Showing posts with label Appear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appear. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Teddi Jo Mellencamp Hints Meg Ryan Might Appear on "Real Housewives"

Make room Charlie Sheen, ‘cause there may be another high-profile guest making an appearance on ‘Real Housewives’ … Teddi Jo Mellencamp’s future stepmom, Meg Ryan! We got Teddi, Lisa Rinna and Kyle Richards Friday at LAX. Their reaction…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Geoffrey Owens Accepts Offer From Tyler Perry and Will Appear on 10 Episodes

Geoffrey Owens is about to get a hell of a lot of screen time thanks to Tyler Perry — he’s accepted the mega producer’s offer for an acting gig — and it’s a big one! Owens, who starred on “The Cosby Show,” was recently photographed working as a…


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sarah Palin: Might I Appear on Teen Mom OG? You Betcha!

As has been discussed in the past, Sarah Palin may or may not be able to see Russia from her house.

Similarly, meanwhile, the former Governor and Vice Presidential candidate now says she may or may not appear on future episodes of Teen Mom OG.

Wait… WHAT, you may be asking if you’ve been away from your computer for a few days?!?

It’s true: Bristol Palin has been hired by MTV to essentially replace Farrah Abraham on Season 8 of this popular series.

Yes, the same Bristol Palin whose pregnancy was discovered during her month’s ascension into mainstream politics… who gave birth at age 17… and who now has three kids by two different men.

Based on that synopsis, it actually sounds like Bristol fits in perfect to the franchise, doesn’t it?

Bristol herself has confirmed this story, sharing the image below on Instagram and writing as a caption:

I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG.’ I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.

Asked by TMZ about her daughter’s upcoming presence on this controversial series, Sarah Palin echoed the same sentiment.

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin said told a TMZ cameraman, adding:

“We’re not doing a ‘reality star’ type thing. She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world.

“So I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

There are so many ways to analyze this response.

FIRST, Palin got pregnant in the national spotlight and has gone on to have multiple kids out of wedlock. Including Teen Mom OG, she has appeared on four reality shows.

Her family is very rich and famous.

We disagree with her mother’s assessment that she can be any sort of “messenger” for overcoming any of the challenges that young mother actually face on a regular basis.

Her life is anything but ordinaty.

SECOND, you are doing a “reality star type thing,” Mrs. Palin.

Teen Mom OG is a reality show and Bristol will be starring on it. This is a very simple one.

THIRD, can you please elaborate on how Bristol can “help” anyone via this role? We’re legitimately asking.

According to Us Weekly, Palin will make a salary of $ 250,000 for just a few weeks of filming.

She’ll let cameras into her life and show that it isn’t all that awful despite having three kids by age 27? Okay. So what? What does that prove and who does it prove it to?

Again, that salary is so insane that it instantly makes Bristol unrelatable to the average young mother and also: what’s your point, Palins? More people ought to have three kids by two men by age 27?

Is the goal to encourage more women to be like Palin?

This is just so reminiscent of 2008 because, once again, we literally have no idea what Sarah Palin is talking about.

Elsewhere, the one question that has been on everyone’s mind since this news broke is an obvious one:

Might Sarah Palin guest star on Teen Mom OG?!?

It makes us giddy just to write those words — especially when the notion isn’t all that bizarre apparently!

“Whatever Bristol needs, whatever she wants and whatever my grandbabies need or want, I’m there,” Palin told TMZ.

Simply. Amazing.

Sarah Palin, however, will need to go watch Teen Mom OG online in order to bone up on story arcs and characters before her inevitable cameo.

She’s never actually seen an episode.

“The girls, my daughters, have been telling me who all the characters are, kinda trying to catch up,” Palin concluded to TMZ.

“But my daughters – Bristol and Willow and Piper – they all have great respect for some of the girls who have really overcome some obstacles and done well with their children.

Bristol will join returning cast members Catelynn Lowell Baltierra, Maci Bookout McKinney and Amber Portwood on the program.

She will NOT be joining Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards because they have quit the show.

