramatic divorces — remember, Blake split with Miranda Lambert, Gwen dumped Gavin Rossdale, and they were together just a few months later.

Every single time we see a photo of the two of them or hear them talk about each other, or even when we just hear a random report about them, we can’t help but smile.

Because of the cuteness.

And if you’re the same way, then Blake’s brand new music video will probably just destroy you.

Blake released the video for his song “I’ll Name the Dogs” yesterday, and it’s … well, it’s so precious it hurts.

Check it out, you’ll see what we mean:

Did you watch it?! Are you done crying all the happy tears yet?!

Good, then let’s start talking about how the song is almost definitely about Gwen!

Looking at the lyrics, it’s clear that Blake is singing about a woman he wants to marry: “I’m talking about you and me with the same street name, same last name, same everything.”

Throughout the song, he paints the most adorable picture of his ideal life together with this woman.

“Laying next to you every night sounds like a damn good life,” he croons.

As for the title of the song, he suggests all the different roles the couple could take — “You name the babies,” he sings, “and I’ll name the dogs.”

So this is a song about his love for this woman, a love so deep that he wants to marry her and have children with her.

It’s got to be about Gwen, right?!

If you still have your doubts, then just pair the lyrics with the video, which, by the way, features appearances by Gwen’s actual children.

If that’s not a sign, then what is?

But hey, you may still be doubtful, and that’s fine.

To convince you — or to push you over the edge, if you don’t need convincing — check out this report about Gwen’s reaction to the music video!

A source tells Hollywood Life that “Gwen cried the first time she saw the finished video.”

“The combination of the romantic lyrics that Blake sings just for her, seeing her boys on screen, and the surprise twist of it being an older couple getting married hit her right in the heart.”

“It was so emotional for her in so many ways,” the source adds.

Us too, us too!

The source claims that “She and Blake always talk about how they’re going to grow old together, that was the inspiration behind the surprise twist of having the bride and groom be seniors.”

“Between that and seeing her boys onscreen looking so grown up it was impossible for her not to cry.”

“She’s beyond proud of Blake and so honored that he sings such a beautiful song for her,” the source says, “she feels like the luckiest woman in the world right now.”

So, are they getting married now or …


Friday, August 25, 2017

Ronda Rousey Marrying Travis Browne During McGregor Fight

Ronda Rousey won’t be ringside for McGregor vs. Mayweather … ‘CAUSE SHE’LL BE GETTING MARRIED!  Dana White revealed that Ronda will be tying the knot with longtime boyfriend Travis Browne on Saturday. The two got engaged back in…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Kris Jenner Cracks Up Laughing at the Thought of Kylie Marrying Travis Scott

Kris Jenner took in a comedy after dinner — a question about her youngest daughter getting married. Kris was leaving Nobu Los Angeles Thursday night with bf Corey Gamble when a pap asked if Kylie’s boyfriend, Travis Scott, has her…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Meghan Markle: Getting Cold Feet About Marrying Prince Harry?!

To hear the British tabloids tell it, you’d think the whole thing is a foregone conclusion:

Prince Harry will marry Meghan Markle at some point, they’ve been telling us. It’s just a matter of when.

The press has cast the Suits actress in the role of Waity Kate 2.0, a princess-in-the-making who’s only missing that all-important ring.

But what if Meghan isn’t so sure about giving up her life in the States and the career she worked so hard for, just to spend the rest of her days as a figurehead’s bride?

Yes, we know it’s tough to imagine anyone passing up a shot at becoming royalty, especially someone who’s most famous for a part on a long-running series that receives most of its ratings from being left on in hospital waiting rooms.

But there are reports that Meghan is in the midst of a career renaissance as a result of her relationship with Harry 

According to Radar Online, Markle is being offered the sort of scripts that she spent most of her career dreaming about.

Specifically, the site claims that filmmakers Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels have planned a series of “leading lady” roles that they feel would take her career to the next level.

Apparently, this isn’t Madea Learns About Flag Day stuff, but meaty, dramatic roles that could finally give the Meghan the opportunity to show off her chops.

“Meghan knows there’s no going back once the engagement’s announced  so to have these incredible scripts land on her plate has really upset the apple cart,” a source tells Radar.

“She’s worked for all her life trying to succeed as an actress and getting these plum roles offered to her has unsettled things.”

Apple carts! Plum roles! The whole situation is both difficult and deliciously fruit-flavored.

The news comes just as several British tabloids announced that a Harry-Meghan engagement announcement should be coming any day now. 

Is it possible that Meghan would turn down an actual prince in order to maintain her independence?

If so, forget about the rinky-dink Tyler Perry stuff.

