Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sarah Michelle Gellar -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Sarah Michelle Gellar’s beauty is to die for! Here’s a 17-year-old version of the ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ scream queen at an event in NYC back in 1994 (left) and 24 years later … The now 41-year-old mother of two was spotted showing off…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sarah Palin on Synagogue Shooting, More Religion is the Solution

Sarah Palin has an answer for stopping mass shootings in America … and it has nothing to do with restricting gun sales or getting more weapons in the hands of law enforcement.  We got Sarah Monday at LAX and asked about the…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sarah Drew Had a Problem with Her Grey"s Anatomy Exit

Can Sarah Drew be honest for a few minutes?

Can she just go ahead and keep it real for a moment?

Okay, great. The actress really appreciates it.

As you very likely know by now, Drew was let go from Grey’s Anatomy in March, about two months before the end of Season 14.

She had starred as Dr. April Kepner for years and was considered a fan favorite, which is why both Drew and millions of viewers out there felt blindsided by ABC’s decision.

While producers have not come out and said it, both Drew and Jessica Capshaw were not brought back to the series for budgetary reasons.

This is the assumption most fans have been making at least.

As for how April was written off the drama?

Her storyline wrapped up for good up when she got married to former fiance Matthew Taylor and left Seattle.

And now Drew has spoken out for the first time about whether she thinks April received a proper send-off.

“In the moment it felt rushed, to be perfectly honest,” the actress told Entertainment Tonight about her depature, adding:

“I felt like it wasn’t really earned because we just didn’t get enough time. We [had] like a scene together that whole season and hadn’t seen each other for four years before that.

“I would’ve liked to have actually grown their relationship to a point where it felt earned for them to get married.”

That’s a very fair point.

It’s reasonable to wonder how far in advance ABC made the choice not to bring Drew back for Season 15.

Still, Drew wants to make it clear:

She isn’t really complaining.

She’s grateful for her time on the show and she can even see how her character’s closing arc made a special kind of sense.

“In hindsight, I think there is something beautifully redemptive that goes along with April’s return to faith and rebirth,” she told ET, continuing as follows:

“The person that she hurt the most in her life was the man she left at the altar, and the redemption story comes full circle in the reconciliation between the two of them.

Even in the darkest and the most painful of relationship experiences, there can still be healing and hope and love and joy, so there was something about that that I could totally get behind.

“I just wish we’d had a little more time to play it out.

Finally, while Drew has moved on (she’s currently starring in a movie called Indivisble), she isn’t bitter toward producers or anything.

Heck, she’d likely make a return to Grey’s Anatomy if the opportunity ever presented itself.

“I’ll never say never because they are my family. I still love everyone over there,” she said when ths topic was broached, concluding:

“I love that community and I still have such an incredible space in my heart for everyone over there, but I really do feel like, because of how it went down, I really had to part ways with April.

“I just had to.

“There was no way for me to live in a space of possibility of her returning and also be healthy in my letting go of all of it, so I really have said goodbye to her.”


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sarah Silverman: I Let Louis C.K. Masturbate in Front of Me

Sorry, Sarah Silverman, but…

… cum again?

(Okay, truthfully, we’re sorry to our readers here.)

The comedian has made some very gross headlines by appearing Monday morning on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show and speaking on her friendship with Louis C.K.

Back in November, of course, C.K. was accused of five women of sexual misconduct.

They all said that the famous stand-up jerked off in their presence, an allegation that C.K. later acknowledged as true.

Talking to Stern, Silverman sort of defended her friend’s actions (or at least his mindset at the time of these actions) by telling a personal and disgusting story:

“I don’t know if I’m going to regret saying this,” she said. “I’ve known Louis forever, I’m not making excuses for him, so please don’t take this that way. We are peers. We are equals.

“When we were kids, and he asked if he could masturbate in front of me, sometimes I’d go, ‘F-c yeah I want to see that!’ …

“It’s not analogous to the other women that are talking about what he did to them. He could offer me nothing. We were only just friends.

“So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazing. Sometimes I would say, ‘F-cking no, gross,’ and we got pizza.”