On Instagram, Sarah Palin also wrote that Bristol will somehow be assisting others by starring on Teen Mom OG:

“Wow! the opportunity she has to help others along life’s (challenging) journey is exciting & outstanding!!! I am so proud of her ~ and all my kids… they’re my world …

“They know to share the blessings, knowledge, experiences God’s provided in order to HELP others in a hurting world. Doors open, bust through those doors!”

And, hey, they know when to accept a quarter-million dollar check, too.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Javi Marroquin Baby Mama: Will She Appear on Teen Mom 2?

Lauren Comeau is Javi Marroquin’s girlfriend, baby mama and, due to a recent move, also his roommate.

But will she also be his co-star?

That is, will Comeau join the cast of Teen Mom 2 next season?

This is a reasonable question, based on all the ways described above that Comeau now fits into Javi’s life.

It would certainly be true to the MTV program for Lauren slide right into future Teen Mom 2 episodes, likely feuding with Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry, both of whom have ridden Marroquin raw in the not-too-distant past.

However, Marroquin has some bad news for viewers anxious to witness the aforementioned feuds:

They won’t be happening. Comeau will NOT be a part of this franchise moving forward.

“She doesn’t want to be on camera,” Javi told Radar Online in a recent chat, explaining that Comeau already “deals with a lot of the social media extent of it.”

We think he’s trying to say there that Comeau has been dealing with some online harassment and has no interest in inevitably bringing on more of it by appearing on television.

Can you blame her?

Marroquin has opened up a lot of late about both Comeau and their impending child.

Most excitedly of all, he and Lauren have revealed to the world that they’re having a baby boy.

Yet while many Instagram followers have sent well wishes to the couple after learning this news, Marroquin tells Radar that Kailyn “did not congratulate” the pair after its child’s gender was announced.

(Editor’s Note: Why would she? Lowry has already said she’s happy for Javi and Lauren; plus, isn’t congratulating a couple on the gender of a baby sort of weird?

There are only two possibilities at play. Is one of them more worthy of praise or props than the other?)

Marroquin did draw some heat after this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2 aired.

Speaking to DeJesus, his recent ex-girlfriend, Javi appeared to be referring to Comeau when saying he “has someone [who] will move to Dover.”

But he added:

“If I wanted to fill that void, I can. But I’m not settling. I’m here for you… no one makes me feel like you make me feel.”

This episode was filmed months ago, of course, but Javi doesn’t sound overly pumped to be with Comeau based on these quotes, does he?

He met Lauren at a wedding in July of 2017 and briefly dated her before, allegedly, cheating.

Typical Javi, right?

But he also gushed openly about Comeau shortly after they split last year, even dropping the L-Word at one point when saying he hopes they have a future.

And now they do!

And it includes a baby!

We wish them luck with it.

We’re guessing they may need it.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ted Cruz Attempts to Appear Human With Simpsons Joke, Fails

Ralph Wiggum. The monorail episode. Steamed Hams. 

The Simpsons has given us so much over the course of its multi-decade run that it’s not surprising when someone makes an effort to piggyback on the show’s unprecedented success.

But it is surprising when someone botches the attempt as badly as Ted Cruz did today.

You might know Cruz from his failed bid for the GOP presidential nomination, or for his intriguing love of incest porn.

Either way, you’re probably aware that the Texas senator embodies awkward in a way that few human beings ever have.

So when Zodiac Ted attempted to appeal to the groovy youths with a reference to the hippest 26-year-old animated sitcom on TV, it predictably went about as smoothly as the time Homer ate those Guatemalan Insanity Peppers.

Appearing at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference today, Cruz attempted to explain the current political climate using an awkward analogy involving America’s favorite non-Obama family.

“The Democrats are the party of Lisa Simpson and Republicans are happily the party of Homer, Bart, Maggie and Marge,” Cruz told the assembled Chads and Ashleys.

Soooo … Democrats are the nation’s conscientious intellectuals and Republicans are its suckling infants?

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum we think you’ll agree that Ted’s analogy game could use some work.

The weird thing is, this is far from the first time that Cruz has referenced The Simpsons.