Meghan needs to sell her life story to an especially woke bunch Disney animators ASAP.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Scheana Shay: Already Thinking About Marrying Robert Valletta?!?

It seems like just yesterday Scheana Shay, and Mike Shay walked down the aisle on Vanderpump Rules. 

That marriage, however, was built on lies and Scheana constantly worried Mike was back on drugs. Also, it was revealed earlier this week that Scheana wanted to work through Mike’s infidelity. Yes, he apparently was getting flirty via text message with an unknown recipient. 

These days, Scheana has moved on from her tough relationship with Mike to Robert Valetta. 

Scheana had previously dated Robert before things got serious with Mike. Now, Scheana has revealed that her views on marriage are very different now from a few months back.  

“If you asked me four months ago if I’d ever get married again, my answer was very different. I was like, ‘Hell, no. Never doing this again.’ And now I’m like, ‘I would love to marry him one day,"” Scheana said.

“I mean, we’re taking things very slow, but I wouldn’t be dating someone I don’t see a future with, because that’s just a waste of time at my age. So I definitely see a long future with him. Hopefully, he feels the same.”

It’s great that Scheana appears to be moving on with her life, but she seems to still be sticking to her rule about having no prenup. 

“Even if I were to remarry, I’m still not about a prenup. Yeah, things didn’t go well with Shay and I, but I don’t regret not having a prenup because if I’m marrying someone, I trust them. They’re my best friend. They’re someone I’m gonna spend my life with,” she explained.

“I mean, I know Katie described it as having insurance on your marriage, but I don’t think that’s something that I would need or want, because I do feel that puts a slight damper on the relationship. It’s like, well just in case, my money’s mine, and yours is yours.”

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will already know that Katie Maloney compared a prenup to marriage insurance. She did have a point, but everyone is different. 

Some people will want to take these precautions, while others are too blinded by love to think that anything is going to go wrong. Scheana did think it was something she would think about more next time. 

“But we haven’t had this discussion. We’re not even close to being there,” she said.

“I mean, if that’s something he wanted, then we would talk about it. But we’re two people who don’t really believe in that in general. So I wouldn’t recommend it, but if whoever I marry wanted it, then that’s a discussion we’ll have to have at that time.”

It sure sounds like a discussion they could be having soon enough. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Amber Portwood: I"m STILL Marrying Matt Baier & Here"s Who"s Invited!

Despite a relationship filled with more red flags than China, Amber Portwood is still planning to marry Matt Baier.

Baier, as you may know, is a deadbeat dad with an indeterminate number of kids by an indeterminate number of women.

The only thing we know for sure is that Baier owed thousands in back child support because he’s the worst.

But where were we?

Oh, right – Amber is undoing years of progress and proving that decision-making is still not her strong suit by putting a ring on this dipsh-t, and she wants all her famous friends to witness the tragedy in person!

Amber and Matt are in the late stages of wedding prep (They’re planning to get hitched sometime this spring.), and it seems Baier has seized the reins in termsa of finalizing the guest list:

“[Matt] is completely into it, even more than me maybe,” Amber tells People magazine in an interview published today.

“He is writing down the guest list and we already have 200 people on it, I don’t even know 50 of them!”

So who among Amber’s co-stars will be invited to attend?

You might be surprised by her response: 

“Every single Teen Mom [star] will be invited,” she says

“Every single one from Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom OG.”

So … did she not watch the reunion show where she had to be physically restrained to prevent her from attacking Farrah Abraham?

Because we did, and it was pretty damn brutal:

Initially, we were surprised that Amber is inviting everyone from across the entire Teen Mom franchise, but the more we think about it, it’s not all that shocking:

After all, Matt Baier made the guest list, and Matt Baier is Teen Mom Superfan Number One.

He only started hitting on Amber after he flirted with Jenelle Evans and Farrah on social media and got shot down by both.

Of course, he wants all the stars of both series to attend his wedding!

He’s been dreaming of this day for years!


But hey, Amber seems unconcerned, so maybe she knows something we don’t.

“I don’t know if I feel frantic or anything,” Portwood says when asked about pre-wedding jitters.

“I’m kind of scared — not for any particular reason — just the fact that I’m getting married. We are on time and we pretty much know exactly what we want to do.”

She adds:

“We’re just trying to stay level-headed, because there’s a lot going on right now.”

She’s right about that.

There is so much going on in the run-up to this wedding. 

If only some of it were good.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of the enormity of the mistake Amber is about to make.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Leah Messer: Marrying Jeremy Calvert Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life!

You really have to give it up for Leah Messer — girl has come a long way.

Sure, she still has a little scandal every now and then. Every once in a while she"ll get some hate for being "too thin," or people will get angry with her for putting too much makeup on her daughters.