Well… okay then.

Not sure what else to say about that.

C.K. pleasuring himself in front of a woman who admittedly wants him to do so is fine of course. 

Especially, as Silverman notes here, when the two people involved are peers.

But C.K. pleasuring himself in front of women who did not give their consent and over whom he held power is unethical and wildly inappropriate.

Silverman’s point here, however, is that C.K. may not have realized this upon yanking out his junk in front of his victims.

“I’m not saying what he did was okay,” she said to Stern, explaining:

“I’m just saying at a certain point, when he became influential, not even famous, but influential in the world of comedy, it changes.

“He felt like he was the same person, but the dynamic was different and it was not okay.”

It was definitely not okay.

“I’m not saying everyone should embrace Louis again,” Silverman continued.

“I believe he has remorse. I just want him to talk about it on stage. He’s going to have to find his way or not find his way.”

Louis, of course, has now returned to the stage, despite many people thinking he hasn’t learned any lessons; suffered any consequences; or taking any steps to make anyone believe he regrets his actions.

Said C.K. in a statement after the aforementioned five women came forward:

These stories are true.

At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K. because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true.

But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.

The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. I have been remorseful of my actions. And I’ve tried to learn from them. And run from them.

Now I’m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions.

One of the women who sat and watched C.K. masturbate said the experience discouraged her from pursuing a career in comedy.

It ruined the entire entertainment industry for her.

Concluded C.K. in his statement:

I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.

I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn’t want to hear it..

There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.

I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.

The hardest regret to live with is what you’ve done to hurt someone else. And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them…

I’ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.

I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sarah Palin"s Son Track to Spend Year in Custody After Domestic Violence Arrest

Sarah Palin’s oldest son’s arrest for allegedly hitting a woman he lives with is a violation of a deal he struck for a separate assault case … so a judge sending him to a halfway house. Track Palin was arrested last week on domestic violence…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Teen Mom OG Trailer: Tears, Trauma and... Sarah Palin!

New challenges are ahead on Teen Mom OG.

At least one new child is on the way.

New drama, new storylines and plenty of new controversies are also on tap.

But the first trailer for fresh episodes of this beloved MTV reality series focus mostly on the two new mothers set to take the show by storm.

Are you ready to delve into the lives of Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd?

The former, of course, is the daughter of ex-Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

You may think you know her well due to her time in the spotlight several years ago, but Bristol reveals in this preview that her (now former) husband, Dakota Meyer, is suffering from PTSD due to his time in the military.

And it"s tearing her relationship apart.

"We don"t know how to coexist together," Palin says here. "I don"t want to raise my kids to think this is what a marriage looks like, you know?"

Meyer is the father of Bristol"s two oldest children; and Levi Johnston, the father of her first son, will also be appearing on Season 8 this fall.

Elsewhere, Floyd – who first appeared on MTV"s Are You the One, prior to competing on The Challenge: Rivals 3 – will be juggling two men as part of her Teen Mom OG role.

One is Cory Wharton, the father of her daughter, Ryder.

The other is a boyfriend named Zach, who, as depicted in this video, will find himself at the center of drama between the exes, their custody arrangement and how much time he spends with Floyd"s adorable child.

That"s a bit of background on the new OGs.

What about the original OGs?

Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra will openly wonder whether they have a future together, with the latter dropping the most heartbreaking quote of the promo when he comes right out and admits:

"If someone asked me, "Are you happy in your marriage?" I"d say, "Absolutely not.""


Maci Bookout and husband Taylor McKinney look to be having serious issues with Maci"s ex, Ryan Edwards, while Amber Portwood and boyfriend Andrew Glennon are at least in new baby bliss.

Will that last, however?

And how will these long-time cast members react to the presence of Bristol and Cheyenne? And Sarah Palin herself?!?

Check out the explosive teaser now and then prepare for Teen Mom OG to return with new episodes on October 1 at 9/8c.