He claims to love the show, which makes his simplistic understanding of its characters all the more baffling.

Lisa is an egghead and the rest of the family is made up of red-blooded patriots?!

Take that Tracy Ullman-ass analysis back to 1989, homie.

Not surprisingly, some of the biggest talents behind the show’s success took issue with Ted’s interpretation of their work.

“Ted Cruz says Maggie Simpson would vote for him,” tweeted longtime showrunner Al Jean.

“I think Ted’s the one who could use a pacifier in his mouth.”

Jean added that Springfield’s most famous capitalist might have issued his final “fine mahok”:

“The way things are going even Mr. Burns is thinking of becoming a Democrat,” he wrote.

And Jean certainly wasn’t alone in his criticism of Cruz’s comments.

Many pointed out that The Simpsons savagely mocked the idea of a Trump presidency way back in 2000, which seems a fair indication that few of the show’s characters would be onboard with the present GOP agenda.

Tens of thousands went full Nelson Muntz on Cruz in the hours after his quote went public, but the most scathing burn may have come from longtime animator Anna Maltese:

“As a Simpsons animator for many years, I can say with 100% certainty that A) Lisa is officially the conscience of the family so…awesome.  B) Neither Marge nor Homer are Republicans,” Maltese tweeted bluntly.

We’re sure this isn’t as irritating to Cruz as having to continually deny that his dad killed JFK, but we’re guessing he’s not feeling particularly cromulent at the moment.


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Playboy Sued by Playmate for Breaking Promise She Wouldn"t Appear Nude

Playboy had the nerve to publish a model’s nude photo on its cover after promising a bunch of times it wouldn’t … so claims a former Playmate model in a new lawsuit. The model, filing the suit as Jane Doe, says she always wanted to appear in…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Harvey Weinstein New Sexual Harassment Accuser to Appear with Gloria Allred (LIVE STREAM)

There’s yet another woman accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment … and TMZ will be streaming live when she comes forward to talk about the alleged incident. The new accuser is set to appear with her attorney, Gloria…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Harvey Weinstein Accuser to Appear with Gloria Allred (LIVE STREAM)

Harvey Weinstein’s mounting sexual harassment accusations is about to grow with a new accuser set to appear with attorney Gloria Allred at a news conference … and TMZ will be streaming live. A former actress and screenwriter will talk…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chris Lopez: Why Won"t He Appear on Teen Mom 2?

Generally, when a new Teen Mom baby daddy enters the fray, he can’t wait to get his sperm-donating face in font of an MTV camera crew.

And honestly, we can’t say we blame them.

After all, it’s an easy job that pays big bucks – a tantalizing prospect for any young guy who just brought another hungry mouth into the world.

As a bonus, it offers the dads an opportunity to defend themselves, rather than sit idly by and watch their Twitter mentions burst into flames every time they’re the subject of an enraged rant from one of the show’s stars.

For reasons that remain somewhat unclear, however, the father of Kailyn Lowry’s third child wants no part in any of that.

As he’s stated from the start, Chris Lopez does not want to appear on Teen Mom 2.

Like, at all.

Lopez has apparently made it clear to producers that he doesn’t even want his face to appear on camera.

What’s less clear is why the first-time dad is so camera shy.

At first, the decision made sense, as sources said Lopez was refusing to play a role in his baby’s life, and not everyone wants to advertise the fact that they’re sort of a sh-tty person.

But now, Lopez has apparently stepped up to the plate in the dad department.

Despite initial reports that he wouldn’t be in the delivery room, Lopez was right by his baby mama’s side, and he even drove Kailyn home from the hospital.

When fans learned that he’d come around and decided to be a dad, many assumed he would also join the cast of TM2.

But apparently he still won’t appear on camera – and he’s using reasoning that must be a little bit offensive to Kailyn:

“Chris continues to not want to be on the current season and he is avoiding the cameras around Kailyn and the baby for now, ” a source close to Lopez tells Hollywood Life.

