Showing posts with label Excited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excited. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday, July 29, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo: SO EXCITED About Marrying Jinger Duggar!

Just a few weeks after we learned that Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo were courting, the couple hit us with an even bigger surprise…

Yes, we now know that Jinger and Jeremy are engaged, and it seems that they’ll be wasting no time in getting to the altar.

The couple has been tight-lipped with regard to an exact date, but insiders say preparations are already well under way.

Naturally, the whole thing is being documented for Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2, and it’s safe to assume Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding will be televised.

But if the video message to fans that Jeremy posted today is any indication, that’s about all the info you’ll be getting about the Jinge and Jer’s relationship between now and when the show returns to TLC August 23.

In the clip above, Jeremy addresses family, friends and fans from outside his grandparents’ home in New Jersey.

Yes, Jersey. It’s not exactly Duggar territory, but then Jeremy’s not your typical Duggar dude.

While Jill and Jessa both married native Arkansans, Jinger wound with a Philadelphia boy through an odd chain of events.

Jeremy first became acquainted with Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, while traveling in Texas.

They happened to be at the home of a friend of Vuolo’s when he passed through San Antonio.

Vuolo hit it off with the Seewalds, even appearing in some of the faith-based YouTube videos they’ve posted.

Jessa introduced Jeremy to her younger sister Jinger, but it wasn’t until the two of them wound up on a missionary trip together that they hit it off. 

A former pro soccer player, Jeremy is somewhat accustomed to the limelight, but he’s about to be in the public eye like never before.

It’s good to see that he’s giving himself a little media training.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kellie Pickler was REALLY Excited to Play Family Feud

Back when she was a contestant on American Idol, Kellie Picker performed in front of millions and millions of people watching on TV.

Still, she always came across as calm, cool and collected.

The same could not be said of Pickler during her time as a contestant on Celebrity Family Feud.

The country singer went up against Lance Bass for a face-off question asked by Steve Harvey, unable to contain her excitement over being on the beloved game show.

She bobbed. She weaved. She swayed. She screamed.

And then it was time for Pickler to jump in with an answer to this question: What is one thing that only a husband can do to a wife"s behind?

Pickler tried to answer… but she missed the buzzer!

We"ve never seen that before! Ever!

“You need a bigger button,” said Pickler, as Harvey looked like he just had a heart attack.

Once everyone recovered, Bass gave his response and then Pickler gave her slightly dirty response.

Did it earn her team a chance to play? What did she actually say a husband can do to his wife"s rear end that no one else is permitted to do?

Find out now!

Kellie picker is really excited to play family feud

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals NEW Weight, Is Super Excited

OMG you guys, you know how, like, Kim Kardashian totally gained like a ton of weight when she was preggers?

And for a super long time it, like, messed up her life because, I mean, how could she even think of going out in public and stuff when she was so, ya know, ginormous?

But, like, ever since she gave birth to Saint in December, she’s been, like, totally good and eating carrots and working out like a beast and everything.

Bible, guys!

Ugh, I can’t keep talking like Kim. It’s giving me a headache.

So here’s what’s happened now. 

Kim is almost at her pre-pregnancy weight, and she’s extremely excited.

As in, ALL CAPS and excessive exclamation points excited.

The reality star shared her exuberance along with a photo of herself standing on a scale on Snapchat.

Kim Kardashian on scale

“YOU GUYS!!!! PRE BABY WEIGHT WAS 135!!!!!” she wrote.

So, according to arithmetic, she’s got 4.6 pounds to go. Huzzah!

The self-obsessed celebrity has been complaining about her desire, nay, need to lose weight ever since the umbilical cord was cut.

About a month ago, Kim gave fans an update, saying she had 28 pounds to go before reaching her goal weight.

But at the beginning of 2016, she said she wanted to get below her pre-pregnancy poundage.

“I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy but have been an extra 10 lbs up for the last few years so it’s time to really get to my goal,” she wrote.

So I guess that makes it 14.6 pounds to go. Keep the kale coming, servants.

BTW, all this math is killing me. I’m a writer, here, folks.

Kim Kardashian Reveals NEW Weight, Is Super Excited

OMG you guys, you know how, like, Kim Kardashian totally gained like a ton of weight when she was preggers?

And for a super long time it, like, messed up her life because, I mean, how could she even think of going out in public and stuff when she was so, ya know, ginormous?

But, like, ever since she gave birth to Saint in December, she’s been, like, totally good and eating carrots and working out like a beast and everything.

Bible, guys!

Ugh, I can’t keep talking like Kim. It’s giving me a headache.

So here’s what’s happened now. 

Kim is almost at her pre-pregnancy weight, and she’s extremely excited.

As in, ALL CAPS and excessive exclamation points excited.

The reality star shared her exuberance along with a photo of herself standing on a scale on Snapchat.

Kim Kardashian on scale

“YOU GUYS!!!! PRE BABY WEIGHT WAS 135!!!!!” she wrote.

So, according to arithmetic, she’s got 4.6 pounds to go. Huzzah!

The self-obsessed celebrity has been complaining about her desire, nay, need to lose weight ever since the umbilical cord was cut.

About a month ago, Kim gave fans an update, saying she had 28 pounds to go before reaching her goal weight.

But at the beginning of 2016, she said she wanted to get below her pre-pregnancy poundage.

“I gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy but have been an extra 10 lbs up for the last few years so it’s time to really get to my goal,” she wrote.

So I guess that makes it 14.6 pounds to go. Keep the kale coming, servants.

BTW, all this math is killing me. I’m a writer, here, folks.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sarah Palin: So Excited for Bristol"s Baby!

The world still does not know the identity of Bristol Palin’s second baby daddy.

But we do know how Sarah Palin feels about becoming a grandparent for the second time.

“I can’t wait for about 45 more days, and I’m gonna have a little baby granddaughter,” Palin said this weekend on CBS Sunday Morning. “And I’m happy about it.”

Is she really, though?

Bristol announced her second pregnancy over the summer, coming across as clearly disappointed in herself for once again having unprotected sex outside of marriage.

The reveal came just weeks after Bristol called off her wedding to Dakota Meyer.

And Palin admits this is not the way she saw her daughter’s life playing out.

“Heck no because being a single mom is, oh my goodness, my heart goes out to the single parents,” Palin said.

“But my enormous admiration for what it is that they’re able to accomplish doing double-duty. And I watch Bristol do double-duty all the time, you know, with her little boy, Tripp.”

In sharing the baby news on her blog back in June, Bristol called it a “huge disappointment to my family” but admitted “there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side.”

She has since amended this statement to make it seem as if the pregnancy was planned.

Bristol’s mom, meanwhile, says any child is a “blessing” and has a response to critics who say two babies out of wedlock goes against all she stands for as a conservative:

“Well, the cool thing about puttin’ your faith in God is he certainly is a God of second chances, and third, and fourth and fifth chances. I screw up all the time.”

In closing, because it has to be asked, who would Sarah Palin support right now for the Republican nomination?

“I would say that fighter is Donald Trump, because he’s got nothin’ to lose,” she replied. “He doesn’t have to be bought or sold, obviously, especially when it comes to contributions. He is his own man.”