Teen mom og season 8 watch the trailer

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Offers Update on Trump Attending McCain"s Funeral

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says it’s unclear if Donald Trump will attend Senator John McCain’s funeral — but here’s what we’re hearing … don’t hold your breath. We got the Press Sec. leaving Reagan National Sunday and asked for some thoughts on…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Sarah Drew Finally Speaks Out on Grey"s Anatomy Firing!

This year’s Grey’s Anatomy casting shocker impacted a lot of fans. Some even proposed a boycott of the series.

Fans were not happy to see April leave the series. And no one was more disappointed than the actress herself, Sarah Drew.

For the first time, she is speaking out in detail about how the news was broken to her, how she reacted, and what she wishes had been different.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sarah Drew finally details how she found out that she was leaving Grey’s Anatomy.

First of all, she explains the reason that she was given.

“I was told that the show had too many characters,” Drew reveals. “And that they needed to downsize because they couldn’t service all of the characters effectively.”

So we shouldn’t blame Ellen Pompeo and her huge salary, in other words.

Drew explains: “They didn’t want any of us to be left in the background and not getting much of a story.”

Writing a book and writing a TV series are not the same, and have different considerations because there are real people involved.

Drew also shares that a showrunner explained why her character in particular went to the chopping block.

“Krista Vernoff said that she felt like April had been through so much and had come out the other side,” Drew says. “And that she didn’t know what she could put her through again.”

Viewers are familiar with watching a beloved character suffer again and again and wanting them to get their happily ever after.

Well, shows are built on conflict. Most characters don’t get a happily ever after and to get to stay on the show.

“It was really hard to hear that,” Drew admits. “But Krista had a lot of very complimentary things to say about the work that I had done — especially this past season — and that April was going to have her happy ending.”

The news was, of course, difficult to take.

“It was in the afternoon and I went back to my trailer and I did my crying and called my people,” Drew shares. “A whole bunch of people came into my trailer to give me hugs and cry with me and tell me they were so sad I was leaving.”

Thta sounds devastating.

“I was supposed to be shadowing Kevin this whole episode with the hope that I would get to direct an episode of Grey’s,” Drew reveals. “But [after being let go] it seemed like wasn’t a possibility anymore.”

She says that her Emmy nomination was a source of comfort.

“My confidence had gotten a bit shaken in the wake of being let go,” Drew confesses. “And the nomination after the fact made me go, ‘I don’t need to be worried about anything or have my confidence shaken.”

Like many Japril shippers who watched at home, Drew had imagined that things would go differently for her character.

“In the midst of it, I was devastated that Jackson (Jesse Williams) and April wasn’t an end game,” Drew confesses.

She thought that April would be looking into those famously beautiful eyes for the rest of her life.

“I thought Jackson and April were meant to get back together,” Drew admits. “And they were going to get married again and realize they’d been crazy and it was just going to be this long, slow burn.”

So many viewers have been there.

Drew acknowledges: “But after thinking about it, there’s a real sweetness to that story of April’s faith.”

Drew says: “She ran off with Jackson and loved him and wouldn’t regret a single second of that relationship because it made her heart grow and she got a beautiful daughter out of it.”

“She grew as a woman and as a person of faith,” Drew affirms. “All of that had to happen.”

That was not endgame for the character, however.

“But,” Drew says. “There was something beautiful about the redemption story between April and Matthew.”

When the show you love doesn’t end a character or storyline the way that you’d like, well, that’s why fanfiction exists.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sarah Palin Says Inviting Putin to Visit White House is Wise

Sarah Palin thinks President Trump might be on to something good with his idea to invite Vladimir Putin to the White House … because world leaders gotta work together. We got Sarah at LAX Friday and asked her about Trump’s…


Sarah Palin: Might I Appear on Teen Mom OG? You Betcha!

As has been discussed in the past, Sarah Palin may or may not be able to see Russia from her house.

Similarly, meanwhile, the former Governor and Vice Presidential candidate now says she may or may not appear on future episodes of Teen Mom OG.

Wait… WHAT, you may be asking if you’ve been away from your computer for a few days?!?

It’s true: Bristol Palin has been hired by MTV to essentially replace Farrah Abraham on Season 8 of this popular series.