“He does not want his child to know him as a reality star. Despite the repeated offers for money by the network, Chris prefers to keep a low-profile when the cameras are rolling. Chris is around however and helping with the baby.”

He doesn’t want his child to know him as a reality star.

Not only is that an obnoxious thing to say, it doesn’t make any sense.

It would be like if you were unemployed, and your baby mama was a manager at McDonald’s, so she offered you a job, and you were like, “Nah, I don’t want my kid to have two parents who always reek of McDoubles.”

Also, you don’t want your kid to know you as a reality star?

Well, good news, Chris:

As long as you’re in the kid’s life, he’ll know you as his father for several years before he even has any idea what a reality star is.

Although to be fair, there might be more to the story here.

With his affinity for faulty logic and nonsensical arguments, Lopez may have been offered a position in the Trump White House.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kailyn’s questionable taste in men.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Justin Bieber: Stolen Nude Photos Appear on Selena Gomez"s Instagram Page

Every time a new round of explicit photos stolen from a celebrity’s private collection goes public, there’s a renewed outcry to tighten security and ramp up enforcement of existing laws.

Unfortunately, most of the time, the perpertators go unpunished, and it’s not long before a new round of celebrity nudes goes public.

The latest victim is Justin Bieber, and in a bizarre twist, Bieber’s ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez was also victimized by the hackers.

According to TMZ, several nude photos of Bieber appeared on Gomez’s Instagram page Monday afternoon.

The site reports that the hackers captioned the photo with lewd comments about Bieber and boasts about their hacking abilities.

“LOOK AT THIS N-GGA LIL SHRIMPY,” they wrote, before encouraging users to follow three Instagram accounts, each of which only has a handful of posts, but several thousand followers.

“We run da scene,” they concluded.

Gomez quickly deactivated her account after the hack.

She is now back on Instagram, and has not yet publicly commented on the incident.

Bieber has also not yet commented on the situation, and it’s possible that both singers will simply refuse to acknowledge the hackers, as they seem to be seeking notoriety.

This is not the first time that Bieber has been hacked, and sadly, it looks as though it may not be the last.

There are those who have argued that like obnoxious paparazzi and over-zealous fans, a lack of digital priivacy is just a reality of life as a celebrity in the 21st century.

The problem with that argument, of course, is that sharing someone’s nude photos without their consent constitutes a sex crime, and a world where famous people are forced to come to accept being victimized by sexual predators, is surely one that none of us wants to live in.

We don’t pretend to have the answer to the growing problem, but we’re certain that a complacent shrug is not the solution.

This time, the photos were removed quickly, but both Justin and Selena have no doubt been left with lingering feelings of vulnerability.

Both celebrities and non-famous folks who have been victims of hacks are accutely aware of a reality that most of us do are best to ignore at 2017:

Each of us is more exposed than ever before, and few among of us have any real sense of what it takes to keep out personal data safe.

Today it’s Justin Bieber, but tomorrow it could be anyone.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Gucci Mane and Fiancee Start Shooting Reality Show, Trina and Monica to Appear

Gucci Mane and his fiancee, Keyshia Ka’oir, are well into shooting their first reality show … and we’ve got some details on what fans can expect. Sources close to the BET show tell us … the couple’s been filming everything in their lives…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Will Her Baby Appear on Teen Mom 2?

After months of Kailyn Lowry pregnancy drama, the Teen Mom 2 star is set to give birth any day now.

Of course, it’ll be a while before she films any new episodes of the show as a mother of three.

And while her two sons have become fan favorites over the years, it now looks as though her youngest may not appear on camera at all.

As we learned last month, Kailyn got pregnant by Chris Lopez, a fellow student at Delaware State University with whom she had a brief fling.

Kailyn and Chris are no longer together, and it seems he has zero interest in becoming a reality TV star.

Sources close to production say Chris refuses to sign any legal releases to appear on TM2 even briefly, which means his full name will never be used, and his face will be blurred out any time he winds up in a shot. 

As for his son or daughter (It’s widely believed that Kailyn is having a girl, but she hasn’t commented on the baby’s gender yet.), it remains unclear if Chris will stand in the way of the child appearing on the show.

