Monday, October 31, 2016

Jinger Duggar: Marrying Jeremy Vuolo For Ratings?!

From the moment that Jinger Duggar got engaged to Jeremy Vuolo, there were rumors that the rushed courtship was spurred by ulterior motives.

Fans claimed Jinger and Jeremy were moving too fast (even by Duggar standards).

There were even rumors that the couple was speeding past the usual relationship milestones because Jinger was pregnant with Jeremy’s baby.

Obviously, that one turned out to be bogus.

The Duggars aren’t even permitted to engage in premarital front-hugging, much less premarital sex.

But the fact remained that Jinger and Jeremy were moving awfully fast, even when compared to Jinger’s married sisters, both of whom married men they’d met less than a year earlier.

Was there a cause for all this urgency other then the eagerness of young love?

Well, now fans believe they may have figured out the reasoning behind Jinger and Jeremy’s hasty courtship.

TLC recently announced that a Jinger-Jeremy wedding episode is soon to come, and considering how much the current season of Counting On has struggled to find an audience, many fans believe it may also serve as the show’s series finale.

Yes, it’s possible that Counting On isn’t long for this world, and given the frequent complaints about the show’s tendency to drag out storylines and rely on clip shows and previously aired episodes, it’s something of a miracle that the show has made it this far.

In fact, without the Jinger-Jeremy courtship storyline, it’s hard to imagine how the series would have kept viewers engaged for an entire season.

Not surprisingly, that’s led fans to the conclusion that Jinger and Jeremy got engaged for the sake of her family’s ailing reality franchise.

Would Jinge and Jer still be planning a wedding without the added incentive of increased viewership?

Obviously, we’ll never know for sure.

But considering how much their TV series has benefited from documenting their romance, it’s hard to believe ratings didn’t factor into their sprint for the altar.

For a time, there were rumors that Jinger and Jeremy would get married this past weekend.

This far, there’s been no indication that they actually made it legal.

But when they do, you can rest assured that the whole thing will be captured for a very special episode of Counting On.