Yes, the same Bristol Palin whose pregnancy was discovered during her month’s ascension into mainstream politics… who gave birth at age 17… and who now has three kids by two different men.

Based on that synopsis, it actually sounds like Bristol fits in perfect to the franchise, doesn’t it?

Bristol herself has confirmed this story, sharing the image below on Instagram and writing as a caption:

I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.

Asked by TMZ about her daughter’s upcoming presence on this controversial series, Sarah Palin echoed the same sentiment.

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin said told a TMZ cameraman, adding:

“We’re not doing a ‘reality star’ type thing. She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world.

“So I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

There are so many ways to analyze this response.

FIRST, Palin got pregnant in the national spotlight and has gone on to have multiple kids out of wedlock. Including Teen Mom OG, she has appeared on four reality shows.

Her family is very rich and famous.

We disagree with her mother’s assessment that she can be any sort of “messenger” for overcoming any of the challenges that young mother actually face on a regular basis.

Her life is anything but ordinaty.

SECOND, you are doing a “reality star type thing,” Mrs. Palin.

Teen Mom OG is a reality show and Bristol will be starring on it. This is a very simple one.

THIRD, can you please elaborate on how Bristol can “help” anyone via this role? We’re legitimately asking.

According to Us Weekly, Palin will make a salary of $ 250,000 for just a few weeks of filming.

She’ll let cameras into her life and show that it isn’t all that awful despite having three kids by age 27? Okay. So what? What does that prove and who does it prove it to?

Again, that salary is so insane that it instantly makes Bristol unrelatable to the average young mother and also: what’s your point, Palins? More people ought to have three kids by two men by age 27?

Is the goal to encourage more women to be like Palin?

This is just so reminiscent of 2008 because, once again, we literally have no idea what Sarah Palin is talking about.

Elsewhere, the one question that has been on everyone’s mind since this news broke is an obvious one:

Might Sarah Palin guest star on Teen Mom OG?!?

It makes us giddy just to write those words — especially when the notion isn’t all that bizarre apparently!

“Whatever Bristol needs, whatever she wants and whatever my grandbabies need or want, I’m there,” Palin told TMZ.

Simply. Amazing.

Sarah Palin, however, will need to go watch Teen Mom OG online in order to bone up on story arcs and characters before her inevitable cameo.

She’s never actually seen an episode.

“The girls, my daughters, have been telling me who all the characters are, kinda trying to catch up,” Palin concluded to TMZ.

“But my daughters – Bristol and Willow and Piper – they all have great respect for some of the girls who have really overcome some obstacles and done well with their children.

Bristol will join returning cast members Catelynn Lowell Baltierra, Maci Bookout McKinney and Amber Portwood on the program.

She will NOT be joining Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards because they have quit the show.

On Instagram, Sarah Palin also wrote that Bristol will somehow be assisting others by starring on Teen Mom OG:

“Wow! the opportunity she has to help others along life’s (challenging) journey is exciting & outstanding!!! I am so proud of her ~ and all my kids… they’re my world …

“They know to share the blessings, knowledge, experiences God’s provided in order to HELP others in a hurting world. Doors open, bust through those doors!”

And, hey, they know when to accept a quarter-million dollar check, too.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sarah Palin Says Bristol Will be Great for "Teen Mom" and She Might Make a Cameo

Sarah Palin’s proud as heck of her daughter, Bristol, joining the cast of “Teen Mom OG” … and doesn’t rule out making an appearance or 2 herself. We got the former Vice Presidential candidate at LAX Friday and asked about her family getting…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Sarah Palin Compares Sacha Baron Cohen Duping Politicians to #MeToo

Sarah Palin says politicians falling victim to Sacha Baron Cohen’s pranks is kinda like the new #MeToo. Seriously.  Palin’s still railing at Sacha for duping her — pretending to be a disabled veteran to interview her — and says she’s…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Fires Back at Sarah Palin and President Trump

Sarah Palin is totally wrong about what happened when Sacha Baron Cohen interviewed her — at least according to Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick … the character Sacha was playing at the time. Cohen just released a letter addressed to “Vice-President…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sarah Palin: EVIL Sacha Baron Cohen Duped Me Into an Interview!