If either parent objects to a child appearing on television, producers will generally play it safe and keep the kid off camera.

Currently, it looks as though Lopez is refusing to grant Teen Mom 2 execs the permission they would need.

A Twitter follower recently asked Kailyn if her youngest would star in the show alongside her eldest two.

Kailyn replied, “We’re not sure yet.”

We know that Kailyn doesn’t have a problem with her kids being on camera, so the fact that she’s uncertain if her third child will ever be on screen seems like a good indication that it’s Chris who’s creating the uncertainty.

It’s now looking more and more as though Chris’ reluctance to play any part in the series will create a lot of challenges for producers.

Some are even speculating that it may result in Kailyn’s role on the show being reduced, as filming scenes at her home will result in numerous legal and logistical hurdles.

Maybe producers had better reasons for adding Briana DeJesus to the cast than we realized.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for what could be Kail’s final season.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kendall Jenner to Appear at Coachella Following Pepsi Debacle

Quick: What do Kendall Jenner and Sean Spicer have in common?

Well, aside from the fact that they both owe their careers to gigantic asses over which they have no control, they’ve both been involved in disastrously tone deaf PR blunders in recent weeks.

Sure Kendall didn’t defend Hitler on Passover or anything crazy like that, but her personal press nightmare was the result from a move that was astonishingly out of touch with the current zeitgeist, particularly by the standards of a globe-trotting 20-year-old who prides herself on her woke-ness.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Kendall starred in a Pepsi commercial last week.

But this wasn’t your grandfather’s Pepsi commercial, in which Kendall just shows up, looks pretty, and pretends to enjoy the taste of carbonated brown sugar water.

No, this was an attempt on Pepsi’s part to cash in on our nation’s political strife by demonstrating that rich white girl plus can of name-brand soda equals the answer to all the world’s problems:

We won’t even bother to delve into the ridiculousness of the ad, as social media has already roasted this thing to a crisp, but we recommend you watch it again if you’ve forgotten why it didn’t turn out to be pop-peddling classic, a la “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke.”

(We think they made the mistake of having mid-bender Don Draper write this thing instead of yoga Don.)

Anyway, not surprisingly, Kendall has been keeping a low profile in the weeks since Twitter turned its wrath on her.

But we assume Kris Jenner sat her down and informed her that this family can’t afford another Recluse Rob, because Kendall is planning to make her big return to the spotlight at Coachella this weekend!

Okay, not actually at Coachella, but at a pair of corporate-sponsored events that are indirectly tied to the music fest.

First, Kendall will host a party thrown by the dating app Bumble.

We’re assuming host means “take the stage and stand around awkwardly for a few minutes, possibly while drinking a Coke.”

After that she’ll reportedly make six figures DJ-ing at 1Oak, because DJ-ing is apparently comething Kendall does now.

Sources say Kendall will be joined by sister Kylie at both events.

Attendees should know that there will be no harassment of Kendall, as security will be out in force at both parties.

Although if they get in your face, just offer them a can of soda, and they’ll probably back off.


Friday, April 7, 2017

Kailyn Lowry"s Baby Daddy: Will He Appear on Teen Mom 2!?

The identity of Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy is still up in the air, but word on the street is that MTV wants her to make the reveal – on camera.

Producers are clamoring to have the mystery man who fathered her unborn third child appear on Teen Mom 2’s upcoming eighth season. 

The ratings, of course, would be spectacular.

Could you imagine how high they would go if MTV somehow managed to conceal the identity until an episode aired with the big reveal?

The mystery man has thus far denied any requests to appear on the series.

In fact, whenever filming is underway, he demands not to be in the frame and refuses to sign release forms. 

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, which posted this exclusive earlier, producers view this as an extension of a central show theme:

“Most of the [boyfriend and girlfriends of the stars] just want to be on TV, and are excited to get a little fame, so they instantly agree to go on.”

“This guy has been different.”

“He doesn’t want all the headache that comes with being on the show. He doesn’t want to get picked apart and give up his privacy.”  