But when you remember that not that long ago, Leah was losing custody of her twins because she was unable to get them to school on time or feed them breakfast, it doesn"t seem all that bad, does it?

Yes, Leah has really grown up a lot lately, and she proves that in this new Teen Mom 2 clip.

In the clip, she meets up with Jeremy Calvert to exchange their daughter. Jeremy takes to opportunity to let her know about his engagement to Brooke Wehr.

It"s a little awkward at first — Jeremy"s obviously hoping to get a big reaction from Leah — but she just tells him congratulations and that she"s happy for him.

Then she tells Jeremy to make sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with Brooke, since Brooke would be their kid"s stepmother. It sounds a little strange at first, but hey, Leah had two failed marriages by the tender age of 23.

If anyone can talk about being sure about getting hitched, it"s her.

She tells him to be careful since he"s "a very irrational person," and he gets angry. But we all know she"s not wrong.

Jeremy starts to tell her that she"s irrational, and she agrees — she tells him that "we were very irrational, and that was the biggest mistake of my life."

See Leah give it to Jeremy in the clip below:

Leah messer marrying jeremy calvert was the biggest mistake of m

Leah Messer: Marrying Jeremy Calvert Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life!

You really have to give it up for Leah Messer — girl has come a long way.

Sure, she still has a little scandal every now and then. Every once in a while she"ll get some hate for being "too thin," or people will get angry with her for putting too much makeup on her daughters.

But when you remember that not that long ago, Leah was losing custody of her twins because she was unable to get them to school on time or feed them breakfast, it doesn"t seem all that bad, does it?

Yes, Leah has really grown up a lot lately, and she proves that in this new Teen Mom 2 clip.

In the clip, she meets up with Jeremy Calvert to exchange their daughter. Jeremy takes to opportunity to let her know about his engagement to Brooke Wehr.

It"s a little awkward at first — Jeremy"s obviously hoping to get a big reaction from Leah — but she just tells him congratulations and that she"s happy for him.

Then she tells Jeremy to make sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with Brooke, since Brooke would be their kid"s stepmother. It sounds a little strange at first, but hey, Leah had two failed marriages by the tender age of 23.

If anyone can talk about being sure about getting hitched, it"s her.

She tells him to be careful since he"s "a very irrational person," and he gets angry. But we all know she"s not wrong.

Jeremy starts to tell her that she"s irrational, and she agrees — she tells him that "we were very irrational, and that was the biggest mistake of my life."

See Leah give it to Jeremy in the clip below:

Leah messer marrying jeremy calvert was the biggest mistake of m

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Mariah Carey -- Screw Packer ... I"m Marrying DJ Khaled!!! (VIDEO)

Mariah Carey has been out every night this week, and it just so happens her choice of restaurants all have had a phalanx of paparazzi recording her every happy move … go figure. The diva extraordinaire hit up Catch Saturday night with DJ Khaled,…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Jinger Duggar: Marrying Jeremy Vuolo For Ratings?!

From the moment that Jinger Duggar got engaged to Jeremy Vuolo, there were rumors that the rushed courtship was spurred by ulterior motives.

Fans claimed Jinger and Jeremy were moving too fast (even by Duggar standards).

There were even rumors that the couple was speeding past the usual relationship milestones because Jinger was pregnant with Jeremy’s baby.

Obviously, that one turned out to be bogus.

The Duggars aren’t even permitted to engage in premarital front-hugging, much less premarital sex.

But the fact remained that Jinger and Jeremy were moving awfully fast, even when compared to Jinger’s married sisters, both of whom married men they’d met less than a year earlier.

Was there a cause for all this urgency other then the eagerness of young love?

Well, now fans believe they may have figured out the reasoning behind Jinger and Jeremy’s hasty courtship.

TLC recently announced that a Jinger-Jeremy wedding episode is soon to come, and considering how much the current season of Counting On has struggled to find an audience, many fans believe it may also serve as the show’s series finale.

Yes, it’s possible that Counting On isn’t long for this world, and given the frequent complaints about the show’s tendency to drag out storylines and rely on clip shows and previously aired episodes, it’s something of a miracle that the show has made it this far.

In fact, without the Jinger-Jeremy courtship storyline, it’s hard to imagine how the series would have kept viewers engaged for an entire season.

Not surprisingly, that’s led fans to the conclusion that Jinger and Jeremy got engaged for the sake of her family’s ailing reality franchise.

Would Jinge and Jer still be planning a wedding without the added incentive of increased viewership?

Obviously, we’ll never know for sure.

But considering how much their TV series has benefited from documenting their romance, it’s hard to believe ratings didn’t factor into their sprint for the altar.

For a time, there were rumors that Jinger and Jeremy would get married this past weekend.