Sacha Baron Cohen is the man behind Borat and therefore the man responsible for the catchphrases of all of your most annoying friends over the past decade.

This time, he staged a satirical interview with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Palin, who’s been in enough disastrous interviews to recognize them, caught on, and unleashed a scathing attack on Cohen’s “evil” humor.

“Yup – we were duped,” Palin’s post begins. “Ya’ got me, Sacha. Feel better now?”

Sarah announces: “I join a long list of American public personalities who have fallen victim to the evil, exploitive, sick ‘humor’ of the British ‘comedian’ Sacha Baron Cohen, enabled and sponsored by CBS/Showtime.”

Wait, she’s really going with evil for this? This isn’t just a matter of people in glass houses — most people wouldn’t say that a fake interview deserves that label.

“This ‘legit opportunity’ to honor American Vets and contribute to a ‘legit Showtime historical documentary’ was requested of me via a speakers bureau,” Palin says.

Some would suggest that, had the offer been truly legitimate, no one would have asked Sarah Palin to make an appearance.

“For my interview,” Palin explains. “My daughter and I were asked to travel across the country where Cohen (I presume) had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all.”

Cohen’s taste has always been questionable, as we’ll explain.

“Out of respect for what I was led to believe would be a thoughtful discussion with someone who had served in uniform,” Palin continues.

“I sat through a long “interview” full of Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm,” Palin says.

We don’t know what a Hollywoodism is supposed to mean in this context, but we imagine that whatever fans she still has will love the term.

“But finally had enough and literally, physically removed my mic and walked out,” Palin describes. “Much to Cohen’s chagrin.”

Palin writes: “The disrespect of our US military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse.”

“Here is my challenge, shallow Sacha boy,” Palin suggests. “Go ahead – air the footage. Experience tells us it will be heavily edited, not pretty, and intended to humiliate.”

His whole schtick is seeing what people will say and how they will react, so, yeah, of course it’s intended to humiliate.

“The challenge is to Cohen, CBS, and Showtime,” Palin says. “Donate all proceeds to a charitable group that actually respects and supports American Vets.”

We’re not sure how one gauges proceeds from a Showtime series.

“Mock politicians and innocent public personalities all you want, if that lets you sleep at night,” Palin allows.

Interesting that Sarah Palin considers either herself or her daughter to be innocent public personalities.

“But HOW DARE YOU mock those who have fought and served our country?!” Palin asks.

She then says that this was: “Truly sick.”

“And as an aside,” Palin notes. “For further insight into the wealthy corporate enablers of this kind of ‘joke."”

“The Cohen/CBS/Showtime production team purposefully dropped my daughter and me off at the wrong Washington, DC airport after the fake interview,” Palin claims. “Knowing we’d miss all flights back home to Alaska.”

That’s quite the accusation — of downright maliciousness.

“After refusing to take our calls to help get us out of the bind they’d put us in for three days,” Palin describes. “I wrote this off as yet another example of the sick nature that is media-slash-entertainment today.”

Palin has been frustrated with media and entertainment ever since they asked her questions about government policies in interviews while she was McCain’s running mate.

“Feel good and manly about your M.O., Sacha?” Palin asks.

In Palin’s world, of course, demonstrating masculinity is prized, so she assumes that Sacha Baron Cohen is preoccupied with a desire to feel manly.

“By the way, my daughter thinks you’re a piece of ****, Sacha.” Palin says.

Her daughter, Bristol, thinks a lot of things about a lot of people. She also blogs about it.

“Every honorable American Vet should feel the same.”

Note that by saying every honorable American vet, she brings the No True Scottsman paradox into play.

So the inevitable I’m a vet and I’m thrilled that she got played responses can be countered with ah, then you’re not an honorable one.

Sarah Palin is no one’s favorite person, but Sacha Baron Cohen can be controversial himself.

The arguments to defend him are that he does what he does to elicit genuine responses from people, to see what they will say with the right prompting.