The producers have been known in the past to shell out big bucks to get people they want to appear on the show, but the baby daddy has apparently been rejecting all offers. 

“I’d imagine they’ll keep increasing the amount until he agrees or tells them to f**k off,” the source adds.

“Even then, though, they’ll keep trying.”

“The dads of the girls’ children play such a huge role in the show now that they really need him on-board.”

“The relationships with the dads are where all the drama comes from now.”

The source also refuted claims that the baby daddy could be Larry Musnik, Jo Rivera or JC Cueva. 

Ever since the pregnancy was confirmed, fans of the series have questioned the identity of the father. 

Who do you think the father could be?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Katherine Jackson Won"t Appear Against Nephew in Court

Katherine Jackson will be a no-show Tuesday in a case that has become a family war over control of Michael Jackson’s estate. Katherine has filed for a permanent restraining order against her nephew, Trent Jackson, who has been caring for her since…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Robert Blake and Fiancee Appear to Have Gotten Married (VIDEO)

Robert Blake and Pamela Hudak not only took out a marriage license earlier this month … they appear to be married. We got the two hand in hand up in Beverly Glen Sunday and our photog congratulated them on their “marriage.” Robert…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Javi Marroquin to Appear on Million Dollar Matchmaker?!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know there may be real reason to question Javi Marroquin’s mental health.

Javi has gone from sympathetic dad trying to keep his family together to the sort of psycho ex who’s prone to bursting into his baby mama’s house unannounced.

But hey, a bad breakup can drive anyone a little crazy, right?

And the fact that Kailyn is pregnant with her third child so soon after parting ways with Javi has gotta make things even harder.

Unfortunately, Javi’s experience seems to have pushed him off the deep end in a very public way, and it may be tough for him to regain his reputation.

Not only is he crossing the line with Kailyn on a regular basis, we now know that Javi wants to appear on a dating show.

In fact, it seems he’s willing to appear on any dating show, so long as producers promise to help him land a rebound chick.

Last week, Javi made an audition tape for MTV’s Are You The One? and most fans sort of laughed it off as a good-natured stunt.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Javi is in talks to appear on Patti Stanger’s Million Dollar Matchmaker.

Some of those talks took place on Twitter, where matchmaker David Cruz invited Javi on the show:

“If you’re ready for love and some good advice @Pattistanger and I can help!” Cruz tweeted at Javi.

Marroquin wasted no time in posting a very enthusiastic reply:

“Hell yeah I would be open to it! I would have to figure out the logistics, but yeah.”

His excitement should come as no surprise to anyone who saw Javi’s somewhat cringe-worthy audition tape for Are You The One?

“Hey everybody this is Javi, most of you know me from Teen Mom 2,” he said on the Are You The One? after show.

“You know what happened to me and you know I love to love and I’m looking for love and just can’t find it.”

He added:

“I have a 3-year-old little boy, he means everything to me. I’m trying to figure out who is the one. I’m trying to take someone out on a date.”

Look, it’s nice that Javi is so open about his desire to find love post-Kailyn.

But there’s a fine line between earnest and desperate.

Someone needs to tell this dude he’s well-off and relatively famous.

It really shouldn’t be that tough for him to find someone.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Obamas Appear in Public After Trump"s Wiretap Allegations (PHOTOS)

Barack and Michelle Obama were all smiles Sunday … their first public outing since President Trump alleged the former prez wiretapped Trump Tower during the election. The Obamas took in an exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in DC … a Chicago…


Obamas Appear in Public After Trump"s Wiretap Allegations (PHOTOS)

Barack and Michelle Obama were all smiles Sunday … their first public outing since President Trump alleged the former prez wiretapped Trump Tower during the election. The Obamas took in an exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in DC … a Chicago…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Blake Griffin to Appear In "White Men Can"t Jump" Reboot ... Producer Hints (VIDEO)

Blake Griffin isn’t just producing the “White Men Can’t Jump” reboot, there’s also a “high” chance he’ll appear in it … so says the guy writing the flick, Kenya Barris.