This far, there’s been no indication that they actually made it legal.

But when they do, you can rest assured that the whole thing will be captured for a very special episode of Counting On.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: SO EXCITED About Marrying Jinger Duggar!

Just a few weeks after we learned that Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo were courting, the couple hit us with an even bigger surprise…

Yes, we now know that Jinger and Jeremy are engaged, and it seems that they’ll be wasting no time in getting to the altar.

The couple has been tight-lipped with regard to an exact date, but insiders say preparations are already well under way.

Naturally, the whole thing is being documented for Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2, and it’s safe to assume Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding will be televised.

But if the video message to fans that Jeremy posted today is any indication, that’s about all the info you’ll be getting about the Jinge and Jer’s relationship between now and when the show returns to TLC August 23.

In the clip above, Jeremy addresses family, friends and fans from outside his grandparents’ home in New Jersey.

Yes, Jersey. It’s not exactly Duggar territory, but then Jeremy’s not your typical Duggar dude.

While Jill and Jessa both married native Arkansans, Jinger wound with a Philadelphia boy through an odd chain of events.

Jeremy first became acquainted with Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, while traveling in Texas.

They happened to be at the home of a friend of Vuolo’s when he passed through San Antonio.

Vuolo hit it off with the Seewalds, even appearing in some of the faith-based YouTube videos they’ve posted.

Jessa introduced Jeremy to her younger sister Jinger, but it wasn’t until the two of them wound up on a missionary trip together that they hit it off. 

A former pro soccer player, Jeremy is somewhat accustomed to the limelight, but he’s about to be in the public eye like never before.

It’s good to see that he’s giving himself a little media training.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Gwen Stefani Not Marrying Blake Shelton, Not Carrying His Baby...Yet

The rumors have been plentiful, but they certainly aren’t true.

Gwen Stefani put any and all speculation to rest about pregnancies, engagements, and secret weddings involving boyfriend Blake Shelton on June 1st when she appeared on 94.7 Fresh FM’s The Tommy Show.

“Let’s just take it one day at a time,” she answered when host Tommy McFLY asked if she’d be wearing an engagement ring to an upcoming performance.

“Everything’s crazy right now so no, absolutely not.”

Even Stefani herself can’t help but wonder how some of the tabloids make up such stories.

“Can you imagine the amount of gossipy, weird stories people make up?” she said

“To me, it makes me laugh every day. I actually do Google my name just so I can see the next one that’s gonna happen, because it’s gotten so out of control.”

The most recent tale involves a KFC bucket and a $ 1.4 million Tiffany & Co. ring.  

According to Radar Online, Shelton hid the sparkler at the bottom of the greasy bucket, and when Stefani found it, he proposed.

“The best part about it is it’s hilarious,” Stefani, 46 said.

“The worst part about it is that some people actually believe that stuff. Like, that is what’s funny.”

Coincidentally (or not), Shelton gave an interview to Rolling Stone about the start of their relationship.

Shelton, who had split with wife Miranda Lambert in July, found out that Stefani had just announced her separation from Gavin Rossdale.

“We just started to develop a friendship after that,” he said. “And it took awhile, because it’s chaos. But just over time, seeing each other a lot at work, it just kind of developed into that.

“I was spending some time with Gwen all of a sudden, and she became my closest ally, my friend, my person in my life who had my back, and I had hers,” Shelton revealed.

“And created this bond with somebody that I never would have thought in a million years.”

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"Gotham" Star Morena Baccarin -- I"m Marrying My Co-Star Ben McKenzie


breaking news

0925_MORENA_BACCARIN_BEN_MCKENZIE_TMZGotham” star Morena Baccarin – who is pregnant with co-star Ben McKenzie‘s baby — plans to marry him … TMZ has learned.

Baccarin is in the middle of a nasty divorce with director Austin Chick. According to legal docs obtained by TMZ, Baccarin says she got pregnant with Ben’s baby in June, which she claims was after she separated with Chick. The estranged husband begs to differ and says she got pregnant while they were still together.

Chick filed for divorce, and Morena has already planned her next move. In her legal docs, obtained by TMZ, she says, “Today, I am in a new committed relationship. I am planning to re-marry. Also, I am 3 1/2 months pregnant.”

Morena’s divorce is bitter. As we reported, Chick says he came to their house in June, only to find Ben freshly showered and playing with their 1-year-old son.

And Morena included texts in her docs to show how bad the situation is … she texted to Chick, “I’d like to be there alone with Julius [their son]. Please Friday all day and night through Sunday morning.”

He responded, “I’d like to run Fox Studios and remake The Sound of Music w an entirely black cast of hip hop artist.”

She tells the judge, “This entire situation is not funny to me.”