But his work often relies upon shock value, the perpetuation of horrific racist stereotypes, and crude jokes.

That said, whatever you think of either of them, there’s one thing about which we can all agree:

Sarah Palin just gave Cohen’s work, which includes a series of interviews with some very famous politicians on both sides of the aisle, better publicity than anyone could have imagined.

We don’t normally advocate doing nice things for Sarah Palin, but perhaps Showtime should send her a fruit basket.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says Restaurant Confronters Should Calm Down

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has some words for folks confronting Trump associates in public — especially at restaurants — and it starts with c … CHIIILLLLL OUT. We got President Trump’s Press Sec. Sunday in D.C., where we asked if the country should…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Sarah Hyland Flaunts Surgical Scars, Bikini Body in New Pics

Last month, Sarah Hyland was torn from work against her will and hospitalized for an unknown health issue.

Without getting too specific about what went wrong, she was direct with fans that she had faced a serious health crisis.

Now, she’s clearly feeling better — and is showing off her surgical scars in a bikini. Well, half a bikini.

Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and Modern Family star Sarah Hyland had more to celebrate than just her independence.

After her recent hospitalization from a health scare, Sarah had to take it easy.

In fact, she was only recently given permission to return to the gym for her fitness regimen.

So finally getting to party with her friends must have been a relief.

Hyland showed off only a few images. In them, she was wearing a bikini (sometimes only half of a bikini).

And, in her Instagram stories, Hyland gave fans an up-close view of her surgical scars.

“#scarsondisplay” she writes.

This shot of her body, including her flat and incredibly toned abdomen, shows off some of those scars on her lower torso.

As a young child, Hyland was diagnosed with kidney dysplasia.

This is a problem that begins with a malformation during fetal development in which the kidney is a series of cysts of various sizes.

As a result, she has had numerous surgeries over the course of her life — and received a kidney transplant from her father in 2012.

She is also on both anti-rejection medications and steroids, which makes it difficult for her to gain muscle mass — or weight of any kind.

She also shared a more casual, less up-close-and-personal photo of herself in a bikini, apparently from before she snapped the glimpse at her scars.

“Actual candid before a ‘photo,’” Hyland writes.

In direct sunlight, her scars are less visible.

Most, when looking at this photo of the 27-year-old actress, would just take in that she has an incredible bikini body.

Oh, and that her whimsical pineapple-shaped drink is a delight.

Sarah Hyland opened up about having to quit filming on June 18 for a short while under doctor’s orders.

She has had to be put on bedrest in the past, but has sometimes filmed Modern Family during those periods. This time, she had to step back from work for a hospitalization..

“Sometimes a selfie is more than just a good angle and feelin cute,” Hyland wrote.

“This time for #nationalselfieday I’ve decided to share my truth,” she continued. “As painful as it is.”

“So here is my face that was torn from work against my will. But I’m very grateful it was,” Hyland clarifies. “Health should always come first.”

She’s right!

She also credited her precious dog with warning her that she needed hospitalization.

After Hyland shared her hospitalization with the world, Wells Adams spoke up on Instagram.

“I miss this one a lot,” he wrote. “Coming home soon baby!”

He was apparently filming Bachelor in Paradise at the time.

Adams and Hyland went public with their relationship last Halloween, when they unveiled their Stranger Things costumes. Adorable.

It is so nice to see that Sarah Hyland was feeling well enough to party with her friends this week.

She should be proud of her incredible body. Her scars are part of that. They show how much she has endured and survived.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

John Legend says Worry About Reuniting Kids Before Sarah Sanders" Dinners

John Legend laid the smack down on anyone worrying about Sarah Huckabee Sanders before worrying about reuniting more than 2,000 immigrant children who were ripped from their parents. We got John and his wife, Chrissy Teigen,…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Diane Warren Trashes Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Donald Trump

Diane Warren thinks Sarah Huckabee Sanders is reaping what she was sowing by spewing hate and lies, and has zero sympathy for Trump’s mouthpiece. We got the legendary songwriter Tuesday night at Craig’s in WeHo Tuesday and…
